Kaiju game ideas you would buy?

Kaiju game ideas you would buy?

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A Godzilla fighting game done by Arc System Works, but since they are busy with Guilty Gear. The Blazblue team can work on that.

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Smash but with destructible environments

I thought they were fucking for a second from the thumbnail.

Coop game with this guy and Zilla jr

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The Destroy All Monsters type games were great, they just needed to add a bit more depth in combat and some better map variety. The combat was fun and weighty but it felt really slow and floaty at times which I guess mirrors the movies well, but it doesn’t make for fun gameplay, it should have been sped up at least a bit or made more strategic.

1v1 fighter from the people of Tekken and Pokken

godzilla unleashed but without the waggleshit and with building destruction physics

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>Remember Kaiju Combat

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>Godzilla:Fuck All Monsters
A fighting game were it ends in sex

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did Godzilla movie flop?

I've been enjoying the recent surge in Godzilla + Ghidora art.

Audiences liked it from what I heard

Critics shat on it, audiences love it
Those kinds of movies are usually a mixed bag. You'll get a lot out of them if your expectations align with the movie's intentions, and King of Monsters intended to give you shit tons of monster fights. it delivered on that premise.

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Are you me?

I don't know if it flopped, but it was a really good movie to watch

A continuation of the Pipeworks trilogy.
-keep all the monsters from Wii Unleashed and add Battra from PS2 Unleashed
-add Zilla, Kong, Gorosaurus, Hedorah, Monster x/Keizer Ghidorah, Kamacuras, Kumonga, Ebirah, Desghidorah, and Bagan
-Legendary Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah can be either alternate skins or separate characters
-capital cities from more countries around the world as arenas
-actual Godzilla soundtrack music for the monsters and arenas

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It made back its money and a bit more. Audiences were very positive about it. Critics for some reason unanimously shat all over it, collectively stating among other thing:
>too much monsters, not enough humans
>Mothra is so ugly
>this simple plot is so hard to follow
And many of them also attacked the Toho films for some reason, and one guy was all "See this picture of Godizlla shooting his breath up? It should be coming out of his ass instead because movie is bad".

>did a AAA blockbuster movie appealing to Chinese audiences flop?

How did it appeal to China?

>popular Chinese actors
>produced by a Chinese subsidiary
>heavily marketed in China
>dumb blockbuster flick
And if I remember the first one right, a lot of that was set in Chinatown featuring a lot of Chinese actors

I’ve been saying this for years!
>Godzilla as your “Ryu” i.e your all-rounder
>Orga as the grappling character
>Mechagodzilla as the projectile heavy character
>Megalon as the technical character setting up bombs and digging around the field to set up combos.
>Rodan as the quick agile fighter that does less damage but has insane combo potential.