Yume Shikki Biweekly Update

We're back.

New Build (

>What is this?
Yume Shikki is a yume nikki fangame being made as a colaborative effort by various members of the Yea Forums board in a similar vein to Yume 2kki.

>How long has this been in development?
The original thread suggesting the idea was posted on Yea Forums on the 19th of april, development started a few days after this and the first build was released one week later on the 26th of april

>Can I help out?
Of course, you can join the development team via Slack here join.slack.com/t/v-game/shared_invite/enQtNjUxOTgyNjkyNzQwLTBjZmQyOTQ3NTM5OGMxZjQyZjM3MWNhY2U0ODU4MzIxOGY4ZWQ3YWQ2OWQ5MTMxMTk2MTQ4Y2U4OTlmMTQ4ZTA , or you can simply help out by testing new builds and suggesting ideas. Even posting an old dream down below can help us get the creative juices flowing.

As always devs will be hanging around responding to comments for a while after the thread is first up so feel free to ask us any questions you may have.

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Have (You) had any interesting dreams lately?

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looks gay

Thanks for the good work, user!

no problem (:


wasnt it named yume 4kki?

I remember I made some suggestions a while ago but then forgot it existed what are all the worlds now

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This is slightly out of date, but this is pretty much everything that is in the game now

Attached: current map.png (1148x816, 43K)


TL note: Shi means 4

Just highlight what you want spoiler'd and press ctrl+s

At this point, 4kki and shikki are pretty much interchangeable, I just personally prefer shikki.

is it hard to make a level for this? I want to recreate the only dream I have memory of

Me and an Asian grill were trying to freestyle a line making fun of trump but we sucked since I can't freestyle.

I wandered into somebody else's house that was my apartment normally was, watched tv although they were home. I look at the mirror next to tv and 2 kids had been hiding behind me, watching me in horror. I see a cop car pull in the driveway. I try to remain calm but wake up.

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It depends on how elaborate the dream was, if was something simple, it won't require that much knowledge of rpgmaker. If it's complicated, you might to get more familiar with the program first.

I gave it a go, it seems to be coming together pretty well.
My only complaint is that too many NPCs seem to be immune to the hammer.

I had a dream where someone tried to break into my three story house. I heard them trying to get through the front door, so I went to the third story to hide. I think I had a dog with me, but it definitely wasn't my childhood dog.






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one last bump from me

Like, is any of this for real, or not?

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what do you mean?

had a dream this week where i was shopping at costco for 2 straight hours, just packing the cart full. I went to go check out, but saw some pretzels behind me that I wanted. did like 3 steps away from my cart, when i saw a costco employee take my cart away saying i took too long. Everyone in the store stared me down menacingly like i was doing something horribly evil

Only works with Yea Forums x or other addons, default UI doesn't allow that.
You need to type [sp0iler]boskeletonrp[/spoiler], with an 'o' in place of the 0.

Those look pretty real to me

I believe in you fags. Don't die please

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Yume fourki is a terrible name
So is twoki. Imagine if there was an official sequal called yume twoki. Awful names


Yume Sticky

A few but damn if I can remember them.
Not lately, though, I remember a dream where I ended up at night-time ikea or something. Then, climbed up onto a high shelf, barricaded with a few crates and took a nap.

>Deciding to take a nap in your dream for double the sleep
Woah. I need to get on your level.

Last night I dreamed of saying goodbye while crying to a girl I haven't seen or talked for 2 years and I still love
i woke up pretty sad to be desu

every fucking night
im almost always in a old creepy mansion at night with elevator and shit and the basement being a train station

>trying to help some people find a kid's lost toy
>to "help" me find it they hold me down and tattoo half of it on my stomach so I'd know what it looks like
>they pull out a knife and gouge the other half of the image into my flesh scarification style and it hurts like hell
>proceed to run into my dad who is a bus driver for some reason and he's furious and crying
>because of some decision i'd made that day he took a different route and ended up hitting a kid and killing him
>I look over and it's the kid who's toy i'm supposed to find
>his body is mangled and smeared and i hear my mother screaming a guttural scream that wakes me up

>had a compound dream/nightmare where i started out on a beach that was under a massive overpass
>hanging out with some surfer dudebros that I didn't know or particularly like
>there's a cliffside that had a path down to the beach but at the top of the beach was a huge slide
>the slide ended at the shoreline and arced up in a broken ramp
>the slide was originally meant to wind across the water to a little island with a decrepit abandoned mcdonalds on it
>dudebros were skating down the slide and jumping into the water
>suddenly it becomes incredibly windy, ripping up the broken portion of the slide from the mcdonalds side
>the slide begins smashing into the support columns for the overpass, huge sections of concrete collapse and crush people
>I then "woke up" from that nightmare and I was with my mom and cat
>I was telling her about it and I could feel my heart racing just talking about it in the dream
>we were walk around another beach and a bird brings her human bone chips from its nest and she shows them to me
>i slap her hand away and wake up

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I have a reoccurring theme in my dreams involving extremely large and complicated airports. I think it might be the same airport and my brain just keeps coming up with different parts of it.
I've been in the open runway, I've been in a control tower, I sure as hell have been in the airplanes, and I have been in the winding terminals every time I've had an airport dream.
They started happening a few years ago after I had a flight delayed in Paris and I wandered around an extremely large terminal at midnight with absolutely no one in there. It was such a surreal experience that my brain stuck with it for some reason.

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Had a dream where me and my boyfriend were trying to survive a zombie hoard. It was like a survival game (my dreams are basically twists on real life with videogame mechanics usually)
I was trying to board up the door but had no option for anything but really bad tape
Then I got too spooked later on and quit the game.

so whats the deal with this game, was the girl victim of a rapist or what?
also the only ending is she suiciding right?

seeing passionate and creative people create fangames for shit that i love actually gets my fucking dick hard

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jesus user, are you ok?

I actually do, sometimes I even dream continuations of said dreams days later, the problem is that by the time I'm fully awaken I tend to forget what they all were about and only get to remember them during the first couple of minutes after I'm awake.

I was wandering around an abandoned subway complex and found a nice little theatre that was having a showing of Taxi Driver. Travis spent way longer driving people around New York in this cut and at one point he started clipping through buildings. It was pretty soothing and laidback though and the people sitting next to me were nice and even offered to buy me a soda at one point.

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I keep dreaming about situations where I'm desperately trying to search for something, like a way home or a family member

Jesus man, go to church or something.

You sound like a nice dude to hang out with

Yeah it was weird

I was doing a script read and the lines called for the character to break down and i was having trouble getting it just right. Next thing i know im isekai'd or some shit to a fantasy world, but it ends up being one i didn't like very much at all amd i despair a little. Next thing i know i wake up back in the acting class but the room is completely dark, that's all i remember

Same, i've been dreaming of continuations to the same, for lacl of a better term, storyline for my entire life but i always forget the specifics, i get a sense of nostalgia when i return at this point

Damn with some good directing thay could some subtle horror kino

i would sleep with a bible if i had that first dream
desu the most the most creepy stuff i got in dreams is when i get sleep paralysis and the shadow peoples come to bully me, sitting on my body and screaming/laughing at me
then i started praying for spiritual protection and that stuff went away

Give me a party and turn based combat and I might be interested in your 'game'

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My dreams are more like different ongoing stories where I get to return and see the plot advance every so often but each is distinct from the others, I don't think any of the current ones have been going for more than a few years though.

Oh, but I also feel that weird sense of nostalgia whenever I reenter one, because you know it's something familiar that only then you get to remember.

That was pretty creepy. I can relate to the first part of the second dream, situations where things look dangerous but everyone acts they aren't and suddenly a catastrophe starts happening, it feels awful.

if you want yume nikki with combat go play middens

I was going to bang a big titted black whore but my family including my grandmother kept trying to intervene and psychoanalyzed me trying to figure out why I wanted to bang this whore, and I kept responding that I just wanna bang the whore

>my dreams are basically twists on real life with videogame mechanics usually

Same for me, it means that we focus too hard on videogame stuff.

Thanks dude.

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Had a dream about a video game that involved various classes full of students competing in a life-or-death airsoft tournament. Also had a dream where my Mom consoled me and told me I was the best son she could've ever had before she violently died on a hospital bed. I really didn't need this dream in these times, not gonna lie.

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Man, now I want to be stuck in a giant airport with hours to waste.

I'm glad this game is still alive, I was the guy who kinda got it going by posting the original thread and made the first Yotsubatsuki sprites, so even though I don't have enough talent or drive to actually contribute anything other than dreams, I hope for your success.

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But the thing is I barely play videogames
I played them a lot as a kid so that might be it. I also only dream like twice a month.

The other night I just had a dream that that seemed normal until I went outside. Everyone's cars were gone and every door and window was left wide open. All the houses/buildings were empty and I couldn't find anyone else.
Even my dogs were gone man. I woke up feeling really sad and anxious.

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You're actually the last living thing on earth user. But we didn't get raptured. We went someplace else.

Neato, I thought this project was dead.

I lost track of the project after everyone stopped using Google Drive to organize it.

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What kind of videogames do you dream about user?
I still have frequent dreams about playing Starcraft Broodwar custom games even though I haven't touched the game since I was a child.

Anyways, I love talking about dreams. I've been diligently recording most of my dreams for the past 5 years.

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My boyfriend has autism and he can remember every single dream he's ever had and he's lucid in every one (unless he chooses not to be, which he can)
I fucking hate that he has the ability while I dream rarely. He has literal civilizations he's built, places he's built, on going stories.
But I dont have autism so I guess I win

Remembering your dreams is a skill you can train. It helps if your morning routine isn't too frantic/ you aren't in a hurry to be somewhere.

Keep a notebook by your bed (your phone works too - make sure your Notes app is open upon unlocking) and at the exact moment you wake up, write down whatever you remember. It doesn't matter how fragmented or out of context it is, just turn it into a habit. Then when you have time, you can go back and read over those notes. If done properly, you'll realize you're able to reconstruct entire scenes in your head from just a couple of words.

I do that
And it makes me remember a dream better but its still a rare occurrence i wake up having actually dreamt

>its still a rare occurrence i wake up having actually dreamt
Well, everyone dreams every time they sleep, it's your brain making free associations in the absence of most external stimuli. Most people just simply forget them the moment they wake up.
Maybe knowing, or at least believing, that fact can help with your dream recall.