Why do niggers keep shilling this game? It's not even half good

Why do niggers keep shilling this game? It's not even half good.

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It's the best mediocre game you'll ever find

it's full good

Your opinion is wrong, I don't talk about it on Yea Forums ever and its my favorite game of last generation. If you got a problem with that, well that's like your own problem my guy.

nice bait m8

because niggers have better taste than you wh*toid

Because it finally came to nintendo this year.

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you can do lots of good waifus on it, and dress them like sluts, without sacrifiying too much stats while doing it.

Still not gonna waste my time on this heap of dogshit :D

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t. Niggers

The defense system is really retarded. E.g. your weapon does 400 dmg, but the enemy's defense rating is 390, so you only hit them for 10. Need to go farm a better weapon and/or pump your Strength and then the enemy suddenly goes down in seconds. Fucking stupid JRPG bullshit.

i love this game to death but yall couldnt be more wrong about it having a good character creator

oh no how will i ever recover, you sure showed me

forced meme cock sucker

Are you trying to summon griffith? Because your summoning griffith
Also >no indication which weapons are masterworks

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you're not going to get away with this, asshole

I can see why people would give up on it, I even gave up on it once, but it's one of my favorite games still. It's top tier jank core. You have to put up with a little shit, then you're opened up to a really fun straight up video game. Don't take it too seriously.

It's not on the level of modded Skyrim but it's still pretty good.

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>half-assed capcom game with limited time and resources
>only manage to finish one world out of many
>gets DLC
>gets a cult following
>so good it gets a PC and Switch release despite being some shitty obscure IP from 2012, 7 years ago

im a min/maxing faget and so this is never an issue for me.

I thoroughly enjoy leveling ranger from like 40-100 for muh stamina and attack and then sorc from 101-200 for magick bonuses. if its truly a problem for you though, just download one of those mods that "balances" stat gains so that you can just play whatever class you enjoy the most all the way to 200 and never have to fear about reaching damage thresholds

Dragon's Dogma literally sucks dick for the first ten hours. I know that's a meme, but it's one of the few games where I'd say it genuinely applies. The enemies in the early game are all spongy and you don't have any fun abilities. You shouldn't start enjoying the game until you've done all the Wyrm Hunt quests. I've only beaten it once, and I hated it for the first ten hours. I loved the other 120.
Also, Madeleine is my wife.

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>only beat it once
>130 hours
wtf user, I've leveled like 4 characters to 200 and have best in slot gear on 2 or 3 of them and still only have 170 hours clocked on steam. how much time did you spend just walking around?

I only hated like the first 3 hours maybe, really loved getting lost somewhere in the woods in the middle of night where I can't see shit and there are monsters and ghosts everywhere and HOLY SHIT IT'S A CHIMERA. It was such an amazing feeling to make it out to the dawn where you reach a cliffside overlooking sea and feel all boss about your crazy adventures.

Tried playing this three times. First was on the broken PS3 version that was borderline unplayable. Second was Dark Arisen on PS4 that I bought and the third time was the PC port I got gifted.

Both times on Dark Arisen I got to Gran Soren and quit. It was never interesting enough besides some charm from some characters

I picked up and dropped the game several times over the course of two years. Only the most recent attempt hooked me on the game.
130 is just my Steam play time. Probably 30 of those were spent in my failed playthroughs before I became a fan. So I guess my playthrough actually took around 100 hours.
I deeply explore games like this, taking my sweet time. I also cranked through a lot of BBI early on, slowly but surely. That probably took a lot of my hours. It was fun as hell doing that, though.

Gran Soren is where the game finally starts and you can go anywhere. Should've toughed it out for a few more hours.

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>I also cranked through a lot of BBI early on, slowly but surely.
truly the most fun way to play. i love starting new characters and essentially just living on BBI

Any tips for a newbie?
I've got as far as cutting the head of the hydra then I explored and fought a Cyclops and harpies over 25 times till I killed it
I haven't bought any new gear yet

Switch to a yellow vocation (preferably assassin), equip a bow, and then just explore everywhere/do all quests you come across. Progressing the main quest auto-fails a lot of the sidequests, so don't do it until you absolutely have to.

im normally a strong advocate of playing games like this blind, however getting passives from the other vocations can make your life a lot easier so I do recommend looking up how to suicide run for a ring of perseverence, or two if you feel motivated to upgrade your file to hard mode and do it a second time. (you can downgrade back to normal when you're done and be right back where ypu were).

the ring give you bonus vocation points so you level up classes waaay faster without leveling your stats themselves any quicker.

I adore when games do things like that. It's one of the reasons I love BOTW so much. Going into Hyrule Castle and scouting it out in the early game, in constant danger of getting one-shot by everything in there, with all the different hidden paths and entrances... I love that shit. I wish more games would do it. But that's a different topic.
One of the sickest things in my first playthrough that occurred organically in my playthrough is when I was deep in BBI. I saw a hole in some wall that I could access by jumping over a chasm. I jumped across, and fell down into pitch-black sewers, when this shit starts playing: youtube.com/watch?v=12EIkNGRk6c
I was nowhere near powerful enough to fight Death. I wasn't even powerful enough to fight him by the time I ended my playthrough. I had to slowly sneak past him while that song played in the pitch darkness. I love games that let you go into places you shouldn't. So fun.
Wait until you hit vocation rank 5 before you decide if you dislike a class or not. They really get fun around that point.
Also, make sure you're storing all your materials / curatives / tools you know you won't be using. It'll take up a lot of inventory space. Don't take every curative you see with you, because you most likely won't be using them all.

Talking in this thread is convincing me to play the game for a second time.

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You can kill almost every enemy in the game in one hit using the environment. Let's you play smart not hard.

speaking of environmental kills, its the optimal way of saying goodbye to pawns.
>fill their bag with all your collected shit
>toss into the ocean
>auto banks all their (your) stuff
>dont even need to rate the pawn afterward

Why does the game hate her so?

>Own men don't respect her
>Knows she's just being sent over as a token gesture, but tries her best
>Implied to be an alcoholic
>Tries to do the right thing but gets beaten up
>Told to go be a whore instead of a knight
>Hard to romance because she leaves so early on
>Never shows up again after leaving in disgrace

I must protect her.

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people claim that auto sends a bad review, but I've not seen any confirmation of that

Don't do this. The pawn gets automatically ranked 3 stars and the owner doesn't receive any RC. It's a very dick move.

masterworks /pol/ you can't go stfu niggershit

Are we going to get news next E3, Yea Forums? DD2 seems like a perfect candidate for a next gen reveal.

You can definitely see some concepts that were created for this game that they rolled into MHW.

People praise the character creator more for stuff like weight/height affecting your equipment load, stamina and wind resistance.

Why would the Devs have death give your pawn 3 stars? What a stupid decision.

Because all reasonable people hate niggers.

Maybe base game but I know for a fact in DA it auto rates all 5 stars and gives you RC.

rating doesnt matter. skills and inclinations do. and if RC is really a problem, literally just ask people in threads to hook your pawn up. I've done it countless times and others are willing as well. It's easy to hire someone's crap pawn and go slap some ass in BBI for 20 minutes and send them home with a couple hundred thousand RC.

just toss filler pawns into the void. do yourself a favor.

I feel like it'll be a 2021 reveal.

Dragon's dickma is a terrible game that requires autistic levels of minmaxing to reach your ideal character build

never played it btw

I'd actually prefer that. The more work and time Itsuno can pour into it the better off it'll be.

Play fighter until you can play Assassin sooooo dificult.

Didn't Capcom say at one point they would bring over DDO and they just fucking lied.

She's worse than a nigger though, she's french.

some I was just reading through the design works again and it's kinda sad to see how much effort they all put in. You can tell there was alot of passion in making this game. We've already waited this long, I'm fine with waiting a little longer so it can reach full potential

>rating doesnt matter
It does, casual fags only rent high rated qt's and that's it. You're delusional if you think a normie's gonna sort thru your inclinations lmao. The hardcore base is pretty small, all things considered.

I'm not a good drawfag but should I draw more Madeleine and Quina?
Image unrelated, it's my Arisen

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I vacillated between loving and hating the game until I got to Gran Soren. Had a great time rest of the playthrough but couldn't imagine replaying it like many do - the main quest is just so drab and the plot is jumbled. It has the bones of a great game but a lot of it is just half-baked.

Also enjoy tasting Ser Julien's cum on that torn up twat.

She is my wife and there's not enough art of her.

Jewtits has much more art than Quina, so you should draw Feste.

>use pawns until i'm a good 10-15 levels higher than them
>send them home with a preserved golden egg, 5 star ratings and a "It's been a pleasure!"
who else /goodboi/ here?

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quina doesn't get anywhere near as much love as she deserves. Literally best girl without question

Yeah and then get bitch slapped in BBI because you don't have a strong magic attack lmao.

The game is like 7 years old you missed it by almost a decade, zoomie.

It was ported to switch in April, so there's a new fanbase.

who the fuck even cares about having randies hire their pawns? as I said, if RC or specific items are what you are after, ask in one of these threads for hires. That's all you need to do.
>hiring a qt
they've all either cute with a shit skillset/bad inclinations for their vocation, or both. the 0.1% of the time I actually find one that doesnt have hideously mismatched makeup and also a decent skillset, I make an effort to send them something like a gate crystal or something they'll actually make use of.

>use a pawn until it's severely under-leveled
>go offline
>kidnap it
>edit its file so I can manually level it up and never return it

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>Had a great time rest of the playthrough but couldn't imagine replaying it like many do
Same, but for a different reason. Getting a good lvl 200 build with everything gold forged just takes way way too much time.

It's not like Dark Souls where you can just play a whatever build once you're good at the game, stats trump everything in DD.

>Use female pawn
>Send them home with a Big Nut every time

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I've got the only Goblin girl I've ever seen in my whole playthrough. I can't let her go, even though she's almost 30 levels below me. Her ass is too fat to release.

>rent a typical jizzhead owner's female pawn
>send them home with 0 RC, 1 star rating and a Hoe
got em

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the best feeling is finding a really well made pawn that you keep throughout multiple sessions. Pic related for me, the warrior on the right. One of the only good warrior pawns I have ever come across. His name was Atlas.

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the actual Dark Arisen content is fantastic
the base game is fucking awful, Dark Arisen is good because it takes literally the only good parts of the game (combat, bosses, dungeons) and does NOTHING but that.

The open world in the base game is the worst fucking world I think I've ever had the displeasure of being forced to walk around in in a video game.

>Play 360 and PC version of DD
>Get it again on switch
>Already more hours on it than BoTW
The fun is seeing how low of a level you can get through everything and seeing which things like torpor, toss bombs, and bomb arrows are broken. I like how it feels more like a Western RPG in which you can exploit a lot if you know what's going to happen.

Based. Gonna start doing the same.

Forgot to mention, I'm on hard mode

Your Arisen (it's the girl, right?) is not too bad looking. You should post your character creator stats somewhere.

to add to this, I made a big blackfaced warrior named poundtown and get more hires than I can keep track of. if having a second waifu following you around means that much to you and you arent getting the hires you want, either reevaluate your build or have a sense of humor and go off that instead. "muh OC waifus" are a dime a dozen in DDDI

This, a million times this. I think it's the fact that she's sort of a Mary Sue that puts people off.

huh, I fucking loved the world. I was disappointed how bare bones it was later on, but right after leaving gran soren I just walked around enjoying the areas. I didn't run at all, I just walked and explored

Roll into BBI with like 15 blast arrows and and the fivefold strider skill. Keep running through until you get to the part where death spawns over the bridge and just knock him off for like 400k xp.

Problem is her quest, like so many, is so easy to miss entirely that most people probably do.

This. The game truly felt like a grand adventure in ways that many other games of the same genre fail to capture.

This game is fun for creating characters but there's way too little content. Even Dark Souls 1 had way way more content. Dragon's Dogma has like 4 dungeons and an empty overworld filled with goblins.

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that's mainly why major fans of the game spend as much of their time on BBI as they can. one huge dungeon with plenty of gear to grind for. the rest of the game is unfortunately pretty lame in comparison

The only thing that you need strong magick for is reaper and phantom knight. Which can be done with a magic knight even if you autisimo min/max'd a level 200 assassin. Or if you want some fun, pick knight and bang on your shield to tank and pull aggro with 2-3 sorc pawns; hopefully you don't mind seeing anything except huge ass twisters and meteors in your face.

thankyou. Would love to but these characters are fairly old now and I've made new games a couple of times since then
fair point

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It's 200% good.

BBI is fun, but the copypasta is on the level of Dragon Age 2, same exact rooms get copy and pasted multiple times, even with the same clutter and secrets. It's pretty easy to tell that it was a low budget DLC.

But what am I suppose to draw Madeleine doing?
I should be sleeping because I wageslave at 7am (in 7 hours) but I can't sleep.

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>cheesed that one room full of 7 living armors by stunlocking them into place with fulmination while my fighter pawns whaled on their defenseless backsides, then they got shredded as soon as they swapped over to phys immune
really all it takes it a little imagination to get around your limitations

bending over to pick up a gold coin on the ground
i'm sure you can figure out what parts to highlight on your own.

I love the game but its only okay-ish and kinda shit at times during the main game. It's not til the expansion that it shows its potential.

The combat feels good. The pawn system is great. I wish other games would use the pawn system.

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>tfw exclusively rent one sorcerer and one ___mage and thus have to be extremely picky with their skills to make sure they're useful
I wish I was one of those rating fags. Or maybe not, when I use the same pawns for 30-50 levels it feels really sweet.

That's why pawns exist you fucking retard. God you're a nigger.

Its an experimental game that needed it's refined sequel. And it will likely never get it.

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Or you could stop being a pussy and solo BBI as Magic Archer, lmao literally just git gud fggt

it's one of the greatest b-games of all time

>solo'ing BBI as one of, if not the most broken class
>an accomplishment
Back to the bucket you slithered from, abortion.

I always thought the pawn system was the main flaw and why this game failed commercially. Should've had coop and PVP like in Souls and it would've been 300% better.

Not all single player games need to be multiplayer, user.

>can't decide whether to be an Assassin and shank niggas twice or be a Ranger and shank niggas from a range

Why I can't fuck my loli pawn?

The horrible AI with dumbass inclinations like Guardian and Nexus combined with the endless tutorial message tier spam (tis weak to fire!) really soured a lot of people on the pawn system.

I liked it from the beginning.

Ranger has by far the best DPS for phys damage. Stupid OP in the base game, but meh in BBI since a lot of enemies have high phys defenses or are outright immune to phys.

But you should keep leveling as assassin for +phys though. Switch to ranger later, if you still want to.

Basically the game has to trick you into liking it before you solve it's systems, once you do pretty much everything is meaningless. Some of us got lucky and didn't figure it out right away and we had a really good time. Others solved the game quickly and had a bad first playthrough.

>Coils of Light English version is actually sung by a choir boy
>always thought it was sung by a woman

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Ranger is one of the most boring vocations, spamming tenfold gets old really fast. He is only fun for the special arrows shenanigans with Spiral Arrow.

>get to level 120
>never hear dynamic combat music ever again

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I'd like to draw more, but I better retry to sleep.

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Yea Forums has a shtick of adopting obscure and unpopular games and shilling them hard, while also shitting on popular and acclaimed games. This is known as contrarianism, and is why you see so much shilling and orbiting around mediocre games such as this one, MGR and a literal movie game franchise (Yakuza).

Would you?

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Thanks, will go with Assassin then.

>Why does the game hate her so?
Because she wants to help Gran Soren defend itself from the dragon, when practically no-one else does

>The King doesn't want you to actually meet the dragon again because then you'll fuck up his reign
>Julien knows that Gran Soren being a double-dragonkiller nation would mean it's reputation totally overshadows all it's neighbours, which could lead to it trying to expand it's power etc
>the people of Hearthstone feel the same way but instead of sending someone to try sabotage their efforts they send a useless daughter instead

In a way, both Mercedes and the Arisen are tryng their best without any real support from others. The end of Mercedes story arc is realizing she might not be any help to you, but you still deserve aid. Even if that means going home and begging her father to send you actual help, it's better than doing nothing.

This game is shit:
>no challenge
>poor voice acting
>poor plot
>pawns are useless and dumb
>shit gameplay that involves either a lot of silly jumping or standing rooted in place when you cast spells
>warrior class is garbage, a couple of others are subpar, while arcane archer is an absolute best
>unfinished mess
But it's still worth playing just to climb some monsters, throw a pawn off a cliff and bust a nut or two to a sexy loli in character creator.

You're convincing me to pick it back up

Lvl 48, first time playing. I'm at final battle but been on bitter isle and trying to do this damn labrynth. Came across the cockatrice and got me ass beat. Should I go fight the dragon or take more shots to kill this fucking bird?

I almost dropped this game. What a terrible beginning. It's like a right of passage to get to the epic gaming later down the line.

Because by making a game even slightly good it is superior to 99% of the trash that is modern gaming.

Killing the Dragon gets you a higher tier weapon for free + full dragonforging of your equipment. Starting BBI at that point is easy, especially if you know about status effects and periapts.

Do pawns ever learn how to avoid Death's scythe when he's winding it up? They know how to step back from his Sopor spell just fine.

The big dragon is a story boss and very easy to kill. It's mostly just cool cutscenes and some QTE's with a short battle at the end of it. Go kill him right now, it will open more of the game.

I wanted it to be focused on the ass as she was bending over, honestly. But thank you, either way.

>>want to play it again, remember no fast travel or horse to go around, STAMINA BAR
its like they hate fun

>no fast travel

>Berserk armor and weapons will never be brought to PC
Made a Gattsu character for nothin

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>no fast travel
at least pretend to have played the game, user.

Julien is a bitch boy because he couldve just went and tried to kill the dragon himself like he was supposed to as support. Instead he claims no one can kill dragons despite the nation he’s fucking with being known for it (even if in this instance the dragon was in fact never killed, he doesn’t know that) and goes full fucking terrorist by coming in as an ally and betraying everyone. On top of all that, he has the gall to insult the only other person actually intent on killing the dragon besides you even though she also admits she has basically no chance. I completed his questline just to collect everything and experience everything and it only made me hate him even more because in the end he doesn't even stick to his guns and admits you might actually have a chance making all the shit he did fucking pointless.

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>You women are entirely too weak. I mean just look at you. You have no endurance, you anger too easily... And you're always menstruating! STOP IT!

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>almost never any shitposting about DD
>people generally recognize it as a flawed gem with massive potential for a sequel
>nintendo finally gets a port
>shitposting constantly

Enemies are only spongy in the beginning if you try to go up that hill with all the bandits that are supposed to push your shit in as a deterrent.

Only the Arisen kill a dragon. Even gameplay mechanics wise, pawns and NPC's won't be able to land the finishing blow, it will be stuck at 1 HP until the Arisen does it.

>Enemies are only spongy in the beginning
Looks like somebody never played until either post-game or BBI.

you know you can just mod them in, right?

It autosends a mediocre review with no rewards iirc.

>what is context
Learn to read

And julien couldve been the guy to hold it down and take 99% of the credit while the fisher boy waves a stick at it all magic like while the real men paved the way. In other words, if julien can spin stories of how the dragon is unbeatable he couldve also spun a story of how the arisen was just there as a mcguffin and he was the real hero. Still a scumbag move but he couldve at least done something for his country other then throw them under the bus after dragging his own reputation in the dirt in its name.

I trivialized the game by filling up 500 bottles with healing spring water and giving every pawn a stack of 100. Spring water is a group heal, so every time one of them used it I'd get my health back. It made things too easy and I lost interest in finishing it.

It's full good, but yeah, not for faggots

I like the first hours.

actual pleb

Why the fuck are you playing a high fantasy game with a big map if you only care about muh cuhrayzee style, just go play dmc

Boy have i got news for you
>itsuno working on a new project after dmcv
>DDO set to shut down and its team switched on to this new project
>the team that worked on the first DD also worked on MH, and with the release of iceborne are also switching on to the new project
>DD anime slotted on netflix
>before dmcv itsuno was given a choice between making dmc again or DD2, was enthused anout DD2 but understood they needed a cash-in to be able to do it how he wanted so he chose dmcv as a stepping stone
Its happening

wishful thinking

You play Dragon's Dogma for the end-game. Doing BBI runs and min-maxing your gear feels fucking amazing for some reason. All in all though I thought the campaign was decent too.

The game is pretty 'janky' in terms of balance. The online pawn system was kind of weird and it was too easy to get pawns that were just too good and steamrolled the game, but at the same time that was its charm, and can only go so far anyways, which is why I thought the end-game was awesome, since pawns don't really carry you that hard anymore.

Honestly, ask yourself what the fuck else he could be doing

Monster Hunter

>It's not even half good
it's 2/3 good
beginning is ass
making a new character and getting to Gran Soren is a pain, fuck moving the Hydra head, but once you get there the whole game opens up

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Dragon's Dogma character creator.

Because nobody gives a shit about you and your opinion. Who the fuck cares if you don't like it. GTFO of here you autistic nobody cuck wannabe chad mentality.

Sincerely, Go KYS - like now, do it faggot!

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66 iq here folks

You know you can kick the bison or whatever to make it run right? And its not like you cant trot on ahead and clear shit out before kicking it into gear