Games with this kind of feel?

Games with this kind of feel?

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I love it when they're mean

Attached: rude.webm (1280x720, 467K)

That's a boy

any game from EA.

She's a cute little lesbian who just so happens to take dicks in her profession

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>crooked teeth
fucking gross

You won't make it

He managed to capture blissful happiness on that last panel.

>onobori san

i've heard kono yaro before but what do the all mean?

>I wasn't invited to the 10 way bukkake, the post
The default-standard insult reply post is "Have sex" but we all know that will never happen.
I prefer, instead:
>Go rape a cactus

Make dreams happen, OP

lol what is this gay shit? Weren't you called the "most beautiful girl in the room" today faggot?

god I wish that was me

This is bullshit, Japanese women are nothing alike their anime counterparts.

What are they like? Hopefully not annoying cunts like in the US?

I wish. God I wish I was but I still had my dick then.
I'm going to split it soon and change my name to "Nancy". Then I'll finally fit into the obscure shitpost tasting threads

Woah... She's talking like in my Japanese animes...

God I wish that were me

Attached: KoreanAbortion.png (640x2400, 430K)

God, I wish that was me

God I wish that was me

God I wish that was me

god I wish I was me

I really wish I didn't know exactly who this girl was. Fuck I'm a degenerate.


Gawrsh, I wish they were me


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She's not that obscure a jav idol
ily ampharos

you mean CUTE AS FUCK

how do you do this user
is there more than one of you
I think you could be doing something better yet I find myself still in admiration

I hope the rest follow you

>not liking yaeba

mods should just delete this reddit thread already

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If they start deleting reddit threads they may as well just shut down the board.

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I want a tsundere Japanese gf

based alpha bro saving the thread

believe it or not, they like that in japan.
One girl actually killed herself trying to make her straight teeth crooked with a screwdriver and accidentally hammering it into her brain

But that's ricist!

it's funny because it's true

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what is she saying?

>watashi wa

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Shiina Sora

Attached: shiina-sora-baodatviet6_102339717.jpg (258x345, 67K)


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and her name would be?

I have a Japanese girlfriend and it's nothing like that.

I mean, she's from Boston and only speaks enough Japanese to keep her parents happy. She does it with a Boston accent, which is kinda hot actually. I also learned enough to get through dinners and such, but her parents also speak English and enjoy pointing out when I'm wrong. Her dad keeps saying I can't marry her until I learn to read Japanese, but her and I are pretty sure that's just a joke.

Future poster saved you dorks

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What's wrong? No need to be so anal about it.