It should be nerfed

It should be nerfed

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>nerf this underpowered gimmick gun
Eat shit and enjoy your flinching sniper main.

Nerf that, buff Loch and Load back to where it was, nerf Direct Hit slightly, nerf Engineer, nerf Sniper... What else Yea Forums?

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buff beggar's bazooka back to the way it was

why though? it's literally worse than the detonator


t. 2fort sniper

>expecting tf2 to ever get balanced

They did an interview recently where they outright said Valve doesn't care about TF2 and the TF2 team barely even exists since they're constantly pulled away to work on Dota and CSGO.

Dead game.

scorch shot is annoying at best, which isn't a new concept for pyro. Flare gun and detonator shits all over it

>nerf Engineer
elaborate, what do you think is wrong with him?

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>Flare gun and detonator shits all over it
hardly the detonator still has the old afterburn time for whatever reason

Bring back the zweihander's old mechanic

Can still load all three shots, conga your way over pretending to be a friendly, blow them the fuck away and then use Schadenfreude

Not him but short circuit is way too abusable as well as the rescue ranger
Damage reduction bubble from the wrangler is still too high

I can’t play Scout with his mini sentry :(

>always prolongs ur game
>can delete ur sticky bombs and rockets
>fixes sentry gun from a mile away
>pic related

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Revert FaN and Sandman to their release states

was that you I just sniped through that tunnel 2 times? stop playing sniper idiot

Fucking fix the god damn BFB

>Getting stomped on the last point of Dustbowl
>Equip ranger and short circuit
>Reverse the stomp for 21 minutes straight because none of the buildings are being destroyed
I don’t know about you but those two weapons make that game mode more fair

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r8 edit

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>loch n load
Why the fuck did they ever give it 3 shots?

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Nah if anything that proves my point if you're getting stomped because the other team is better you deserve it weapons shouldn't substitute skill

But it’s my skill of being a support engineer that’s making my team win. So technically no it proves your point invalid

You're on the last point of dustbowl spamming ki attacks and bolting your gun from the resupply locker
Yeah nice skillful gameplay

you forgot to make the caber usable again

>nerf engineer and sniper
>nerf the weakest and one of the weakest classes in the game

t. seething demo/soldierfag who thinks engi is overpowered because he interrupted his 84-killstreak

yeah what an idiot that man is haha good thing you and I are normal right?

>short circuit is too abusable
You mean you can't just sit on the back of the map spamming full-damage projectiles at buildings?
>damage reduction bubble is still too high
It makes repairing it a pain in the ass, it's a secondary the majority of Engis don't use, it's glitchy as hell and tough to get good with, and buildings go down like wet toilet paper without the bubble and not much slower with it.

Thanks. It’s nice knowing that I’m able to turn the tide of a stomp with my skills in supporting defense

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Man, I miss the old short circuit

Don't touch Direct Hit there's nothing wrong with it, Loch and Load just needs to be buffed back to former glory so demo has an analog to the DH and it'll all be fine.


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Soldier should be nerfed. The damage output is significantly higher than any other attack option

desu it wasn't even bad I don't know why they changed it I guess so retards didn't have to aim and have proper timing

Post the webm

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Soldier's the only class that can consistently outperform all others in any situations. Higher DPS than a Heavy, more health than a Demo/Pyro.

Still vulnerable to a backstab and headshot

>worse detonator
>it's also 10 times easier to hit things with
>literally just aim at the floor and you'll hit them with it and tag them for full afterburn damage
it's a dumb weapons for dumb people. it deserves to be entirely scrapped and remade from the ground up as an entirely new thing

You mean there shouldn't be consequences for poor placement of buildings?

Thread's cursed. Everybody go home

Wh-what is it?


>engineer gets violently destroyed if even one person on the other team plays demoman or soldier

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Whoa you're saying a class that's slow as shit on his own with 125 hp gets destroyed by another class easily?

I dunno, should there not be damage falloff for projectiles going across the map to hit a target that can barely shoot 20 feet in front of itself?

What we're saying is, the problem is summed up like this:

>oh shit, a large enemy push is coming for the point, should i
>A: switch to engineer, run out of spawn, drop a sentry in front of spawn, run back, resupply, run out, whack it for several seconds until it's built, whack it until it reaches level 2 for several more seconds, run back inside, resupply, run back out, whack it again for several seconds until it reaches level 3, pick up, move very slowly to an area near the point, deploy it, whack it for several seconds until it deploys, whack it to each level, and hope it can kill the enemies assuming they've not already killed me and hope beyond hope it can get more than two kills before it's destroyed by combined nadespam and rocketspam from outside its range and my range
>B: switch to soldier, run out of the spawn room, shoot rockets into enemy push, kill them all with or without a random crit, taunt

And what I'm saying is two weapons that are suppose to be side grades shouldn't compensate for your lack of skill and team coordination


I like it, gonna use this when possible

Fuck you, Pyro needs something dependable at medium-long range.

>what is the detonator

>one class gets obvious design favoritism


it still hurts

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Oh it's "design favoritism" now

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its literally just the scorch shot but with one extra button press

I dunno. Soldier is made to be useful in all situations, Engineer is made to be useful in very, very specific situations and even then not as useful as other options. Even in the roles he was designed for other classes do the Engineer's job better.

Yeah we get it pardner engineer isn't broken he's just misunderstood

A weapon that should either have its self damage reduced or give you more air time so the thermal thruster wouldn’t have to be the only weapon Pyro has to get around the map better

dog theres 2 whole classes that use that plan with the primary's.

>suppose to be side grades
I'm convinced that valve doesn't give a shit about balance between some of the stock weapons and unlockables at this point. Seriously why the fuck would I ever bother with the needle gun or shovel?

Yeah I doubt they care it took years for them to remove random crits from the katana and that thing was an absolute nightmare once the demo got a kill

>going pyro just to spam this o choke point

>full afterburn damage

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TF2 is the only game I can say whatever I want without fear of being banned/kicked. I was just in a game spamming heil hitler and nothing happened.

remove sniper
remove spy
nerf medic to compensate

yeah and they have to actually reload, don't have lingering damage, and also aren't in the same slot as a fucking shotgun

Scorch shot is a little too good for how easy it is, but so is everything about pyro.

If you genuinely believe that engineer needs to be nerfed, you don't know how to play the game. Engineer using rescue ranger & hiding in spawn is literally only a comp tactic. In 12v12 it is irrelevant. Short circuit is a little good but it not so good it needs a real nerf. Soldiers and demos are mad they can't brainlessly spam to kill everything but spy exists and Uber exists.

how to fix pyro by Yea Forums:
remove the flamethrowers
remove the secondaries
remove the melee weapons
leave the shotgun and stock axe
pyro fixed

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This is fine by me.

post loadouts

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kys nigger

His sentry is aimbotting

>soldier can spam ground for splash no problem
>pyro gets a splash weapon and everybody loses their minds
Explain. It deals like 30 damage total. Why do you want to nerf the weakest class in the game?

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I don't recall stickies having that large of an explosion.


very artstyle

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When you are playing spy, if you aren't making the enemy waste precious time chasing you around their spawn instead of going for the objective, you're not playing spy.

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I don't recall demo and Soldier having afterburn

That's wrong. You can have 3+ engies with one rescue ranger, circuit and wrangler among them and not even double uber can get through. The problem here is that two of these weapons increase effectiveness based on the amount of buildings one person can cover. My proposed nerfs would be that first off RR can only fix buildings of the engi using it, and exactly half as effective as a wrench swing. You can buff up it's damage or make it work like crossbow. Second is to make wrangler's shield come up with a second of a lag, so that it can't save it from stickies as easily. Possibly remove shield on the switch off cooldown? Could be too much though. Don't know what to do with circuit, 3 shots seem fair but an engi can sit inside two dispensers and spam it, making turtling even more effective the more people sit in one spot.

cow fucker 200.
Besides that, consecutive hits from the flare reset it's timer, they don't add onto it. And we all know afterburn gets people killed about as rarely as fan o war.

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