Why was it so hard for them to make a good sequel?

why was it so hard for them to make a good sequel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the one right after is better

In some ways. But I agree that it's a good sequel.

Prime 2 (the gamecube version) is the best Prime game

Ridley's Midley & Lidley, Formerly Kraid's

imaging actually believing this

Kraid’s Maid & Laid
i-i think im gonna need more info on this

things prime 2 does better:
>scanning mechanics
>boss battles
>inter-connectivity of world
>uniqueness of areas
>environmental puzzles

things prime 1 does better:
>true isolation
>key hunt at end

Echoes is better in every way

Many of us left the studio during the development of Prime 2 when the royalty split from Prime 1 got shifted to heavily favor the executies. This went against our prior arrangement to more fairly split royalties among the developers. With Metroid Prime on my resume it didn't take much effort to find another job. Nearly everyone from the original team had left by the time prime 3 finished.

I'll bite... Tell me more about it because I'm fucking scared about MP4.

how the fuck's he supposed to know if he left

Are you the faggot making all of these threads

Why do people think Prime 1 is the best? Is it because it's the most similar to the 2D games?

No I'm not here that often except to browse while on the toilet at work.

nah. it was just more of the same, which would've been great. except the dark world gimmick added more backtracking and frustration.

because most people played it first, and the awe wore off by part 2.
also what this guy said

I'm talking about his circumstances and how work was until shit got worse.

If there is a faggot making Metroid threads then at least it is a faggot with good taste.

It was a near-perfect transition of Super Metroid's level design philosophy to 3D, which many people view as the ideal for Metroidvanias. Prime 2 tried to be bigger and better, but ended up biting off more than it could chew with its pointlessly large and labyrinthine dual world structure. Navigating Aether was a lot more a slog than Tallon IV.

Prime 2 is the Majora's Mask of Metroid

I think Fusion is a much better fit for that comparison than Prime 2.

I need to play more of Prime. Had problems with my PC, but might get back into it since it's fixed now

The game being that good was a fluke.

OOT and MM are around similar quality levels though, Fusion and Super aren't.

Prime 2 half> Prime 1 ~ Super

fusion is the phantom hourglass of metroid

How the fuck can you actually enjoy the dark world mechanic of Echoes? You're practically just running through the light world again except there's less to do. Simply fucking epic.

The Wind waker*
Its not that bad
Fed force = Hyrule warriors
Pinball = Crossbow training
Hunters = LBW

Cause it’s spoopy


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>Hunters = LBW
I feel like you're really underrating LBW here.

Nah, Hunters story mode was shit, the controlls too, but that multiplayer was quite good

LBW is one of the best 2D zelda games user.

Reading comprehension, user.

Oh shit, i mean the one with the 3 links that used the same engine, i dont even remember the name

Because it's the one with the best map layout and doesn't have a bunch of bad gimmicks

Triforce heroes

Tri-force Heroes
It's got some pretty good music, though, which is more than what can be said for Hunters.

Only delusional contrarians believe this, MM is closest to Wind Waker in terms of quality. OOT is the king of the mountain

Nah, it was generic as shit
>Leave the Magma level, now you are in the Ice level.
We need a more natural transition between areas for prime 4

I'll bite, is Tanabe as incompetent as he seems.

At least it had some variety. Not just desert and then dark desert.

Trilogy HD collection fucking when

>game literally aims for you
>points out where you have to go next if you get stuck
>more backtracking than Suikoden III

Metroid Prime is unironically the worst game I have ever played. It boggles my mind that anyone could find this chore enjoyable.

Staggered releases, one a year until Prime 4 hits, $60 each and Prime 3 still uses friend credits.

>best map layout

Thats up to debate because I don't think that theres many people out there who wouldn't agree that Retro dropped the ball on how the worlds connect with each other.

This. I hear a lot of praise for Metroid Prime’s levels, but I cannot think of a single game with more generic levels than that.

>Desert, Pirate base in desert, swamp, futuristic area
It had a lot to do with Prime 2 story, thats what i like the most of this game. Its the perfect balance between text and subtext

>game literally aims for you
You can just not aim... its not that hard.

>points out where you have to go next if you get stuck
You can turn hints off any time at the menu.

>more backtracking than Suikoden III
Complaining about backtracking in a Metroid game? Yeah, this series definetely wasn't made for you, just go play another game and be quiet.

>desert and then dark desert

Did you just played the first two hours of Prime 2? Theres much more than that in this game.

Have any of you guys played ReCore? Saw something say it was made by one of the Prime devs, is it a good game?

Also the luminoth got fucking destroyed, you can see that in the enviroment without even reading the scans, you can see pirate intervention of the enviroment, the same goes with the Ing, you can see how the fortress was the last hope for the luminoth

this, prime 2 was better because the environments were more varied and flowed together better (discovering the underwater area under the swamp was fucking great)
my only complaint with 2 was that I wish the areas were more interconnected like super's areas were

Yea, i agree with you on that, Prime 4 needs to have a lot of secret pathways that connect the areas, not just elevators

Same director and a handful of staff. Reviews were eh but I heard they patched the game to make it less eh.

Why do you even car whether they're "generic" or not? It's far more important whether or not they work. And not only do they easily have more visual appeal than the bland garbage that was Agon Wastes, the Temple Grounds or Torvus Bog, they also have more appropriately thematic level gimmicks, where as I couldn't tell you how the former two differentiate themselves gameplay wise

Not to mention you oh so conveniently leave out relatively unusual levels like Chozo Ruins and Phazon Mines just to suit your narrative anyway. Piss off.


imagine giving a shit about story in a video game

Dont fall for this bait.

>Backtrack Prime
>better than original

>thematic level gimmicks
literally cannot remember anything noteworthy except i guess stalactites in phendrana

What is bait about that? Story in video games is fucking pointless, I just wanna play the god damn game, that's what matters after all. Based Prime 1 keeping all the story in optionable scanlogs, can just completely fucking ignore it and move on

Every Metroid title has heavy backtracking, that's not an argument.

Pack it up, everyone, ACfag's here. If you wish to continue posting, please remember to not take the bait.

Prime 2 story IS optional, there are a few cutscenes everytime you enter or beat a zone, but thats it, everything else is given to you through scans or subtext in the enviroment. Prime 2 has the perfect balance of text and subtext of every prime game so far, it doesnt force you anything. If you dont want to explore the great lore of the game, good for you, but its an option for those who do enjoy more than just gameplay. There is nothing wrong with having options.

God damnit, user. I JUST told you not to take the bait.

I would argue fusion is a shittier metroid game than PH is a zelda. Prime 3 is wind waker

Yea, your post appeared once i already hitted "post", but its my fault. Pack it up guys, this thread is dead.

based opinion. most people seem to agree with this, it really had everything a boss battle needs

How do people play Metroid and complain about backtracking? Thats like playing the Soulsborne series and complain about difficult or playing any stealth game and complain about being too slow.

No worries.

Weren't the 3 metroid prime games made by western devs? that's the real reason why they were good

There is nothing wrong with backtracking in a video game. Say that out loud. Most retarded statement I've ever heard. Just because it's been there since the beginning is not a valid excuse either.

Prime 3 is Skyward sword
Came after 2 good games, one hated at the start (Wind waker), and other underrated (TP), and it was made with Wii mentality, gimicky controlls, easy as fuck, etc, not for fans, but for everyone, even grandmas.

This shitposting ain't natural.

But they did.

Its quite sad, everytime we want to have a Metroid thread, it has to start with a shitty bait or its dead within 3 posts.

Because the first one stayed true to the source material (2d Metroid) while the ensuing games, while still good, strayed from the path and went their own way for certain things.

Metroid prime 1 is literally just 2d game made into 3d

But hey, thats Yea Forums.

Best boss.

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Dude, your talking out of your ass now. Of course backtracking can be a problem in certain types of videogame genres, just because it works in Metroid it doesn't mean its gonna work everywhere else. The level design of Metroidvania games is made with backtracking in mind so its implemented in a way that it encourages and rewards the player when its done right. However many games don't create their levels with backtracking in mind, so when it happens it will come across as boring or a chore to the player, so yeah, it will be wrong.

Quiadraxis* ftfy
But god, his death was so sad, i cried more than that bimbofied Samus in Other M

This. Metroid Prime 1 feels like the perfect 3D Metroid game. The sequels do not feel quite as much like Metroid games anymore, especially Prime 3, but are still good games.

>new zone
>go through it normally
>enter portal to dark world
>go through it again
>late game go through it AGAIN searching randomly

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We need a miyazaki Metroid movie that tells the story of the manga + her first big mission

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*suddenly explodes while it was minding its own business*

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Skyward is obviously other M as the low point

Dont talk to me or my BABY ever again

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Im gonna do it bros, im gonna post THAT Samus image.

Honestly I prefer Echoes over Prime and Corruption. Just the right amount of difficulty especially on Hard Mode, I liked the ammo system, and Aether is fun to explore, especially Sanctuary Fortress, the bosses are a lot of fun with two exceptions, and the feel and aesthetics of the game are wonderful.

My biggest issues are the lack of interesting Dark Aether areas and the backtracking was a bit more annoying unless you knew exactly when to collect everything. The first issue is excusable because not only did Nintendo not give Retro a lot of time to work with (a year, max) but they also tried making a much different game than what Echoes became, involving a giant derelict spaceship and a malevolent AI with four different personalities.

The absolute madman



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Echoes feels unfinished to be honest.

No, its better, wait for it

>game literally aims for you
You have to keep a button held down to do so.
>points out where you have to go next if you get stuck
Like many other games do, and you can turn it off.
>more backtracking than Suikoden III
Only if you don't know what you're doing.

You know the biggest problem? They had a perfect formula with Metroid Prime.

>Samus doesn't cry and talk about her feelings
>cutscenes are nonexistent
>no fanservice to distract from the gameplay
>open to exploration and hidden secrets

And then they throw it away. It's appalling. Wasn't too bad in Prime 2, but 3 just went overboard with cringeworthy trash like Samus vomiting.

>haha I vomit too! Samus is so relatable!

I'm not surprised it got worse after that.

But you are gonna get B&ed

>scanning mechanics
Yes, but it was an easy improvement and no really noteworthy
Kinda...? I mean it's not like you play a metroid game because of the difficulty of the combat and too much can be a bad thing.
>boss battles
So much, best boss battles in the series imo.
>inter-connectivity of world
No, like at all. The fact that insist in making you return over and over again to a boring looking hubworld made it way more artificial and repetitive.
>uniqueness of areas
Brown desert fortress, brown swamp fortress an cool cold fortress. And Purple "dark" world to the side. Meh, no thanks.
>environmental puzzles
Hell no, the puzzles were way more gimmicky. An easy puzzle only made complex by putting two loadscreens to complete part of it in the dark world.
The screwattack is nice but the beams are a huge mistake. Just added unnecesary and clunky resource management that added nothing of value or fun to the gameplay.


That's exactly what happened, Retro ran out of time. It's why Dark Aether feels so bland for the most part.


You always do this, ACfag. And it's hilarious how you retroactively shit yourself over the games that came before Other M because of your hatred of women.

imagine getting upset over character development

People like you are why he keeps this up.

How do you improve upon something that's already perfect?

>defending metroid prime 1's key hunt
wow metroid primefags really are retarded

So can Retro pull it off again?

Goodbye bros, this was a good thread

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Why was it so much more inferior to the spiritual predecessor? Prime was such a drag.

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what the fuck is an ACfag and what does it have to do with shitty and unnecessary additions to games that don't need them?

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The games tell you exactly where the damn things are, how do you people have so much trouble finding them?

They made 2

It's a boring slog around a world you've already seen basically everything in just so the devs didn't have to make a meaningful endgame and could recycle content.

It sucked, basically.

>No, like at all. The fact that insist in making you return over and over again to a boring looking hubworld made it way more artificial and repetitive.
You say this as if Prime 1 never made you repeatedly visit magmoor caverns over and over again.

Nice try, but your style is one of a kind, ACfag.
>waaaah why is this WOMAN reacting to an infection of radioactive living goo like this, it's so DEMEANING and makes ME ANGRY!!
>how DARE this WOMAN ever TALK or show ANY EMOTION other than TOTAL SILENCE!!

There's literally nothing wrong with it. Half of them can be gotten right away and the hints almost straight-out tell you which part of the map they're in. A little bit of backtracking for the ones that need later weapons to get, sure, but it's not really a big deal. Especially since each area of tallon can be run through in like 2 minutes.

So you hate ALL Metroid games, yes?

No, I love them but am fully aware they are flawed and the pacing in Prime is its worst trait. It's just way too slow. Especially compared to a game like You don't have to like everything with no critical thought, drone.

finding them isn't the issue. the boring and tedious backtracking is. it's a blemish on an otherwise great game

>hatred of women
>character development
Guys, it's called making a VIDEO GAME. It's a simple premise. Character development and "diversity" will always take a backseat to making sure the game is good. Trying to focus on something other than the gameplay and the mechanics associated will result in a buggy, gimmicky, cinematic mess.

2 isn't perfect (dark world wasnt that well implemented IMO), But I genuinely felt it was a good sequel
3 was pretty disappointing, though. And Hunters single player was ass

It moved at a fine pace to me. Not everything needs to be speedrunning, child. Are you incapable of simply enjoying the game's world without trying to rush through as fast as possible?

You win this time, Bike Samus, but the Vroom is not dead, we will fight every time ACfag appears in a Metroid thread, just to give the thread some life apart from his shitty baits, this is our sacred pact, this is our destiny.

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>playing video games for the story

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what are you on about? the backtracking is no different than any other metroid game. if anything it's better. look at super metroid, where each area only has one or two exit/entrance points and then look at prime where each area has like 4


And your MOM-triggered ass would have us play nothing but Pong, Asteroids, and Dwarf Fortress if you had your way.

>putting words in my mouth
Is that the only way you can "discuss" anything?

not in the loop when it comes to metroid shitposting, wtf is an ACfag? Right now it seems like someone who doesn't like samus development and I don't see the issue with that. Like said, it's a game first.

>Not everything needs to be speedrunning
nor does it need to be slow and tedious, like Prime is. If only it wasn't such a bore to play, maybe then it would be a better game. For now it's just a soft 7/10, typical of Nintendo during the gamecube.

more exits and entrances doesn't fix the cripplingly slow movement speed and the tedium that brings to the table.

Based as fuck, keep up the good work.
People like you two, the hd screenshots guy, the tuuubes guy, and the quadraxis poster are the best thing we have in this thread, because they make everyone ignore ACfag.

The world is better designed though. You can access every major area from each of them instead of the forced slog through magmoor whenever you need to go to the mines or phendrana. The only irritating backtracking are the energy controllers at the end of every area which serves no purpose other than putting some observable indicator of progress in the game.

The game is as fast as it needs to be for how it's designed. Sorry that you're so impatient that it triggers you.

>if you had it your way, you'd be playing this games that have universal appeal and are timeless, never being outdated by old graphics or gimmicks of the time


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>The game is as fast as it needs to be for how it's designed.
Maybe for some players, unfortunately it's just too slow and tedious for anyone with a triple digit IQ. It's not very simulating slowly moving through the same areas numerous times, and it basically kills all momentum the game had leading to its own ending. A real shame.

Nice Doom clone, boomer.

>what the fuck is an ACfag
ACfag is what Metroid's fanbase calls pretty much anyone for any reason. It's not even consistent. They call people who love Prime and hate Other M ACfag. They call people who hate Prime and defend Other M ACfag. They call people who love both ACfag. And they call people who hate both ACfag as well. It makes no sense.
There is not a single fanbase on Yea Forums that is more autistic than Metroid's.
Not even bronies are this bad.

Shut up ACfag

Yeah but Prime had the Nintendo bonus

Ah yes, because in your imaginary world nobody would ever grow tired of the same thing nonstop for forty decades and there's no such thing as development and advancement, and they're all incredibly triggered by women and emotions because one single video game in 2010 shattered your brain because it was mean to your waifu. And that's the saddest part of your mental problems, it's hilarious how much you scream and fart about people liking Samus when you lost your mind because of her.

Have you guys ever stopped to think that shitposting persists because you allow it to? If you just ignored the shitposters and talked about the game, they would leave since they're not getting attention. Even if they didn't, who cares? You're talking about the video game, not them. By doing this whole "FUCK SHITPOSTERS DURR DURR" routine, you not only fuel them but you also remove one more person from the potential pool of people that are actively discussing video games in the thread.

Doom isn't an exploration focused game, it's a level to level action game.

This is the level of desperation Metroid fans are at.

Based trips.

>hurr if you like what I hate you stupid and dumb I am completely incapable of thinking in any other way you all make me so fucking MAD because you like what I hate!
Calm your autism, son, nine billion people can't hivemind to your special demands.

Tried that, it never works, especially when it's ACfag. He makes threads solely for attention.

Seems like that's all Nintendo has gotten by on for years now. I wish they could get by on ambition but that risks money.

So defensive in the land of 80 IQ. Maybe that's why Prime appeals to you so much, it's a game softened by Nintendo, catered towards casuals who were too intimidated by Super Metroid.

Trying way too hard there, dude. You've been doing this for 9 straight years in almost every single Metroid thread ever made, and then you also expanded to the Zelda threads because Breath of the Wild tripped a switch in your brain that made you start screeching about it as well.

The great thing about popping in a Metroid thread to critique a game I was disappointed by isn't sharing my disappointments, it's seeing that it implicates me in a 9 year long conspiracy against people thoroughly fucked by psyops.

We dont want to see your self fellatio bro, if you want a game like Super metroid, go play it for the 1000 time.

>you dare disagree with me?! BUZZWORDS ASSUMPTIONS I WIN I WIN NYAH!
You can always go to threads of games you like that people will pat you on the back for liking, you know. Nobody's forcing you to be here to get triggered by the fact other people have opinions.

>Ah yes, because in your imaginary world nobody would ever grow tired of the same thing nonstop for forty decades
A good game could very well last for forty decades, compared to your average cinematic hallway simulator which gets boring after 2 hours. It's quite the alternative.

>and they're all incredibly triggered by women and emotions
Excuse me, I'm "triggered" when I buy a video game, and I get a movie instead. I consider that false advertising.

Oh for fucks sake. Is /vr/ the only place to discuss metroid now?

Thanks to ACfag and the people who need to scream about how anyone who likes Prime is a subhuman gorilla, yes.

Doom does have some exploration in its levels, even if its level to level instead of one large interconnected world.

Same old buzzwords in the exact same layout, every thread for the last nine years. At least get some new material so it's not blindingly obvious it's you shitposting.

Its sad as fuck, but yes.
We are getting to some /vp/ worthy levels of retardation ever since ACfag appeared.

We'll never get a 3rd person Metroid with this sort of feel.

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Shitposting? What is shitposting to you? Being passionate about a game you love? Because that explains my posts. If I was shitposting, I'd be insulting people or posting wojaks or throwing out ad hom left and right. I wouldn't go through all this work to be civil if I just wanted a laugh.

That, or you could acquire taste and play a better series

Only played it twice, but it was a lot better than all 6 times I tried to play Prime. Turns out it wasn't me, it was the game that was at fault.

So soft, someone really hurt you, huh?

In Powerslave you revisit levels all the time to put new powers to use, collect power ups, and unlock new areas. Doom has you finishing a level and going to the next, that's it.

Im tired of your shit, so im going to drop the bomb that will end up killing this thread for good.

How is this bait when most people agree?
Halo was popular so they kept making more games.
Metroid Prime was not so they stopped on 3.

Yes, but it's not the backtracking twhat bothers me, It's the obvious nature of the hub world in prime 2. When you first visit it you can't take two steps before encounter another closed door. Closed doors everywhere one literally next to another. And the moth guy telling you ti go to one place and not opening the other areas for whatever reasons make it painfully obvious the nature of that game and that area: This is a videogame and this is the level selection place, except with no selection at all.

seriously why is it so hard for you guys to just ignore shitposters?

What are your expectations for Prime 4? what cool concepts would you like to be implemented? new suits ideas? new bosses? new mechanics?

What was the Metriod game where you had to slog for an entire second set of pointless collectibles in all of the areas you had already visited?

Pretty low. They haven't really shown anything and it's obvious a lot of material had to be scrapped. I hope whatever Retro was working on doesn't go to waste because I bet it would be a lot more interesting than a series they finished up with long ago.

well yeah, it IS a video game and that IS the level selection place. what do you want?

For it to be a better game.

i expect it to be shit but all i want is another 2D to 3D game. no stupid gimmicks, just 2D gameplay in a 3D plane


>less fanservice
>less story
>more unique spins on old concepts (IE power bomb jumping from Samus Returns)
>KBM compatibility for free aiming
>more challenge
>difficulty modes
>new game +
>randomizer mode if possible
>hopefully some time before 2030

>less story
go play call of duty if all you want to do is shoot things and walk around

Echoes is better in ever way. It’s biggest problem was a technical one: having to sit through world transition so many times

I hope it doesnt suck balls like Prime 3.


Please give us Pro-controller/Gc controller compatibility too, so we have OPTIONS

I really hope is more like Prime 2 (GC Version) than any other game in the series, it had the perfect dificulty (the gc one) and just the right balance between gameplay and story, text and subtext, also i dont want the generic rock/ice/magma/water *separated* zones, the enviromental change between zones needs to be more natural, like a gradient, not like separate levels, if that makes sense.

Now, if you give me a high velocity mecha fight on space (Something something Virtual On: Oratorio tangram style battle) I will buy even the "premium/deluxe" version of the game/console bundle.


We don't need more awkward cutscenes.

Dont fall for the baits, there is a reason i changed the topic.

Except that's the essence of Metroid. The only difference is that Metroid does it better, throws in exploration, doesn't charge out the ass for DLC and microtransactions, and is actually a GOOD game. Tell me one thing wrong with wanting less story in Metroid.

>Just imagine fighting an armored Ridley in space with your gunship while you are beign attacked by space pirate ships and actual pirates in space battle suits at Ridley comand. Coming in and out of the Gunship using a special mecha-like suit on the diferent stages of the battle to finally crash in a planet.

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My afroamerican bro

I'm honestly not expecting anything anymore. I was pretty optimistic for a Prime Trilogy remaster at least around this time last year, but it's clear that it's not a thing at this point. I can imagine Prime 4 not even being a switch title, it'll come out in 4 years on the next nintendo platform

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>In Powerslave you revisit levels all the time to put new powers to use, collect power ups, and unlock new areas. Doom has you finishing a level and going to the next, that's it.
I'm well aware of this. My point was that even in the individual levels, Doom had explorable level design. Not that it was exactly like Metroid, which it obviously isn't.

Forced faggotry. /pol/ was right all along.

>I can imagine Prime 4 not even being a switch title
x2 Prime 4 is going to be a Botw type release.

Also they need to give us the option to create/combine/stack beams as we wish, with custom asignation, so not only we can change them with the D-pad like the GC, but we can choose 4 combinations at the time, or even 8 custom choices, press L1 and you get your other 4 custom choices. (without counting the missile/beam combos) And some (not all of course) of these beams needs to be with expendable ammo like prime 2.

Less story means less material to make porn out of, checkmate

While Prime 2 is arguably the best of the Trilogy, I always find myself playing Prime 1 the most. Submerged Frigate and Phendrana is just too damn good. But Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress are also GOAT areas. Agon is rather bland and while it's supposed to be wasteland area it's just eh. Prime's areas are much more consistent in terms of quality while Echoes goes balls out for two of them while the other two are just OK.

>less porn
>a bad thing

If it isn't impacting my gameplay experience, why should I care?

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what is the point of ammo? give me one legitimate reason why it needs to exist

So ACfag is a /pol/ fag?
What a surprise.

Im all for options, want just gameplay? skippable cutscenes and optional lore scans, want lore, read everything, want some lore, read some lore, want an easy game, easy mode, are you lost? activate the help in the map, do you want different types of beams, there you go, you have a set of 4 different beams that you can stack and combine on any way you wish. Want suit customization? lets do something that would go well in universe, what about we let you collect parts of your enemies and let you make a suit with them? done

Yo, this the Metroid thread?
I love Metroid threads, Whenever I see samus on a thumbnail I click on it, best shit on Yea Forums. I don't come here often but got dang when I wanna talk about Metroid, I come here.

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Wtf Trump likes metroid?

So user, have you played AM2R? If so, are you excited for the gameplay revamps for 1.4.4?

I bet he likes Metroid 2

It sucks on a keyboard so I have not played it yet, but it just so happens I ordered a chrome metroid USB controller to play smash with my brother, and plan on playin AM2R as well. Pretty excited.
I have played Samus Returns though, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

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>it sucks on a keyboard
You don't have a controller? It's compatible with just about every one.

>None of this happens

What makes the Cube version better? Just curious because I've been debating buying the Trilogy Steelbook or Buying 1/2 for GCN and 3 for Wii. From what I've read most people prefer the wii controls.

I have tried to get my 360 controller working on it, but my computer just won't read it, I don't know what it is.
Also tried Wiimote bluetooth. It just doesn't read man.

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What's changing/has changed? I played and finished it at launch and didn't know they were still updating it, didn't it get a DMCA?

Sounds like you got a case of moldy brain

Have you tried a Ds4 with Ds4windows? That's always my standby.

The original dev was hit with a DMCA, but he had the common courtesy to make the game open source (I think at least). Either way, people reverse engineered it and have since updated it constantly. You should check out the changelist of all the stuff they added.

Infact, to save you some trouble, I'm gonna give you a rundown of every change made since launch, in a convenient pastebin.


Careful, it's a doozy.

It's true. How did you get a hold of my medical records you son of a gun?

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I don't know about that, but he might have the best boss theme.

Because nobody still wants to admit Retro was a one hit wonder.

we all want a better game. Any game can always be better. Prime 1 included

Fuck you to the highest degree you dimwitted rumple bellied faggot.
Every thing they do is a fucking home run.

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>people hate the motion controls in Prime 3
lol are you guys the kind of fags that go "ugh my arms are tired after playing the game for 10 minutes I just want to click a button and watch an animation!"

Prime 3 was a bit of a letdown, and The DKC returns series was okay, but nothing out of the ordinary. People meme it as the greatest thing ever made, but all they have to defend it is console warring rhetoric.

judging by the quality of the stuff the prime devs made after they left Nintendo

you guys needed them more than they needed you

>hating gyro controls

the sign of a true pleb

gyro is superior to dual analog in every single way

But it's inferior to KBM, which should be standard for all consoles, especially the Switch. If it's not even allowed for the docked version, then you can't say it's a very versatile console, now can you?

I kinda tend to view the prime trilogy as a whole. None of them really stand out as one being better than the other, it's all just one big sci-fi package of goodness to me, call me a faggot.
Also, have you played tropical freeze?
That is absolutely one of the best games I've ever played. So much care went in to the way that game is presented it almost makes me cry, it's actually inspiring.

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I wasn't a fan of a tropical freeze. I'm sorry.

Please tell me why not?

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People meme it as the dark souls of platformers, but it just wasn't that challenging to me. I like my games to be hard the moment I start. Plus, it felt too repetitious. I had the same problem with Mario Odyssey and Kirby.

you're looking for challenge in your vidya,I respect that. A little bit ago, I was doing the same, but then I took a little hiatus, and found that all I wanted was charming graphics and something I could relax too. I have no idea what changed.
Not saying your way of enjoying Vidya is lesser than mine, but gosh dang, I saw something in this game that really got me.

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What you're describing is comfy. I know alot of people like that, and in moderation it can make any game better. I can't tell you how nice it feels to have a moment of comfiness inbetween obscene challenge levels or really hard bosses. As long as it doesn't overtake the whole game.

2 great DK country games and mario kart 7 aren't good?

I agree completely.
Sorry for calling you a "dim witted rumple bellied faggot" if that was in fact you, I didn't mean any part of that, I just thought it'd be funny to say.

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Meant to quote

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prime 2 is garbage.

phantom hourglass is garbage as a zelda game because despite having a dpad, four face buttons, and 2 shoulder buttons, it instead discards what should be a nice usable control scheme for pure touch screen control gimmicks that are completely unneeded.

the biggest offender of prime 2 being a shit is the hard water.

prime 1 is my favorite game ever and I fucking hated prime 2 so much I never even finished it
it's so fucking tedious in every way, prime 3 went too far in the other direction but at least it wasn't an unfinished slog and worth playing to the end
if prime 4 doesn't have complete isolation like prime 1 I'm going to be very upset