Well, Yea Forums, which team wins?
Well, Yea Forums, which team wins?
Heavy medic and demo will carry
Team Kojima wins:
red, jerry123 is going to destroy blu all himself
red so i don't have to deal with people who think spamming voip with stale memes the whole match is funny
Blue, not even close.
you are all underestimating the power of nut
tv/cumbucket will stop paying attention to the game to read the follower notification of a person who accidentally clicked the follow button while trying to escape his shitty game
Red, Jerry and Karma are going to hard fucking carry
The Medic/Heavy combo in blue are bad players just trying to have fun/erp with each other
Everyone knows that the team with the medic wins.
I wanna fuck that medic.
hopefully blue, i'm the pyro
is jerry supposed to be a soldier or a heavy?
bet it all on legendary russian aimbot shotgun heavy jerry123
red obviously
The only good players on blue are the Duke and ERICVENTURA. Meanwhile red is rocking Grunt, Nut, KarmaBeast, and maybe cumbucket.
Streamers are never good.
vasquez's mini will sap any skill and concentration RED has
red LITERALLY has two counters to minis being grunt with rockets and karmabeast with the bow and also jerry if he gets his shit together and switches to primary (not that he really needs to look at that motherfucker)
meanwhile how the FUCK is blue supposed to push past nut? they only got the heavy medic which will just get headshot or gardened before uber is built. you don't actually expect that the spy is going to be able to crush the nut right?
as much as I hate to say this red, when has a demo knight been productive, never, that heavy Chad will have to carry against a decent soldier and scout, and whatever the fuck jerry is that's a mystery, it will be a close match though
>medic is vaccinating for faggot damage
>only his team is running faggot
what map is it?
Yeah I second this. Draw the map, OP. We can't say for sure unless you do that.
this. jerry is actually gregor playing on an alt account with his autistic little brother who likes pyroshark because he saw one too many tf2 youtube videos.
Is Slutfire up for some hot and squeaky ERP?
Yes I am
Will the mask stay on?
If I take that mask off will you die?
Blu seems to have lost this one, the medic will attract Red's scout and huntsman arrows like a magnet, the heavy will retreat when this happens to preserve his kill streak. Blu pyro will put a porn spray in spawn, distracting their spy the whole game and making sure red engi keeps demo and pro locked down. No-one will see goob all game, but anyone entering the four inches of water on the map will die.
Blue no doubt
Very nice, OP
Why is joaquin an eldritch monster
that huntsman sniper looks like my best friend's loadout so my choice is pretty clear
How big is your dick?
thats just his avatar's mouth making the noise of his mic
dude is hispanic so you constantly hear the ac running, his six autistic younger siblings screaming, and spanish rap playing over his comm
how the hell is goob doing that
>everybody here not understanding that the best tf2 players have 3 letter all lowercase names
>not being scared of KarmaBeast and Jerry
you've all never played tf2
Blu will win, a fucking shotgun heavy red? really?
Red has a useless pyroshark which means 6v5
what if it's 2fort
OP said Dustbowl
oh shit I can't read
Do not question jerry123, his ways may seem strange but this is how it must be.
Goob is swimming in KarmaBeast's jarate jar.
I'm literally that red Pyro
What's the tier list for these characters?
What the FUCK is up with Jerry?
he is in the zone
blugenier is behind 10 layers of lag so his minisentries were already placed 1 minute ago and his hitbox is 10 meters from his model
i can't work out what fricking class is jerry supposed to be? heavy or soldier?
Looks like heavy with a shotgun
Just Jerry
It's hard to say, red is a more "average" team while blue is full of highs and lows. Red has Jerry123 carrying the whole team while the rest just seem like mildly retarded memers who are going to be holding Red back a little bit each while Blu has both The Duke AND ERICVENTURA, but joaquin.vasquez.2003 is going to be a way bigger drawback than even KarmaBeast who will spend the whole game trying to fruitlessly score headshots with the huntsman, Slutfire and AnonymousLegion are both going to be distractions that hinder Blu too while /SS/akura is at least providing a role that has a large positive impact for the relatively low level of skill they are bringing to the team.
Overall I think Blu just may have the advantage here, but it could end up as a draw if Jerry123 can fight his oponents to a stand-still.
Is Jerry the most powerful character in all of TF2 lore?
You entirely forgot about nut though. Nigga knows his engineering 101.
joaquin is terrifying.
user, please. I just finished.
why is joaquin the monster from Amnesia
red, since i join and entirely focus on killing akura and only akura
red for sure. nut and jerry123 could turn a cow into hamburger meat before you could reply to this post so your mother doesn't die in her sleep
>one has a medic
>The other doesn't
cheatboys team
>no Mister Lister the Sister Fister