F Zero Thread

>Yes. I Am Number One. How Did You Know?

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Fucking love F-Zero. I didn't have N64 or Gamecube at the time but I had much fun with X and GX.

What's your favourite, user?
I recommend you to try out Redout, I would go as far as saying it is the best AG racing to date.



X is my favorite just because I love how boostsliding works.

For as underrated GX is, X is probably even more so since all anyone ever talks about is the former when the latter is probably just as good.

I want a new game so fucking badly.

The Black Bull

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i came every time wakamoto shouted black bull in the anime desu

Holy kek thanks user

now this is boost power

This is some Tekken ending zaniness

X is better than GX. Better music and feels a hell of a lot snappier. Pressing L and R to skip to the left and right out of danger is fucking fun as hell.

>TFW I beat GX aside from Staff Ghosts
>MFW I go back to play it and get my ass handed to me on "Intermediate" difficulty

How have I regressed so much from when I was a kid?

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I feel like GX is more subtle in terms of optimal play. You just need a bit of practice and to kill ur rivals

Yeah, I guess so. I never was into killing other machines too much though because the ships I like to use all have shit-tier body strength.

GX's speed retention with MT alone makes it better than X that bleeds any supercruise speed in seconds. GX also has better advanced techs.

to each their own, I prefer the simpler tech of X
the real question is what is the best GBA version, and why is it Climax?

>Convention comes once a year that has F-Zero AX
>Sacred fucking territory for friends and myself
>Zoomers don't even know what they're missing out on and are too busy playing Fortnite at the PC gaming lounge area
God. I want it back so bad.

>local arcade used to have one but it just didn't pull in the quarters
they don't even use quarters anymore, they use mag stripe cards now

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>Local arcade had one

How would you do a new game?
I often see proposals made of the game branching out into action, like controlling Falcon in an open world with racing missions or something like that, though an F-Zero GX remaster is infinitely more likely.

>better music
Is this bait? GX's soundtrack is almost perfect and X's is all muddled gay power rock shit.
Please don't tell me you think any of the songs in X are better than Infinite Blue, ZEN, or Planet Colors.

Fuck miyamoto and fuck casuals

F-Zero is too hard for today's gamers. It's dead.

One thing that X does better than GX is certain aspects of the driving physics, like how when you tilt your car downward at a certain angle during big jumps, you speed the fuck up. It always felt fucking great doing that.

Just do a new game, same gameplay, minimal, if any changes (one proposal could be a Mario Kart-esque jump button, which might have a ton of different applications considering F-Zero's high speed gameplay), 60 fps, beautiful HD graphics, 30 players online, and retro tracks, also MK-style. Boom, perfect sequel right there. Also give me a vibe leaning towards the comic book feeling of X with a soundtrack more like it as well.

Falcon Hand should only be a spinoff and only after we get a proper F-Zero sequel.

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>how when you tilt your car downward at a certain angle during big jumps, you speed the fuck up. It always felt fucking great doing that
that happens in gx too

I'm going to fucking deck you over the head for your taste being this shit

I haven't played it in awhile if it does. My bad. But I remember the effect and just the feeling of intense speed while doing it in X was so much more impactful, while I must not have noticed it as much in GX.

Both games have killer soundtracks but I think X probably had a more unique sound even if I liked GX's more probably.

For me, it's Fire Field.

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>there are people who actually want F-Zero to be turned into an action game

I'm pretty sure most of these people never played F-Zero, either. It's disappointing to see so many people want throw away the essence of this series mainly due to the way Captain Falcon is represented in Smash.

Is F-Zero the only Nintendo franchise they haven't done jack shit with? Every other franchise gets to have other games and cameos, but for F-Zero they made 3 racing games and called it quits. Give me an F-Zero mercenary Beat-em-up or something, Nintendo.

>they made 3 racing games
there are 6 f-zero games

Do the other 3 suck?

Advance Wars, user.

It still hurts.

At least they gave us the F-Zero minigame in Nintendo World and the MK8 DLC, so we know they're thinking of the series.

Could be worse, you could be a Code Name S.T.E.A.M fan.

only if you have unbelievably shit taste and climax has the best music in the series

I've always wanted to play that game. Seemed interesting.

I'm also a W101, Kid Icarus, and Sin & Punishment fan too, so there's suffering all around.

Never mind just an Uprising sequel, a new 2D Kid Icarus could be cool as fuck.

I really liked the X-Cup from F-Zero X. It was janky as all fuck but it would funny when crazy shit happened like half the cpu's killing themselves on walls and shit when sharp turns came up. Or they're all bunched up for some reason and I death spin kill a bunch of them.

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X had a bunch of cool little extra features like that. X cup, death race, the 64DD add on even had a track editor. If they ever do another F-Zero game they need to bring all that stuff back because it was all really fun.


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don't rub it in

Even though I played GX before X, I would say X is my favorite. I'm not sure why but it feels better to play for me.

Shotgun Kiss> all other songs
Fite me niggers

I think a Street Fighter x F-Zero game would be interesting, or an F-Zero fighting game spin-off to get people interested in the franchise again.

S-shut up!

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The characters in F-Zero are certainly colorful enough to carry a fighting game, but going from one niche genre to another probably isn't a good idea in terms of generating interest.

X is fucking amazing





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No, they were just on the GBA. They were good, but Maximum Velocity was very low on content and had a whole new cast of very few cars. I dislike how the anime changed the characters, but the two Climax games are fantastic.