Games coverage in 2019

>games coverage in 2019

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>All Disney

How the fuck do we stop the mouse?

>reading tabloids websites

Disney just had their convention/announcements today to be fair

>he says on the eceleb board

>eceleb board
Not if I can help it

What is the actual point in "covering" games anyway? Why does there need to be gaming news? Who really reads that kind of garbage?

It's almost like Disney are announcing a large amount of shit at the moment

Vote for Hitler

what party is he running for?

literally vote for trump in 2020...

But I thought you said vote for Hitler? Adolf isn’t a republican.

Star Wars tv shows will unironically save the franchise. Based Disney.

>Sucks jew cock

Go the kyoani way.

Inuyasha is what got me into anime, this shit still hurts.

>everyone commenting on the amount of Disney/Marvel/Star Wars
>nobody commenting that it’s all about actors and TV shows and there isn’t a single fucking videogame on the front page

I legit thought this was photoshopped until I checked for myself

>consume product, then get excited for new product

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I can't wait for the day when gaming news sites are just a list of release dates and trailers.

Whoa............holy fuck

Can't be worse than what we have now.

Gamespot (as well as CNET, Metacritic, and some other stuff) are owned by CBS.
CBS has no current affiliation with Disney. Actually, they're merging with Viacom this year.

Gamescom is garbage this year, ratings of the streams are pathetic, like an indie event. So they needed free money from papa disney to pay their hard working talented diverse community managers

People are always interested in that shit. If there wasn't a sizable market, we wouldn't have had all those magazines like EGM and nintendo power and stuff back then either.
The problem is kotaku fucked it all up last decade when they came on the scene with bullshit and clickbait, and it only got worse and more infectious after that. This is also your reminder that even before politics and SJW nonsense in everything, kotaku was never good.

I meant it seriously though. Look at TV and movie news: nobody reads that shit and it all went out of business. Now that gaming is no longer a niche club we don't need previews that are essentially advertising, and opinion pieces that are held hostage by advertising money from there very products they discuss.

orange jew doesn't hold a candle to hitler sama

fuck gamer culture desu


Is the endless stream of capeshit never going to end? Please someone roll out the next fad already.

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Remember how long Zombies lasted

Oh they're only covering sonymatic gamesperiences now? Damn

can we go back to zombies?

As bad as capeshit is, at least it stays contained to other capeshit. Zombies infest fucking everything like foot fungus.

They're still fucking going. Granted, it's nowhere near as omnipresent as it was even five or six years ago, but there's still way too many of the fuckers.

I honestly can't understand how people can stomach that much capeshit in a single year. I mean there's three fucking MCU films this year on top of everything else that's been added. How can anyone even bother to go see the same relatively low-stakes quip fests again and again every three to six months is beyond me. Superhero films were entertaining, or at least amusing, when all of them weren't ham-fisted into a single over-arching plodding narrative and when they were a novelty.

but capeshit is just as infectious, universal monster cinematic universe, the upcoming hanna-barbera cinematic universe...

at least we got some cool zombie make-up, all we are getting here are endless SUPER HERO LANDING poses

It's nowhere near as infectious, not even remotely. See prior post.
When zombies were going full steam, it didn't matter what the fuck you were playing. Asshole devs would find some way to cram zombies into it. There was no fucking escaping it. Capeshit, all you have to do is not see/play capeshit.

>Obi Wan TV show
I swear if Disney fuck this up, literally impossible to fuck up a Obi Wan story.

but we're not getting cool super hero games, we got cool zombie games, and they at least brought gore back on the menu.

One of the biggest games conventions of the year is happening right now, yet they are focussing on this shit? what the fuck?

>how the fuck do we stop the mouse?

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But Disney hated jews too, and Hitler liked Disney's cartoons.

if jews is the mouse, then who's the cat?

Unironically push for anti monopoly bullshit. These mega corporations are too big and stifle innovation and competition in the market.

There are no good videogames to cover in 2019 and the "videogames" are just fucking storyshit anyway so what's the fucking difference in covering TVshit and modern "videogame" storyshit?

All the gamescom shit got revealed the first day. Now it's just tournaments and only autistic losers care about that

>How the fuck do we stop the mouse?
Bring back Caturday. Notice how the decline in cats has allowed the mouse to grow stronger.

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