Serves them right.
Serves them right
Other urls found in this thread:
>before controversy
>"hm, I might buy this game when it's on sale for $4 or less"
>after controversy
>"hm, I might buy this game when it's on sale for $4 or less"
I've lost track of which side is supposed to hate the game at this point.
You retards are even worse than the SJWs now. At least some of them shut up if you humor them with pronouns and shit.
>decent game bad because of tr*nnies
they got attacked
they took a hit
good job
they were fucked from the word go
somebody was going to nuke the reviews
(you) or SJWs
doesnt matter
Did you miss the main dev coming out and telling people to pirate it now?
Fuck off retard, I'm not buying your shit game unles you undonate, uncensor and put a line saying FUCK TRANNIES. Complain and cry all you want, no happening until you cuck back. You did it once, now do it again or go peddle your shit to trannies that don't buy games.
>we might not ever get expansion packs because of TORtanic retards
i fucking hate this board and resetera
>believing hate speech is a thing that can exist
hahaaha fucking retard you deserve this shit I hope you and your family suffer a lot
>somebody was going to nuke the reviews
(you) or SJWs
kek, you gotta buy the game to review it retard
did you ever see a sjw playing videogames?
i see them having one hand on a refund button
why did Show less do this bros
>using the words "hate speech" unironically
Yeah, miss me with that gay shit.
GO _____
We did it Yea Forumsesetera!
>muh hate peach
Lamo. Starve, get reeducated and pay reparations for the Original Sin, or white privilege, or whatever the neo-church calls it nowadays.
>Anti sjws help actual trannies destroy both the dev and game.
Holy shit look at this tiny penis. These are the people review bombing this absolute unit of a game.
Why? We already got the game's reviews this low, and we can get it always lower.
Social Justice always wins baby. When we want a game to fail, it WILL fail.
You will not stand against us.
>bends over backwards to SJWs like goodgoy lapdogs
>I-It's the anti SJW shitlords fault!
Dilate, retard.
Yes, it was hate speech and we shouldn't support this kind of bigotry in 2019.
>punishing the game developers for some dumb PR shit the publisher pulled
Wow, you really showed them!
Why doesn't this fag tell that to the publisher who treated customers like shit, deleted all threads that asked for explanations without saying what would be changed in the game, banned a lot of people who paid for the game from the official forums, etc?
I don't doubt if these fuckers next time try to launch a game only at the Epic store where people will not be able to refund or alert other consumers the joke the publisher is.
What is not lacking in the world are game developers. Sucker devs need to fuck themselves to make room for those who have balls.
The guy behind this didn't even like the Devs in the first place so it didn't matter to him. Its mostly the Devs fault for not learning to ignore these people.
They're trannies.
They are programmed to modify what they deem "unclean".
Look at the massive wall of text that tranny has posted just to make his negative review appear to have more validity.
Hey, slow down greenskeleton, I know you're excited but your samefag is showing.
What do you mean "punish"? The trannies announced they would reviewbomb the game, and that's exactly what they ended up doing.
Just like Doug TenNapel isn't entitled to get anyone's money, neither are 3D Realms and Voidpoint.
Dilate. We never should have decriminalized sodomy.
Thinking it's wrong to give preteen children harmoans to transition is a controversial statement now? That's whats bugs me, the hidden message and ogay thing is whatever but the fact it's controversial to be against child abuse makes me sick
No user, i don't engage in gay ass culture war bs and help trannies. Pretty sure your the retard here bud.
i never cared about this game but i'm gonna buy it now just because of how much it pissed off all you incels because they removed a bottle of soap that said gay on it
If they just ignored the entire thing publicly and removed the content that was offensive the issue would never become this shitshow...this kind of thing only gets big if you have a couple twitter screencaps that /pol/ can use to stir up the outrage machine
I challenge you to find even one human being over the age of 18 who isn't a NEET or political commentator that doesn't agree with that discord message.
They justify it saying it isn't censorship.
It's funny because literally every negative review is complaining about "censorship".
We shouldn't have decriminalized circumcision.
Funfact: we wouldn't have a tranny problem today if we didn't have millions of clipped males running around outside of prison cells.
sounds like a little bitch
It's not what they changed. It's who they changed it for.
Ion fury condones child abuse
Thats what this is about
prove it by posting receipt with timestamp you silly tranny
>u BoTh R tA sAmE!
I am sick and fucking tired of my hobby being at the mercy of drama addicted emotional wrecks calling themselves "women" who's only outlet for their god damn miserable lives is to stir up drama because they're big pharma castrated slaves that failed as men. Go to ResetERA and shill your fucking game there since you go miles out of the way to appeal to those cum burping faggots. Or donate 10 grand for more genital mutilation R&D
You are helping them by helping people that donated 10k to trannies.
holy fucking shit why does everybody hate people who essentially got crucified for a day of adds on news sites
what the fuck were they supposed to do really ?
yeah right no way people werent paid for 3 years, bullshit
the proof lies in the fact that THE SJW HAVE WON
Ignore the trannies and not change anything
>let us continue doing whatever resetera tells us to do!
im sick of faggots pretending like they have a moral code and care about censorship when instead they just want to latch onto something to bitch about trannies and would censor anything they perceive as sjw within seconds given the power
Never forget gigantic
Hope you're fine with your money going to a tranny charity, for fuck's sake read the press release.
They didn't change anything (if you had actually played the game you would have noticed.)
Go back to retardera with you, retard.
>Yea Forums:sjws don't buy/play games
Also Yea Forums
>trannies reviewbomb the game
I think the tranny problem comes mostly from lesbian porn. Anyways, this will happen in countries founded on liberal principles.
>implying the negative reviewers are extreme leftists
They're everyone else you dipshit. People are sick of politics in games and sick of devs capitulating and self-censoring whenever a single retard gets mad on the internet.
No one was doing that until the SJW nation attacked
cry more bitch nigga
i was never gonna buy the game anyway
Kill yourself tranny.
nigger, it's not about censorship.
It's about how they are apologizing in front of resetpedos and saying they will donate 10k$ made from the game sales to the kids mutilation fund.
they were furries and everyone laughed at them
they were bronies and everyone laughed at them
now they found the trick, they are 'women' and people have to listen to them
it's the same group of autistic loudmouths it always was only now people think they deserve recognition
The trannies even ANNOUNCED that they would get the game to "mixed" or lower.
Can you not look defeat in the eye?
They already said that they made the game in their spare time while working. These guys are so fags that they are trying to appeal to the emotional now.
Meanwhile their own publisher posted a piece of news calling all the team homophobic on the fucking official page of the game!
Imagine cuck developers...
It's mixed because they caved to the SJWs you stupid faggot
The SJWs got them to bend the knee because SF faggots actually listens to resetera. If you bend the knee to resetera your playerbase is going to get mad. Maybe they'll learn eventually.
That's exactly what your stupid ass is doing and you haven't even noticed. Congratulations, fucktard.
They donated ten grand to an LGBT charity and are censoring the game in the next patch. They also promised to undergo "sensitivity training" lmao, what the fuck does that even mean.
It's the opposite side who is doing the bad reviews you retard.
Yet, the reason it is isn't because of them, it's because of people like me who want faggots like you to drink bleach.
Where did i say i was helping anyone?
Are you mentally ill or just some dumb underage? Learn to read.
Fuck off, disingenuous retard. I'm not buying your shit game no matter how you spin it unless you do
>based game getting overwhelming reviews
>trannies want it to fail
>it fails
How exactly is this not a tranny victory? Explain in detail.
Based user, standing up for what's right.
It's pretty obvious the publisher strongarmed them into doing all of this but if they had the power they should have just ignored it. Remember the whining about Sekiro? From ignored the screeching journos for a month and they all shut the fuck up to move on to the next manufactured controversy. Literally just ignore them for a few weeks, it's all you have to do. Just once I'd like to see a western dev do it.
The only real solution to shit like this is to stick to your guns, be honest, and denounce your enemies. Never show weakness in situations like this
Imagine being an ESL paid to push this narrative. Imagine living in an eastern european dystopia, getting paid in chicken to shitpost all day.
>I said that the sun would rise, therefore I MADE IT RISE
This is you.
What sides are you talking about?
>what the fuck does that even mean.
it means a bunch of pr bullshit
>helps cuck devs
>I-I-I never said I helped them though!
Lmao kill yourself retard.
That's retarded you idiot. Ever heard of occam's razor?
Trannies want the game to fail. They make it fail. Simple clean plan well executed.
it just shows how fucked steam is, if it was an AAA game they would've deleted the negative reviews and said it was review bombing, but since it's a indie title they just let it die
>"Its fine its just little bit of censorship!"
But its still censorship. In a game about violence, shooting and dirty 90's jokes.
Not the "opposite side", still. The actual player base. No one likes resetera but turbosjws.
Yeah and Bethesda did the same with Doom Eternal, literally just ignored all the professionally offended retards and the world moved on.
They are not the only ones who want it to fail, genius.
They managed to piss off both sides.
>hurr durr it was a reverse troll u guyze we made the game fail ironically to spite those who wanted it to fail durrrrrr
this is you retard
He's a wheelchair bound cripple and is dabbing on these trannys.
>Iron Maiden
How can you copyright a name used for a medieval torture device?
These retards helped the trannies and they can't even see it
>I care more about my personal politics than I do about the quality of the game.
I want all of you fags to admit this. Say it.
>Some devs voiced a controversial opinion
This is where he wrong. There was absolutely nothing controversial about the stuff TerminX said about mentally ill subhumans wanting to abuse and mutilate little children. These freaks of nature should all be locked away and rot in prison.
>hate speech
Ogay is hate speech? Get real, nigga.
>both sides
there's only one side. mentally ill babies, the lot of you. only difference is one group has the balls (get it) to kill themselves
>two opposed groups can't both dislike something for different reasons
Again, this is literally your thought process.
Good. At least the SJWs actually have to contend with another equally toxic demographic. They've been whining about them for so long and so hard that they willed the incel demographic into existence. Now there's an actual fight to watch.
Put some effort if you want more replies.
I've played games with gays, playable females, & "political" games I agreed with. before ResetERA was even conceived you fly eating retard. None of this was ever such an issue before you closet cases wrought your ugly heads out of whatever hole you crawled out of.
You can say it as many times as you want and it won't make it less retarded. No backlash would have happened if you fucking imbeciles didn't let trannies sodomize you with ther figurative cock. Next time don't cuck out sweetie.
Him being a cripple bitter at the whole world doesn't make it right. It's not okay to attack other marginalized groups even if you're disabled yourself.
Censorship is applied by the government, these people are allowed to make their game as they see fit.
I can see the defeat:
> game is loved by the public
> company decides to align with SJWs
> game becomes hated by the public
That's why you and your trannies friends are trying to do damage control, no? You are afraid that Ion Fury will serve as a case study to teach how publishers should act from now on...
>They are not the only ones who want it to fail
That's why we're having hundreds of threads on this issue right?
Just fuck off.
Allright, your an actual retard, go help the trannies review bomb some more, low iq nig.
So capitulating to resetera will make the game better?
*"political" games i don't agree with*
well how is throwing a bigger temper tantrum going to do anything for you other than give you a big fuck you
>yeah right no way people werent paid for 3 years, bullshit
Why do you think New Blood got founded after the ROTT remake? 3DRealms hasn't had a successful product since they rebooted
Lmao and I am allowed to tell you to fuck off and suck axewounds in retardera to beg for buys.
>Now there's an actual fight to watch.
How does this benefit those of us who don't give a shit about politics and only want vidya?
What the fuck was he supposed to say? Not being 100% supportive of whatever current year LGBT agenda just gets you crucified by the whole gaming media.
>ignoring the fact that the trannies emerged victorious on the negative review front and nobody stopped them
Does your brain not work properly or something?
They were ok with donating 10k for some organization that supports gender change surgery on children.
They can go fuck themselves.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that nearly every post getting mad about trannies has some blatant grammatical/spelling error that no native speaker would make. Not even simple typos, but blatant, awkward mistakes that someone who speaks English wouldn't make.
>Sharks smell blood on the water and start circling.
>Retard wants to jump in, bystanders try to stop him.
>He jumps in and he gets eaten.
>"Fuck you bystanders, its your fault you refused to throw him life ring!"
Did you even read the post?
Let's focus our creative energy on map making and creating new content.
its called you keep your mouth shut, release your game. stop putting yourself in public eye and expecting not to get shit on by literally everyone
Choosing to cut off your penis doesn’t make you a marginalized group, it makes you a pathetic loser. Why do you hate yourself so much?
Ignore it, just like everyone with a brain. The twitter retards have a short attention span and an even lower intelligence. It would have blown over in under a month.
Yeah nah fuck off cunt, last reply.
But they really want to make DLC for you!!!!! Surely thats worth a castration or two.
Nice brain gymnastics there bud. Your little epic ironic negative downvote fantasy sure paid off in the face of the massive SJW review bomb. You go buddy.
What politics, fucking retard? The game publisher has treated its fanbase and its customers like shit and is now paying the consequences.
The fact is that aligning with SJW is seen by the public as a negative thing and now companies will have to stop doing that. That's why you're desperate, isn't it?
LOL is that what gets you off, faggot? dreaming about butchered cocks?
Thanks for telling us lmao fucking sicko.
>repeat same argument already countered and throw some ad-hominem
he said it in a private discord.
>"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient".Censorship can be conducted by a government, private institutions, and corporations."
You're right. they can make their game worse if they want. And I have the right to refund my money and never support those shitstains again.
>SJWs want game to have bad reviews
>game gets bad reviews
The truth is always simpler than your contrived thought acrobatics, buddy.
No, but it won’t make it worse either, unless the soap bottle is a dealbreaker.
I could have bought it, but now my money can go to tranny fund.
How can you fuck up this shit so badly
>mfw I just want to enjoy vidya
uh no it seems to benefit companies. not aligning with sjw's and then switching is what got shit on
>Changes bottle of soap from saying "Ogay"
>Removes a comment in a non-accessible area of the map
>Accused of censorship and review bombed
Yall are reactionary faggots EXACTLY like the other reactionary faggots
You shut up and ignore politics.
There's nothing to gain whatever you might say.
Look you imbecile, at this point you should have realized your idiotic
>trannies like water, so you are a tranny simpatizer if you drink water
argument won't work with anyone with a brain. Just give up and tell your employers you shilled a lot instead of wating our time, your time, and Yea Forums bandwith with your idiotic falacies, you utter piece of shit.
So? Kingdom Come sold 2 million just fine, despite the game director Daniel Vavra being crucified by gaming media for a year straight. SJWs only have as much power as you're willing to give them. When you apologize or give in to their demands, you become vulnerable to them.
>get soundly defeated in argument
>act as if you were victorious
E for effort
The Internet is not a private place, can't believe people haven't understood this by now.
Based ResetEra showing SJW developers for what they are.
Now I know not to buy that shit game thanks to them.
we did it reddit! That will show them! Totally not exactly what they wanted.
Happy to help in getting your tranny panties in a twist, retard.
How are they making their game worse by removing an out of bounds message?
You're blowing this out of proportion because you're bored, have nothing better to do and have severe developmental issues. Also self-censorship is something every company does, but you're latching onto this one because it's easy pickins.
>Trannies try to get devs fired.
>Yea Forums refunds the game and pirates it instead.
>"M-muh u guyz are just as bad!"
Fuck off, tranny. The bottle of soap was so important for 3DRealms that they donated 10,000 dollars to a charity and forced Voidpoint dev team into mandatory sensitivity training.
I already did my part refunding the game. It's 3DRealm's problem now.
Are you stupid? After they apologized and bowed to Era it would have been in the SJWs favor if the reviews got better. It would have been a disastrous precedent.
Last reply since you are so desperate for attention.
Fanatics are lying hypocrites because they need to sell their politics to sane people.
You'll never make most /pol/tards nor sjws admit their actual thoughts outside their safe places.
That's also why both of them hate "centrists" the most: they need to convinve everyone the most important war for humanity is being fought, and only their side is right.
You think they're going to stop at a soap bottle? What happens if ResetERA gets offended by something else, you think 3DRealms would tell them no?
This isn't a high school clique tard fight. You're not winning anything.
Yikes, not looking good for them
Maybe they shouldn't have given all that money to the trannys
>"How are they making a game about dirty jokes worse by censoring it?"
I dunno man, its a mystery. I bet if blood would be removed from MK, you would be among the first retards to say its just fine.
The only sides that matter, degenerate fascists and degenerate trannies
Bottom line is that the trannies got away with their goals.
You can twist it any way you want, but their stated goal got achieved. You can not change this hard fact.
Ion Fury devs need to be made an example of.
Whatever ResetaEra tries to do to you, if you give in to them, we are going to do ten times worse.
Iron Maiden would probably get nothing out of it, but 3D Realms couldn't waste time and money defending itself and accepted the C&D.
Then 3D Realms destroyed its own game, but that's another story.
Shouldn't have cucked out
No it's different cause we're doing it ironically.
I don't usually say this but I can literally smell the butthurt of this post through my computer screen.
the dude that kickstarted it was already revealed to be a Yea Forums guy who wanted the game to crash and burn for not using the 1999 shelly design, you didn't think it was strange that the Reera OP's only involvement on the site was constantly asking for things to be censored in games Yea Forums was interested in? Does he have to start making threads about M&B for it to sink in your head you're being played like a sucker?
>review bomb and write seething post after post on Yea Forums
>We are completely against any kind of censorship.
>We are deleting a word.
The alternative is worse. Who cares if they have retarded goals.
ResetEra tries to get the game to "mixed" reviews or lower.
Whoops, guess they succeeded. Great "example" you set there.
It's called damage control, you do that and the other side whining shuts the fuck up and goes off to find some other shit to whine about. Corporations have been doing it for years. It's easier to cut a check than get into a prolonged social media shitfest
>doing them free publicity
It has been proven that piracy works as a word of mouth.
And it's on GOG, so there's no DRM version around. No one who pirates it does it because he hasn't chosen to.
Do you like Doom, user? Because that game got censored too.
Does anyone have a link to the pre patched 1.0 version? Don't wanna give these cucks money
>You think they're going to stop at a soap bottle?
Cool slippery slope brah.
honestly I don't see what all of the fuss is about
anyone on either side of the argument seems like a colossal retard getting upset over nothing
you're all fucking retarded
>thinking it's about personal politics
These retards don't care about anything besides scoring imaginary points against resetera or kotaku
Imagine thinking that mutilating an infant's genitals because the parent wants it to be the opposite gender is ok. Imagine being this much of a fucked up, borderline pedophile to wish that upon a baby. You can't let it drive, you can't let it drink, hell, you can't let it take a shit on its own, but mutilating its genitals after birth is okay.
You are literally trying to make the game the game fail and ALL the devs to lose their jobs.
How can you be this delusional/ coward to not admit what you do?
The devs then bended the knee to ResetEra, becoming worse than even them, therefore the opposite side got their game to mixed, if not worst.
If the developers bowed to ResetEra and things worked out for them, it would show other companies the easy route is to just do what ResetEra says.
>we are completely against censorship in any form
>a game about dirty jokes
It's a game about shooting niggas. Are you crying right now?
nope. Spineless fucks will NEVER get my support. If you can't stick to your guns, you deserve nothing but scorn and probably death for being a little bitch faggot who bows to crying trannys
ION FURY devs, KILL YOURSELVES you fucking cowards
I was going to buy the game and so were my coworkers, but this shameless display has made sure you will never see a dime from at least 3 people. I know it isn't much, but we do stand by our principles regardless of what others say. You are weak.
And to think it was 'Overwhelmingly Positive' in both recent and overall only a week ago. Social media is cancer.
All they had to do was literally nothing< and just ignored resetrannies and the game would have ended up fine.
Yet they were so desperate to appease a vanishingly small amount of people (who probably didn't even play the game in the first place but just bitched on twitter) they went as far as to shit on the majority of fans.
The bottom line is if you can't do PR properly for a game just don't do it at all.
i'm well aware, and he probably learned his lesson on that
doesn't really help discord feels much safer and private than it actually is, plenty of people saying stupid shit thinking they are only in good company
>It's called damage control
Censoring your game because political correctness is called bad damage control. They fucked up.
Whell they better give me a 10k check too or I'll make a "prolongue media shitfest" too.
And once you get tired of being recketered by every dickless retard on the internet, maybe tell trannies to fuck off. Until then, get fucked by your own idiocy and lack of spine.
shut the fuck up faggot
have won what? being even more retarded?
>you do that and the other side whining shuts the fuck up
Apologizing only encourages them.
If you ignore them they go away, they have short attention spans.
>p-pls be mad
Hahahah, what a fucking homo, I bet every post of yours uses the word "tranny." You're fascinated by those freaks, fagboy, might as well admit it.
ROTFL what a fruitcake.
imagine being so intellectually dishonest you try to pretend like you care about censorship before immediately pivoting to this
>Support the game, stop making your own decisions where you spend your money REEEEEE
Fuck you, my refund money went to AMID EVIL.
>retards are loud, obnoxious faggots who fail to represent their side well and see no need to do so
What else is new
Yup you sure showed everyone that you're not assblasted culture warriors.
Remember, you can't spell outrage culture without cult.
That's retarded and you know it.
This is what happens when you betray your original fanbase in favour of another group:
This is what 3D Realms did. They chose SJW TrannyERA and video game blogging "journalists" instead of the people who actually wanted a politically incorrect and unapologetic oldschool fps inspired by Duke Nukem 3D, Blood and Shadow Warrior - all games that poked fun at anything and anyone.
This happens all the time and it's really mindboggling how retarded people are to not see it coming. 3D Realms shitters were warned days prior they released the official statement to STFU and do nothing about it and the trannies will move on to pick on their next victim, they didn't listen. They dug their own grave, now they can lie in it.
>refunding and giving a game a negative review because the devs removed a shampoo bottle
Big brain retards never fail to amaze.
Again their so-called goal was stupid of them. Who fucking cares? If they continue to review bomb the game after the apology they're hurting their own cause. Do you want us to be stupid just because they are?
it's all so tiresome
im sorry user, the review bombing has made recent reviews 'mixed' and now you must suffer with a 'mostly positive' rating for all reviews
Oh yeah, the alternative being that a good game released successfully, was allowed to run its course and people could discuss it without le 8gag army shitting up every discussion about it.
What a horrible nightmare world.
No, but good try tranny.
ResetEra cares because the offending game sells less with lower reviews.
Are you dense or something? It's so plain and obvious.
Sorry I don't want to give my money to spineless faggots.
>If they continue to review bomb the game after the apology they're hurting their own cause
This. Hopefully other devs will learn the lesson that you don't aplogize.
>not buying the superior shooter instead
The correct damage control would be to be quiet for at least some weeks.
>"Censorship is good!"
The 1.0 version is the only version, moron.
Now we're in the position of the more 3D Realms suffers, the more companies in the future will second guess bending the knee to ResetEra
>not buying both
When will you guys learn what censorship means
>>Remember, you can't spell outrage culture without cult.
woooow simply ebin, that's like so intelligent bro
>mfw someone tries to convince me trannies are mentally ill (which everyone already knows) by posting cherry picked collages of hundreds of reddit posts made by trannies that could only be collected by spending hours on reddit forums dedicated to being a tranny
This.... autism.......
>not buying both and DUSK
I enjoyed all 3 a lot. Glad this games are coming out at all.
Refunded, then pirated the uncensored version. Keep seething, tranny. I get to play the better version of the game without having to spend money on it.
When will you?
I didn't say that you dumb cunt
lmao how retarded are you to have such poor reading comprehension
>can at least read between the lines
>only black between
>Show less
stop trying to pretend you care about censorship
As soon as they said they would patch out and censor offensive jokes the game was ruined.
Okay but is the game good
>letting Identity politics influence your vidya choices
Do these 'spineless fucks' remind you of yourself or something? you sound like you were bullied as a kid.
Except nowadays most people don't bother with even "mostly positive" games, so it's not gonna sell that much even after this shitstorm blows over. Sucks so much for the devs, my heart goes out to them. argument.
>Ok, but how's the gameplay?
>"The what?"
Let's start with the blatant sexism in the protagonists name "bombshell". This is a well know misogynistic slur towards women in an attempt to belittle and objectify them. This NEEDS to go immediately and a formal apology be given to ALL women.
There is a sign in the game encouraging the acceptance of violence against women. This should come as no surprise given the developers bigoted and vitriolic comments against trans children. The sign reads "I didn't hit her! It's not true! IT'S T! I did not hit her. I DID NOT!" by Mark's "relationship service". While on this I couldn't help but notice the 1-900-DONT-ASK, don't ask being a dog whistle to the don't ask don't tell policy the US military used against the LGBTQ community to oppress them. This sign NEEDS to be removed and a formal apology given to all women, abuse victims and LGBTQ community members.
There are two signs deeply offensive to the vegan community. Directly next to each other these devs have put one sign reading "Oddly Shaped Veggies" which slights the queer community and the vegan community at the same time. The other sign seen with it reads "Vegan Meats" and the sign is a cow with a sword through it. This sign is even more offensive than the last and is a direct attack towards the vegan community and PETA for all the thankless work they do saving the lives of INNOCENT animals. Take these out of the game sooner, rather than later and issue a public apology to the Queer and Vegan communities.
Finally the numerous references to bacon and pork products MUST be removed. As a muslim woman this is BY FAR the most degrading "joke" in this game. It's one thing to come after my gender but I WILL NOT STAND for these blatant non-halal messages being shoved down my throat.
Finally, the devs are clearly culturally insensitive and misogynistic and should be removed immediately before future projects are started.
THQ Nordic did something "worse" by making an AMA on 4+4ch but they got away with it because they knew when to keep their mouth shut. All they did was "lol we sorry exdee" and ran off. Everyone forgot about it a week later
These motherfuckers did something insignificant but made it extremely significant because of their absolute ass-kissing to like 10-15 people that complained, which led to pissing off thousands compared to a few dozen. I don't blame this on any side but the devs. They didn't learn to keep their mouth shut. and they're paying for it.
Game's still good, but didnt pay for it. Fuck 'em
Can someone catch me up on the details of what happened
I know people are pissed because the game removed something and there's something with trannies
Could you repeat that in English?
You mean a game from the publisher who supported 3D Realms in their censorship?
Good job there, faggot.
I'm enjoying the game (pre-tranny patch) a whole hell of a lot. Glad that user posted the mega upload during the day of the games release.
If apologizing don't appease the SJWs and make everyone else mad it sets a very good example for future devs. If you don't understand this simple logic you're either half-brained or a shill.
You said that when you said censorship doesn't matter. Accepting censorship is advocating it.
Everyone brings it up all the time because a week later the Christchurch shooting happened. Remember, Mark was the same guy who organized the AMA.
>m-muh ogay
why does the damage control party keep saying it's about that stupid sprite?
What? people started review bombing because they "caved to sjws"
>betray your original fanbase
Oh please be more melodramatic, faggot. For someone so triggered by alleged homos you type like a woman yourself.
there was a thing out of bounds and some autist made a big deal out of it and now lots of dumb people are angry because they've got several low IQs
it's sad really because the game's great
>You said that when you said censorship doesn't matter.
literally where did I say that
highlight the text in my original post and screenshot it
or is this just some strange idea you've formulated in your mind because you're a fucking retard?
Except they are spineless
You realize you only embarrass yourself and demonstrate how butthurt are with these kinds of posts, right? By the way keep going, you are helping you cause a great deal. Just a second, let me get the popcorn.
Oh, just a suggestion. I called you a retard several times get creative accusing me of retard fetishism or something. It is less of a tired cliche, might be worth exploring.
One of the devs on discord confirmed that the protag would be stealth transexual (as in her transexuality would be canon but not mentioned anywhere in the game), when gamers found out they went ballistic so the devs retracted the statement, which caused trannies to go ballistic
>which led to pissing off thousands
lol you guys really think there are thousands of based and redpilled gamers on your side?
You retards can only ruin these small projects, you won't ever affect any AAA game like battlefield Vagina or NuLara shitshow. Little autistic shitfaces.
ok retard
>Couple dozen ResetEra posters complain about Ion Fury having mean words in it and the developers saying "transphobic" things
>Thousands of people come to defend Ion Fury devs
>Ion Fury devs decided to give into ResetEra regardless, betraying the people who came to defend them
>Now most of those thousand turned against Ion Fury devs while ResetEra's side still won't support them either
They literally did everything wrong.
You're wrong. The game sells less, just like the SJWs wanted. Bottom line.
Zero tolerance for bitches.
I don't want my money to encourage this kind of behavior.
>hurr projection
Did you learn that from your psychiatrist, tranny?
Autism..... so much......... inconceivably autistic...
some trannies got angry at a dev and a soap bottle got changed. then /pol/ decided that they can cry harder than trannies and started spamming Yea Forums
Nah I pirated it (ofc) and it's not that great 2bh. Blood was a lot better. This just has way too big levels with enemies shooting at you from 2 miles away while you literally can't see them and the key hunting is probably the most obtuse yet. It's better than Redneck Rampage at least, I guess.
>literally where did I say that
>getting upset over nothing
Is censorship nothing to you? If you say yes, you automatically advocate censorship.
There's plenty of good games out there for me to play to shit on a game that offends my sensibilities. I'll just go play Shadow Warrior, it's better anyway.
>Ion Fury devs decided
It was 3DReals who did. Devs just got fucked in the middle.
And Hedon!
They're not entitled to my money.
Go back to Era, tranny. Or learn to read
sounds like you're admitting that you don't actually care about the game and you just use it to whine about people you don't like... interesting...
false fucking morals. you only care about having a soapbox to stand on to scream about trannies
>Is censorship nothing to you?
not sure how you inferred that from my post
guess you're just retarded then
SJW don't buy games.
It sells less cause they pissed the playerbase by apologizing, you can't be this dense.
Don't get too cocky, cucklet. Know your place, 3D Realms shitter.
Could you retards be any more melodramatic
They patched an out of bounds texture with random words.
Not an answer, try again. Simple yes or no.
I liked the game but didn't care about the whole ordeal. The chances of an expansion and updates are extremely slim, right?
What about WRATH?
>Everyone brings it up all the time
I've literally never seen anyone other than resetera bring it up and literally nobody other than resetera even associates 4+Yea Forums with THQ Nordic, THQ Nordic pretty much handled it how its supposed to be and just ignored resetera and let it fade away.
>its another drink analogy
Yeah you're not any different from them.
They justify it. They aren't worth shit, like any (((bisexual))) character.
all of the arguments in this thread are embarrassing back and forths
stop posting in this shitty thread and go play video games and have some fun
let it die
Fuck off shill. Tell your master next time to grow some ball and not bend over. You can post all you want, we'll just laugh at you more times.
>SJW faggots whine about a game they didnt buy
>AntiSJW faggots whining about a game they didn't buy
I wonder how many people actually refunded. Probably a minimal fucking amount.
>Censorship is fine!
Go back to your tranny discord.
>muh soap bottle, wow it's nothing haha crazy gamers
Let the rest of the class know when you're ready to stop being a disingenuous shitstain.
Sounds like you should stop hanging out on retardera then, bro. Not sure what to tell you.
Also only cripplechan autists call their site 4+Yea Forums. Are you a cripplecuck?
Yea Forums and resetera are the exact same thing on different sides. You are all doing the same shit
The review bombers are buying the game and refunding it just for the sole purpose of leaving a negative review
>muh censorship
>but those trannies right!?
off yourself
Doesnt that mean they won
argument won't work with anyone with a brain. Just give up and tell your employers you shilled a lot instead of wating our time, your time, and Yea Forums bandwith with your idiotic falacies, you utter piece of shit.
I'll repeat is as many times as you want, cocksmoker.
Which of these shirts do you own, fellow gamers?
>1002 Mixed reviews
You have to own the game to review it on Steam.
When is it coming back, I need my No Haven thread
i don't think that works anymore as of recently
might be wrong though
>When the SJWs want something you must want the opposite, goy!! No matter what!
Wonder who's behind this post.
blessed post
Don't cut yourself on that edge, tranny. Just because you don't have a sense of humor when it comes to your psychological disorder doesn't mean everyone else should cater to your insecurities.
welcome to 2019
Don't care about some retarded boomer game and I never will. I just came in here to see if someone posted porn of Ion Fury.
The NPChe is actually alright, I like that one.
>I work as a slave
>I can't talk much
shouldn't someone be calling the FBI?
>buy game
>play for less than 2 hours
>write a review
>refund it
sure that's something to care about
but a video game having 2 textures changed?
that's not censorship
It's a cool game. I enjoyed playing. I don't really give a shit about the retarded twitter warrior battlefield it became. Those dumbasses will fuck off to the next """outrage""" in a couple weeks, and I'll still have a fun game to play.
Are you here to save Yea Forums from those pesky evil nazis?
It definitely does. If you check the reviews, there's a good amount of negative reviews with the minimum 0.1 hours played.
That says a lot about you, user
That's not a lost sale, they didn't lose any money if you buy it and immediately refund it. It's like if someone who never intended to buy something in the first place pirates something, it was never a sale they were going to have in the first place.
It literally is. A small bit of censorship, but censorship nevertheless.
False. Steam's reviewbombing started in Steam's own discussion forum, when customers were banned by 3D Realms for asking what the hell was going on. That's why the first negative reviews had an average playing time of 5h.
Wrong. It's SJWs vs everybody else. And the latter actually like games.
Isn't summer already over? Don't you have school? I can smell from here how much of a tourist you are. The other guy quit replying to so I'll pretend to be him and you can fill up the thread with your schizo-posts.
>posting aeromatic
God I wish her ex-roommate actually doxed Nicolas and his tranny roommate. Maybe someday they'll get sent to jail for having kiddy dicks on their computer.
>It literally is.
well let's agree to disagree then and move on with our lives :)
I've literally only visited once eito-chan once, I don't even care if it stays down.
Oh look its a culture warrior who comes too Yea Forums to talk about trannies
>my 3 thousand alternative accounts agree with me
>Yeah and Bethesda did the same with Doom Eternal
Quick rundown on this? I don't remember anything about Doom getting into any controversy lately but I probably just zoned it out since this shit happens too fucking often now
>but a video game having 2 textures changed?
>that's not censorship
Yes it is. Removing a joke because of political correctness is the very definition of censorship.
3DRealms statement:
>As part of our efforts to contribute to the work that must be done to further support these communities, we are donating $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Trevor Project. We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language."
Now explain carefully how that is not censorship.
As funny as it is that the first female protag of this genre is actually a guy (because that's more progressive somehow) its still a retarded J K Rowling like thing to do
with all the complaining about games i see here, i doubt it
>the other guy
lmao we all know you are a very angry control damage shill swamped by posts telling you to fuck off and dilate
Who exactly? both sides now want this game to fail for their own reasons. Its a lose-lose-lose situation for everyone.
where was this outrage when san andreas removed a bunch of music from radio stations?
If you couldn't tell by his faggot gayass avatar then I don't know what to tell you. I mean LOOK AT IT
>gayass beard style only the biggest shlong suckers and Arabs (not mutually exclusive) rock
>Cristiano Ronaldo hairstyle - big faggot vibes
>all shiny and sparkles and shit - self explanatory
Amid Evil is ass anyway. Even the OST by Hulshult blows.
No porn just cute Shelly.
No I made sure I bullied faggots like you. Alphas don't get bullied. we Beat the shit out of people like you for fun.
Kill yourself now, you are too weak to continue to exist
Do you think she fucks girls
The reason I’m so against these devs and their publisher is because they’ve set a new bar for how utterly pathetic you can be in regards to apologizing for manufactured outrage
The ‘hate speech’ that was dug up by that user on their discord? It said that parents who mutilate their infant sons to the point of gender reassignment are mentally ill. That’s the controversy. As if that’s a edgy take
Go back to retardera among your room temperature peers.
"alphas" dont post on internet message boards, especially not Yea Forums
>telling lies on the internet
Do people really do this?
The devs "caved to sjw", so that mean sjw won right
>What politics, fucking retard?
The "Treating everyone like shit" part is them pandering to politics you don't like.
Fuck off to Reddit, then, fagget
That didn't happen
>Uses same image once per 2 months.
Why would I change the filename for the rare occasions you trannies expose yourselves here?
pretty sure it is.
I'm just saying, it's a bit disingenuous to support the same kind of person you are "against". It outs him as a bandwagoning fag.
>alpha and beta comes from a book called wolf
>author said that its not accurate and only applies to small packs of unrelated by blood wolves in captivity
>still gets used as a gold standard by insecure autists everywhere
>dude if you dont spam tranny shit you belong on retardera
I guarantee you've been to that site more than I have
He's 100% correct, though. Turning your child into a confused cultist when they otherwise would have been perfectly happy to just be a kid and do kid stuff is wrong and abusive. Anyone who condones this is just using LGBT people as political pawns to advance their agenda and try to paint themselves as the "good guys" without having to make an actual point about anything.
I don't think anyone is actually replying to you besides me at this point. It's kinda sad how I can be everyone and you too.
and fuck yourself off a bridge.
yes, and we're gonna show the devs a big example of what happens when they do. RISE UP.
Meh was a standard response long before reddit dipshit.
>statistics/polisci dual major
>polisci courses would always have one faggot with communist propaganda shit on his backpack and would wear a Che shirt in certain classes almost every sessios
>just wanted to build surveys and analyze data like the spaz I was, Che faggot would constantly harp about how polling data was a tool of oppression and we should listen to the people
>got kicked out of a Latin American Political Theory course because I told him Che lined up homosexuals against the wall and had them shot when he was ranting about gay rights in America one day
>went to dean of science over it, he laughed his ass off and called the assistant dean of liberal arts to clear it up
Fun fact, Tarn was my professor for a class. So, yeah, I'm a bit bitter about that sort of faggot.
kill yourself subhuman
This posts reeks of someone that got bullied.
aren't they omitted from the average score?
It would be outrageous if Rockstar went to the media to say: "Our devs are homophobic, so they will have to take an SJW training course and modify the game so that it is no longer offensive" and immediately afterwards banish their own customers from the Steam forums.
that parody of OLAY soap?
so why did they remove it SJWs or retarded people who thought it was promoting gays?
When Steam is arsed to do it. In Ion Fury's case they don't. And good that they don't.
Is that your long-term plan, 40%er?
That's licensing issue. This is something unavoidable
Why in the world would that be a thing.
Check on a super new release and you'll find reviews with minutes played used for the score.
Probably fucks anything, really.
>macho shooter fans are actually faggots
>trannies try to get the game shut down
>"Hey fellas, I know, lets find some small thing to get the devs to change for us, this will get the alt-right on our side! They hate anything that listens to us!"
i don't know i just remember reading about steam and new preventative measures against review bombing
>trying to keep our families fed
So appeasing SJWs and liberals is more important than your fucking FAMILY? What the hell is wrong with these cucks?
ohhh of course. censorship doesn't matter unless its censoring what an sjw wants
The soap said OGAY and there was some inaccessible asset somewhere that had the word FAGGOT or something. SJW complained, they changed it. That's the only in game change. That's it.
Autist from Yea Forums who got banned from 3DRealms discord, screenshotted their discussion about trannies and posted them on Resetera. Resetards started crying on Twitter, pirated the game and looked for anything to be upset about with noclip mode on.
3D realms caved in and apologized, because their PR Manager is an ex-game journalist SJW cunt himself. As a result they censored their game, donated 10,000 to tranny kids and put all Voidpoint devs to involuntary indoctrination camps.
>dude has voice that sounds as if his vocal cords have been ravaged by thousands of miles of cock thrusting up against them
>surprised he's a faggot
Dominance hierarchies absolutely do exist everywhere in nature. The alpha and beta terms are extremely vague, but they definitely do a decently accurate job of describing human social structures.
That's used when people make a bad review and don't talk about the game at all. It happened with an Epic exclusive and people reviewbombed the older games.
>inspect element to make every post in the thread display yous
Are you retarded? What do you think it proves, exactly? You are aware I know which posts are mine, right? If only it proves you are one big ass retard replying to every other single user in the thread.
If they cave to SJWs they deserve everything they have coming desu
>that's the only thing being censored
>pirate game first
>haven't gotten around to playing it
>now have the official uncucked version while the paypigs have to deal with the fallout and grab a decensor mod
which the devs could easily prevent by not listening to the fuckwits in the first place. their fault, their loss.
>AntiSJW faggots whining about a game they didn't buy
This is where you fucked up, tranny incognito
>I wonder how many people actually refunded. Probably a minimal fucking amount.
Well, then everything must be daijoubu for 3D Realms and we can expect the announcement of a sequel any day now, don't you agree? Smooth sailing, smash success. All this drama and controvery had absolutely no negative side-effects on the potential success of this otherwise great game.
lots of hierarchies exist in nature some even, SOCIALIST
is that not what's happening here? or are they allowing it as it technically has to do with the publishers
either way thank you for clarifying for me
based and rumpilled
It's on GOG, it takes less than a minute to pirate. You can even claim moral high ground, you bought the game and so it's not really piracy.
Yeah, a single sprite.
That you are getting mad over.
On a Friday night.
Why do you care so much about politics?
Remember when we hated SJWs because they were obnoxious faggots that cared more about devs pandering to their political views than the actual game itself?
And you'll understand that this is unacceptable.
>inspect element
Alright thanks for telling me that you're actually a redditor. I'm pretty sure base Yea Forums has the feature to (You) everything but I don't remember if x added it in. Go back shill.
You know you can grab the installer at any time from GoG, right?
Most PC gamers are usually faggots. It's crazy how many trannies and freaks there are on Steam alone.
could you imagine what the game would be like if that soap bottle didn't say ogay? i shudder at such a world
Fuck off retard, I'm not reading your strawman. I know you are making up some dishonest busllshit, so why bother.
Here is my reply: kill yourself retarded shill.
>Someone doesn't agree with you they're a tranny
Literally kill yourself
>You know you can grab the installer at any time from GoG, right?
Yeah, what do you think I downloaded when it came out?
A couple of reviews got removed for talking about the drama surrounding the game that also only had 0.1 hours played but a majority are still up.
>stealth have sex
Allow me to retort: dilate.
The soap bottle is no big deal, they chose to donate $10,000 USD to an LGBTQ charity because a dev said a thing on a private discord a year ago
Yes. Its a censored game. Therefore worse game.
Going down this "US VS THEM, IF YOU AREN'T WITH US YOU'RE AGAINST US! MY SIDE IS SO CORRECT THAT ANY DISSENTING OPINION MUST ONLY BE ENEMY SUBTERFUGE!" mentality you guys have adopted is a pretty dangerous road to go down.
Take care of yourself user, don't end up being a paranoid schizophrenic that spends his time alone being bitter at the world and fighting imaginary boogiemen that are always out to get you in your mind
because they brought it to the table, so naturally we left.
review jannies just said fuck it i guess
Because they are ruining vidya(along with everything else). You must be blind to not see it. Ignoring it will only make it worse.
oh my god user, can you imagine. DONATING TO A CHARITY!? holy fuck call the police
oh that discord thing. they didn't even say anything controversial they just said people who subject their children to tranny shit, hormones, surgery, ect are sick fucks. it's a factual statement.
>3D realms caved in and apologised
oh I see the problem. Fucking idiots how have they not learned to ignore this shit by now.
>p-pls be sorry
Holy shit, the tranny-seeker is bargaining. I have never seen something this pathetic in my life. Keep building that tranny collage, Nancy, holy fucking lol
>you guys have adopted is a pretty dangerous road to go down.
How is it dangerous to decide which games you invest money in?
more like trannity
Politics are ruining games in general, not just liberals.
The retarded faggots that can't stop crying about liberals and trannies are just as obnoxious and they have a much bigger impact on me because they directly invade places I like to spend my time and prevent me from enjoying my hobby and simply talking to people that also just enjoy video games
Yeah, fuck videogames, politics are more important
If it talks like a tranny, if it thinks like a tranny then it might be a tranny.
Why are you so obsessed with trannies? It's all you ever talk about.
its fine user, just consider what you're really fighting for and why.
Maybe next time you get outraged because you see that someone you had never heard of before said something you don't like, ask yourself if you actually care or if you're just getting swept up in the tribalism
fucking lmao. Look you utter retard, you can only accuse someone of being a shill if their actions results in sales for someone, like you are doing for you cuck masters.
Fuck off, dilate and kill yourself tranny, IM NOT BUYING YOUR SHIT GAME.
>It outs him as a bandwagoning fag.
Of course he is one. Notice how he threw his "buddy-devs" under the bus in a split-second to give virtual hugs to some monstrosity while previously he was pledging friendship to Voidpoint in previous public tweets?
Faggots like him have zero personality or integrity. You can usually spot them very easily in real life and they should be avoided at all costs.
because its not about games, you know its not about the games and its only a matter of time till you find yourself behind the gun of committing a hate crime
They donated to a tranny hotline.
You're looking for a black transexual? I'm sorry, something is being lost in the translation here.
Could you ask your supervisor to send someone who speaks English, Vova?
saved this just for these types of comments
Is this pasta? Or did this dude actually took the time to write that wall just to shitpost?
what a waste of money holy shit. how the fuck are they even going to make that back.
and what charity? please let it be a normal gay one and not a sicko tranny one.
You talking from experience? Don't worry, you have a 41% chance of ending your suffering soon, user.
If you believe parents should be choosing to irreparably alter a child's body before they've even formed their sense of self, you are a monster.
>trying to police how someones money is spent
why are you such a communist?
So they bullied you your whole life, and this is your retribution. That's pretty fucking pathetic, man, I feel sorry for you.
>niggers set foot in our shores
>we raise shit wanting for them to not put into our land
>it's suddenly our fault
>>It outs him as a bandwagoning fag.
I was talking about the user who is buying Amid Evil as an epic win against 3D Realms.
plz no ban
Tranny suicide hotline.
Remember that they have a 40% suicide rate.
What is a good CONSERVATIVE game that won't offend me? I'm tired of all these libcucks ruining our hobby!
>Yea Forums jerking itself off because it finally found a small enough dev team with a niche enough game that they could actually hurt them
I hope you're proud of yourselves. Meanwhile the triple A devs do the same political shit and worse, unhindered by your seething. But you did it. You made the developers of a great game pay.
Do you not find it ironic that you make fun of "trannies" for calling everything they disagree with a nazi?
what are you, LARPing as a 15 year old girl on snapchat?
>game is reviewbombed just because of a bottle of soap
I have never trusted reviews but this is another reason to not do so. You're all a bunch of pathetic faggots, throw your politic rocks at me I don't give a fuck.
but obviously its a huge problem that needs to be dealt with right? even though it should solve itself. you are fucking obsessed
>taking a screenshot of a random youtube comment at face value
Yea Forums is deader than dead.
I'm staunchly anti-censorship though. Theres plenty of other shooters on Steam, each which are good. If theres multiple cars to choose from that are each of the same quality but have different colors, why would I pick a color that I don't like?
Yeah just screenshot the least controversial thing they said and pretend that's why people were mad. Very honest of you
what do you expect, they're pedophiles. they don't believe that a child has to "form their sense of self".
>My company black flagged this entire operation.
>Waiting for developers to be willing to sell the company for a song.
And they told me business majors didn't do real work.
>The Trevor Project is an American non-profit organization founded in 1998 focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, (((bisexual))), transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Through a toll-free telephone number, it operates The Trevor Lifeline, a confidential service that offers trained counselors. [[[The stated goals of the project are to provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay, (((bisexual))), transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13–24]]], as well as to offer guidance and resources to parents and educators in order to foster safe, accepting, and inclusive environments for all youth, at home and at school.
Is Vova a russian name or something? Are you retarderans seriously still pushing the russian hacker thing?
>I'm staunchly anti-censorship though
No you aren't you lying faggot, you just like being part of the shitposting
I also play shooters for the dialogue. Yes I also suffered severe cranial trauma as a child, how did you know?
Because they all pretend to be cute anime girls and none of them are. If they were cute anime girls I could fuck them till they become well behaved, but no all I get is Girgugamesh and I ain't into fucking that sort of creature.
>gets exposed as being a newfag redditor
>better call him all the buzzwords
You're better off not replying. Just go back to whatever subreddit you came from and ask for upvotes on your latest funny post. I don't even own this game either lol, you faggots just are too easy to talk shit too.
Wait you're posting on a phone too?
I guess the devs dropped the soap and got its ass fucked
This is retarded. SJWs have literally all the power. They've gotten into fucking Linux at this point. If you don't like consumers fighting back with what little power they have, you should shift hobby to comic books or something.
I keep seeing this, what did they say that was so much worse than that?
The example still works if you switch sides, genius. If it were a game made for gay audiences under pressure from religious fanatics, and the company reacted as 3D Realms did, it would have to deal with the same negative shit from its fans and customers.
Do you need a hug? You seem upset about the fact people can freely choose how they spend their hard-earned money.
Never heard of it!
Check that out, user. Bringing out nazis must mean you have some represed nazi fetish or something.
>just every american intelligence agency agrees
>13 russian nationals got scooped up during mueller investigation
>but putin said he wus a good boi and dindu nuffin
that's so fucking clever holy shit
>look at negative reviews
>half saying devs are transphobic
>half saying the publisher bowed to sjws
Video games are crazy these days
I just wanted to play video games
>SJWs have literally all the power
They have as much power as attention you give them.
If you ignore them they go away.
If you think Ion Fury is better than Shadow Warrior or Blood, you are a retard who needs velcro to keep his pants on.
Shadow Warrior
Ion Maiden
Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about. Stick to whatever the board tells you and not some headline you read. You're seriously telling people to run away from SJWs to comics. yeah fucking right
>strawmaning this weak
You were never anybody's friend here.
great summary of the whole shitshow, im willing to bet many devs and publishers are watching this happen.
Neither do hypersensitive stormlards, for that matter.
you're just complaining about trannies
>tranny pic
Or devs will cave to them regardless. Like in this fucking case. Retard.
It was the principle, senpai.
3DRealms made a super sexist game and got famous for it then they bent the knee to the trannies and forced the Ion Fury developers to censor it. Then gave $10,000 to the trannies and took it out of the bonuses meant for the developers.
They must pay the price for cowardice.
Plus we need an outlet for our rage and boredom.
but your parents did that to you?
Can someone redpill me on what happened. Something about fuck trannies or something.
>n-no u!
>meme meme? meme buzzword meme!
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
That's why you ignore extremists.
The game is great, if they just had ignored everyone and shut up people would bbe talking about how good the game is.
Oh you
hate speech does not exist
why are trannies like you so hostile and always out for blood? media wants to sell us this image of you being these fragile, soft and peaceful creatues that need to be protected.
>tranny post
He ain't wrong but what a retarded thing to say in public when you know anything you write is going to be under a microscope.
>Plus we need an outlet for our rage and boredom.
Get rid of the "plus", and that sums up the entire situation.
I don't care if you buy it, I'm not emotionally invested in this game, I'm just calling you a liar
Well, look at that.
>forced the Ion Fury developers to censor it
>grow some ball
How's the weather in moscow this time of the year? dehumanizing?
Yeah, just like Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Retard
No it doesn't. The rating system should be used to reflect the overall game and people are abusing it because of personal interest just like they always do.
Consumers fucking suck
Remembering that the devs of this game apparently don't care about the fact that 3D Realms has attached news that accuses them of being sexist and transphobic on the game's official website.
>inane bullshit, calling others redditors and phoneposters to change the subject from being exposed as a shill
Use all the tricks they told you, retard. Nobody cares and nobody will take you seriously. The only one reading your post is me and just because laughing at retards is my fetish. Keep going imbecile, your resistence only makes my dick harder lol. It's great having a dick by the way, why would you cut yours? I really can't understand you "guys"
kek, why are you putting the jewish parentheses around bisexual only?
what the fuck is that thing at the door doing after the first guy gets hit
Keep crying. Still not going to buy the game.
>Tranny suicide hotline.
well as long as they're not praying on kids. that's the one thing that makes me want to go full hitler & holocaust all of them.
but a suicide hotline for mentally ill people seems like a wasted half measure because their condition is never actually being dealt with.
Got anything in red that sez maga?
That's because 3D Realms is amateur or probably put a feminazi in PR.
>it's controversial to say toddlers shouldnt be force fed HRT pills
man, fuck these people
>trannies get butthurt over literally nothing
>devs donate money to tranny "charity", censor their games, and attend sensitivity training
>people call them caving cucks and leave bad reviews
If you don't like any opposition to SJWs, yeah good riddance. Reading female Thor comics will suit you nicely. Maybe if you ignore the SJWs things will stop getting worse? Any day now.
Steam automatically aggregates that content, devs and publishers don't. Also how is the Steam library page the "official website".
Bisexuality is the Jewish sexuality. They aren't straight (just like Jews aren't white), but can pass as one.
only because people keep bending the fucking knee
Seriously consider suicide.
>well as long as they're not praying on kids.
pic related
wait that's republicans
basically any old white politician for that matter. didn't see obama on epsteins plane :^)
>literally can't go a post without using the word tranny.
You're obsessed, fagboy, you desperately want one in your life. What a gay little nigger.
A basedboy in this case. Ex game journo.
Yeah you're not the only one getting hard here.
>nobody cares
user, you care enough about me to keep replying to me. I didn't change any subject as well, you said I used inspect element to trick you, I just used a basic function of the site to see if you're a newfag, and what do you know I was right.
Fucks sakes why cant I find the gog installer anywhere it's all repacked bullshit aaaaaaaa
>implying obama doesnt fuck kids
>he actually is doing it
Hey man, check out this video I have about two hookers peeing on Trump or something ahahahaahahaaha. Hey man, you wanna buy a bridge hahahahahahahahsashgahagshagsahghaghdagsds
Stop with those facts, you're supposed to lie to yourself until you can't think straight.
There is a chance that an actual adult human made this image
did the cunt get shot?
You're telling people to go to comics to get away from SJWs when they've been infested with them longer than you've been alive. Quit trying so hard to fit in and stick to whatever the board teaches you retard.
If this is true then he is absolutely based
Nah, probably an edgy 14-16 year old.
>we were not paid in the course of 3 years of dev
I don't believe that at all. What, they worked 3 years with a publisher FOR FREE?
This is the power of the bot farms???????? whoaa......
>someone's money
It's the customers money you retard. They're taking that donation directly out of the game's proceeds. That's what triggered the refund wave. People don't want to indirectly support some tranny charity that preys on little children.
I have a question Yea Forums, as it seems that the main issue people have isn't the game itself but supporting the devs who support SJW/tranny politics, and being spineless in their beliefs.
Let's say I bring out an indie game in the veins of Ion Fury (doesn't have to be a an old-school shooter) and it's got some politically uncorrect and "edgy" humour like majing quips against gays, insensitive language, rape jokes and/or showing swastikas without demonizing nazis (or whatever else that would offend the SJW crowd) and there was a huge shitstorm against my game. However, unlike most Devs, I wouldn't ever apologize for them instead only replying to the shitstorm with "if you don't like it, you don't have to play it" and generally tell butthurt trannies and nu-journalists to go "fuck themselves" etc. Would I have Yea Forums's support? Do you think my game would stand a chance or would it fall victim to lefty smear-campaigns and buried under outrage culture?
Me personally I don't care if trannies are offended, but I also know that they like to gang up on people out-of-the-fold and drag their shit down with their censorship.
I'm asking this because I'd like to make some games someday, not necessarily intented to offend anyone but I have no intentions of bowing to leftists PC culture either, yet it seems like one tiny mistep and your whole project and enterprise may be doomed overnight. It's kinda scary.
>he hasnt seen the same sheep thought image spammed in every lol thread
I prefer to make myself cum until I can't think straight.
I meant "official page", but the translator considered "official website". And I'm not doubting you, but are you sure it's automatic? Because, as far as I know, you have complete control over your own Steam page.
he's too busy fucking his husband
show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
and turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach
another clever word sets off an unsuspecting herd
and as you step back into line, a mob jumps to their feet
and now you steal away
take him out today
nice work ya did
you're gonna go far kid
And which function is it? Show me the basic, vanilla Yea Forums button in a screen cap. C'mon, show me.
clutch those pearls harder user
Kingdom Come: Deliverance was attacked by SJWs and still did good.
Have fun trolling all the other newfags user.
It's the "I Wanna Be Sedated" parody edited into it
when are they going to hit 30 already?
Sadly not. I'm too lazy to find it, but it was in the news and you can easily google it. Afaik the tranny claimed voices told him to do it. Kek. And they try to convince us that trannies aren't mentally ill.
That's the fucking point idiot. Jesus Christ.
Actually I just checked and vanilla doesn't have it. Oh well then.
Yeah theres tons of examples of these review bombers, bunch of sad fucks.
>basic, vanilla Yea Forums button
You are too stupid to even know the computer you are using has 4chanx or some other addon isntalled, huh?
That's not the Steam page. That's the library page. Steam's "News" section aggregates content by looking for keywords (in this case the game's title) from certain websites like PC Gamer and Rock, Paper, Shotgun. It also shows announcements from the developers there as well. I can tell you for sure that what is posted there is done automatically by Steam. I don't know if developers/publishers have the option of manually removing articles from appearing in their game's news feeds. I would have no way of knowing that. I doubt, however, 3D Realms is even looking at the Ion Fury news feed as it appears on Steam, nor would they want to remove an article covering the decision they made, using the language they used themselves.
Most of those getting married are teenagers who got knocked up by their boyfriend and so they had a shotgun marriage. The nice thing about statistics is you can make something look absolutely horrible by omitting key information.
What did they do to offend them? Like not include female knights in their realistic medieval world?
Didn't have any niggers.
Eddie, man, you have got to stop drinking so much gin when you're on your hormones dude. Goddamn lay off or you're gonna fuckin' die mate.
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.
>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).
Pick a side.
makes you really think about those tranny statistics huh!? who am i kidding. keep bitching about trannies. wait censorship? yea i wanna censor trannies why'd you bring up censorship?
Fucker has a better jaw than me.
It's not fair
I actually said earlier I didn't know whether or not vanilla had it or whether X had added it in.
But why the fuck would you not use 4chanx anyway? The basic site is so fucking gimped you essentially need it to use this site daily unless you don't come here every second.