Consoles dont have to deal with this

>be me
>finally get a good pc
>spend over $1000 on that shit
>play some pc games
>tf2, cs:go, mordhau, fear, fallout 1 and 2 and modded new vegas.
>thats that good shit
>want to test my pc
>oh yeah crysis
>figure it would be a fun shooter that looked really good.
>get steam version
>doesn't even fucking start
>look up fixes
>try everything ever suggested by mankind to fix this shit
>one worked for a little bit but soon stopped
>other fixes still crashed
>get origin version cause i read it works as is
>$5 so whatever
>it has the same exact fucking problem
>change properties
>rename files
>download patches
>delete files
>i try everything
>nothing works
>fuck it i guess i wont play crisis
i hate pc gaming

Attached: at least i have fear.jpg (460x215, 28K)

Try reinstalling the /redist files, disabling overlays or just turn off the software with overlays, and turn stuff off in the system tray.

PC Gaming:
*spends hours online looking for parts and checking meticulously for compatibility*
*waits 5 million years for everything to ship*
*spends 10 hours unpacking everything*
*spends 383991 days assembling the machine*
*motherboard BIOS doesn't recognize your [part name here] because you bought it cheap and used like all the PC gaming """""""channels"""""" told you to*
*waits another 6 gorillion years for compatible part(s) to ship*
*finishes assembling toaster machine that costed $2,891 used with barely more power than a PS4*
*installs OS*
*updates OS*
*installs drivers*
*Installs forced DRM*
*pirates game because PCpoors spent all their money on their shitty machine rofl*
*oh noes a virus fug :DD*
Console Gaming:
*Buys console bundled with game*

Attached: 1507222579298.gif (300x300, 192K)

Games just a tech demo, your better off playing 2 and 3, people act like their shit but their actually better

Attached: 1565535925612.gif (508x360, 3.51M)

>Manage to play 7 games with no problem
>Can't run one game
>"pc gaming sux"
You poor delicate flower.

console can run any game no problem

thanks but i honestly think im over it, i dont want to bother anymore, im out $25 and i dont care anymore.
i really like fear and get like 500 frames on that shit, so i'll keep playing it instead

Why do console kiddies like to play pretend and role play about owning a PC?
Shouldn't you be back in school now?

Then go play with your console instead of making these worthless console vs pc threads

>one game
>fallout new vegas
crysis is just the worst offender

>nearly every game is sup 30fps
>no problem

Attached: 1558698578220.jpg (580x472, 62K)

wow so i can play ps3 games on my ps4?


better having 0 fps on bloodborne


You can refund your games

I play games at 1440p 144hz on my computer. Its good

I play God of War, Horizon, The Last of Us, Detroit and Wipeout on my PS4. Its good.

I made the same mistake buying on origin. I bought it off GOG and it works. but wait for sale

Been deciding for next gen if I want to get a pc or new consoles but pc just seems like a hassle. I’ve had my xbox one from the start and it still works great

>figure it would be a fun shooter
Yeah, about that...

I was going to buy a ps4 two years ago but the games are so gay i couldnt justify it

tell me

None of this happened and he just wants to start shit on the internet for no reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it's some poorfag with a netbook.

The gog version works for me.

>*Buys console bundled with game*
You forgot
*install files on hdd for 2 hours*
*download updates for 2 hours*

its real, i went ahead and requested a refund

Attached: myfirstpc.2.jpg (1920x1080, 783K)

Consoles don't even have BC, they can't even play Crysis at all

Also Crysis runs fine for me, stop being a dickhead OP

& they all run at a silky smooth 30fps with monthly fee's for online play

What are you talking about, you can play all crysis games on xb1

but thats wrong



Wont be looking very good but it can still be played at least