The characters in this game feel so fucking soulless. They look like they came out of some shitty anime generator flash game.
The characters in this game feel so fucking soulless...
>being this stupid and wrong
>coming up with such weak ass bait
then play something else, idiot
then dont play it
I want to fuck him.
classic DQcuck deflection
>n-no criticism allowed!!
i spent 60 dollars on this soulless piece of shit game.
If it's bad don't play it. Nothing else to say really.
enjoy your pile of steaming fresh shit weeb
literally every character in this game is awesome. don't be a fucking moron
Akira Toriyama has one of the least generic anime styles of all time
What’s wrong with you?
its awful
In context of the industry as a whole he's distinct but he recycles/mixes-and-matches designs a lot.
I was bored to tears and wasted $60
then found out there's a rerelease less than 2 years later
last time i listen to weaboos on Yea Forums
It's a video game discussion board dumb ass. He can express his dislike for the game for the sake of discussion if he wants to. I hate when fan boys use this little so.y boy response to try and deflect criticism for their crappy games.
Never listen to Yea Forums, even though they were actually right in this one particular instance
But Erik is based, and his status knife attacks rape bosses.
Thats just how Japanese writing is. We would consider it to be middle school level at best here in the west but in Japan it is about the best they can do.
I myself prefer the unique, original, realistic, and beautifully written characters from a western game like The Last of Us, but to each their own. Japanese games are simple entertainment, nothing more. No need to get upset about it, just play a western game if you are looking for real writing and character development.
why would i play a video game if i was looking for "real writing and character development.". i know this is bait but you obviously think video games have good writing and characters.
>unique, original, realistic, and beautifully written characters from a western game like The Last of Us,
One of my favorite things about this game is that every party member is super good. Even Rab, arguably the worst, is useful because of pep, stat buffs/debuffs, and the fact that you can swap out party members at any time. But yeah, Erik hard rapes bosses if you can setup Victimiser/Divide
user how does it FEEL to be so wholly incorrect in your beliefs?
All the party members in eleven's party can all somewhat relate to each other and will back him up to the end
Erik and Sylv are bros
The Twins are funny in a certain way
Jade acts like an older sister to eleven
Hendrik is a bit of a goof but will defend eleven to the death and your grandfather will DBZ some fools if they try to hurt his grandchild
no you didnt
That's Toriyama's artstyle for you
cope snoy
>6# highest rated ps4 rpg on gamefaqs
>86 from metacritic
>but it's bad because op doesnt like anime artwork
you can "criticize" but what you're really doing is saying you don't like something and then calling a game others like "crappy". You just did it. it's an observable behavior schnuckums
While people's opinions shouldn't influence how good a game is, you're right that OP is petty
meh I take a look there from time to time to see what games are good
do you honestly care about the opinions of professional game reviewers?
Dude needs to get laid
well the fact that they gave a japanese game that's not full of diversity and feminism favorable reviews means it must be pretty good
>6# highest rated ps4 rpg on gamefaqs
Is that supposed to be noteworthy?
Maybe you should fuck off back there.
they're ok, nothing special. that mage girl the pedos keep trying to push is kinda awful tho.
wow a sassy grown woman in a little girls body hahahaha fuck off