Friendly reminder that there are "people" on Yea Forums right now who unironically believed the grinch "leak...

Friendly reminder that there are "people" on Yea Forums right now who unironically believed the grinch "leak." I know that it's hard to believe that people this stupid could even use a computer, but it's true.

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>Smashfags campaigned against Incineroar that whole year before getting btfo

The only part of the grinch leak I believed 100% was shadow.
He seemed like such an obvious echo that I considered him all but confirmed.
But alas, he was shoved aside to assist tier again

>and then everyone loved Incineroar after they saw him


Prove to me that grinchfags deserve human rights. Protip: you can’t.

Did people seriously think the Grinch was going to be in smash? What the fuck.

i applaud the marketer who thought of using smashfags to shill their movie

i mean there are people stupid enough to give a shit about smash so i believe it

>post yfw you didn't call for the Grinch leak or the "Demon Edition"

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the Grinchfags won in the end anyway

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No, it was some fake roster, but it got that name from promotional material for the new Grinch movie in the background,

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LITERALLY everyone here believed it

I never believed it for a second because of how blatantly pandering it was to roster faggots

I preached boxtheory the whole time and nobody believed me.
"They wouldn't just spoil how many characters are left on the side of a box"
"No way it could just be Ken and Incineroar, that's too weak of a ending!"
"They will top themselves as they always do, way more newcomers this direct rather then the one that showed off Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, and K Rool."

Maybe now people will learn that Nintendo cares more about marketed then keeping such a simple secret.

I don’t know man, there were a lot of things that benefited it. Also there were two major factors that made it obvious it was fake but went over my head.

The grinch would have been cooler than incineroar or the plethera of fire emblem shits
just goes to show how many shit characters pollute the roster

Why would anyone think the Grinch would be in a smash bros game? Smashfags must be really retarded.

Only the grinchfags who were on the leak solely for Banjo got their happy ending. Can't say the same for Isaacfags and Genofags.

I don't know if it's a good thing or not that I don't have a clue what the "grinch leak" is about. Like, I haven't seen not one image or anything relating to this at all.

the GRINCH of all things.
its not nintendo, its not even videogames.
there are people on Yea Forums that unironically believed Dr Seuss's The Grinch was gping to be in smash.
It may not be the top most embarrassing moment on Yea Forums but it damn well up there in rank.


nobody thought The Grinch was going to be in Smash

All I wanted from it were the echoes, Shadow and Ken...
Funny how both got in afterall....

>campaigning against an entry from a major franchise that's always gotten a new fighter in each installment
>even believing a supposed leak that lacked a new pokemon addition in general.

For fuck sake. This should have bluntly given it away at first glance, yet some of you fuckers were seriously that oblivious.

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But Banjo and Ken did join. The rest will join Battle Pass 2.

People believed it because they wanted to believe it, not because they were "dumb enough" to believe it. That's what drives this whole fake leak cottage industry. Some people want to believe, and back then a lot of people wanted to believe.