Hypothetically if FE does make it in, which one should it be?
Hypothetically if FE does make it in, which one should it be?
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I'd like to see a Pokémon trainer thing where Blyeth commands one of the three of them and you can switch them out.
edelgard has the better moveset pottential
Choosing one would leave out the other 3. So the obvious answer should be Rhea .
Whichever one makes Smashfags the most mad, so Dimitri. Doesn't have a pussy and uses a fairly long range weapon.
Dmitri, cause he uses a lance
There's too many melee weapon users. Claude styling on bitches with a bow would be Chad as fuck.
Sakurai would literally pull some ice climbers type shit over including only one of them
It would be Byleth. He's the main character. /thread
Nigga, Claude gets a sword, a wyvern, AND bow.
all 3
Byleth pt like character
Edelgard seems like she ticks the most boxes.
Claude riding his wyvern.
Any of them would be good, just not another fucking sword user
Byleth you goddamn retard
Bernie obviously
>sword and bow
they have the least potential because of how generic they are in smash, meanwhile a axe armored can make for a really cool heavy
did you forget that he rides a dragon?
I really want yet another Link though.
i don't see potential in a wyvern other than having multiple jumps
This,smash bros needs cute playable feetpussie femcorrins potaTOES just dont dont do it for me in smash they were seriously downgraded from their game
>not picking dimitri
I seriously hope you guys don't dedue this
Ephraim or Hector would be my picks
this, they can't just pick one. it would have to be some pokemon trainer shit where you switch between them or something
Byleth or Edelgard, most likely Byleth
Anything else is not gonna happen
Byleth is the MC and every single MC since awakening got in, and BE is the most popular house and the whole story revolves around discount targaryen doing a war.
Byleth and you know it, you shithead.
>moveset pottential
Never been an issue when they have things like pic related. Soccerguy could add shit like Flayn with a fish and it would work just as well as any other character.
Fuck you asshole that made me laugh get the fuck out of here
If Edelgard gets in I will be very angry. I'd rather anyone else get in.
if Dimitri gets in i'll be dissapointed dissapointed if he doesnt get brutal as fuck animations he is well know for being savage when fighting
Id rather Edelgard over BYleth honestly, byleth would be the 7th or 8th sword wielder we got, at least she would play different
But if it happens at all it should be a free character, if another FE rep takes a slot in the pass everyone will hate whoever it is,
Golden Queers knowingly picked the filler route just to get blacked.
My dream would be all three under one character, like Pokemon Trainer. Maybe Byleth also remaining in the background, grading them.
bleth would be the pick and you know it.
Actually unironically Byleth. Fuck you if you don't think the Sword of the Creator wouldn't make for a dope as fuck moveset.
>"Yes, I do think that Anime Girl Hitler and Coldsteel the Lancer are better than Archer Dragon man his accomplices of Chaddies and Chaddettes. How could you tell?"
No one from Three Farts.
Byleth and you seething won't change that.
I want Lysithea in.
These are the most likely characters to represent TH in order of likelihood
>Teach we're people, not Pokemon
Axe budding talent, I have never played sword Claude to be honest, he is better at pressing Smash for big Wyvern crit spins or just straight hand axe throwing while riding a mother fucking Wyvern.
No matter what you think a fucking flying lord is amazing.
Would probably a slow but powerful fighter with large axe swings. Would be an interesting heavy for Smash
Long range spear attacks but due to his size, they'd probably make him slow too. Not sure if he'd be suitable
Would focus on projectiles with his bow. Top pick if they actually go full madmen and give him his Wyvern.
Would either be a Marth clone or a Belmont clone. Avoid at all cost.
if you had seen jap pols you wouldn't even mention edelgard or sothis
The best choice is obviously Claude
The most likely is unfortunately Edelgard
OK seriously am I the only one that went full axe with Claude?
It just feels wrong not to go brigand warrior before butting him on his unique class.
Byleth but he is pokemon trainer clone so you can switch around between Edel, Claude and Dimitri.
Definitely Byleth, that's obvious.
The one that uses a sword and has a counter.
>Byleth gets in
>down b os Divine Pulse
>goes back in time five seconds, the opponent(s) lose control of their character and they releat what they just did five seconds ago while the Byleth is fully aware of it
either of these would be the only acceptable fe to add.
As much as I hate to say it, Byleth has the best shot at it.
Edelgard is the only one of the three who even has a shot otherwise.
That said, fuck all of them, give me Anna.
King Crimson?
>Male Byleth with Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard in school uniforms
>Female Byleth with the same
>Male Byleth with Officer uniform with Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard in time skip uniforms
>Female Byleth with the same
>Four color variants where they each represent a different character from their house
wtf they look like siblings
Did he conceive her at age 11?
Edelgard is functionally the central character that drives the plot forward in 3H and there is no conceivable way if they were to add a character from 3H she would not get the unless it was Byleth.
You don’t get two fucking routes centered around you AND the games main theme song sung from your perspective and have that not happen.
Cope boarfags and free borders claudeshits
Blyat of course why pic the non self-inserts
What are the chances that, if they do get in, it'll just be another sword user?
I think Byleth is the most likely. I don't really mind him/her, but I want Dimitri. Pic unrelated.
You know any of them would be fine since none of them use a sword as their primary weapon.
Edelgard is the closest ill get to having Hector in smash so it should be her
Found this on 2chan
the boar...
>filler route
>the route that proves that 99% of everything Edelgard says is bullshit and lies either made by her and her ancestor
When will this meme end?
Post themes of your respective house
Byleth with the 3 leaders and sothis integrated into his moveset as pseudo stands
>B special calls on Claude to shoot arrows
>side B is a spear slash with Dimitri
>up B is and Edelgard Axe style Aether
>Down B is a Sothis Witch Time counter that maybe also reverses people's movements
Pretty sure Japan says otherwise.
FE is my favorite franchise, we don't need anyone else. This is coming from someone who thinks 3H is the best game in the series since Tellius
These should be the final 2 picks
Punished Dmitri.
There's a reason why basically all the FE smash are all manly melee.
Edelgard is the most relevant in every route so probably her
You just know they'll be boring and pick Byleth anyway though
>more shit emblem reps
Whichever one CANNOT be made into yet another clone of Marth.
The only manly FE characters in Smash are Ike and Chrom.
edelgard it is
We all know its gonna be Byleth and the cinematic will be exactly as follows:
>byleth looking at all three houses
>someone tells him to choose
>he looks over and sees a fourth option
>join the Smash Brothers? Y/N
>BYLETH (pun)
Edelgard, Hector as echo fighter
Oh boy, ANOTHER anime swordman with colored hair and a down b counter
flayn with a fish is already more interesting than every FE smash character after marth
Oh yeah, Sothis was pure evil and subjugated humanity. Oh wait, humans nuked Fodlan to a smoldering crater and Sothis used all her power to fix Fodlan. Seiros is evil and subjugates humanity out of spite. Oh wait, it's because she wants to prevent another Nemesis and more Slitherers. Also funny how Edelgard screeches about Seiros when it was Seiros that helped her villainous Empire conquer Fodlan in the first place.
Keep seething, fag
They wouldn't add ANOTHER Lord/Tactician with a sword and down+b counter, would they?
>it's because she wants to prevent another Nemesis and more Slitherers
And yet her actions cause those problems and worse to happen.
Could of kept Foldan united. Could of fixed many things. Instead all she did was cause more problems to the point that many realized how fucked up she was and wanted her gone.
It's one of the oldest tropes of telling the gods and higher beings to fuck off and let humans deal with their own shit.
Big lance pokes
Helicopter spins and javelin throws
Unapologetically edgy, mgs jokes with snake
Villain representation
Heavy armor and axe, maybe a throwing axe
Mostly ranged
Wyvern could show up in the moveset
I like Dimitri more both as a character and potential FE pick, but I think Edelgard would stick out more as a unique pick.
Just don't give them a fucking down-b counter, why does Samurai have such a boner for them.
What's a shame is that the whip sword could have actually been interesting had Simon not existed. Obviously they function differently but the whole "character with insane reach" already belongs to the Belmonts.
Too bad it would be Byleth that would get in
Edelgard will be playable, with Byleth and Dimitri getting Mii costumes. Claude gets a spirit and nothing more.
You masturbating to tranny porn limpdick
I'm not a Bylethfag but they are the one who would make it in
It's always the avatars
The other three would be spirits, or assist trophies at best
Dimitri is the most likely, though Byleth is the most most likely
I'd rather see Dimitri though
It'll be Byleth, a swordwhip/magic user
found an article saying that she was born in 1995 when he was 20
Byleth has enough moves to differentiate him from the rest of the cast. The question is, would Sakurai be willing to put in the effort for it?
Byleth could be cool if they do some shit where you choose before the match starts to have one of the three fight alongside you or something. Kinda like pokemon trainer but you just choose one before the match starts.
How likely is it actually that one of the main 4 make it in?
Dimitri for lance (especially for throwing like his crit animation) and unarmed (did everyone forget him killing like three dudes in cutscene with his bare hands?)
We already have some bow users, so even though I went GD, I'm going to say not Claude.
An axe would play pretty similar to a sword, I think, so I don't think Edelgard would bring much to the table.
So I vote Dmitri.
But we all know it's going to be Byleth and the Creator Sword.
ed l e g ard
Obviously it'll be Byleth, with some sort of adjutant system where you're accompanied by Dimitri, Edelgard or Claude a la the ice climbers. Dimitri gives you range and speed, Edelgard is stronger but slow, Claude has a bow. Byleth's smash attacks use the sword of the creator, with brutal strength and range, but it wears down the sword's durability, after which it ceases to function as a whip. Side B shoots the sword-whip across the stage like in the first cutscene with Kronya, and it's possible to direct its trajectory a little. Also got a whip ledge grab. Divine Pulse is a variation on counter whereby time is reset by a couple of seconds for both players but only Byleth has the initiative right after. I dunno about the recovery though, maybe something using Sothis.
We know DLC characters borrow moves from existing characters, so Dmitri is impossible. An axe could be a reskinned sword, so Edelgard is a maybe. Claude is the likeliest, because Pit, Dark Pit, and the Links' bows.
The correct answer is Byleth, because they can borrow from all the sword users and the Belmonts. Also magic users if you wanted to go Enlightened One.
Emperor Crimson doesn't go back in time, it cuts in-between frames. The idea of being aware of the moves is similar to Eulogy however.
Here's the likelyhood of TH reps.
>Byleth (Main Character)
>Dimitri (Most popular house and lord)
>Edelgard (The most shilled)
I really dont want to see Byleth. I think Edelgard is the most likely if only because of how many people jerk off to her and the fact she covers Hector's niche of being an armored axe character, who is a decently asked for pick.