Which one does Yea Forums prefer? For me, it's A Link to the Past.

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Both are good


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Super Mario Bros 3 on GBA

Grew up playing Super Mario World more but after looking at both games again as an adult, with an objective eye, it doesn't hold a candle to SMB3.

3. Perfect game.

3 is the better game but world has a few things it does better

3. while i can appreciate world for having less boring autoscrollers and multiple exits, the majority of 3's levels are more fun and better paced.

World feels like a grander adventure, with tons of secrets, and a fun variety of levels. That said, some of those donut plains levels sucked. I think I also prefer the physics, and actually being able to pick up a lot of speed. Same reason I like the donkey Kong country series

Super Mario World shits all over 3 for soundtrack alone. That being said, 3 on GBA is probably my most played game of all time.


I liked 3 more because I prefer its more direct nature. Level design, physics, and overall progression is a lot more straightforward. Plenty of short and sweet levels that are constantly showing off cool ideas.
I love World, but its kind of a chore for when I just want a 'pick up and play' game. The only Mario game that did the SMB1-3 style since was the Luigi U DLC. What a shame.

>durr flat level design, easy game, Yoshi, cape, feels like a real world/adventure, floaty
>hurr short levels, easy game, warp whistles, leaf, better in bursts, slippery
don't you guys get tired of doing the same shit every day

What makes you think we're here every day?

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Wasn't NSMB Wii also similar to the Mario 3 formula though?

World feels better with better movement mechanics, but 3 has more level variety.

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Future Perfect >>>

oh my fucking god it's so cute I'm gonna die

This one.

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3 has better worlds and powerups, world has better mechanics.

It is more like World at its core if you ask me. Levels more lengthy and the fact that there was a focus in alternate exits and bonus levels.

A bit unrelated, but the NSMB series feel a lot more slow in terms of progression. Everything feels like it takes a long time. There's some great stuff in those games, but I can't be bothered to replay them for that reason. Luigi U balanced it by making the levels actually short and punchy. No bullshit.

World is superior in many aspects, however, Cape Mario ruins the game. He is far too OP.
Yes, you can simply choose not to use it, but that's just poor game design.
Same thing with the retards defending Super Metroid's objectively shit game design by claiming you can do a minimalist run or whatever.
Games shouldn't have a god mode button like that.

I've never played SMB3

>What makes you think we're here every day?
because I'm here all day every day and have nothing better to do than shit on threads about games I've never played.

Yoshi's Island unironically shits all over both.

>Best gameplay
>Best aesthetic
>Best music
>Best atmosphere
>Best final boss
>Deepest lore

Mariolets can't compete

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>Cape Mario ruins the game. He is far too OP.
Kind of true but the problem is less cape mario than the game's overall attitude toward making sure the player never feels frustrated or stressed out. This philosophy can be seen in both the level design and mechanics. SMW's mentality is to just have a super-fun time bouncing through the world and finding hidden exits and so on. Even the supposedly hard part of the game is a special optional area that isn't even that hard. SMB3 meanwhile is a traditional platform game presented as a sequence of challenges for the player to overcome. SMB3 is not "very hard" and there are lots of extra lives and power-ups, but overall it's a well-balanced game with gradually increasing difficulty and a player will feel legitimate satisfaction overcoming the challenges. Plus the level theming is great and very memorable.

The SMB3 world themes are: Desert, Water, Giants, Sky, Ice, Pipes and Dark. Each one influences the level design, with the Desert level having flat areas with quicksand, water world having lots of water themed levels, giant enemies in giant land, precarious platforming in sky plus that big tower level, Ice with slippery surfaces, puzzles and vertical segments in pipe world, and World 8 really feels like you've descended to the depths of hell to face down evil.

World has the dumb food themes that barely even have aesthetic influence on the levels much less any relevant gameplay challenges.

>Deepest lore
pic related is literally the most unknown piece of gaming trivia ever but m'kay, user

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>all the soul of snes + more content and better presentation

World. Better level design, longer levels, more difficult levels, cooler secrets.