>Overwatch Legends: Agents of Talon
>Diablo IV: Sanctuary
>World of Warcraft: Emperor
>Hearthstone - Beyond the Mists
>Warcraft III Reforged
>Diablo I & II
>WarCraft I & II
>World of Warcraft - Outland
>Slurpy pets
>Torbjorn vampire skin
>The Rolling Stones
Blizzcon 2019 leak
Other urls found in this thread:
My dad said they are considering actually adding the nightelf mohawk race
Any more info? I'm mostly interested on WoW stuff. Is Outland just Classic moving into TBC?
Who is Emperor? Wrathion? Someone new?
Also I'd love WarCraft II on the Reforged engine. Getting Ner'zhul, Zul'jin, Grom Hellscream, Teron Gorefiend and others with shiny new models... I would be really exicted if it turned out to be true.
>Also I'd love WarCraft II on the Reforged engine. Getting Ner'zhul, Zul'jin, Grom Hellscream, Teron Gorefiend and others with shiny new models... I would be really exicted if it turned out to be true.
The fuck is this shit? Hell no. 2d sprites or fuck off.
This is what I know based on working for Blizzard:
>Overwatch Legends: Agents of Talon
>Diablo IV: Sanctuary
>World of Warcraft: Emperor
>Hearthstone - Beyond the Mists
>Warcraft III Reforged
>Diablo I & II
>WarCraft I & II
>World of Warcraft - Outland
>Slurpy pets
>Torbjorn vampire skin
No idea
>The Rolling Stones
screencap this
>slurpy pets
fucking BASED
Fake and gay
>>Diablo I & II
>>WarCraft I & II
what did he mean by this?
Is OP implying remakes? Re-releases?
Why would Blizzard redo WC1/2 right after allowed GoG to sell the originals?
>working for Blizzard
>Barack Obama is a stupid gay ugly nigger
What's the real expansion name then? Also are you claiming everyone is lying when they say a new Overwawtch game is coming? Is 'Diablo 4 - Sanctuary' the name?
The only people who know the final expansion name are the senior members of that department and the graphic artists. This is tightly controlled information. But everything else such as game content, isn't.
I work in one of their business development departments, can't say much else but we also handle licensing so we give a lot of information out early to our licensees to get a head start on making their products. But typically that head start is only a couple of months.
I've NEVER heard of Slurpy Pets. However, OP seems to be somewhat legit getting the others perfectly correct. Slurpy Pets sounds like something King would make not Blizzard. It's definitely tightly kept secret and probably doesn't have a huge development team. The other things though sound completely made-up, especially Emperor and Agents of Talon.
Blizzcon we will see the announcement of Diablo 4. That's it. And then Diablo 1 and 2, and the other rehash crap. Overwatch will get another cinematic. "Overwatch Legends" is definitely not to be confused with the cinematic name.
So there's no new WoW expansion?
Whatever, I'll bite. Anything new for Starcraft II Co-op?
>Diablo 1 and 2, and the other rehash crap
What do you mean by this? Are these lazy HD remasters or full-on remakes?
>I've NEVER heard of Slurpy Pets. However, OP seems to be somewhat legit getting the others perfectly correct. Slurpy Pets sounds like something King would make not Blizzard.
Imagine being a Blizzard employee and not realizing most Blizzcons give away WoW and/or Diablo pets.
This is something that actually concerns me. In classic wow,will Barak Kodobane's head be called "Barak's head" or will it be renamed to "head of kodobane". That shit pissed me off, I want to be able to RP trump having killed black george bush.
>World of Warcraft - Outland
Is it called World of Warcraft - Outland? And it'll be announced already in November?
>Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2019)
>Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2019)
>Warcraft I: Orcs and Humans (2021)
>Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (2021)
>Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (2021)
>Warcraft Reforged: War of the Ancients (2023)
>Warcraft Reforged: Wrath of the Lich King (2024)
Is there any development on Classic+ servers planned or just rereleasing old expansions no one cares about?
>no one wants tbc and wrath
TBC was a genuinely terrible expansion and people will abandon it incredibly quickly. Wrath will at least maintain a faithful following like Classic will.
>TBC was a genuinely terrible expansion and people will abandon it incredibly quickly
>world of warcraft - outland
at least try.
Wrath would bring back people definitely and probably generate half as much hype as Classic did/is. TBC will bring back no one that Classic hasn't. People will play it but it'll make Blizzard no money so long as it's still a part of the WoW subscription.
>Word of Warcraft - Outland
WTF is this supposed to be?
>Overwatch Legends: Agents of Talon
Don't know, don't care
>Diablo IV: Sanctuary
Fake news
>World of Warcraft: Emperor
Sounds fake, probably is
>Hearthstone - Beyond the Mists
Don't care
>Warcraft III Reforged
Waste of time and money. Looks like dog shit
>Diablo I & II
Diablo I was released earlier this year to GOG, not sure why Blizzard would remaster it. Diablo II is never going to be remade into anything.
>WarCraft I & II
Warcraft I is completely forgotten about, and Warcraft II was released to GOG earlier this year already.
>World of Warcraft - Outland
Is this supposed to be TBC servers? I seriously doubt that's happening any time soon.
The rest of this shit I don't give a fuck about.
Honestly, just make servers of Tbc, wrath, and MoP and that's it. No more is needed.
>My dad said they are considering actually adding the nightelf mohawk race
no way, picking WoW up
TBC was a much better expansion than Wrath.
Cata and MoP are guarantees especially if 9.0 revamps the world.
Belffags and draenei futa ERPers go home, the adults are talking.
Here is the only reasonable path to take.
Classic (2019)
WotLK (2020)
TBC (when Classic phase 6 is through)
Classic+ (one year after Classic phase 6)
MoP (once 'main WoW' has had a world revamp)
Legion (2027)
temptest keep and fish girl raids were pure cancer, black temple was not that great either
or better yet stop reviving old shitty versions all of us completed already and just get the main game back on track
if Warcraft 1 and 2 fixed the gameplay, I'd get a bit hyped.
Let's take a close look at Wrath vs BC
>Joke heroics vs actually challenging heroics (Yes, Underbog and the naga heroics were easy, however there were some really challenging ones)
>Raid content that was immediately irrelevant on patch days vs raid content that was relevant all expansion long
>2 original full size raids vs 7 original full size raids
>Horrible LFG system introduced vs traditional group finding
>Argent dailies vs Netherwing Dailies
>Everyone can see content on tourist mode vs content is reserved for people who put in the time and effort
Good thing you still have Karazhan, Zul'aman, and Sunwell Plateau. The first two you don't even need a full size raid of great people to do. Is it 3.3 in Wrath? Oh I guess I'm doing ICC, because there's zero reason to do anything else.
>or better yet stop playing old versions of the game (which in the case of Classic vs. BFA can't even be ethically considered the same game) and just go back to grinding mounts, pets, mogs and cheevos
I'd rather play TBC but it's really just Classic with new content. The same people playing TBC servers will be the ones who are going to be playing Classic and vice versa. WotLK is different enough to have its own playerbase which is what Blizzard is going to be looking for for their third client type.
TBC wont come out before Classic+
>dumbfuck can't read
Just remove the panda faggots and we're good.
>ogre race
what the fuck is this shit and is it real? I want ogres
i remember an old april fools joke blizz announced ogres as playable race. Two players would control a two headed ogre if i remember right lol
this honestly sounds legit, they want to redeem themselves after the drubbing they took over diablo last year, and everything else is just them re-canning nostalgia to make money
...I honestly would totally play an updated D1 with gamepad support
yeah I remember that lol
>i remember an old april fools joke blizz announced ogres as playable race
I remember an old april fools joke blizzard announced Diablo Mobile.
As long as amazon still has major league knockers and a massive ass in D2, I'm cool with that getting remastered.
So it really was an early April Fool's joke.
Wrath has only one and a half good raids out of four. Wrath is honestly even worse than Cata.
5 years late april fools joke
>no diablo immortal content
yeah, nice try.
he listed two fucking wow expacs
Real Blizzcon leak:
Dead company makes more garbage games
You forgot that they are due to announce the next retail wow expac, nice larp tho.
Worse than garbage, tolerable mediocre stuff that can pass itself as decent or even good at a glance.
repeating a lie over and over won't make it true
this trip fag, and OP, are both a fake and gay dumb nigger faggot
diablo immortal has been completely silent since announcement, the game is entirely developed and completed as has been confirmed by the outsourced dev company
both op and this dumb tripfag implying there will be absolutely nothing about it this blizzcon is fucking laugable, blizz isn't going to just drop an entirely finished and sellable product like that
>Overwatch Legends: Agents of Talon
Talon is the Agency. This is like saying Agents of CIA.
retarded fucking piece of shit ESL """friend"""
Leaks prove otherwise.
Company so dead people are actually attempting suicide in the company bathrooms
I wonder how many retail lifers would flip their shit if they brought those back
Also, why would it be Overwatch Legends? Talon and Overwatch are completely different.
>leaks prove
you really have a flexible relationship with the concept of truth
>th-they're going to add expac content to classic
>Agents of the agency
That's not an oxymoron. That's perfectly fine.
Leaks are proven through progressive announcements which verify the authenticity of the claims.
You have a strict relationship with being a fucking faggot
you can't be this fucking stupid
>he thinks blizzard will let their ultrapopular 15 dollar a month cash cow die instead of releasing new content to milk it
>Agents of the agency
You've added the crucial "the." Agents of the CIA is fine. Agents of CIA is not. OP is low effort.
ok antidrone
but its not the talon you dumb esl faggot
it's just talon
you can be an agent of talon
that's how it works in english and it's been refered to as such in overwatch already
Talons and CIA are both proper nouns. "People of CIA" sounds just as retarded.
So who is Talon, then?
To think Blizzard would actually limit an overwatch title to one specific faction within its own world? No, I'm not that stupid. Nobody is buying into your shitty LARP, my dude.
so in 2030 people would call out for wow classic classic?
>however there were some really challenging ones
Honestly people were just really fucking bad.
fucking LARPer gtfo
Right, the 2 months between patch end of 2.4 and start of 3.0 is when people got good.
Agents of the Talon Agency
Nah. The average player was trash the whole expansion.
the only release I cared about was hearing about the purge of incompetent employees and their subsequent whining. They are the problem with the gaming industry and the reason wow turned into such an abomination. Also I don't want to have to pay full price subscription for classic but guess everyone else is fine to shell near $200 per year
an organization
overwatch is the fucking IP name you absolute mouth-foaming inbred
it's the game universe
it's the name
Overwatch Universe: Agents of the Talon Agency: The Game
They won't, only because they're too lazy though. Any sensible company would do exactly that, continue the game off on another branch, don't increase the level cap, no catch up mechanics, you have to go through all the previous tiers of shit, continue a half decent story that doesn't turn into retardation, expand the zones you already have available. It'd be profitable and it'd last another 2+ decades.
But they'll just shit out vanilla servers, then tbc servers, then wotlk servers, because it takes them almost no man power, no need to create anything, just shit it out for short term money and then let it die over time.
The strange part is how inconsistent they are when it comes to current wow, they keep investing money into that when they should fucking stop there too.
Overwatch Universe: Agents of the Talon Agency: The Game: The Movie, Based on Activision-Blizzard's Hit Video Games Series: Overwatch: The Game, Based On The Film.
>tfw OW:AotTA:tG:tM:BoABHTVGS:O:tG:BotF will be dead on release
>World of Warcraft: Emperor
>Diablo I
Not gonna happen, it's on gog and blizzard wants nothing to do with it
But we already have confirmation the next expac will be announced at Blizzcon.
wowbabies fuck off, chen is a founder of durator and orgrimmar, kys
What's the point of waiting to put the updated zone and character models when they could just do it at the start?
There is no reason for furies to exist in my mmo
>fantasy races are furries
They could easily repackage what they're doing as an expansion, but it won't be much. Nothing on the title has been mentioned here.
>The only people who know the final expansion name are the senior members of that department and the graphic artists. This is tightly controlled information. But everything else such as game content, isn't.
You are full of fucking shit.
The expansion names, yes names, are some of the most well known things about the project.
The actual game itself is under heavy NDA on everyone involved, as always, it's under closed doors but basically everyone working at blizz knows about it/
The expansion already has a set name and it's already been "leaked" in name only, which was probably more of a lucky guess.
I don't know what you retards try to gain off this bullshit, 5 seconds of attention on a vietnamese cartoon forum?
Uh. I'm afraid you are the one full of shit.
Yes, the project has a name, but the final release name is always different. Much like console releases.
advanced samefag 'leak'