Why do we have so very few Superhero games considering the peak popularity of the Marvel and DC franchises?
Why do we have so very few Superhero games considering the peak popularity of the Marvel and DC franchises?
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Same reason we have Go and teasers at the old continuity but never a 6th season that ends the cliffhanger.
I want a teen titans game so I can play as raven
all capeshit related media is fucking mass produced garbage for proles
Because they're almost always mediocre, companies are probably tired of throwing money into a hole and getting yet another superhero game nobody likes.
>Waiting for a good Superman game
Side note, when did Raven become a fap icon? It gives me mixed feelings
since that episode slade grab her and her close were tearing off. even as a kid i thought that episode was weird and didn't know why (now i know why, it was kinky as hell)
>Waiting for a good Superman game
try this meanwhile
Because very few superheros translate well into a videogame. You can ideaguy all you want but youll be hard-pressed to make a Superman game when by lore hes supposed to steamroll 99% of the mooks out there. So either you have a game where your enemies pose a threat to him and make him look like a weak retard or you have a game with realistic lore thats piss easy most the way through.
Slade totally raped Raven
What's wrong with it being easy? I just want a Superman simulator. Undefeated seems to have been received pretty well and you literally can't take damage
those FUCKING LEGS my man
I want a superhero single player RPG where you start as a sidekick and eventually it can lead with you coming into your own as a hero, or going to the path of villainy.
>when did Raven become a fap icon?
Ever since the first flash of her was released
Okay, then make the HP represent Metropolis and it's citizens, and only turn it into Supes actual HP when a legitimate threat shows up.
Probably because they're hard to make, at least good. And you're aware of the soulless abyssmal state of the vidya industry, they won't bother.
The only good capeshit game of the recent times that I can think of it's Gravity Rush, and it isn't even related to actual capeshit.
Not him but I think the concept of a "city health bar" is lame. I'd prefer dynamic consequences like significant collateral affecting the story as you progress or having you fail a mission without being a fail state and forcing you to reset. I feel like that gets across the sense of responsibility Superman must feel a bit better. Bonus points if the game makes you stupid powerful and you have to become skilled at the game just to avoid causing damage to the destructible environment yourself.
Raven thread?
I just wanted to pop in real quick, and say that the Avengers game looks like hot garbage, and I am genuinely offended that Crystal Dynamics ditched Tomb Raider for it.
hmmmm I feel like theres more to this image
The plot of the game begins with a small child getting glued to Superman's chest in a freak accident. The glue is an experimental new glue that batman created. Superman has to fight crime as normal while making sure the kid doesn't get hurt for a week while they wait for Batman to invent a solution to dissolve the glue.
Kojima, is that you?
>What's wrong with it being easy?
Games have to have some form of consequence to keep people engaged
>I just want a Superman simulator.
Im glad you worded that properly because it wouldnt be much of a game more than it would be a simulator.
>Undefeated seems to have been received pretty well
Im glad you found something you liked but proof that it is well recieved?
I could see that pissing people off. If already existing games are anything to go by, people hate escort like missions where they have to babysit retards.
Best way to go would be to just make a JLA game based on the 90s animated series.
This is shit spouted by retards. If you can't challenge a powerful character you have no business talking design. For starters superman has little defense against magic. Stick kryptonite in a gun and shoot green lasers.
But even besides his weaknesses, you can take those out and it doesn't change anything. In Black and White you play a fucking GOD and can never be physically damaged directly, you have other objectives you have to protect or you lose the game.
just like the movies, it's easier for the companies to put the bare minimum amount of effort (aka mobile shite) and make the maximum amount of profits from it
I want to see an action RPG where you create your own super hero. Let you choose powers/abilities based off popular character powers. Let you make choices in game and have that effect how the police and the public view you. Give the player the ability to be a do-good-er who strives to always save the day, or the violent vigilante seeking justice on their own terms. World reacts accordingly. Toss in some waifu bait and call it a day.
bpd and ecstasy
Superman is a faggot who got his ass kicked by fucking Batman.
You know guys. I met this girl once that was an EXACT copy of Raven. Same face, same body and dressed like a goth too. She was hitting on me hard. Wouldn't stop messaging me and try to hang out.
Thing is, she was a huge slut and after getting redpilled, it didn't made any sense and seemed just like pointless hedonism. I know you won't believe me and call me an incel but I had to let it out seeing so many Raven threads lately. It's funny, if I had met her a few years back, I wouldn't have hesitated and fulfilled my teenage fantasies.
DC girls>Marvel girls
why does that basketball look like shit
Cause Disney and Marvel dont own all there ips like Spiderman is entirely Sony and for DC well none of them would sell except Batman or CalArts Teen Titans mobile shit
wtf what kind of shits do you have that look like basketballs?
>not converting her from bluepilled ways
way to go fag
Question for you antihedonists: If the pleasure/suffering game is so irrelevant, then what's wrong with Epstein's Babyfuck Dungeon? These kids should just get over it, suffering strengthens character.
How do you condemn that shit then?
Because the popularity of it has JUST gotten there thanks to all the meme posting about infinity war
You chose right, user.
>If you can't challenge a powerful character you have no business talking design
Which only really matters if youre making a game from scratch. If youre taking a series where the lore has established the MC so significantly above the rest you cant really do that without shitting on canon. Then the game becomes becomes lame and cringey. Of course you can make threats but the point is making them realistic for the setting.
>Stick kryptonite in a gun and shoot green lasers.
Lets go with that. You have a bunch of enemies wielding kryptonite enhanced weapons. Then you have to make tougher enemies in the next levels. Then what? Red/Gold kryptonite? Red sun containment? Why doesnt Clark wisen up and use his kryptonite suit? You purposely make oversights just to make your threats work and it looks dumb.
Black and White is OC. Irrelevant. They could make shit up and it would work because they dont have to make it adhere to a preestablished verse.
You should probably play Death and Return of Superman (SNES). Theres a reason this doesnt work.
>there have been more superhero MMOs than singleplayer create-a-character superhero games
It's an abstract kind of feel. I remember an X-Men game that kind of did it though, but the three characters were premade, you just chose their talents and their responses to story events. Think it was on PS3. Which is kinda telling with how long it's been since then.
im pretty sure that anti hedonists are just against being stagnant and not doing anything to improve or progress yourself or humanity
But progress is only measured in comfort, in avoiding harm. We should live outdoors dying of measles, to avoid degenerate pleasure.
superheroes are the most boring concept ever
Is the Teen Titan movie good?
Fuck you buddy.
Superman's also a hyper-moralfag, so part of the challenge for someone like him, is not acting like a completely hulked-out psycho solving problems by destroying everything and everyone around him in the process.
The bare minimum for any new Superman game is the ability to game-over by making the entire city scream in one collective voice FUCK OFF YOU NUMB CUNT.
Who the fuck cares about superman. He's the most boring and generic superhero possible, no one asked for a game with him.
Any street-tier hero can make a really fun video game, see batman games.
Heard can be done but for me, wasn't worth it.
I wouldn't call it irrelevant at all. Clearly too much pain can break humans apart.
For me it's like a tool that you can use.and is not based in the tolerance of suffering but rather in the absence of pleasure. Or the freedom from being dependent on it, or enjoying simple pleasures instead of a dopamine override like fast food and porn or enduring the pain of its absence if you are a romantic..
But in practical terms it's just a dopamine fast. It seems that is what would make you stronger, happier, you name it.
I read about it, specially about the science behind nofap and noporn and also got into some esoteric shit about the spiritual benefits of semen retention.. Most of it sounded like crazy shit if you ask me but I had nothing to lose. In the end it improved my life massively so I'm glad I found a life style that works for me. You'll figure why I wasn't gonna trade my time and energy for some sex and daddy issues.
Thanks, bro. Godspeed.
Heck, a Punisher game alone would be more than enough to fill the void. I'm surprised nothing to this day came close to what we got in 2004.