How come we haven't gotten any rpgs about the Bible?
How come we haven't gotten any rpgs about the Bible?
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cause its frankly quite boring.
There's Bible Black
Because it's horribly unbalanced. If you roll anything other than Centurion you might as well restart the game. And the mid-game boss is literally just some faggot with a lisp.
Nobody wants to play a game in a jewish fantasy setting.
And yet it couldn't be any duller than the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
The You Testament
What the fuck are you going on about?
Anyway, i don't know OP. It seem pretty novel, like something like Tarry Davis's "after egypt" would be pretty neat as a full game.
The great thing about The Bible, in terms of literary achievement, is how timeless the parables are and how easy they are to reference. Biblical allegories are made throughout the world of literature, even among those authors who are atheist and anti-religious.
There's plenty of rpgs with Biblical elements in them.
I don't know, but it's a pretty great idea
I doubt you've ever read even part of it. Genesis alone is a real page turner it's all about genocide, love, betrayal, rape, heart break, death, etc
Chrono Trigger is LITERALLY a retelling of the New Testament
But that's just a theory...
Play batman Arkham city.
christianity isn't white
Genesis, Exodus, parts of Leviticus, Judges, first and second Samuel, like one page of Job, Ecclesiastes, John, Romans, and Revelation are the only interesting books. Sure that sounds like a lot, but if I could be assed to count the pages it probably isn't over 25%.
SMT 2 but not really at all
>Get in a fist fight with Jesus
>He breaks your back in a suplex
Truly a magical experience
>right-wingers never shut the fuck up about "muh christianity is the basis for western morales!"
>learn about buddhism
>it's way fucking superior than western """"philosophies""""
Sayonara niggers
Y I K E S ! ! ! ! !
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
bitch play shin megami tensei
those proverbs get my heart pumping like nothing else
>this pleb taste
26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
30 And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.
31 Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.
32 But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.
33 Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.
34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.
35 Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples.
36 Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder.
37 And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy.
Buddhism is lazy christianity desu.
>He never read 2 Maccabees
Prots get out
This, buddhism at least tries to explain how the other side works and many christian monks can only wish for what buddhist monks can do.
You're kind of wrong there. Christianism is diet buddhism.
>never read the Bible
Game about the Israelites fighting for survival against the warring Caananite tribes and their hired Nephilim mercenaries is a better prospect than all the Final Fantasy's combined.
Buddhism is retarded and you can see that just from its incentive structure. You can misbehave all you want and you'll just be reincarnated, no threat of damnation. Why should one bother trying to become "enlightened"?
You'll be reincarnated as increasingly shittier animals.
Partly because video games these days seem to been written by faggots, and the bible has nothing good to say about faggots
Also it would be stupid and irreverant: people who fear God wouldnt be interested, and the people who hate God wouldnt want to be reminded that there is a judgement and an everlasting punishment
The left can't meme
Buddha was literally a bum who abandoned his wife and infant child to live on the streets
Needing a religion and fear of a deity or divine punishment ,to determine your morals and actions is what's retarded.
Fuck that kike shit
I love God and I would willingly support and give my money to any AAA game upholding Christianity.
>Mutilated at birth
Is this an american thing, or european?Im a spic and I thought you needed to be a jew in order to get circumcised, why would a christian anything circumcize their children?
There is a threat, dumbass. Karma is real and will fuck you up not only in real life but in the afterlife too. More Karma, worse reincarnation. Less Karma, better reincarnation. It's a series of reincarnations until you either evolve or you can't and you're doomed to live forever in a shitty world. To be honest that's even worse because you'll have to ressufer everything a human has to suffer again and again and again until either you make it or break it.
Because conservative christ fags would throw a shit fit if anything was changed and then throw another shit fit about the content in the bible itself, like all the incest
Something about cleanliness. Apparently, enough men are circumcised that most women find uncut dicks weird-looking.
Just American.
H-game of Loot impregnating his daughters fucking when?
There actually are several. They're just disguised as something else. If you had actually read the bible (and you should. It's great reading.) you'd have noticed this.
If I am reincarnated as an animal, I will presumably not have the mental capacity to care that this has happened. Animals don't understand things like philosophy.
>he believes his own indefinite feelings are good enough to make definitive statements on the world around him
Americans don't read the fucking Bible
New Testament bans that shit on Christians
Lets think up some biblical games shall we?
>City management game where you control Joseph of Egypt or Pharaoh during the 7 good years and the 7 bad years of Egypt
>Esther visual novel
>rts where you control the 12 tribes after the 40 years of exodus, occupying the lands and making unholy alliances with the towns
>Samson third person action game
>New Testament bans that shit on Christians
no it doesn't.
The first few chapters of genesis is fine but it gets boring really quickly. It picks up for a minute in judges, and when that bald head sends bears to murder children, but after that it is mostly "this warred with that" or "fag begat fagmo" for way too long
playing as angels causing the fall of babylon
Good passages user
Then why have I never heard any complaints about this dreamworks kino?
The surge of secularism in the West proofs it pretty definitely that concept of Hell does absolutely nothing to keep people religious.
Nobody is a Christian anymore fuck Jesus
>wrestling game with a roster of a bunch of angels and Joseph
>get a real life blessing for winning a ladder match
Galatians 5
It was Pesians who did it though.
Old Testament, christ fags don't care about the jewish parts of the bible
>To be honest that's even worse
Nah because Christians just say it'll be infinite suffering forever, so it can't be worse.
desu I can't think of any more obvious and lame power creep than Christianity, it's like a little kid who just has to win every game, I can just hear it now
>s-so then MY god is all powerful, he knows EVERYTHING, y-you can't beat him
>and if you don't believe you'll suffer FOREVER
>but if you do you live in paradise forever s-so there
It's clear that whoever came up with this shit and thought it was appropriate didn't actually think about how big infinity is
Anyone remember this shit? Been a sequel or spiritual successor for ages.
>overworld world builder sequences sandwiched between action/platformer sequences
>literally play as god and his angels
One of the best games and best game ideas of all time.
If you can't come up with a logically consistent moral philosophy on your own then you're in idiot.
been hoping for* a sequel
forgot pic
I implore you get some taste.
>no action game playing as Jesus during the Harrowing of Hell
The entire Xeno series is about the bible. Xenosaga literally has Jesus and his disciples Theyre aliens
Talking about Actraiser right, it got a sequel that cut out all the god sim stuff and it had a spiritual successor recently that sucks shit
worked pretty good for a few thousand years, and still does work in many areas of the world. Meanwhile there's only like one majority Buddhist country on the planet, Bhutan, which is pretty much just the Buddhist Vatican.
ITT: sub-90 IQs
El Shaddai (some what) and the NES bible stories games are the only ones that I can think of that are biblical.
Jesus was a 30 year old incel who had to have his parents pay a prostitute and 12 laborers to hang out with him
shame on both parts. Actraiser 2 just didn't have the same soul as 1.
There's no surge of secularism in the west, religion has simply been replaced by identity politics and corporate worship. The new Hell is 'fascist dystopia' or 'communist dystopia' depending on your flavor.
El Shaddai isnt rpg.
possibly clean if you're still in ancient Egypt
biologically it isn't, and blame your American porn industry for featuring mutilated men
You mean Doom?
>and blame your American porn industry for featuring mutilated men
Hey that's pretty weird isn't it? Do you think it might have something to do with the people running the porn industry? What religion are they?
Shin Megami Tensei.
>all these Christfags on Yea Forums
At least become gnostic you mouth breathers.
>Esther visual novel
Not all buddhists believe that reincarnating as an animal because our souls already evolved to a point where you can't. You will be reincarnated as a sapient being, able to suffer everything a being with free will can but in a even more fucked up world than ours.
>being educated on arguably the most influential text in the history of the world and finding the mythological qualities interesting makes you Christian
Anyone can do that. What no one can do is come up with a universally applicable philosophy. And furthermore, you don't build society off your own self-interested egotistical morals anyway. You miss half the point of religion by making it only about the individual. The way it provides a common frame of reference for the masses is what gives it its relevance.
If you can't evolve, you will be suffering forever though. It won't be fire and brimstone, but a world designed for what you fucked up upon and you'll never be able to leave it. Kinda like a personal Hell of sorts.
Never said that user. I was brought up in the Bible Belt and have read the Bible front to back at least 5 times. But some others are legitimately arguing theology in favor of it, which is very silly with any understanding of the book.
Can you imagine being an adult, literate person in the year 2019 and being religious?
Guess what? The world is full of idiots. Teeming with them. It's the whole reason religions were created. The majority of people are monsters and unintelligent ones at that. If you could put the fear of god into them, then at least there's a slightly higher chance that they won't devour eachother. 'Ordo ab chao'. Do some study.
There are dumb people no matter the year. Religion is a good thing, it keeps them docile
Circumcision hasn't become tradition in a single European culture out of necessity to "keep it clean". It's ritual mutilation.
Joseph was a carpenter and presumably as was the way he would have taught Jesus the trade. Meaning Jesus could have made some money on his own. Plus the 12 he recruited all had jobs. So they could have savings to spend.
Also the dude literally could make food and drink at anytime.
Because the perpetually-offended would whine to no end about something in there.
This understanding is so infantile and superficial, it's actually sort of pitiful. If any Christian says this, they're ironically contending against they very dogma they attempt to follow. All I can say is to read. Not even the Bible. Sophisticate your mind before attempting to slinging arrows at concepts that dwarf you.
Those that don't know speak and those that know don't speak. I'm just as guilty in that as you. Be better.
t. fedora who's never touched a Bible. It's absolute kino. Genesis is a wild ride. The time of judges is hardcore Conan the Barbarian stuff. David and Solomon are kino. Elijah and his story could be a badass action game. The New Testament would be a fantastic open world Idea, where you're a follower of Christ being persecuted by the Jews. Fug maybe I'll put my autism to good use
Honestly why even come to Yea Forums to talk about religion. It’s pretty much full of people with low morals that play muh anime games and become onions over NINTENDOOOOOO
Upvoted my fellow enlightened thinker! Can you believe there are people who actually think beyond this immediate moment? LOL! Stupid christcucks the universe has no meaning and scientists already know everything xD
Uhh, religions are largely created by power-hungry sociopaths. They are self-serving edicts. Christianity for example is all about Jews being god's chosen people and how goyim should quietly work for their masters without envying them (it's one of the commandments.)
The amount of suffering and bloodshed created by religions is really just incalculable. No one has ever contemplated murder and thought "Nah, I won't do it because god is totes real" - but MANY, MANY people have murdered in the name of god.
because modern christians are cucks who don't no free marketing
the bible is full of sick as fuck stories that are being to be turned into vidya
the game will also need the image of a fit as fuck jesus
Not true. The new testament is a fulfillment of the old testament and its teachings.
not an argument, my friend.
A lot have tried (successfully too) to use it to gain power but others (E.g. see: martin luther) do their part to make people aware of that.
I’m working on a platformer they will be based on the Bible. Each “world” (set of levels) will deal with different periods of time in the Bible and the dialogue will briefly discuss the events and offer answers for popular questions.
For example, one world will deal with the Israelites utter and complete destruction of the onions boy Canaanites. The dialogue will be two Israelite soldiers talking to each other. One will propose the question, “Isn’t God suppose to be good? Why would he command us to kill all the Canaanites?”
Of course, I’ll have a speed run option that strips all the dialogue out for people who just want to play some vidya.
Game will probably suck. I’m using Godot and it’s my first game.
>Samson third person action game
That'd be the tits. Imagine massacrating a thousand men with just a donkey's jawbone.
>Uhh, religions are largely created by power-hungry sociopaths
Incorrect. Educate yourself on the origins of religions and the connecting webs of patterns, etymology, symbols, and myths that repeat across the entire world including in civilizations that never encountered each other. Religion is a vital aspect of the human experience. Literally every society on the planet has realized religion, and somehow managed to agree on a lot of shit.
>tell NPC riddle
>they answer the riddle correctly
>rage mode engaged
>Objective: find an innocent lion and rip it in half!
Phone posting faggot here. Feels bad man.
>Some people got so assblasted about the God of the Old Testament that they declared him a demon even after Jesus said that he is that same God several times
what are you going to do for the foreskin collecting level
There is no where in the 10 commandments that says for non Jews to submit to Jews. Even in the OT there are many non Israelites that join the Israelites and are respected because they want to serve under God.
Also under 7% of all wars have been started because of religion. Plenty more people kill for power and wealth than religion dumbass
>even after Jesus said that he is that same God several times
He literally never did.
>even after Jesus said that he is that same God several times
Sounds like the kind of thing a servant of the demiurge would slip into the Bible.
I believe I am capable of determining right and wrong. How do you manage to act smug while saying you're too afraid to accept responsibility for your decisions?
Everything I said is right. Christianity was created by rich Jews to allocate themselves even more power.
>Religion is a vital aspect of the human experience. Literally every society on the planet has realized religion, and somehow managed to agree on a lot of shit.
Every society on the planet has greedy, manipulative people who lie to enrich themselves. Religion is just another one of those lies, but a masterstroke.
The Pilgrims Promise is solid bible kino.
Are you retarded? Karma isn't something that is quantifiable
Karma is duty according to your caste, if you fulfill your duty, you don't have to deal with the samsaric cycle.
Fucking learn something before you open your dumb mouth
I dunno man, that's pretty consistent with how I've heard the afterlife described by actual believers desu. The eternal hellfire / paradise parts at least. I have to assume that the "eternal" part is added without a lot of thought because that's where the stupidity really starts.
I mean, I would assume most people would realize that even a horrific fusion of Stalin and Hitler would have eventually atoned for his crimes after the first Graham's number of years in the pit of fire
Kek. Classic coin collection I suppose.
1 Samuel 18:27
David arose and went, along with his men, and killed two hundred of the Philistines. And David brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king’s son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife.
Holy shit you never read the Bible
So Gnostics are the biggest conspiracy theorist nutjobs ever? Good to know.
>Christianity was created by rich Jews to allocate themselves even more power.
Christianity is an evolution of earlier religions. You're very clearly ignorant on world myths and religious symbolism. I understand you're probably a high schooler who thinks he's got religion figured out because Santa wasn't real, but you should educate yourself. Religion is a part of being human.
nigga have you actually fricking read that shit? its fricking rad as heck, it makes lord of the rings look like a flipping joke
Most followers of any religion are ignorant to their own religion. It takes actual effort to educate yourself on the higher concepts and symbolism and understand what the teachings are actually trying to get across. But most people can't/won't do that so they're given an easily digestible version.
>Christianity is an evolution of earlier religions.
That has nothing to do with anything.
>Religion is a part of being human.
Everything that happens to us is a part of being human. What is this pseudo-profound horse shit? Being eaten alive used to be a part of being human, and it isn't any more. Soon religion won't be either. That's the direction the world is heading in. The world is rapidly becoming secular. You subnormals will be dragged along with the tide, generation by generation, like you always have.
>Religion is a part of being human.
It doesn't have to be.
Dante's Inferno was actually pretty solid.
Imagine being given the ability to imagine.
>Holy shit you never read the Bible
I have read and studied the entire bible. I literally went to a religious school. Please quote to me chapter and verse where Christ claims he is God.
You literally cannot.
>inb4 John 10:30 after you google this question
Read the original Koine Greek, then get back to me.
The amount of bloodshed created in the 20th century by the Nazis, communist Russians, Maoist Chinese, Pol Pot Cambodians, etc. killed more people than the previous 19. That's the true incalculable sort.
If it were just something created by power-hungry sociopaths, it wouldn't survive all of the power-hungry sociopaths that rose after it. Not to mention, no one even knows the authors of the stories from holy texts nearly ever. The ones we do know were not some major tyrant in history, often just an acolyte or contemporary.
That's not how I've learned it though. Karma is the result of your actions and inactions to which you acquire Good Karma and Bad Karma. To escape Samsara, you must reach illumination with one of the ways fulfilling your duties as a monk but also through deep meditation, spiritual exercises and application of your studies, which then you'll understand the "truth" of the spiritual and physical worlds.
you know perfectly well that thats not the whole experience, I dont think anyone but theologists whose job is to read it has actually read Numbers.
>The world is rapidly becoming secular.
Again, no it's not. People are just moving into a less supernatural version of religion based around identity politics and corporate worship. The Devil was just renamed to Hitler. There are people fucking crying and rioting right now because Sony is taking away Spider-Man from the MCU. If you don't see how this shit has become religion for them, it's because you're ignorant to how the human brain works. You can not remove religion from people. It's an innate quality.
>The amount of bloodshed created in the 20th century by the Nazis, communist Russians, Maoist Chinese, Pol Pot Cambodians, etc. killed more people than the previous 19
No it didn't. Since you lied in the first line of your post, I won't bother to read any more, lol.
Why do religious people lie so easily? Their whole brains are built around a lie, so many that's why.
>Most followers of any religion are ignorant to their own religion
Why? If I actually believed there was a book outlining the acts and edicts of the omniscient, omnipotent creator of everything I would want to learn absolutely everything about it that I possibly could.
John 1:1
Nah m8, hell is just the realization of God's love and the absence of it/knowing that you denied him/whatever. It's not physical suffering in the classic sense.At least in current age Christianity
Heaven, then, is the opposite, unending love and bliss.
It's all bullshit, anything that is meant to be associated with God but changes with time is obviously not related to God. That's one of the big detractors in my opinion from any kind of human religion.
The absolute state of christfags
>Again, no it's not.
Sorry, you are indulging in yet another comforting delusion.
It isn't exactly "Christian" though, since the Divine Comedy itself is just Dante's fanfiction that has no roots of any sort in Bible.
Christianity is boring as fuck. God is pretty much superman and can't lose. Pagan and Eastern religions feature fallible gods and more rich mythology.
>it's not religion if there's not supernatural qualities
lmaoing @ all the christcucks getting triggered by being told their sky daddy book is boring
It's just how people are. They're lazy, or stupid, or both. So they need the easy version of "don't do this or you'll go to hell".
to be fair, it can get quite boring when it goes over the law of moses and people's lineage
If not for religion we'd be doing the same things amongst ourselves. Hell, we do anyway.
and yet people love dragon quest
>according to your caste
begone pajeet
In the way I was taught about it, Karma is a spiritual duty to fulfill the "purpose" assigned to your caste. Like Indian culture in general it is based on social hierarchy, Escape as it was defined to me is to perfectly follow your "duty" as was expected of your caste.
What you're describing sounds like the duty of the monk, or follower of Buddha, but as I understand it, not everyone is meant for that path.
I won't pretend to have a perfect understanding, I was taught by a professor of philosophy with specialties in philosophies/religions of the world.
You're trying to redefine the meaning of religion to fit your point. To the majority of people religion refers to a set of beliefs around deities and the afterlife.
In FFX you're literally fighting the catholic church
Is Donald Trump really the reincarnation of Jesus?
>fedora meme
It's 2019, why can't people fucking move on
The man who invented cornflakes somehow convinced everyone to chop the tip of their dicks off. He did this for the same reason he invented cornflakes: because he didn't want anyone to masturbate.
>I thought you needed to be a jew in order to get circumcised
No, that's a meme pushed by Christfags in order to shift the blame off themselves.
Weird, my master is a Kadampa buddhist and she never told me anything about caste. She did say not everyone can be a monk but as long as you try to follow Buddha's teachings, you will in a reincarnation.
If anything he's the Antichrist.
There's a lot of Antichrist figures lately but he's certainly not the Messiah.
It's almost like there's a group of people who directly benefit from forcing it constantly.
I'm not trying to redefine anything. Religion is about providing a stable, understandable framework for the universe and acting as a moral guide. The current west does have deities, they just aren't believed to have supernatural abilities. Instead they worship celebrities and corporate entities. Their devil is Hitler, and any who oppose their mission are nazis.
Fuck off paganfag, sorry your entire religion was burnt to the ground by chad Christians. The reason your gods are fallible is because they aren’t gods at all.
their parents just tell them "you're X, be X" and that's it
their churches, pastors and schools try to teach it but most kids don't give one shit
I would fucking bet that more than 19/20 people had their religion pushed onto them by their parents instead of them reach out to it autonomously
all these religious fuckers are false and liars
imagine how much less false muslims/christians/jews/etc... would exist if parents truly cared about religious freedom
Because Christians are the biggest, whiniest pissbabies there are. They hate video games and think they are the devil, they don't deserve a game.
When did this board get infected by edgy teenagers bros. I missed the days when you could tell the shitposters were shitposting, when video game discussion boards were about video game discussion. Go on Yea Forums, leddit, twitter, even FB, all I see is cringeposters. Is there no last bastion?
Fundamentalists, especially the ones arising in modern America, run into serious issues when they try to only wholly hold up the Bible on only literal interpretation. It's something that has been warned against by numerous saints in nearly every Christian religion and religious writers of that sort basically since the Catholic church was founded. Every holy text is going to run into problems with that.
That's not to say that the stories can't be taken as truth, but you have to ask yourself what truth is before you actually dive into a text that is as dense as the Bible. Concepts and symbols like an eternity and heaven/paradise and hell can't be tackled by thinking in a fully literal sense will get you to any realization.
A concept like an eternal paradise is not something that is added lightly. It's also not something that is taken lightly when the concepts are brought forth and laid in front of you. It's often misunderstood as a lazy write-off because those that grow up learning the Bible or go on to read passages on the first pass will get the impression that you do. The story always come first for a reason. The tricky part is people think the ideas presented are bankrupt before going back to re-evaluate when they're wiser and more well-experienced.
I mean, think about some childhood books or movies you read or watched as a kid. Have you gone back to them recently and garnered any new information from them you didn't back then? Take that concept and multiply it in something as dense as the Bible. Each book is specifically sequentially ordered for a reason and each story is laid out and written a specific way for a reason, mostly because a lot of those stories are extreme distillations of stories that go back to an oral level of mankind and are adapted to the times when it was written.
>Instead they worship celebrities and corporate entities. Their devil is Hitler, and any who oppose their mission are nazis.
Christfags are officially the new fedora lords.
right and wrong changes with the times. just a few hundred years ago chiild labor was common and men were marrying girls as young as twelve. Nobility slept within the family to keep the bloodline pure. These things are now considered wrong on a societal level, depending on where you are at. Your senses of right and wrong may stay he same, but as time marches on, you will become the outlier as what is regarded as good and bad changes with time. What hasn't are the religious precepts, despite all kinds of break ways and retranslations, are the core tenets of the religious precepts you are mocking. That is a wonder, whether you acknowledge it or not.
What a nice christian holiday you have there. Be a shame if 99% of the things associated with it were actually pagan.
weebshit doesnt count faggot
Try to look at the world around you, try to examine how people are behaving. The people going into a frenzy over Spider-Man would have been part of the inquisition hundreds of years ago.
I think what I learned was more classic Buddhism, or maybe as it was meant to be applied to the common person. Who knows. Again, the person I learned from wasn't a practicing Buddhist, but someone who studies those kind of things.
Whatever the case may be, I hope it brings you happiness and a sense of fulfillment.
More than 66% of Americans are.
Oh I did some thinking and it's actually possible to escape Samsara without illumination. I remember some lectures about other religions and as long as they follow the "golden rules" and duties given to you before you reincarnate, you'll evolve spiritually. You'll probably reincarnate to suffer a bit more though.
how much of that has actually read the books?
how much of that sought it out themselves?
Oh, so it has to be a bad game?
Again, redefinitions. A 'deity' is defined as a supernatural being with some form of mystical or miraculous power. This is an important distinction because by trying to label something as a deity, you're implying it's greater than us and incapable of criticism. No one thinks Apple or Kim Kardashian are deities in any form, no one fears questioning them or showing skepticism.
'Worship' is defined as a deep form of submission and adoration. Westerners aren't dropping to their knees and sucking off celebrities. Worship implies you follow the words of someone or something unquestionably - there aren't many Christians who'll tell you sometimes Jesus was full of shit about something, for example. That certainly is not the case for consumerism and celebrity culture. If anything most people are quite critical of these things while taking part in it.
post a screenshot
That doesn't make them statistically non-Christian.
I'm not pagan you diet jewboy.
>everything that transpires in Revelation
You have ADHD,
So the idea is that eventually you will become a monk and escape Samara? Or through perfect understanding you can escape without reincarnation?
Excuse me, because it's been some years since I've learned about this. What is the point of escaping? It's to join in a oneness of the universe right, some universal consciousness?
I haven’t completed any art yet. I’m working on building out mechanics and learning the engine.
It will most likely be pixel art though.
This exists
Granted, it's not about about the entire bible.
Goddamn, that'd /m/ as fuck if the legs looked better.
What if I think Jesus was a cool dude but God is a tremendous asshole and the bible is full of lies about him? Yes I know Jesus and God are technically the same entity but clearly God only put his good points in Jesus and not all the tremendous, objectively evil parts
>Christianity with an anime girl as a mascot
Please just fucking go. If Christianity was worth anything, would you need to make such an infographic?
>all the triggered Christians
Ah yes the evil pagan Saint Nicholas and the pagan Nativity and the pagan Star of Bethlehem atop the tree and the pagan Noel.
bible stories are poorly written and boring as fuck.
satanism's cool and interesting tho you can do a lot of great stuff with themes of hell, satan, horseman, demons, grim reaper, dark magic ect. I especially like when it's mixed with comedy.
This is the second thread today where you posted and it wasn't relevant. What are you on, retard?
John 8:58
>Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
Sounds based, user. I'll keep an eye out for its eventual release.
The thing that makes Christian lore interesting is that while God is basically Superman and can't lose, he's also an evil asshole who intentionally doesn't intervene because he gets butthurt extremely easily and enjoys watching his creations suffer to fuel his own ego
Christ is for faggots.
>Revelations game
>but similar to El Shaddai
>your character experiences the entire events happening
>a redeemed sinner or angel getting ready to do battle
>while there's also characters who have one final chance during the Tribulation
>A lot of parables are reused in newer/specific scenarios
>Including Jesus during your Judgement versus coming to Earth
That doesn't make sense.
Pagan fertility festival of the goddess Ishtar
Changed Jesus' birthday from August to December to coincide with the pagan tree worship on the winter solstice.
A pagan ancestor worship festival where the dead are believed to return to the living
>God himself
Literally rebranded to look like Zeus by Constantine so it was more relateable for Romans.
I thought Jesus was born in March
Imagine an RPG set during the reigns of Saul and David.
I fucking know someone has made a card
I too, am waiting for a 40K RPG.
Play oldschool JRPG's if you want good lore and characters.
Because the Bible is just a rip-off of ancient Egypt mythology in the first place.
People aren't as well versed on the latter while the might be well versed on the former if they have uppity christcuck parents who brainwashed them into it.
Let me put it this way.
If Christianity was legitimate or maybe just, not fucking retarded, would you need to make an infographic featuring a character that resembles Japanese art?
And to add on to that, why would you need to make a mascot like that, an artform that appeals to incels and the generally useless members of society [spoiler[IE easy prey for your religion[/spoiler] if your religion meant anything and wasn't just desperate for members
A lie? Why do you suppose it's a lie? The crusades are probably bloodiest parts of Christian history and altogether that was 3 million people on the high end. The holocaust alone stands at 17 million. Stalin killed 6 million and his policies puts that closer to 9 million. Under Mao, they don't even know how many exactly died, but between the purging and policies that lead to famine, that lands him at 20-40 million. Pol Pot killed 1.5 to 2 million by himself. I'm not even including the deaths in the war started by Hitler or the other secular nations that certainly had similar circumstances of which there are tons.
>gift of eternal life
more like curse. christ fag simpletons are so stupid they can't comprehend the effect eternity would have on the mind. if you think you're fucked up & twisted now... oh boy.
I think JRPGS have actually done that before through allegory like, a lot. Christians are actually a very strong advocate group in the US. Saying you're atheist in the congress or the house is tantamount to saying "hey, I never want to be elected ever again."
I think it could be done, but I'm religious and nobody is playing Shabbat: the JRPG because Moses totally schoolded Pharaoh with his mad staff game.
The names for the 3 gurus are completely different in Japanese.
That said Chrono takes inspiration from a lot of real world shit. Magus's parallel with Muhammad for example and how the city is named Medina. The Mystics are basically muslims...sorta.
You may have been interested at a young age, but how many kids realistically are? A fairly small percent. Most kids are intimidated by books in general or a book that has more than 100 pages to it.
Song of Solomon Visual Novel.
How the fuck did a fagtastic eastern Judaic cult like Christianity take over the world? Are Jupiter, Mars, and Apollo ever coming back? They seemed pretty chill.
>The New Testament would be a fantastic open world Idea, where you're a follower of Christ being persecuted by the Jews.
Today I will remind them
Sorry if I confused you. From what I've learnt, there are two possible ways of escaping Samsara. Through enlightenment, which is by fulfilling said duties on my previous posts or by fulfilling the duties given to you before you reincarnate and not commit acts which will entail Bad Karma. Christian/Catholic Saints, are an example, they evolved even without following the teachings of Buddha even though it will be much harder. The point of escaping Samsara is to stop suffering and reach a higher level of being. Think of it as climbing on a stepladder. That's where things get complicated, some say that by escaping Samsara you will understand the truth of the universe and reach a conciousness undescribable by human standarts, free of out character defects and unbound by the problems and defects of sapient beings. They say you'll be able to be one with the universe and the spiritual world but some say it's not the top, but just another step on the ladder which will bring you to a new universe which you will need to put all that knowledge you acquired to the test. My master taught me the first, the other I learned by researching similarities of all religions. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy answer.
All spirituality ultimately moves towards simplicity. Even Romans themselves tried to reform their paganism into more monotheist Sol Invictus cult.
Jacob and God wrestled in the Bible and God lost. There are many points in the Bible where God is persuaded by biblical figures. This is a myth.
Actually I would play that even as a Jew.
>gotta be careful around those overly-judgemental rabbis dude you will literally be hung as fuck but not in a good way. It's like a stealth game but without the action, passing information.
Problem being, religious people don't make good games and never have. They take it far too seriously and that's exactly what a religious group making a video game would do. Until the message and the game are completely lost.
The fuck are you on about? Egyptian mythology is pretty well studied and documented.
Isn't Santa/father christmas literally just a rebranded Odin?
Buddhism is maple syrup to my Christian pancakes.
Trannies can die in a fire. They're useless, desu.
Awww little pagan sad that all his holidays got rebranded to serve the one true God. Also Halloween isn’t a Christian holiday dumbass. God doesn’t have a true image (other than Jesus). Any Christian with a brain knows that God isn’t some old guy with a big beard and a white robe.
They did that to market to Romans. The root of it is still all Catholic teachings. That's why the sun symbolism remains. To show God is the only god.
You might just be retarded. I don't know if you're new or what.
>everyone I don't like is a pagan
>Any Christian with a brain
Interesting. Thank you for polite and informative discourse.
Binding of Isaac u christcuck
Well it is repetitive with plot holes and contradictions some storys are metal as fuck
>hating trannies
It's so bizarre to me that so many people lack the introspective to look forward and realize that the people of the future are going to look back on the abrahamic religions in the exact same way we do now regarding Greek, Roman, and Egyptian ones.
Do they genuinely think people back in those times felt their beliefs were any less than theirs?
Those are human limitations
Rent free.
>Galatians 5
Here I was expecting some vague metaphor shite but no, check this out.
> 2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.
Looks like cutfags are gonna burn, eh.
No one said the majority of people would be going to Heaven. Christ will present himself to you in some form at one point in your life - and it's up to you to embrace or turn your back on Him.
>Game features christianity, or a christian character
>Only ever Catholicism and/or Protestantism
>The occasional Mormon, but mainly for the sake of ridicule
>No Orthodox
>No Quakers
I want some representation
>implying they arent wrong
why is she so based
>Western/Christian theology: The world is fucked, the only way to escape it is to to live a life free of sin and have your soul be saved
>Eastern/Buddhist theology: The world is fucked, the only way to escape it is to let go and live a life free of desires
>Precolumbian/Aztec theology: The world is fucked, there is NO escape, suffering and death is inevitable. Accept it and live a life helping sustain others
who got it most right?
post a book
another user recomends you game based on your book
Ill start
>ego bound
Never gonna make it
Based on that, Precolumbian.
Accepting pain and suffering as part of life is the only way to cope. Everything else is a crutch.
Dark Souls
Metal Gear Rising
Nice try schlomo
Dragon Age: Origins' lore is literally inspired by the Bible for a good 70%
A game about the Harrowing Of Hell might be cool, though it'd probably be Doom with a Jesus reskin.
You cannot be right wing and submit to semitic religions.
The founding fathers were deists and hated christianity.
>has lots of slaughtering, betrayals, a sadistic God that takes no shit from no one and lots of incest.
sure, booooring.
ohh, you are talking about the LGTB(whatever is spelled) friendly version where gays dont get smiten for their crimes against life itself.
>people are retarded and things are going in cycles
thats why we have to minimize that effect and encourage people to actually dwell into material and fucking read
Smiting gays just applies to men though.
>the most influential text in the history of the world
Read Greek and Roman philosophy/science books you Nigger.
Just look at Supernatural (the series). The potential is off the chart.
>cause its frankly quite boring.
because the sumerian tales where all the stories were taken are better.
Because of Akira Toriyama's art.
Has jackshit to do with christianity anyways.
you need to go back
>being gay is bad
>embrace Jesus when he presents himself to you
Really makes you think.
iirc all of gods awful shit was in the Old Testaments, which are all old Hebrew shit included because the original christians were jews. I was taught to read those allegorically like a fairy/folk tale, and all of the new testament stuff (the Jesus part) more literally but still with allegorical flavor.
Hello retard.
Both of them are based on Odin.
Rudolf is fucking based on Slepnir aka Odin's Horse.
Kill yourself illiterate suburban retard.
((( )))
based and redpilled
The semtic Gods of the era were like edgy comic book villains all around. God of Jews was actually one of nicest and most sane of the bunch, at least he didn't straight up demand literal murder orgies like chaps such as Marduk and Ishtar.
those first two are dated symbolically. a good christian should know that jesus wasnt born in december, but that is when the church chooses to celebrate his birth. like the other user said, the dates were chosen to market to pagans/romans
>Pagan fertility festival of the goddess Ishtar
Have to point out that a more valid comparison would be the Germanic Goddess Eostre...that's where the current version of Easter came from.
It's sad that our ancestors preserved all of these traditions for so long yet degenerate Anglos and Americans shit on them.
Fuck you, you deserve to die you American swines.
Not by you it isn't.
Otherwise you'd know just how unoriginal the Abrahamic religions really are.
>How the fuck did a fagtastic eastern Judaic cult like Christianity take over the world?
Emperor Constantine The Traitor and his whore mother Helena who brainwashed him into the religion that's how.
Constantine most likely died a pagan though, his "Christianity" was pragmatism.
do you even know what incel means?
In fairness it's less precolumbian generally and more Aztec/Nahua, though other mesoamerican civilizations probahad somewhat similar worldviews, albiet to my knowledge the Aztec had the most complex intellectualism having athens-esque circles of philsophers and poets
for more info
You can also see how this ties into sacrifice/their religion: Aztec cosmology was all about something called teotl, which was a sort of supernatural energy which was thought to make up everything in the world, and was thought to show itself in nature by dualist concepts and the cyclical nature of reality and existence (see ); like life and death (Living things consume and kill others to live themselves, the world itself had been created and destroyed 5 times, with the gods giving up their own effort, blood, and lives to make the new world, etc
The main big series of sacrifices was giving up life to sustain the overall life of the cosmos by feeding the sun; or giving back the gods the energy they gave up to make the world and humanity, but the death of the cosmos and the repeat of the cycle was unavoidable, even by the gods. That sort of nihilistic idea that all things, including life, was fleeting and would eventually erode and give way to new life is shown a lot of their art and poetry (which is why skulls are such a heavy theme), see pic
So if you accept that everything dies and is transient, and all you can really do is accept it and try to help make the world easier for others, you can start to see how sacrificing yourself (which also ties into the clical nature of life and death and how living things needs to consume others: The gods sacrificing themselves to make the sun, corn eating the suns rays, humans eating corn, the sun "eating" humans via sacrifice, etc) makes sense
seethe more
>All spirituality ultimately moves towards simplicity. Even Romans themselves tried to reform their paganism into more monotheist Sol Invictus cult.
Yeah I got news for you buddy, the Greeks figured it out a long time ago
Ancient Egypt already had their own Monotheism
Romans were moving away from Religion
The American founding fathers were particularly big followers of Epicureanism with Jefferson being one of the biggest proponents.
America was founded on followers of science and reason not on retarded fairytales no matter how much Christcucks cry and moan about it.
Then educate me and use APA format for citation.
List some marchen not retarded.
>America was founded on followers of science and reason
>today's america is run by an orange baboon
wow, much science, so much reason
American history is a joke
things can change over a few decades, retard
>Freemasons and enlightenment pushers
>>>right wing
Aztec metaphysics also operated on a monist force
Nigger I'm atheist and you are fucking retarded bible is rad as fuck to read.
If they were so smart and enlightened how come the immediate following events in america go from bad to fucked up up to your existence.
>Reading literal OG Zionist fanfiction
>this is what degenerate protestants actually believe
provably because the people who came after them weren't smart and enlightened.
Jews are Semitics and all of the Abrahaman Religions stem from Babylonian and Egyptian religions.
correlation and causation are not the same thing user.
>Constantine most likely died a pagan though
Which means fuck all because he destroyed the white man's culture. He betrayed us.
He acted the same way Akhenaten did in Egypt except he didn't spread his own religion but the jewish one. Fucking cuck.
>God of Jews was actually one of nicest and most sane of the bunch
You mean the Kenite weather god that archaeology suggests that the Druze are unironically correct about?
You guys did get the DLC pack didn't you?
They weren't masons. They were deists.
I liked Devil Survivor
>I'm actually Cain and you're the reincarnation of Abel. I murdered you cause God said to do it, and then he called me a fucking idiot and sentenced me to eternal torment. So I set up this whole seven day thing in order to tell him to fuck off.
>mfw got stopped on the street by some weird youths advertising their weird fangame spinoff lore book
They even tried convincing me that their fangame was the real canon or something?
A lot of places around the world came to similar conclusions.
It's a shame we know very little about Earth's history especially about human history. I'm still interested in Gobekli Tepe, I find it fascinating that such advanced architecture was possible so early in history.
>non canon sidequest
Babylonians were probably the ancestors of the Jews.
if only you knew about all the ancient settlements sitting underwater...
Because the enlightened people read pluto and wanted to make a government that was like that. When you let all the poor and uneducated vote of course things will get fucked up when the government does nothing to prevent the abuse of its people. American pride to me is really fucking stupid.
You referring to Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu?
You didn't say anything that has any relation to the discussion.
no, the real settlements.
>Best ending is the one where God packs up his shit and leaves after you more or less tell Metatron to go fuck himself for keeping a major metropolitan area under lockdown for an entire week to test just how good the goyim are
The original constitution was badass.
Too bad they ruined it.
A lot of pre-civilizational neolithic socities actually built large monumental archtecture like that as religious ceremonial sites prior to actually building cities to live in. You see the same thing witbn the early pre-inca socities in the Andes like Caral, the Chavin, Paracas, etc; before the region actually developed urbanism with the moche and their cities and you had subsquent civilizations.
Anyways Precolumbian hisotry in general is really depressing, if not for the Spanish conquest and their mass burning of the records, art, cities, etc of Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations, we'd essentially have a third pillar alongside the West and East of history and culture to expierence.
Imagine if The Aztec EMpire and it's surronding states and the Inca EWmpire modernized like fudeal japan did instead of being wiped out.
Shit on my dick I cant believe I said pluto, I am going to sleep.
Christ saves us by pure grace. We don't have to do anything to obtain salvation.
Ephesians 2:8-9
WHAT, nobodys gonna mention Dantes Inferno?
>This thread
How can so many people still be so wrong about Christian doctrine in regards to sin and salvation? Christianity is not "do a lot of bad things and go to Hell but do a lot of good things and go to Heaven", your soul is saved and you will see Heaven once you've trusted Christ for the remission of your sins.
However there's still accountability in Christianity and that's why people don't like it, hedonists and moral relativists can stand the idea that they might be judged and that their actions have consequences. You still should do your best to refrain from sinning out of gratitude for being saved, and if you willfully persist in sin as a believer you're guaranteed to feel miserable until you live a life that's pleasing to God again. Additionally when we're judged at the Bema Seat of Christ, rewards will be allotted based on how we've lived our lives and our service to the Kingdom. What the eternal rewards are comprised of is left ambiguous though.
Matthew 23
(aka faith without action is a dead faith)
>cause its frankly quite boring.
The Bible is the most kino thing ever written
Genesis itself is pretty boring though everybody has to admit. You can tell how they cut content in order to make it better for the early church to get as many followers as they could.
Yeah? You can be a deist and a Freemason. You might HAVE to be one if you want to be a high ranking Mason. Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were Freemasons. A large chunk of the founding fathers are claimed by Freemasons themselves.
You can come up with search results pretty quickly, there's no excuse to being ignorant about a topic like this.
A dead faith because it's inactive in the Kingdom. Meaning, it's not doing anything to set an example for others and lead others to Christ, and the believer will feel the effects of that in this life or the next. When John was speaking to his audience about what it means to have a dead faith, he still used specific language in which he referred to his audience as fellow believers in Christ. As believers, they can't lose their salvation once coming to it, that's an unbiblical assertion. Christ did all of the saving work for us, trying to make our imperfect works part of the equation diminishes Christ and is blasphemy.
Do the Apostles diminish the work that was done on the Cross?
And just like that, user plays into the hand of fate, and curses the chans into having the incafag, mesofag, and now the egyptfag.
>Ancient Canaanite religion is boring
>Merkabah mysticism is boring
>modernized like fudeal japan did instead of being wiped out
Imperial japan was a horrific shitshow kept alive only by the sheer incompetence and the (local) underdeveloped infrastructure of its neighbors. The average Nip was unironically better off before Meiji since at least the government didn't openly encourage rodomantade in public officials and a military training system that was literally based around knock-on aggression and abuse. If the Azttecs had modernized it would have been under almost exactly the same circumstances as Japan except as a land-power. Considering the political problems the Inca had even prior to the arrival of the Conquistadors it probably would have led to another War of the Central plains esque situation.
No problem, user. I'm just trying to pass on what I've learned. Almost got accepted in a temple before life and booze got the best of me. Got the nickname "The Drunken Monk" by my friends so not all is lost, I think.
it's fucking boring and takes place in a single stretch of desert
I don't know why you're linking me a seemingly unrelated video about Anderson, who's a known crackpot, but I'm not clicking anything from a user named "" either. The Catholic hijacking of the faith via forgery and their continued propaganda have done enough damage. Catholicism is heretical right down to the Pope's title of "Holy Father" which goes directly against a command of Jesus himself.
Learn koine.
not an argument
The Abrahamic ones will likely be adapted into new ones, same way the Abrahamic religions stole a bunch of Sumerian memes laying around in the sand. It's always different name same story with this crap.
mathew show us that the way we act in this life does have an effect in the way we are judged in the next life, we can't just judge ourselves christians and therefore saved for merely saying we believe in god, our actions in life have to reflect the things we believe just like mathew 25:31-46 heavily implies.
Yeah? Retard conspiracies with ZERO evidence are not arguments either.
There's a separate judgment seat specifically for believers, as I mentioned. We will be judged and we are called to action but not for our salvation, see Acts 16:30-31. To say otherwise is a blasphemy against the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
>Blindly believing in someone else's translation of the words of people who died for their faith written centuries later as an excuse to justify their material interests
It's pretty fucking clear Jesus intended that Peter be the founder of the Church, but don't take my word for it.
>Zero evidence
It's well-documented
Being gay isn't bad. Gay sex is bad. Gay Catholics exist, they are just celibate
What does this forgery have to do with doctrines of faith? Are you a butthurt Greek or something?
When the whole reason Catholicism gained power was a lie, it doesn't look good for a profession Christian organization. Especially after they proceeded to kill all dissenters who contested their doctrine as being in conflict with the early church right up to the reformation.
>Autistic wrestlefag makes better vidya than all of Yea Forums combined.
Acts is done within the context of separating tradition and rituals from faith and salvation of the new converts, where the concept of sola fide develops, the reason for which jewish traditions are not a part of your daily rituals, but just like mathew mentioned, what is faith with no action? james also makes mention of this concept.
James 2:14-17
>Having a Shoah'd penis.
You think this is the sole reason Catholics gained power? And you say that they could kill dissenters how they pleased even though they didn't have the power to sentence heretics and charlatans for a few centuries. Why do you think Gnosticism and Arianism were so popular for so long?
Matthew 16:18, John 1:42, Eusebius attributes the account of the Gospel of Mark, the first written account of the Gospel, to Peter, the fact that Peter is listed first among the apostles when they are listed. I realize it's difficult to come to terms with the fact that you have been raised believing in a degenerated teaching, but it's not too late to come to terms with the truth.
You let one kike become surgeon general and suddenly everyone should get a circumcision.
eat shit ahmed
Wow that is a serious grasping at straws statement. Okay, Peter's name was listed first. Guess that means wholesale Catholicism is taught in the Bible. What a dumpster fire thread
I've already addressed James and I believe this teaching is about the efficacy of a believer's faith without regard to whether or not they'll enter Heaven, because that's a given on the merit they are a believer.
Not him, but how is it grasping at straws you dumb idiot? Peter is literally called the rock that the faith rests on and he even says that God speaks through his mouth in Acts.
>Peter's name was listed first
>but Peter is not the first among the Apostles
So instead of using the opportunity to shift around the order to clarify that Peter wasn't supposed to be have primacy the church fathers just arbitrarily said "fuck it, who gives a shit about the leadership of the church"? Your deafening silence as to the other evidence presented speaks volumes.
Boy just look at all the seethers who replied to you.
How faith is the rock (the faith that Jesus Christ is the son of God). Why was the council of Jerusalem necessary? Why were any of the ecumenical councils necessary? Why is it ok to venerate Palamas as an Eastern Rite catholic? Why is it ok for "uniate" monophysites to venerate Nestorius? Catholicism is a joke, go Orthodox
Cuz it's gay lmaoo
As crappy as it was, I miss /Christian/.
christ was cut himself.
Mathews keeps making clear that actions in life (different from traditions and rituals) are what separates someone's faith in jesus from just "faith" in jesus
mathew 7:21-23 indeed the whole chapter 7 is a worthwhile reading.
Shameful, the lot of you.
Even more, they are hypocritres too:
>My mon says dosen't matter that religion you are, if you have a good soul
>She fucking triggered over the fact that i eat burito in easter
We're converting this board wether you like it or not.
A subtle cope
Good to hear I am not the only one who finds that shit series as dull as a rock.
Says you
Why should I separate Peters' faith from Peter? It was revealed to his heart that Christ is the living God, not anyone elses'.
dude, we are in an era where information is literally free and in your doorstep and 90 percent still would rather discuss surface politics, follow twitter trends or spend all day watching porn.
No u
no, double you
holy fuck bros
>be moses
>can summon tidal waves on enemies
just imagine
>Every character looks like goku or vegeta
I dislike that drawing style so much
I can't bros
I'm ded
It's probably because all your parents were lukewa cafeteria Christians. They believe in the bare minimum to being saved, and therefore water down faith and the knowledge of it. The same thing happened to me and while I didn't stop believing in God as a whole, I was basically a deist. It took a imageboard of all places to help me get back. Its never to late for any of you.
What the fuck is Samara?
suffering of existence
Now imagine what if that Popstar had a religion like us that basically gods caugh in eye on this?
>akahranic (christian/cathoric/islam)
What will affect?
What will change?
Guys help me I'm almost done on the Genesis level and currently playing as Joseph. I make it to year 7 and now all my crops and livestock are dying from a famine. Is this a glitch?
btw skipped the cutscene of Pharaoh's dream, didn't make sense.
Read the Douay-Rheims (preferably with footnotes) and you'll have a chance to live again friend.
It's like telling me to read the heavily annotated lord of the rings
Then read something simpler like the NABRE.
Ah, you mean Isis? There are a lot of differences between both "virgin births" to make them completely different stories.
I suggest you go read them again, and pay attention this time.
Samsara is the cycle of suffering, imposed by the ones who want us to evolve. By suffering I mean reincarnating to suffer all the pain we humans suffer in every life.
silmarillion is kino
>skipping a cutscene on an exposition driven game
Dude stop, if you do that you're going to miss the patterns and callbacks to the Old Testament game in the New Testament game.
I just finished The Graopes of Wrath. That was a good book. The bible is boring
It is good. LoTR is kino but like if you told me you thought it was real I'd be suspect
but.. but... silmarillion is a real book...
You know whwat I meant. Shit I am too tired for this
And Catholics believe you need to pray over some magic beads.
I fucking WISH it got some sort of spiritual successor. Mixing world building, population management and smiting demons is all I ask for.
Fine, how about we get you interested in it first? It won't seem boring after all.
One of the Saints that literally tamed a ferocious wolf.
nope, the rosary beads just let you know in which part of the pray you left off
>he doesn't know
Buddy, nobody cares about your dumb book anymore.
Of course your imperfect mind would go insane. But a glorified saint in heaven will not have such an imperfection.
Hell? Yes, you will spend eternity going mad will you suffer. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ, or these very words you posted will be used to condemn you.
Magic is blasphemy. The Rosary is basically asking the mother of God to intercede for us. Any miracles that hppens afterwards are on God's behalf.
>mother of God
>anyone other than Jesus interceding for us
You are a child of satan.
Maybe you should read more. Also I'm doing this because I don't have a Christian image board to post on anymore so please bare with me.
Catholics are terrible people. Just look at the way they post and attack in this very thread.
>You will know them by their fruits.
Inwardly they are ravening wolves. No difference between a Catholic and an unsaved pagan.
He said it was magic. It is not magic but rather a miracle from the Lord given to us by Him through the Blessed Virgin.
The first option sounds pretty damn good.
- Ancient Egypt sized map
- You have 7 years to stockpile food and resources.
- Building, crops, turn (month) based play
- Survive the next 7 years without the people going into revolt and killing your hebrew ass.
Lets be fair here
You make ONE fuckup and you got billions of angry people and a shitload of controversy
oh, I remember that saint, it made me happy that the wolf had a happy ending as well
binding of isaac
Hmmm I think I'm being kind enough thus far. You on the otherhand seem to be baring false witnesses.
I read two hours a day, from classics to contemporary paperbacks.
Everything will be a clustetfuck like us
If you do that surely you have time for the Church Fathers. They are the classics after all.
Friendly reminder.
I can only agree with Madison. Religion should not be a part of government and the government should not handle religion.
Hey friend, I appreciate your efforts, I'll make space for that book during the next week.
I've read most of the Bible and The Inferno. I was Christian (Catholic, specifically) for 20 years. Though I won't deny the influence of Christianity in literature, it all gets so goddamn tiresome sometimes.
>If you do that surely you have time for the Church Fathers.
You'd be surprised how much there is to read, Anonymous.
Thomas Aquinas
Nigga how the fuck is Aquinas more influential than The Greeks or Romans? We modeled EVERYTHING after them
Read and you will know.
I have a copy in my bathroom incase i run out of tp
Going to sleep everyone. Just remember that the Lord loves you, His mother prays for your conversation, and no matter how many times you'll insult me I'll still believe in hope for you and pray for your conversation. Also use Laudate, it's a good app for your phone.
Objectively speaking the most influential text in the history was probably the Cyrus Cylinder considering it's the earliest known example of a declaration of human rights and applied to around 40% of the human population at the time.
And you have a lifetime to still come back friend, I'll pray for you as Well, no matter if you think it useless. Goodnight.
Peace be with you, the lord loves you too. have a good night of sleep.
Maybe. I don't know. You've still got a lifetime to realize you're lying to yourself. Anyway, goodnight.
In no way is Aquinas more influential than the greeks or romans you dingus.
>when all of christianity was wrong until luther
>but luther is more catholic then even more Catholics now adays are so he qas also wrong
>tfw all protestent leaders who led the reformation were wrong until pastor jim came along in like the 1980s
Lol, I bet you ask other people to pray for you as well but dont see why thats wrong huh? Gonna also ignore how Paul himself told other early christians to persevere and tremble to not lose salavation? Protestant """idealogy""" is so dumb. There really should be a religion board.
>will ask his whore of a mother to pray for him
>but not Gods mother thats bad
Also Christchan was originally catholic I think.
>mother of god is blasphemous
This is such an old heresy its funny how protestents are just a bunch of old heresys combined.
Did't Aquines base his shit off plato and Socrates anyways?
>Shittier animal
I thought every life is sacred for buddhists
Have you even read one book of The Bible? Stories are fucking amazing and you will realise that 70% of JRPGs rip it off.
Everyone based their shit off of Plato and Socrates. The philosophers of the middle ages (Aquinas in particular) jerked off Aristotle on the daily
Well to be frank the Bible has been pretty much the most influential book in the last 2 millennia
i dont even believe but even i can understand why it inspires so many people
Wow the christcucks sure got triggered by this lmfao
fairytales yes
Perhaps, but in the long run we'd have much more historical sources to pull from and their cultural legacy would still be intact to inform media, games, movies, etc todsay, which is the important part.
fpbp and based
A Bible prequel game would be dope
old testament games would be god as the commander ordering armies to slaughter women, children, villages. pretty dope
Just play Dominions 5.