Comfy games

what games do you play when its rainy and gloomy outside and you want a super comfy game?

Attached: super comfy.jpg (999x447, 103K)

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That tower is depressing to look at.

>tall depressing towers arent comfy

what the fuck does comfy even mean anymore

nice commieblocks

Attached: 132213213729.gif (340x340, 137K)

peak comfyness

Attached: commieblock summer edition.jpg (800x600, 211K)

low test


Attached: Conflux.png (800x600, 508K)

Stardew Valley

Great game

Attached: fall-fishing.jpg (720x388, 72K)

This is one the absolute best games to play with a girl.

>summer edition
lol no, we have actual summer in Russia, here's the current view from my balcony

Attached: IMG_3867.jpg (1600x1200, 821K)

where's the snow

it's fucking summer

Attached: IMG_3869.jpg (1600x1200, 833K)


>game is set in russia
>it's filled with recycled assets

For rainy days I recommend Tetris and 3S remixes.

Maximum comfiness.

Boreal forest playthrough in Rimworld

Attached: LitUpCabinCoveredBySnowLaplandFinland.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg (653x422, 73K)


Attached: LA 2.jpg (2592x1944, 1.1M)

American cities all look so boring and soulless.
They simply have no history and interesting architecture to speak off.

you could own half of the houses in this pic if your baby boomer dad didnt fuck around and waste money when everything costed nothing

If I want to listen to a fucking song, I don't want to listen to some pretentious wannabe pseudo-musician's hackjob of it. Remixes are goddamn stupid.

Aw man, I had an Etrian Odyssey wavebank for this game and I can hear the mushroom biome music in my head
EO music is a perfect fit for the game imo

Your loss, user.

>Westerns believe that Siberia is snowland all year round instead of being a freezing shithole in Winter and humid oven in Summer

knytt underground

Attached: knytt-wallpaper-2-1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

great choices
I really play just whatever the fuck is on my ocmputer these days.... I replay osme Secret of Evermore right now. Some Nostalgia to go boi

Attached: hehehe.jpg (256x256, 48K)