Boomers please know your place when it comes out. It's not meant for you

Boomers please know your place when it comes out. It's not meant for you

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Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls game and it's still the best in the series.

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Oblivion is the worst 'game' of all time

What is this? From the name I'd hazard a guess it is the game Oblivion recreated with the Skyrim engine? How is that different from modded Oblivion from the perspective of someone who hasn't played Oblivion?

There's nothing wrong with Oblivion as-is. Call me when a Morrowind one is finished.

>Muh Boom boom zoom zoom
Anyway why the fuck should i play this and skywind when the og games are perfectly serviceable?

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The idea of someone being so fucking hyper-zoomer that they need to play the 2nd worst TES game, but make it look and play the same as the actual worst TES game, is honestly too fucking funny to me.

There is literally nothing worse than children, god dammit.

For me it's Dunmer

>Call me when a Morrowind one is finished.

Why the FUCK would you want to experience Morrowind with all the limitations of Skyrim? That's like trying to watch the Lord of the Rings on an Apple Watch.

You know the rules. Any TES game that came out before the first one I played is unplayable. It's this way for everybody.

You guys know that the production management for both this AND skywind are absolute dogshit and these games will likely never release? They'll probably finish the assets but the actual quests/scripts/stat overhauls will likely never get made. Don't get your hopes up on these.

I have a sliver of hope for F4NV but I'm not gonna get upset when they drop the "development has been stalled indefinitely for months now" post

Daggerfall didn't become playable until about a month ago when DF Unity was released.
Morrowind wasn't even playable until the Accurate Accuracy mod was released years later.

you spelled skyrim wrong

>You guys know that the production management for both this AND skywind are absolute dogshit and these games will likely never release?
Yep. That's how mods work now. Basically everybody is working on the mod just for attention from the original developers hoping they'll hire them. After they're hired by the original devs or another dev entirely, they drop the mod they were working on and "thank the fans" for supporting them.

either trolling or retarded

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morrowind is better

Eh, kinda both.
Never gave a toss about Daggerfall back in the day because I always hated screwing around in dos and Morrowind never really interested me because I wasn't a fan of the dark, volcanic map.

>Morrowind wasn't playable

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it wont come out

>Morrowind wasn't even playable

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It wasn't

cringe and bluepilled shitter
die fag

I dont fucking understand this at all. Skyrim got rid of all the fun RPG shit through simplification. Why would you want to ruin the Oblivion environment with Skyrim's mechanics??

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recently I keep feeling like I want to replay an elder scrolls game but modding is such a hassle

I'm glad my opinions aren't this awful, good lord

There was a gameplay trailer released today actually. Shown at gamescom I think. Looked pretty solid

Because most of these retards dont want to play Morrowind or Oblivion, they want to keep playing Skyrim because its all their comfortable with.

By the time it comes out you'll be a boomer kid

>recreating Oblivion in a game with 0 RPG mechanics and worse combat/magic

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