Reminiscing about the ps1 jrpg god era. what are some of your favorite ones?

reminiscing about the ps1 jrpg god era. what are some of your favorite ones?

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bumping. you guys think we'll ever get a return to more story rich jrpgs?

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wtf why is horheristo there ?

wow what game is this

fucking sans ripoff with the blue eye

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what's horheristo

>reminiscing about ps1 jrpgs
get a grip, bucko

suikoden was a good series. I'm so glad ps2 also had good jrpgs, but it ended afterwards.

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a utub retard
plays vidya good

well, he's got the avatar from breath of fire series main protagonist, Ryu. Why are you people not playing old jrpgs? It's something any gamer needs to do if they want to claim to be gamers.

they are boring af
would be bearable if not for the filler battles
idk, i sinked real hours into Darkest Dungeon and its basicly a deeper jrpg kind off but whenever i try to play something like FF my eyes just gloss over real fast

I would never, ever trust anyone's vidya knowledge or opinions if they still unironically use the term "gamer"

>we'll use the Saturn version for the hd port
>uses the shitty ps1 version
And I gave them money when they released the broken pc port for Grandia 2.

FF is not the only jrpg series. BoF, Grandia, Suikoden, Romancing Saga, Arc the Lad, Shin Megami Tensei, SaGas, Wild Arms.. just off the top of my head, and there's so much more. And each original and perfect in its own way. There's no better jrpg era than ps1-2. It's where everything starts and is unspoiled by today's economical bias. You should try it instead of playing casual games like darkest dungeon.

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I'd never use any other term to describe the hobby of gaming. you're one if you sink more hours into gaming than living, kiddo.
grandia 1 was good though, and you could just use emulator now for all series.

I finished the first Suikoden and don't want to bother with the second one.
Instead of adding tons of characters, they could've improved on the fucking gameplay.
It's barebones as fuck.

Holy fuck this game, finding the grass dragon was absolute hell

>stopping before the best one
kek, you literally missed one of the best games ever. how do you cope?

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FF is an example of a jrpg series
non of the other ones i played fixed core problems i have with the genre
i mean i know your baiting but still

it fucken was. but I was more angry that Nina wasn't interested in Ryu in this one. Biggest flaw of the entry.

I think that you didnt get his high IQ philosophical joke

FF is not an example of jrpg series. You know shit because you only played FF. It's a type of jrpg, not its description. You should educate yourself before trying to go against the reality.

Grandia > Breath of Fire 3 > Suikoden 2 > Final Fantasy 8 > Wild Arms > Azure Dreams > Star Ocean 2 > Final Fantasy 7 > Lunar Silver Star Story > Breath of Fire 4 > Suikoden 1 > Legend of Legaia > Saga Frontier 2

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>best games
Read again.

>FF is not a jrpg

the entire game I wanted Sue to fuck off back to the village, and when she did, fucking kid didn't kiss Feena. That last scene had me screaming for him to kiss her. We don't have a lot of games like that now

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That's top tier tastes my friend

you should try playing it, and then deciding if its barebone.
I never wrote it wasn't a jrpg. I wrote it wasn't representing jrpg genre as a whole. It's one of its types. Read better, fucko.

>you should try playing it
Why should I when they in fact did not improve the gameplay to 1?

>FF is not an example of jrpg series.
copied verbatim

old jrpgs are not strong on gameplay, that's a fact. drakengard is literally a piece of shit when it comes to gameplay. but if you're playing old games like that you're not expecting a good gameplay. there were a coupld of games like bofiv, pe, grandia or chrono cross (to name few) that were strong on gameplay. But all of those share a common thing and it is a perfect story. Each and every time. I never played through chrono trigger because its gameplay was annoying, but I read the story. That's why old jrpgs are good.

>not representing jrpg genre as a whole
>one of its types
still need more reading skills. the next after ABC is understanding what you read.

Tatsuya Yoshikawa poured SOUL into Capcom games that he worked on with his art and character designs but then Capcom was surprised when he left after treating him like shit with Last Ranker and that cancelled mobile game even though his character and monster designs were the reason most of their games pre Inafune-disaster (with his shit Western push) were so soulful.
Breath of Fire 4 would never have been such a visually appealing game without him and the guy that did the spritework, RIP.
Glad he came back to work with Capcom on DMC5. Hopefully this means he'll do designs and art for other Capcom and future Mega Man games again, since he did the Mega Man artworks for Teppen. Such a great artist.

Thank you for tuning into this crazy fangirl's rant talk, enjoy discussing old JRPGs.

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you still didnt read your quote right

I agree! I love BoF the most of all it even tops Chrono Cross for me, just because of the art style. You can feel it was his opus magnum too. There's no other like it, and it just shows how much of an era it was too.

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>FF is not an example of jrpg series.(notice plural)
from this
>You know shit because you only played FF.
enforcing statement
>It's a type of jrpg, not its description.
notice that there's a "the thing" sentence that clearly points toward the topic, in this case being Final Fantasy
>You should educate yourself before trying to go against the reality.
the finish shouldn't be hard to read

"Player" works too. Anyway saying that you're proud of sinking hours into games & claiming the gamer or player title us still cringe inducing 95% of the time, you should avoid that. (Same as claiming your Apple fanboyism or being a huge soccer supporter : it only works with likeminded people...

HAHAHAHA guy who tells me to learn reading "series" is plural holy fuck

it should be - he [thinks] "series" is plural holy fuck
im sorry i was laughing too hard

Arc the lad was a great rpg that I feel not enough people played. I remember the anime for it being rather enjoyable as well.

yeah, I think that player doesn't give it justice and is actually just as cringe as the "gamer," youtubers giving it a bad name too. I never cared though. There's no other way to describe it, so gamer or player it still is.
Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy is not an example of jrpg series.
Jrpg series.
There's no need for apostrophe there.

>bumping. you guys think we'll ever get a return to more story rich jrpgs?
I mean, they are still around just not as common as the post-FF6/7 era. Lost Odyssey, Nier (and Automata), DQ11, Persona and SMT; all of them had very satisfying stories. It's just that most people only think of Final Fantasy or other classic JRPGs rather than looking for new ones. And to be fair, most great PS1 RPG franchises either lived and died on PS1, or immediately dropped in quality PS2 and after (when action-platformers became the hot genre).

And I loved the story of BoF IV, but it does have its flaws. Minigames were grating (and ruined the flow a lot of the time); the lack of freedom made the player feel boxed in; and not playing as the Emperor more often is a serious missed opportunity even if his story was already fantastic.

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I fucking love the dragon designs in this game

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Requesting for SNES Jrpgs to be allowed
I just want to talk to someone about Lufia 1 and 2 I can't believe they killed it bros ;_;

make your own damn thread

>old jrpgs are not strong on gameplay, that's a fact.
Spoken by an actual retard. What is:
>Final Fantasy V
>Dragon Quest V
>Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross
>SMT 1&2
>Persona 2
>Suikoden II

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I didn't mean to say there are no good games now, just that there's less to choose from. I played almost all ps1 and ps2 jrpgs, omitting a few for idk reasons. It's a long list, the average time to finish is never less than 40-60 hours. Nowadays its good if its between 10-20 (not counting the good ones like the ones you mentioned).
For example we're never having games like ./hack again for sure. Sword Art will never make it to that feeling.

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oh, you can't read as well? also mentioning the same games I did? are you by chance? he seems like a retard too.

>>stopping before the best one
Suikoden 2 isn;t good, and it has all the same issues as the first game.

The funny thing is that around the same time as Suikoden 2, another RPG came out that also had a huge cast of characters, but unlike S2, the gameplay is actually good.

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I just want to stop for a second and appreciate how fucking godlike this game's color palette is.

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No. I refuse. Don't tell me what to do.

Had a baller soundtrack as well.

Can you employ lolis in Jagger Alliance though?

there's a lot games that came out at pretty much the same time, dude. Grandia was one of those. you need to be precise.


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he's on another level

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>there's a lot games that came out at pretty much the same time, dude. Grandia was one of those. you need to be precise.
And Grandia also has vastly better combat and characters than Suikoden 2, so thanks for further proving my point.

oh, wait failed to see there was no "j" in there
I actually did not play as much american rpgs as I did jrpgs for ps1.

Intro movie is also kino, blew me away when i first watched it.

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Literal space laser buddah of the future 29/

Shits wild

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>Can you employ lolis in Jagger Alliance though?
No, but you can have female characters who will say things like this:

>Upon killing an enemy: "Oh, mon dieu! That was more satisfying than an orgasm!"

yeah, I agree. But still, the story., dude.. you need to appreciate at least that

Breath of Fire 3 and 4 where fucking masterpieces on par (if not better) with the best 90s Square Soft could turn out. The music is god tier, the game play was god tier and the sprite work (especially on 4) will look better a 100 years from now that 90 of game released ever. People say CAPCOM is back because they made DMC5 and a halve decent remake of a game they made 20 years ago. But for me the big C wont be back until Breath of Fire 7 comes out and makes my dick explode.

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legend of mana

Haven't gone back to play it in years. Nothing but comfy memories of chilling in town and buying action figures from the local shop.

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>>SMT 1&2
>>Persona 2
Both SMT games (and if by extension) were mediocre even for their time, and P2 is literally the worst gameplay in the entire Persona series and that's saying a lot.

Are the Saga games good?

>yeah, I agree. But still, the story., dude.. you need to appreciate at least that

But Suikoden 2's story utterly fails as a tale between two friends being forced to fight each other because Jowy's motivations are unclear at best and downright nonsensical at worst. He's also hard to take seriously as a threat because he never does anything of note once he has power, he just keeps losing ground while the game tries to pretend he's got some kind of grander scheme going on.

So Jowy is a terrible character, but so is the other main character, who is a completely silent protagonist with zero personality, hopes or dreams.

And then in the true ending I’m just supposed to believe that they run off into the sunset together as best bros just like old times, even though they were literally trying to murder one another just earlier.

It doesn't help that the villain is yet another generic demon/beast thing. The closest thing to a human antagonist, Luca, doesn't even act of his own will, as he is posessed/corrupted by the Beast Rune.

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even on snes it was wild desu

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Parasite Eve
Breath of Fire 3 and 4 (so very fucking good)
Legend of Dragoon
Vagrant Story

any cult classics im missing?

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>he [thinks] "series" is plural holy fuck
because it is, you fucking mong. you're both illiterate retards by the way.

Yes. Yes you are.

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the best song and feels though.. its got to be chrono cross

Azure Dreams

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>game that did well enough to get a half a dozen sequels
>"cult classic"
I don't think you know what that term means.

I have only ever heard of Lunar. None of the videos of youtube are selling me on it. Sell it to me.

BoF IV and Grandia are the only ones that are still playable. 5th gen consisted mostly of mediocre games that are overrated by nostalgiafags.

Luca wasn't a pawn of the Rune or even it's ownder. Closest thing is that Harmonia (The place Luc and whatshisface come from) used him knowing that he cray cray enough to give it enough sacrifices to manifest.

I think that's how it went down. Probably wrong.

>Parasite Eve
I've been playing this and I killed a giant crab in a warehouse, how far do I have to go?
This looks cool, any good?

Pretty sure Lunar is that game where you lose EXP by walking

Yeah, Chrono Cross is the game I teared up to the most. It also has a very steep cliff-hanger that I'm not going to spoil.

not saying anything on my list are cult classics. i'm asking if there are any cult classics i might not know about so i can play them.

>Luca wasn't a pawn of the Rune
The game makes it quite clear he was:

>"'Beast Rune?'"

>"Yes, I heard it was passed down from High Priest Sasarai to the Blight Clan when Highland divided from the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia. They've become servants... slaves to that rune."

Even if they made Breath of Fire 7, it would be 3D. You'd have to hope for a Breath of the Wild style in graphics.

>giant crab in a warehouse
fuck me its been years. not sure but if you like it keep going and if you want to see what RE would be like as an rpg play the PE2. its a ride.

breath of fire 4 was shit, 3 was better.

There's not really a lot to sell. It's just a very straight forward series with a very solid execution of it's story and characters. It's an unabashedly sincere adventure romance story. Shit's just good and really tugs at that whole romantic spirit.

That was only Dragon Song and it was HP. Also it doesn't exist so never mind it.

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if i get a 7 i would be happy

Honestly I'm baffled Capcom chose Dragon's Dogma for their netflix series. I think BoF would fit far better.

I used to "if I got a Breath of Fire 6 I would be happy" and well, yeah,

There's a couple last big dungeons: Chinatown and the subway, and then the museum. The warehouse is an optional area.

Day 6 is the last day and its mostly just bosses.

IV's the best in the series.

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that's not true. There are many more ps1 AND ps2 games that are worth going through. The entire ./hack and disgaeas are perfect examples.

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>It's barebones as fuck.
In comparison to what?

I never finished Lunar 2 Eternal Blue. I pirated it and for some reason when I got to end of disc1, disc 2 wouldn't recognize my save and I couldn't continue.

all I can remember now is HAPPY HOUR

Is Ar Tonelico any good?

It was the first game I can think of where the localization was intentionally "westernized" and made silly, long before Treehouse was doing it. is just suffering.

Suikoden 2 is immensely overrated. The quality of life improvements are certainly nice but the pacing is just absolute garbage and the story turns to complete shit after you beat Luca. Jowy is the fucking worst villain the whole conflict just feels weak as fuck and like cheap melodrama.

>In comparison to what?
To other ps1 jrpgs.

You mean Beyond the Beyond? Because at the time it came out it was literally the only other one. Even Wild Arms wasn't out yet.

Fuck, that hurts.

Whatever dude. I remember enjoying it well, and that's what matters here. I can't even remember the last time I played a game that's been released in the current or after 6th gen that were "plausible" to play. Now there's either good, or shit tier games, nothing in between. Perfect games are either gems like NieR that you play for fuck-long time until another releases or fails like FFXV, for who knows what reason.

>You mean Beyond the Beyond? Because at the time it came out it was literally the only other one. Even Wild Arms wasn't out yet.
Even Beyond the Beyond has more involved combat than Suikoden.

PS1 wsa the golden age of jrpgs

Xenogears is probably the best.

Tales of Eternia is excellent as well.

Also big fan of BoF3, Lunar 2, and chrono cross.

Might not be fair to post this game since it's on an entirely different level... they outdid themselves.

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The first one is pretty okay, 2 is pure kino, and then afterwards the series becomes pretty okay again.
They are super unique games as far as JRPGs go and have some of the coolest music you will ever find in a video game, so it's worth giving the series a shot just for that.

>Wild Arms above FF7

now that's just stupid, first WA is barely a game

Sounds interesting, also I realised this was the PS1 thread and not the Ps2 thread

More a game than FF7 is. Actually had some damn puzzles.

You will never live in a universe where this released as a completed game.

The fuck are you smoking?

>now that's just stupid, first WA is barely a game
It's more of a game than a movie like FF7.

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I really hope the grandia 1 and 2 remakes aren't shit.

Oh good...the youtube guy is here...

I'm sorry dude.

The entire PS1 era was on an entirely different level.

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PS2 had a fuckton of good ones too.

>I really hope the grandia 1 and 2 remakes aren't shit.
They're shit. Well, the Grandia 1 is.

The Grandia 2 remake has been available for years and appears to be fine.

Nice ellipses you fucking faggot

That doesn't even make sense. Wild Arms had puzzles, tools, you swapped characters,etc. It had more gameplay mechanics than FF7

Xenogears was such a uniquely fantastic game. I like the later Xeno games, sure, but none have the sheer scope and unique feeling of the first one.

Same I never played. I've been holding out for remaster or rerelases. I got my wish.

Buy the Panzer Dragoon remake for the the Switch. Devs are already working on remake of Panzer Dragoon Zwei and if they sell will they might remake one of the greatest JRPGs lf all time Panzer Dragoon Saga.

are you actually retarded? the fag just uses Ryu as his avatar. That's a fine choice too, but its still not where he's from. Also, who the fuck watches some backwater fag on youtube playing games?

Have you not seen this guy around before? He posts youtube videos of compilations as if its an actual argument

It's similar to DQ in that it doesn't do a lot of unique or gimmicky things, but instead tries to do the standard things well.
It has a higher than average difficulty and bosses scale, so you will never over level them and ruin the fight.
Working Designs localization might have gone too far in a few places.

Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, Breath of Fire III and IV, FF Tactics, Chrono Cross, Grandia. There was so much good jrpgs at that time

Grandia 2 was a genuinely excellent game. It had freakishly good voice acting for the time and the MC is extremely enjoyable. The gameplay is a good twist on classical turn based JRPG combat, even if its a bit too easy, and the overall story and characters are solid. It looks a bit goofy because its got those weird dreamcast era blob character models, but you get used to it.

You are near the end. Not right at the end but well past midway. Its a fairly short game.

I think they are conceptually much more interesting than they are actually good games.
The setting and world building is extremely interesting and the way music is used like a programming language to literally rewrite reality cool as fuck, but like 3/4 of the actual games is always just boring slice of life shit. I kinda forced myself through the first two but then by the time I got to Qoga I was so sick of all the unimportant fluff that I just up and stopped halfway through.

Soundtracks are easily 11/10 though

isn't it just a tactical rpg
not really a fan of that kind of 'gameplay'
not like i played suikoden for its gameplay to begin with, it's the story and characters that i enjoyed.

>It's similar to DQ in that it doesn't do a lot of unique or gimmicky things, but instead tries to do the standard things well.
I'd say the ability to move around during combat (which is required for melee attacks) is a fair bit more unique than your typical jrpg.

Also, the first Lunar has some of the best designed bosses in any jrpg I played.

>isn't it just a tactical rpg
It's an open-world RPG that has a tactical combat system. You don't select missions like you do in a tactical RPG, you travel the world and fight battles whenever they present themselves.

lots honestly
suikoden, grandia, vandal hearts, wild arms. honestly the ps1 and ps2 era of rpgs kinda blends together for me though.

>Legend of Legaia that low
> filtered by Berserker

I don't even remember who that is. I beat the game a long long long time ago. Cool combat, but I don't remember anything about the story now other than finding trees to dispell mist and final boss is at your hometown

So which versions of Breath of Fire 3/4 are the best?

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Never played the PSP version of 3 or the PC Version of 4. I played em on the PS1 and they where so good then I can only imagine the ports fucking something up.

Only thing I know about PSP version is they changed the colour scheme of a boss who was an Ultraman reference. Guess the IP holder didn't like it or something.

The switch is getting a remake/remaster whatever of 1 and 2 right?

Qoga has a lot of really cool moments in the second half, I agree though, a lot of the early game is kind of tedious and feels like filler. The even more blatant fanservice they started shoving in doesn't really help either.
I think Richaryosha finally giving in to despair and singing EXEC_Z, basically ripping out all of humanity's souls to create mindless counterforce zombies in order to save the planet itself, is easily one of the most powerful moments in the franchise though.

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1994-2004 was the golden decade for RPGs of all kinds. Tons of of big hits and loads of solid 7-8/10 games. Now we're lucky to get 3 above average titles a year across all platforms.

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That's not XaaaCi

JA2 is a TRPG not a CRPG, it's better compared to Battle Ogre or Genealogy of the Holy War than to Suikoden 2. But the guy that made this didn't set out to make a fair comparison, he's just a codextard who thinks the worse the UI is the better the game.

because the graphics were shit so costs were low and publishers were both willing to take the risk and were hoping to be next Final Fantasy

Alright guess I'll go for the PS versions then. Thanks!

I don't limit my favorites to just PS1, but it is true that most of the good ones came out around 1997-2003. Here's what I've played

>Would rather die than never play these again tier
Final Fantasy V
Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter
Paper Mario TTYD
Mega Man Battle Network 2

>Good and/or interesting but falls short of greatness tier
Final Fantasy I, III and VII
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth + Hacker's Memory
Xenosaga III
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
Breath of Fire I and III
Final Fantasy Tactics
Mega Man BN 3 and 5
Mega Man Star Force

>Super nostalgic for and still holds up decently today tier
Golden Sun series
Breath of Fire II (my first JRPG)
Pokemon GSC
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga

>Wouldn't mind wiping my ass with the disc tier
Final Fantasy IV and VI
Persona 2 and 5
Shin Megami Tensei I and Strange Journey
Pokemon RSE, DPP and Colosseum
Xenosaga I
Breath of Fire IV
Legend of Dragoon
All other Digimon RPGs
Mega Man X Command Mission
Mega Man BN 1 and 4
Mega Man Star Force 3

>Why two nukes wasn't enough tier
Final Fantasy II
Xenosaga II
Persona 3 and 4
Mega Man Star Force 2
Xenoblade Chronicles

>Currently playing and enjoying so far, but have no overall opinion tier
Super Robot Wars OG Saga Endless Frontier

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I thought everyone hated Dragon Quarter

Dragon Quarter was okay, it's just nothing like the other BoF games and way too deep for most people.

Dragon Quarter is very much an acquired taste. Most people who end up liking it usually confess to putting it down not long after trying it for the first time, and then coming back to it later after having a better idea of what they're getting into.

It features the best gameplay in the series, if nothing else.

Star Ocean 2. Seriously great JRPG and one of my most favorites. Under the radar for most.

Oh, and the PSP port has technical improvements like widescreen, gameplay rebalances, etc, but also comes with some changes I don’t prefer over the original. It’s a toss-up.

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But what about WRPG

The fanservice is why I could never get into these games. The story sounds fucking wild and like the Xeno-games on steroids, but all the kawaii uguu anime girls undressing during combat to get more powerful just kills it

>But Suikoden 2's story utterly fails as a tale between two friends being forced to fight each other because Jowy's motivations are unclear at best and downright nonsensical at worst.
His motivations aren't conveyed in the best way I'll agree (they take too long to explain them), but they do make sense. Jowy was treated like garbage by his dad, used as a sacrifice by his country (and then blamed for it), and then watched as a group nobles bicker about pointless specifics while a literal psychopath with retard strength was going to cut down their entire country. It was completely understandable why he decided to betray everyone and defect. And even then it is heavily implied he never intended to win, he just wanted to upend the system of either the countries (which he was ultimately successful in doing).
>So Jowy is a terrible character, but so is the other main character, who is a completely silent protagonist with zero personality, hopes or dreams.
What about Link, Mario, half of the DQ protags, Ryu from BoFIV, or fucking Doomguy? Silent protagonist =/= inherently bad character. If you use that argument most video game characters are bad characters. Use your imagination and create a personality for him. It is a role-playing game, after all.
>It doesn't help that the villain is yet another generic demon/beast thing.
The main villains were Luca and Jowy, the rune demon was just a shitty Necron-level boss fight that Jowy used as a last-ditch tactic to stall while he escaped.
>The closest thing to a human antagonist, Luca, doesn't even act of his own will, as he is posessed/corrupted by the Beast Rune.
Is this stated in a novelization or sequel or something? The only possible in-game explanation they gave for Luca's insanity was seeing his mom raped and killed in front of him. I've heard Suikoden III deals with runes more than 2 does, so maybe this is brought up there, but retconning in a subpar sequel shouldn't count.

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based and runepilled

It was essentially babbys first RPG but I still love it.

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I am disappointed that no one responded to Azure Dreams.

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Man I hate you normalfags

Xenogears is my favorite by far
Also Vagrant Story, but gameplay and progression ruined it for me so hard. Suikoden 2 is very good overall. And FF7 I liked when I played it back then, don't know about now.

Never played Chrono trigger or cross and FF9. Should I?

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>gameplay and progression ruined it for me so hard

How?. I feel like this should be the second coming

>Plot is retarded so far but not too bad
>Dungeon crawler arpg set in Ivalice

But nada. I'm already up to the forest yet it feels like I've done nothing. The worstsi redneffo travelling through the mine only to find yourself on the other side of the river one screen away from the entrance.

*worst offender is

FF7 is a solid game overall, I recommend picking up a copy on Switch if you can. Played it in college and loved it, unless you are a hardcore contrarian the game is great.

And yes, absolutely play Chrono Trigger. FFIX is a more difficult suggestion. Only play it if you've played the other Final Fantasies, because the whole second half of the game relies very heavily on references to things from the other games. I am in the minority of people who think IX isn't actually very good; the game really falls apart in the final act. First two discs are god tier though.

You are blind then

A total of 3 posts, 2 of which are mine.

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Chrono Trigger and Cross definitively. I didn't enjoy FF9 a lot, but it's a matter of taste

>tfw the final boss requires your health to be depleted until zero to progress
>tfw used Gameshark for infinite health as a kid
>As a result, the you glitch the game by cheating

Tell me about Terranigma, Yea Forums
Seems like it's the only old JRPG classic other than Vagrant Story that isn't part of a larger series. How does it compare against the more well-known stuff

It's only the third game where they get half nekkid mid combat. I never understood the reason of "undressing during combat" for dismissing the games. Only one out of 6 (six) games has had it and they rightly got shat on for it. Well, it and going full 3D killed their franchise so there is that, lol.

What the fuck happened with the story in Ar tonelico 3? Was the translation just bad?

SaGa Frontier is the only one I still like.

Terranigma is the final part of the Soulblazer trilogy, also known as Qunitet Trilogy. These games are Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma.

It's an arpg with fluid combat that feels good to play. The story is fantastic and one of a kind in JRPG, you are basically the Messiah and you resurrect the Earth, first the continents, then plants, wildlife, humanity and ultimately the inventions of humans like flight.

Compared to contemporary titles on the SNES it easily sits with the best of them. If you have any love for JRPG then you owe it to yourself to at least try playing Terranigma to see why it's a beloved cult classic.

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There's way too much dick riding for this game. Yeah, the plot is complicated and interesting at times, but it kind of takes a nosedive in quality by the second disc and the gameplay is never more than tolerable during its high points.

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Xenogears really is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. The whole time I played it, I was sensing a good game in there that a little bit more dev time could have teased out. But as it was, all the stuff I actually wanted to see happen was told VN style, while only the boring parts of the game are actually playable. And the gameplay was the same way, deathblows had potential but needed more to them

The half assed translation plays a part in it, but even in JP it's not that easy to follow along in the later half. They just start throwing around all their techno babble and expect you to actually understand how the world itself works. If you haven't played the first two games or don't remember them all that well you will absolutely be confused.

I had pretty much the same experience. Xenogears clearly had a ton of potential, but as it is it's not really that great.

It's one of my favorite games in the genre.

It's a great tragedy that there are still tons of JRPG untranslated and virtually unknown in the west. Stuff like Moon: Remix RPG sounds incredible. There's also a JRPG in the BoF3 engine set in the industrial age
>Set in Britain’s capital during the Victorian age, the PlayStation 1 game casts you as the orphan apprentice to a famous detective, tasked with discovering the cause of a plague of monsters that are swarming the city. It’s a bit cutesy – your hero fights with a slingshot against his foes – but reports from Japanese speakers tell of a remarkably rich and satisfying game.

Attached: 220px-Moon_-_Remix_RPG_Adventure_Coverart.png (220x215, 93K)

That piece is amazing, but Cain's face looks hilarious.

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i really wished this game got proper budget and time.

Was the translation that bad? It read pretty well from what I remember

>ff7fag not liking ff9
of course it’s obvious

Ar tonelico 2 had godawful "translation". At times some things were not even translated. Not sure about 3.

Yes, they all have awful translations.
3's reads like they sent some random guy the script as they wrote it and had him translate lines one at a time with zero context or deeper knowledge about the story and characters. The editting is nonexistent as well, so you have a fuckton of typos, sentences that drag on for an eternity and a half through multiple dialogue boxes, and lots and lots of fucked up punctuation in there.

I've never played this game but I love the art

Play it, it's good.

>No one said Valkyrie Profile yet.

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Post a JRPG from the PS1 era with more SOUL. I dare you.

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This game was the beginning of the end for Mana.

Legend of Legaia was so ahead of its time I was spoiled on JRPGs since my first one.

But BOFIV was beautiful.

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I wish Legend of Legaia 2 was more appreciated. The hate for it never made sense to me.

JA2 is fucking hard, and I have no idea how to set up my starting team or how to deal with the mine counter attack mission where 30 dudes attack you.

I miss it too. Still holding out hope for Hrist's game

>this isn't copy pasta

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Duel Saga's pacing is UTTERLY horrendous.

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Sure, but that doesn't warrant the hate. I think the reaction is just disproportional to its flaws, while ignoring its merits.
The cooking system and the character interaction through it always gets ignored, it reminded me a lot of Grandia.
It also had the most hate-able recurring antagonists with the snobby siblings, like a jrpg version of Jesse and James.

VP3 with modern graphics would be legit awesome. I need some Niebelung Valesti in HD

It's OK, user. I know not everyone here may hold any feelings for anything in particular or even care for anything on the outside as much as they truly are caring on the inside, but most of us in this thread are a bunch of wacko's that really love old JRPGS. Those of us that beat all of those that were available and then went on onto PS2's to finish the list off hold games such as Breath of Fire really close to our hearts. It truly is a great series, and most games have a really well written story. But it's not why it's so well entombed into our minds - it's a collection of a few well combined things put together into one fine gem. The story, the gameplay, the music and the art without which the whole piece wouldn't be complete. Imagine DmC without him, just like try to imagine MGS without Shinkawa. That's the real soul, divided into pieces.

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How do I into Valkyrie Profile?

Start with the first one, then Silmeria, then the Covenant. I recommend undubbed versions.

you keep at it until you get this beautiful bastard, then you win the game.

Attached: You're hired.jpg (640x960, 119K)

This is a mean trick to pull on newbies

>this too isn't copy pasta

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This game is really unique and I think it's worth a playthrough for anyone that's interested in something different from the JRPG genre. It's not even very long.

>I need some Niebelung Valesti in HD
don't say I didn't warn you

you're right, the pacing fucking sucks. But goddamn if the game isn't charming as fuck and fun to play

I played grandia a year or two ago not expecting much but it turned into my favourite Jrpg of all time, Is there any other game that comes close?

Grandia 2

You're the first person I've ever seen praise the game other than myself. Cheers mate.

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I'm working through it now on emulator. Still holds up surprisingly well

Still haven't found one myself. Grandia 2 is good, but it's a very different kind of game and much more like a conventional JRPG, it doesn't really have that adventure feeling Grandia 1 excelled at to it.
Skies of Arcadia has a similar sense of exploration, but there's a lot of other things about that game that detracts from it quite a bit.

post the "is he a pedophile" one

>Fixed core problems

Where does Legend of Dragoon fit into this?

His art really is nice.

Grandia 1 has one of the highest peaks in all of JRPG, so it's hard to beat or compare to it. Breath of Fire 3 and 4 (especially *that* scene) are also fantastic. As well as Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, Wild Arms and Lufia (2, in particular).
And while Azure Dreams can't hold a candle writing wise to these games, mechanically and gamewise it remains my favorite over all the others.

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I don't think it'd be too difficult to translate that art style to a faithful 3D. It just needs a team who does care for the game they're making.

Speaking of Wild Arms

Attached: wild-arms-intro.jpg (639x350, 25K)

doesn't need to be posted. Everyone knows it's the best jrpg of the era

BoF4 is better.

how to Wild Arms openings manage to always be kino?

and given proper budget mind you. Dragon Quarter's visuals are easily its weakest aspect and it's really easy to tell that they needed a larger staff doing the models and rendering because those don't look much better than early PS1

Fantastic thread. I've been on a JRPG kick lately and this is exactly the kind of recommendations I was looking for.

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I barely remember anything about the game other than how fucking miserably long every random encounter was in the game due to the new Arts system encouraging you to build one self-sustaining combo that expends and refills your AP equally and use it every single turn. The first game only refilled your AP if you took damage or spent a turn charging Spirit, so there was more strategy in managing it and not using too much of it, then burning it all in one long string when you had the opportunity. In Duel Saga, even if you were fighting an enemy that couldn't be hit with low or high attacks or whatever, the benefit of using the same Arts over and over outweighed the benefit of using combos to more efficiently kill that specific enemy. It just didn't work as well.

Stuck in Evergrace, anyone know how to get out of the castle as Darius and the lab as Sharline?

I agree with this, and I think IV is the worst Breath of Fire game that isn't 6. If there's one JRPG that deserves the title of "movie game," it's Legend of Dragoon

good luck user, I got stuck around the same area I believe and just gave up on it

What game?

Attached: bof3 screen.png (960x540, 286K)

Boku no Pico

>mfw this plays when Ershin died

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I think it has more to do with using the right shaders. You can find fan models of BoF that look great but I think what they're missing is sort of what Breath of the Wild had, which is a nice shader, really handcrafted lighting to really bring out that original artstyle. Otherwise it doesn't matter how good the 3D actually is, it's going to look flat and lifeless, while BoF IV is still going to look gorgeous.

Grandia. While ps1 had pretty much all jrpgs being true gems, Grandia is in the top tier.

Post your face when this happened.

there's much pad action in that game, it is true

>the ending song
so goddamn good.

the same one when these two kept appearing

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3:39, Yea Forums pleb, can't hold its timers right

Not that user but I enjoyed Duel Saga. Well, except for that rice planting mini game to get one of the items needed for an ultimate weapon or armor. Every time I play it, one person has to go without due to my sheer hatred for that mini game. I did really like the crafting aspect, as you could make some really good accessories and skills if you sunk the time into it. It's kind of a shame that there really isn't anything challenging enough to warrant going overboard with that system, though.

Oh fuck yes. It was very good, even if the true end was a bit convoluted to get iirc.

It truly was the golden age of vidya.

Weirdly sometimes Yea Forums can start the video on proper timestamps.


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my nigga

the fuck you on about, bug

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My autism loves the blockyness of PS1 era games. Nothing is more aesthetically pleasing.

tits or gtfo

He literally mentioned Chrono Cross and Grandia as examples of exceptions. Learn to read.

>What is:
>SMT 1&2
>Persona 2
>Suikoden II
Games with very bad gameplay.

The low poly and sprites of that era is something that indie games should try to recreate or be inspired by, instead of the generic bland garbage most of them present.

There is a PC version of BoF4 for some reason so no real reason not to play that one.

BoF3 it doesnt really matter, but I would recommend playing it before 4.

It grew on people over time. I still dont think it should be a breath of fire game, but its decent in its own right.

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It kind of did. The main issue is the director had no idea how to properly manage a game. It was evident with the xenosaga games too. He finally got it together with the most recent titles but man, he was clueless back then.

>Oh, and the PSP port has technical improvements like widescreen, gameplay rebalances, etc, but also comes with some changes I don’t prefer over the original. It’s a toss-up.

tell me about it

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I love how the only decent thing he ever did, he did completely by accident and for all the wrong reasons.

I've always found both Lunar games quintessential JRPGs lagging a single generation. So when everyone was pushing crazy new tech pre-rendered backgrounds and 3D on PS1 those definitive ports of Lunar 1 and 2 simply polished the fuck out of the originals.

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I seriously never understood how some people had problems with sending characters to Asgard between chapters. Not to mention Arngrim is a powerhouse and he's not eligible.

>From 17 to 18
>Looks even younger and in a worse art style.
I've only played Star ocean 3, 4 and 5. I liked 3 and 4 so I should probably try 2 eventually.

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>mfw people still don't understand Jowy

He is literally YOU for the Highland. He's their MC and as such cannot simply give up. Is this what happens when your antagonist isn't some kind of god or something so players can't relate to people simply being people?

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I actually REALLY like the direction story takes with Sue. I mean, how often does a young character realize she's simply too young for all this adventuring shit and decides to have a childhood instead?

VP is only good for their backstories.

>Guardian's Crusade

I loved the shit out of it back in the day, but I realized even back then it was a jumbled mess of ideas. That ending, though. That ending.

>Parasite Eve
I will never not be mad

terranigma's big problem was it was never released in the us

Attached: terranigma_end.jpg (640x5381, 862K)

No sir I don't like it.

Is there an option to remove the filter in the grandia remake? Otherwise I'll skip it.

Where is this from and how do I get it?

Wish the purple haired loli didn't lose and ragequit the team though.

>dat OST
I-I'm sorry user...

Why 18? She does not have sex scenes in game.



You're telling me her dub is superior?

Oh thats what you meant. The time leading up to the asian economic crisis was really good for japan. Good economy meant that wages were high in comparison to living costs, hiring more people was easier for long, 40+ hour experiences. Games on average had higher budgets, and they could afford longer development times.

I enjoyed CoP a lot more than Silmeria. I hated how Silmeria treated their phantoms, basically giving them all carbon copy movesets, and you missed out on shit if you dont use story characters, making phantoms feel even MORE useless. Thats not even getting into how bad the 2.5D maps were.

Legend of Mana did some absolutely sick shit with PS1 visuals.

If anything it was a crazy outlier in the series.

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Literally all I can think of is Xenogears. I think I didn't really get into JRPGs until the PS2 era.

>No Vagrant story or Lunar 2

Mana Khemia was a good game that never got any sequels.

Real talk now

>God Tier
Vagrant Story
SaGa Frontier/SaGa Frontier 2
Front Mission 2
Valkyrie Profile
Star Ocean 2
Tactics Ogre:LUCT
Shadow Tower
King's Field III

>Great Tier
Legend of Mana
Chrono Cross
Ogre Battle:MOTBQ
Tales of Eternia
Star Ocean
King's Field II
Vandal Hearts II
SRW Alpha Gaiden
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon
SMT: Soul Hackers

>Good Tier
Arc the Lad III
Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena Grandmaster Edition
The Granstream Saga
Persona 2 IS/EP
Legend of Legaia
Vandal Hearts
Torneko: The Last Hope
Brave Fencer Musashi
Parasite Eve
Wild Arms II
Suikoden/Suikoden II
Front Mission 3
SRW Alpha
Tales of Phantasia PSX

>Okay Tier
Parasite Eve II
Wild Arms
Legend of Dragoon
Tales of Destiny
King's Field
Azure Dreams
Monster Rancher 2
Battle Hunter
Arc The Lad
Dragon Valor

>I don't like these so I don't bother playing them Tier
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest Monster
Digimon World games

>Critical Failure Tier
Beyond the Beyond
Thousand Arms

not a bad pick if you had to choose one

>mfw those filters in the HD collection
>mfw they are not optional
Dead on arrival

I can't. I can't even think of any new games with as much soul.

what kind of comment is that, MK2 is superior in every way -and- possesses far fewer bugs. MK1 is a good game but by no means is it better than the second.

>The Granstream Saga
Holy shit someone else played it.
Also move Alundra up 1 tier.

There are a few things that made me raise my eyebrows but I sorta got it.

But then there was this
>Valkyrie Profile
>God tier

Dammit that song is so nostalgic.

I heard about this game randomly at one point, played it, and holy shit it's amazing. As a huge strategy RPG fan, this is a must play.

Attached: 220px-Vandal_Hearts_Coverart.png (220x208, 97K)

>saga frontier 2 on the bottom

have taste

Fucking loves both games.

>JA2 is a TRPG not a CRPG, it's better compared to Battle Ogre or Genealogy of the Holy War than to Suikoden 2.
JA2 doesn't have a mission structure like those games do. It plays like a normal RPG, where you explore the world, visit towns, talk to NPCs and fight battles.

All returning characters got gutted, the alchemy wheel was a bad addition, localization was astoundingly worse, all new soundtracks were also worse.

The active switching was cool, but for some reason they made all normal encounters have twice as much hp while you still did relatively the same amount of damage, making the random encounters last twice as long as 1 and looking for ingredients much more annoying (which combined with the new alchemy wheel meant discovering new rarities in 2 a fucking chore). The cast in 2 was also a massive downgrade when compared to 1. The backstory for the buff fairy was pretty cool, but he was the only one that was any interesting.

It's such an ugly looking game, though.

I always preferred the sequel.

>dat feel when someone forget to put a transparent layers on portraits

Attached: VH1-2_screens.jpg (2560x960, 742K)

Not PS1, but I am still curious. What made the game so good to the point that games STILL try to copy it?

Attached: Chrono_Trigger_cover.jpg (857x600, 522K)

I kept humming VH2 theme for years and couldn't remember where it was from.

Nobody tries to copy chrono trigger though

Don't be an asshole, get your own thread.

I'm alright with most, would change some games one tier up or one tier down but nothing drastic.

I agree, though a good question. One that could go on to become its own thread though.

It's the kind of game that managed to do in fifteen-to-twenty hours what most JRPGs have trouble accomplishing in thirty or more. It's a concise, tightly paced game with well-design scenarios that are consistently fun and never overstay their welcome.

Fuck you, explain the image.

that's not very nice language there user

The game itself was good, but as said it ended up killing the series. Maybe it would have worked better as a spinoff.

Wasn't it just that, though? Legend wasn't called Seiken Densetsu 4 in Japan.

I was going to disagree with you on the music at least but looking it, nothing from 2 beats nefertiti.

rate my collection

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Overrated developer/10.

Most overrated game ever,story full of plotholes and battle system is a rip off from final fantasy

No Valkyrie profile or tactics ogre mediocre/10

Do you need to play the first one before the second one?

>all normal encounters have twice as much hp while you still did relatively the same amount of damage, making the random encounters last twice
I'm already at the endgame when I realized that there is a difficulty option in the settings so I don't exactly know if thats on hard or normal but I don't have a hard time on them during Raze's story mode. Puniyo's dual cast is all you need to wipe them out easily. Let her go wild the moment her turn came up and cast an all range spell like Thunder Rain or Heaven's gate, then immediately swap her as to minimalize your SP lost.

Most ugly character designs ever,good game though

Which Wild Arms games are worth playing?

Missing VP, Suikoden 1&2, BoF 3&4, Vandal Hearts, Tales of.. and some others

P.E. was so good too. That's a good collection, considering most of those are not sold anymore.

Nice. I still have some at my old man's place iirc, but since I'm in EU most of these weren't released.

Can safely go up to 3, after that it's touch and go,

Did you saw it Anons?

Attached: iu[1].jpg (273x375, 32K)

Somehow didn't tag your post.

Wait, they did a movie? Taken from the book or the game?

Start from 1, 2 and 3. Beware that 2 got a bad translation but its not bad enough to kill the overall experience at least.
You can go XF if you like an SRPG on, not a bad game but still got some flaws.
I miss the wild west aesthetic of the series since its dead and the damn mobage doesn't count.

From the book. I recall it being another atmospherish nip horror movie, and Eve looking good

>FF is not an example of jrpg series.
How wouldn't it be? It's literally a JRPG series.
What you probably meant to say is
>FF series is not representative of JRPGs

The remake/remaster of 1

Of all the jrpgs I loved as a kid from PSone I could only still enjoy FFVII and VIII and Parasite Eve 1 and 2 (and Dragon Quarter a little but that's PS2). All the rest I started and never finished or flat out didn't feel like playing them again. I tried to play new ones that I didn't play back then and just didn't like the characters and the design overall. That makes me really sad.

not bad.

>no jade cocoon

damn, I also wish grandia was more well, known, its much more deserving of acclaim than most of the FFs.

hows the hd port?

Dungeon crawler fan I see

I've been playing Azure Dreams and Thousand Arms lately. Breath of Fire 4 is pretty good

I played ff7, of course, ff8, hated it didn't finish. ff9, kinda liked it but did finish it and grandia, I loved it as I said in :what should I play next?

FFX, the best game in the series of course

the only turn based genre with balls
playing Elminage Gothic now and it's awesome.

cool, thanks for the recommendation, never heard of it before

I played that as well, it was my first ff, I didn't put it in the list because I was thinking of PS1

it's good fun
remember to read the manual though, it's the quickest reference for ability effects and stat requirements for planning out classes.
Also, I draw my own maps like in Wizardry, because to view the whole map you need to use a spell or item, and it's more convenient to mark down notable places like that.

>zero to few porn of Freena and the other Grandia girls

Damn crying shame.

The only people who Quarter are fags with shit taste who are bad at video games.

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3 niggers did

One of the best openings in videogame history

But FF Tactics and Suikoden 2 hands down, the best of their time.

Ennio Morricone content

Best part of old jrpgs was the intro videos.

Jist watched gameplay of this. Looks godtier kino, I'm downloading it as we speak. Why the fuck don't these indiefags make 2.5D pixel shit like this nowadays?

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