Monster Hunter

Why does everyone ask for gore, but not Shaggy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Passive explosions are a shit mechanic, that's why

When i ask for one i ask for the three of them

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Chaotic can fuck off. Literally a waste of space like most of the variants.


Grandpa > Normal Fatalis > Crimson

I want my Black Fatalis Blade

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I want a higher-level monster with minions like a Great Jaggi/Girros/etc. so I can use LS or SA and become a blood tornado that uses their corpses to fuel their power.
Ancient Leshen doesn't count since he doesn't have them out 80% of the time and they're not even his.

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Post your:
>First game
>favorite weapon
>favorite monster
>favorite armor set

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give me gore for my switch axe SCYTHE I NEED IT!

>Still no final boss raptor monster that fights perfectly in sync with its pack, to deadly effect


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>Kush X from 4U

>The game that released before your first game
>Not yours
>Not yours
>Not yours
Newfaggots please leave

Dos first. Gu favorite
Rajang and Glavenus

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>Great Girros


But Chaotic is the only good fight of the three


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>pic related

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>Barioth X

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God I can't wait to fight it

Imagine the weapons...
Imagine the armour...

Pick a monster and give it a theme from another vidya

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Hopefully it's hard as shit

There’s a pack leader Elder Dragon in Frontier who’s pretty cool, but of course >Frontier

>GS or HH
>Gore (Shaggy's cool too)

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Will there be a name change option in Iceborne?

Chaotic Gore is a tragic abomination that must be euthanized for its own well-being and the safety of others.
I always feel bad for it when I hear its music.

What the fuck am I looking at?

We are truly blessed to get something new everyday after almost 2 months of nothing.

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It's music is fucking kino

I used cheatengine to change mine

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Tfw no Accel Axe in a mainline Or even playable game. Its just not fair

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Supposedly the true form of the Everwyrm

Super laser piss fingers

I see his fight as a mercy kill so i don't feel to bad about it.

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I just realized that hand is its tail. I can even see its real arms and legs.

>go fight it for the first time and manage to get close before it aggroes
>his idle animation is him trembling

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Because Shiggy is unironically a shittier version of Gore aesthetically-wise

>First MH

The hands are the wings

I ask for him all the time.
And Gore.
And Chaotic.

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The hands are its 'wings'.

>steve GS
> Astalos
>Favorite Armor? All of my clownsuits.


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why the hell is the rendering on the lagiacrus image so much better than all the rest?
the lighting, the water spray and the fur on the greatsword look so good

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Yeah I need a better image to analyze this. This is something bizarre

Monster Hunter
It was Greatsword, but I fell in love with HBG due to having actual controls in World
Fuck that's a hard one... I think Seltas/Queen or Ahtal, I love bug monsters, but I honestly love all of them in their own way
Drilltusk Tetsucabra

I wonder how many people know this image as "generic dragon and knight wallpaper" without knowing where it comes from

Shara Ishvalda

It's also in a really weird position

>pic related, hidden ls close second
>og silver rathalos, narga second

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World, but 3U is my favourite

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It seems to have some kind of tube coming from the fingers shooting the piss
It's actually kind of disgusting

Gore looks cooler.

Those are some huge wingarms

Looking at this it made me think, what would be the best nickname for each games hunter?
I can only think of
4/4U > Apex Hunter
X/XX > Fated One
World > Sapphire Star

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When is faggot chameleon coming back?

>Not "The Hunter with the eyebrows"

They're all called "Never Scored"

I feel like it's kinda a 3-for-1 deal with the Magalas, if they include Gore then they have the skeleton and basic attacks for both Chaotic and Shagaru as well as the frenzy mechanic that they certainly won't make just to only include Gore but not the 2 others

Freedom Unite, Tri being my favorite
Gealic Flame
Dragon X from FU its a shame thats the only game its appeared in as a craft able armor set

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gore and shaggy come as a pair
having one without the other would be silly

It's really not that weird, its body plan is basically the same as a Fatalis. The long, spindly fingers on its wingarms and the shockwaves/whatever it's shooting out of them just obscure some parts of it.

Mystery Nigga

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The way the leaker described it made it sound kind of boring but I'm pretty interested now.


Dumb butposter


the fuck is wrong with you user

>First game
>favorite weapon
Lunatic Rose(Gold Rathian SnS)
>favorite monster
>favorite armor set
Great Jaggi. No, I'm serious.

yfw Ishvala armor is ALCHEMY themed

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>turn head upside-down (also flipping the face)
>get uragaan with giant yaoi hands

He's here stop fucking screaming

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Freedom Unite
Akantor armour

I really miss the volcano stage from MHP3rd. The beachside section with the rumbling storm and volcano nearby was 10/10 kino.

So you will only buy IB if Congalala is in?

Chinese Niggas

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>ALCHEMY themed
What does that even mean


>Buff humanoid Uragaan with four arms and luscious locks of hair

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Have you heard of a nation that was devastated by the forces of ALCHEMY?

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3rd Gen Rathalos

holy shit this is based

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>square up thot

>Ceadeus X

Thank god Gore isn't in.
Thank god Valstrax isn't in.
Thank god Seregios isn't in.

Ryozo, our savior, slowly purging all 3DS filth from the series. Praise Garuga.

I got this too. I swear he only believes the leak because it mentions a switch MH game

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So who’s in & who isn’t today? Any new ones?

>Monster Hunter
>Great Sword

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>purging all 3DS filth from the series
user, I...

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>I'll try spinning, thats a good trick!

It's times like these I wish these threads had drawfags

O shit it's ultimate Uragaan

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The small monsters are synced in world for all players so they could maybe do this? I think itd be an online nightmare still, though, so probably not gonna happen. I respect your idea

>might be the first elder with raw weapons
>in a G rank
Smell ya elementalfag, RAW still rules.

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So where does Xeno's corpse factor into all of this Everwyrm business...

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The guilding land sounded like its an open world map with all the maps merged. Sounds nice but lets see how it works

>Nergigante weapons aren't raw
What the fuck is even the point of that monster honestly

But Brachy is 3DS filth too technically

A small mistake but so far he's redeemed himself
Now just get rid of mounting and world will be perfect.

"Hey Brachy, how's about round 2?"

>aw they all fell asleep it's so cut-
>oh no

>Now just get rid of mounting
I actually agree with you on that one

I know you're shitposting, but I unironically agree about mounting. Them getting rid of styles by integrating it into the moveset was a good way to remove styles. Arts should never return

Nergigante will eat the final boss and grow in size.

Will never happen faggot, they're killing the boomer character as a way to tell FUggots to fuck off and die

I will have sex with The Handler and grow in size.

and it will stand up. It'll use the Daimon skeleton from DD:DA and it'll be kino. Just you wait and see

Bonus points if it starts talking

He did say slowly. Though I'll never understand why anybody would NOT want monsters to return. Even ones I absolutely hate like Garuga I'd never wish them gone forever.

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Ah fuck I'm too much of a shitter to get kirin down with gunlance. Earlier today some anons gave me tips and some anons told me to switch weapons. I couldn't live up to those tips so I'll have to switch weapons. Is switch axe fun?

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The Huntsman doesn't die and gets lots of character development. He is such a respectful gesture to FUfags and even earlier fags. Ryozo is king.

>it can mimic voices now for some reason
>he repeats the Handler's lines with a growly animalistic voice

>”Slaaaaaave to a broken ooooordeeeerrr...”

don't use switch axe, it's really not a very good choice for kirin either
use hammer or bow, maybe crit draw greatsword

He ate for moxie.

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His character development is realising that he's a retard and starting to use new tools like the new moves, clutch claw and mounting

Hammer sounds fun, maybe I'll try that.

>Huntsman claims to be a true veteran and hates the new shit
>He uses zoomer Foresight Slash in a cutscene and gets BTFO by Velkana right after


go down the blos tree then, it's the best aside from a kulve one

probably "muh memeseal" and elders dealing physical dragon damages

I'm gonna make Dundorma look like a fucking joke!

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Switch axe can do very well against Kirin because an Amped discharge on the horn does a fuckton of damage. That being said, it relies on you getting a knockdown which won't be so easy

Not so fast

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>First game
Technically 4 since I tried it, but Id still say World
>favorite weapon
Hammer, playing it 90% in all of the MHs Ive played
>favorite monster
Kirin, garuga, rathalos, khezu. I like them all dont really have a favourite
>favorite armor set
Rathalos pre-world, Dantes in world

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Absolute item pleb here. What's the general item set should I be running for Daora HBG in XX?

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It dug the tunnel system we fight Kulve in. Hornless Kulve is the second last assignment before Shara.

Mounting was okay in Generations at least. Don't know what Capcom was thinking with how World does it.

So how the actual fuck did the Monster Hunter world function without humans?
There’s so much bullshit like Elder Dragons being able to fuck with the weather and cause catastrophes, deadly viruses being spread by either Magala or Pietru, and Deviljho, who can apparently wipe out entire ecosystems, it makes me wonder how mother nature handled shit before humans came into the picture?

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I love incelkhana memes

Please post more

Stop asking too much questions, baka gaijin

It always had humans. In fact the humans used to dominate even more than they do now, until Fatalis slapped their shit.

>Pic related

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Thats why the monster hunter games are post apocalyptic.

Nature doesn't "handle" things, it's all pure chaos that balances itself

Humans ARE the balancer. they're as much a part of the ecosystem as any monster.

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The same things you usually run minus whetstones?
Bring some latchberries and huskberries for combines
Bring your pierce 1, normal 2, freeze 1, and whatever other ammo you want.

Other way around.
It was shit in 4/4u. Made better in Generations in typical 4th gen style. And now far less egregious in world.

when I was y ounger and played MH1 I thought it was just a few extra strong animals, as far as elders were concerned, I also thought "oh it's just cause it's a game" as well.

Then I played FU, and 3. I started noticing all the ruins and wondered what the deal was.

I used to have a headcannon that humans made monsters as weapons that they lost control of with elders being the super bio weapons that did in civilization and did a reset on the world. i never played resident evil either and didn't really know that the concept of bioweapons was more of a thing in those game. I was just retarded and thought I had a special thought.

then I read the info about the ancient civilization and was disappointed that it wasn't quite what I hoped when I was younger.

In the past there were more monsters and dragons, so they were probably killing each other constantly, and if something happened tough luck, the most destructive elder dragons are usually the rarest and they tend to lay dormant for a fuckton of years

The cycle of life

>Sand Barioth X

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What about Pierce 2?

That's simple. It wouldn't work. The way the hunter's guild describes the ecosystem is just a fantasy and you're really killing these elder dragons for their valuable carves. "Protecting the ecosystem" is just guild propaganda.

Damn right it is

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It's just gonna be dragon. Anything weird without a clear elemental classification just ends up being dragon. Even if it literally breathes fire and has a heat aura effect, as long as it's weird enough it's just going to be dragon.

Imagine how many dragon element trees there's going to be in IB if stiggy and alatreon make it in.

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You cannot comprehend Everwyrm's true form!

Pierce 2 and 3 are both fine but you'll notice the recoil right away and you can't siege them with Daora, meaning there's no real reason to use them over 1 unless you're out.

Imagine having a mini rath

alright, thanks lad

>You're just chilling in Ancient Forest eating a Great Jagras
>This purple bird motherfucker comes and uppercuts you with his poison tail, launching you into the air.

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MHF2 then went back to lmao ps2 MH, 2ndG still the best
White fatalis
HR white fatalis, fuck the stupid suit they made the G rank one in 2ndG

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Dragons used to be more organized. I imagi e they self regulayed to some degree. After Dalamadur called down Xeno'jiiva and ended the old world, they ended up spread out and disorganized. I imagine in the past, humans AND monsters took care of the task of killing ulruly creatures who ate doing too much harm

Is Shara Ishvalda the new siege?

el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow

>Ancient Forest
>he doesnt know

>Garuga is canonically stronger than Deviljho

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What says. Why do people not understand this? Nature isn't a magical force. Animals over eat an area? Either they move or enough die to be able to live on the food there or they all die. This continues forever.

Buddy, it's the guiding lands.

I got mine, they're very sleepy

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Mounting is easier than ever in World. Are you kidding?

It was only bad in 4 because it literally discouraged mounting. World's mounting is actually discouraging as well, if only because it's very boring and it takes so much longer along with the monsters themselves showing a lot less resistance and being able to get stunlocked out of retaliating. There used to be a constant risk of being bucked off and that's all gone now.

Compared to 4? No way.
Now in world everyone can keep attacking without breaking the mount and also speed up the mount via staggers and slinger ammo. It's the best that shitty system has ever been.

>First game
Tried FU with a friend but never actually played it all the way through so i did Portable 3RD first
>Favorite Weapon
>Favorite Monster
Yian Garuga
>Favorite Armor Set
Commission Armor.

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>you can't pet them

>been using every weapon since FU
>but have been stuck with CB since 4U
>GU made me use all of them again
>I'm back to grugging with CB in World
Send help

It's a cruel world we live in.

All we know from the art books is that the dragons had their own civilization and so did humans. Both were advance in their own way. Hunters are descended from super soldiers that were created to fight dragons. Humans also made wacky things like patchwork dragon bio weapons. Also wyverian were either descended from the dragons or the leader of the humans.


>Nerg was always capable of standing on two legs and talking
>The reason it's give you elderseal weapons is because something else inflicted it with elderseal causing it to loose it's true form and behave more animaltsic
>After killing the Everwyrm the hunter relaxes thinking it's all over as a weakened, half dead nerg stumbles into the arena and begins devouring it's corpse
>stands on it's hind-legs as it's spikes turn into crystals
>"abandon all delusions of control, dear hunter"

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13 monsters was all I needed to sell me on this series
It's just a more enjoyable lance
I might have stockholm syndrom from having to kill >50 of him but he's a really fun fight
It's the only reason I put up with capcom always bringing him back

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>3rd Gen Azure Rath

If this actually happen, how would you guys react?

As long as Nerg doesn't speak it'll be cool

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Just turn savage

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I'll probably be more cum than man from the orgasm. Just as long as the VA is good

Gore DB
Bloodbath Diablos
Male Malfestio/Rathian sets. Rathian cat armor is best though.

I'm wondering where the existing new Elder Dragons factor into this new plot thread.

>Everwyrm breaks off the Guiding Lands, causing the Coral Highlands to drain into the ocean
>Velkhana freezes the Guiding Lands in place so Everwyrm can't keep dragging it to wherever(?) or maybe he just likes it cold
>Namielle is homeless with the Coral Highlands drained so she starts directing the ocean currents to float the Guiding Lands back into place


>Zorah Magdaros is gonna kick the bucket and Xeno'jiva's call is bringing it to the Elder's Recess to finally keel over
>This would fucking explode the continent, so why Xeno wants this no one fucking knows, maybe Xeno and Everwyrm are butt buddies who just want to wreck everything
>Zorah has to fuck off into the ocean instead, ends up creating a new ocean ecosystem where he dies (good for Namielle?)
>Meanwhile, Nerg is just fucking hungry, was he prowling around Elder's Recess trying to get at Xeno'jiva or did he figure he'd be able to chow down on Zorah as it died and skedaddle before it blew up?

Bros... Is there a way to save frontier?
I don't wanna abandon it....

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>someone mentions C.Gore music
>end up going through a whole playlist of 4U's music again
I really hope Iceborne steps it up with its OST because a solid chunk of 4U's music is literally perfect.

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I hope not. I hope it all goes under

hope a dev leaks the code
that's about it

Pffft, fuck no.
I’m just hoping someone saves the models the monsters and puts them somewhere for us to download.

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Zorah was mentioned along with Namielle as being part of the cause of the Guiding Lands coming back. It didn't touch on Xeno or Nergigante at all. But Ruiner Nergigante is a Region Level 7 hunt so the person who posted it might not have reached him yet.

>A Glavenus wonders into the fight
>Nerg just rips his tail clean off and tosses the remains aside
>2nd half is him wielding his new sword
>an acidic glav turns up and he dual wields the two tails

>some asshole drains my home
>have to walk everywhere with stubby little legs
I'd be mad too.

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Why doesn't Namielle just go somewhere else?

Maybe it's like an actual fish just prefers certain water temperatures

we're actually so fucked when mh6g brings namielle back as an underwater hunt

So the Guiding Lands is a mashup of the themes of previous maps instead of a Tower-esque arena like we thought?

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>Namielle and Lagi turf war underwater

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Namielle would tentacle rapes lagi since nami is an elder

Nami and abyssal :)

So will we finally get some good fucking water weapons?

> MHFU, but I put time into the series with 4U
> Hammer
> Gore
> Gore / Vaal Hazak

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>nami vs narkarkos

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Is there any way to dial back the gigantic streak of blood when bapping weak points in GU or is it impossible to get cool kill screens on small-medium sized monsters?

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>Guild Bard

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Daily reminder that the huntsman is the same guy as the guy from the MHFU intro:

Only the huntsman?
you're small time, watch this

God I had this happen all the time in Heaven's Mount

Nakarkos kills Ceadeus in the wild. Something smaller that's kushala sized is no problem.

Finally beat AT Zorah & got my crit status set. It feels so good to never have to fight him again.

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>grinding anything out at all when IB comes out in a bit

>Shara Ishvalda copies Taikun Zamuza’s rock gimmick
Imagine if Shara Ishvalda has a third phase where a smaller dragon pops out of him.

4U has the lowest mounting resistance and resistance buildup on every monster
Resistance buildup was cranked way up in Gen to make up for Aerial Style and stayed about there in XX and World

the localization has a callback to Ace Cadet by mentioning Shagaru but I have no idea if was just a localization joke just like his speech mannerisms being the same

Is that from an event quest? I must have missed it

>turns out the big bad turns out to be smaller than thought
>just as, if not more, powerful than thought
I fucking hope.
I love the shit out of this trope.

Think he mentions Astalos too

I'm pretty sure the idea is that Zorah wouldn't really have exploded the continent, that's just what they thought without the context of Xeno. If Zorah got to his destination, then Xeno'jiiva would've had all of the power that they thought would've destroyed the continent.

Going to try Insect Glaive for the first time

Any helpful tips

USJ event quest has a fuck huge doddo and a tiny azure rath

There's an event quest to get crowns in the elders recess, I couldn't get a good picture of him next to the gold crown dodogama

Aerial combos might look fun but the damage is doodoo.

shoot the bee then attack

Hello bros, any new info today?

seriously fuck this giant golden bitch I swear to fucking god she better be fucking murdered the next time we have to hunt her

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He name drops Astalos as well yea

>Monster puns
Yeah, that's him I guess

its only a minor inconvenience

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My fucking eyes

>Nami vs Uka underwater

Always keep your kinsect buffs up especially attack
You get a supped up version of your buffs if you have all 3 of them active
Activating the supped buff will set the timer on all your other buffs so you won't have to refresh them (ex: if you have atk and spd buffs up but know they're about run out getting the def buff will reset all of their timers)

What is the guiding lands?

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Redan's Labyrinth

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I'm so sorry user. Spraying pellets is pretty fun.

It only kills Ceadeus calves in the wild

>only furfags into fat shota like this character

Fuck off cringecat


Is anyone else disappointed with all the shitty monster reveals in Iceborne so far? I get it if you're a complete newb worldsperm that it wouldn't be a problem but for the rest of us seeing all these shitty monsters that we've hunted a hundred times before kills any hype for the game. Where are the new monsters and species?

So when will they fuck?

What would it be like to fight a full sized lao? Because its pretty huge


Maximum Cringe +3

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Meant to put picture

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‘Leaks’ say it’s a mishmash of all the biomes in the game and works like the Tower from past games, but that’s not confirmed yet.

You'd spend the entire time trying not to get crushed by enormous crumbs falling from the great glutton's maw.

She's hiding it in her cleavage

Death of the handler when?

Namielle is male

just you

What if the Guiding Lands doubles as a dungeon crawling map

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Iceborne already has more new species than any prior G Rank game.

MH Switch.

I don’t even mind it during gameplay, I just wish I could have some nice post-hunt screenshots.

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I'm pretty satisfied with them, and I've been playing since Freedom. Iceborne has the most effort put into G-rank in the series

Adults eat Nakarkos. Have you seen those jaws?

The book.

That's a Dalamadur jaw not Lao

This. Adult ceadeus eat narkarkos instead.

I've seen tentacle rape.

Dalamadur skull is at the top of the vale. And you can see the horn and head shape of lao

Really? Which ones?

how do i make these weapons fun?

Is Great Girros the most cucked monster of all time?

I hope we can get Lucent Narg or Molten Tiggy

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i hope they go back to the 3u way of doing online for iceborne because this session business is stupid

we need z turns back and no sos

Switch to something else. Now refer to your new weapon as GL/SA.
They should have kept Alchemy style. It made everything fun.

Thank you very much for the tips

Is chain crit worth getting for IG or should I just go with critcal eye?

>Monster Hunter
>Hammer for life
>Diablos and variants, though I’ll always smile while fighting Mizutsune
>Seltas Z

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Adult Lao is pretty much the size of the skeletons of the Ancient Forest.

crit eye might be better

Crit Eye for sure.

Pretty sure they're both Dala skulls user, Rotten Vale is two Dala corpses, and the fangs on that very skull don't look like Lao teeth

Hoow did he describe it? I honestly thought the water octopus dragon was the final boss, this is a surprise to me.

I really want Lucent Narga. Bet he would look really cool in World fading in and out of invisibility.

Clearly never seen a Sperm Whale hunt Giant Squid either


He's the apex predator of the Rotton Vale. Gameplay confirms this.

Probably some ED will suck the juice out of it to get swole.

there are none, user. theres only lazy reskins in iceborne

is a moron worldsperm and doesn't know what new species means. sorry

thats rathalos

I want a bird Wyvern end game boss.

>diablos and it's variants

Finally someone like me
Fuck what CAPCOM did to him in world.

Stop. I don't need more masturbation material.


MHG: Crimson Fatalis (it’s treated as its own thing and not a sub or variant)
MHFU: Nargacuga, Ukanlos, Queen Vespoid, King Shakalaka
MH3U: Brachydios, Dire Miralis
MH4U: Seregios, Gogmazios
MHGU: Valstrax, Ahtal-Ka
MHWI: Banbaro, Beotodus, Velkhana, Namielle, Shara Ishvalda.

what if the whole world in monster hunter is just a giant monster



>Banboro and Beotodus

You mean Jade Barroth and Glacial Agnaktor. You can't fool me.

so basically Bionicles?

Dalama doesnt have a long skull, a horn, or those weird jaw things though. And somewhere they said they wanted a lao and dalamadur to be fighting in the recess so i think this is basically that but the aftermath

P3rd introduced Arzuros, Lagombi, Volvidon, Great Wroggi, Nibelsnarf, Duramboros, Zinogre, and Amatsu.

if this is your way of coping, then there's still more new monsters than any other series, and we haven't seen everything yet

I wish Lagombi was in. I thought Leshen's skeleton meant it would have a chance.

user Iceborne objectively has more new species than any older G Rank game. Except FU if you count the Frontier ports.

His only power is being a fatass, Dala would fuck him up

True, its either bait or newfag pretending to be oldfag. Ignore him

user are you retarded?

Talking strictly about G Rank expansions which P3rd isn’t, but yeah P3rd is the biggest overall if you talk about expansions in general.

worst bait you've ever made today. Congrats

who has the loudest scream

>the "song" is just wind passing through a cave
Good twist if I ever heard one

Can P3rd be counted as an expansion, rather than just another HR game?

Is Fatalis a Makuta.

It's not a expansion at all, it's just its own game

Why hasn't there been a pokemon crossover yet? You don't even need to hunt actual pokemon, easy way to do it:

Standard quest
The basic bitch of the area is your "pokemon Partner"
If it's a pack leader. then have it so if you place meat on the ground (rare candy), the small version glows white and "evolves" into the pack leader version
it's a capture quest, and your monster fights with you against a deviljho
when it's time to capture it you throw the boomerang, same animation but replaced with a pokeball, while the monster is sleeping. it glows red and the ball returns to you QUEST COMPLETE

most important detail is that only during that specific quest all monster roars are replaced with them literally just saying their name like in the anime

gunlance or charge blade
tough choice but probably chameleos
i had a mixed set in XX i transmogged to be a mix of different black fatalis armors to create a heavily armored waifu


Are you high

P3rd is its own thing, just like Portable 2nd was its own thing. Portable 1 was MHG, and 4th gen didn't have a Portable 4th because it was published on 3DS unless you stretch it to count X as Portable 4th.

He's in

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Never ever

I guess it'll be repeated forever, but the vale isn't made up of dalamadur corpses, but ancient relatives of dalamadur instead. Which is also why they are noticeably larger.

very, still a good way to it though. i want to hear deviljho just scream it's name at me for 50mins

Beotodus doesn't even steal Glacial Agnaktor's mechanic like Lavasioth though

Best game they ever made
Best game Arkane ever made

ur mom wen i put my dik in her

>Glacial Agnaktor
user please. you mean glacial lavasioth. Leviathans are not like piscine wyverns.

Banbaro is a brute wyvern - not a new species
Beotodus is a piscine wyvern - not a new species
Velkhana is an elder dragon - not a new species
Namielle is an elder dragon - not a new species
Shara Ishvalda looks to be yet ANOTHER elder dragon but nobody knows for sure yet.

So far it looks like Iceborne has ZERO new species.

What new species have been confirmed?

The gun
The t rex
The one I made

I literally just bought the game

more like pissing wyverns

Maximum goalposting. Keep it up

What's the best theme in World and why is it Vaal Hazak's?

Yep, I think "he's" here

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how bout you stop giving it attention you fucks

t. anti listag

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Have fun user

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Because if they put Gore, Shagaru is in as well.


Who cares, he's just a troll. Don't fall for it next time

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What does that even mean? Have no new species been confirmed for Iceborne? Really?

That's not what "species" means.

if you're talking about skeleton, G-rank usually never adds a new skeleton. If you're talking monsters, Iceborne introduced the most. Try again next time

Yes it does.

>but for the rest of us seeing all these shitty monsters that we've hunted a hundred times before kills any hype for the game

Us who? Speak for yourself, tribabby.

>tfw someone uses a sonic bomb

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him, him, and him. All it matters is him

I'm talking about new species in western releases of monster hunter. We got tetsu in 4u and leviathans in 3u. What are we getting new in Iceborne?

If he's talking about species too, then the last ones introduced were Amphibians.
World ended up filling out the Fanged Wyvern category though which only had Zinogre in it.

No, it doesn't. Those are classes.

>western release
imagine moving the goalpost that hard

Luckily for me I only care about me.

Elinep llams

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>bounce bombs
>drugged/poisoned meat

why are these in the game?

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leviathans was tri, not 3u.

for fun

for what?

>We got tetsu in 4u and leviathans in 3u.
leave it to a bingtard to not know anything about the series.

Listen here, samefag. I'm talking about the true hunters. Not worldsperms like you, ok? The true hunters who have put over 1000 hours into each new toon of every monhun game before casual world was released are absolutely sick of hunting these old mons. We demand new shit or capcom doesn't get any of out bux. But I don't expect a worldsperm like you to understand....

>western release
you just shot yourself in the foot. that was tri

I wonder if they'll be putting the Zinogre skeleton to additional use in Iceborne.

So there's no new species huh? Capcom have really run out of idea? I knew it!

already going insane?

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What's your point here? 3u is a Western release and has G rank.

Why are you guys so insistent on replying?
I know he samefags but still

anti-listfag, dont you ever get bored of making the same post over and over?

tri was released in the western and that introduced leviathans, not 3u

want me to whip out my 3DS, Switch, PS4, and PSP?

Iceborne is looking to be the best MH game, and I've been playing much longer than you

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Don't bother bruv, it's him.

Tribabby, you shouldn't call people who started when the GS couldn't even charge its strikes and long swords and gunlances weren't a thing yet "worldsperms". It's not nice towards your elders.

This is a MH animal

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not him, but actually we should all do that. Just to see how much we could bully him

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he’s in :)

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So are Elder Dragons the only monsters with "Bioenergy"? This shit was never mentioned before World.

Welcome to an ongoing franchise where new things keep getting introduced.

But it's not g rank like Iceborne.

I thought any monster that is exposed to the recess crystal's get surged with a large amount of energy, that's how Tempered monsters appear

Its more like their bioenergy has special properties besides fertilizing soil. After all, its one of the sources of Dragon element.

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Yeah but you'd think something as important as "All monsters have inherent energy and if they have too much they'll blow up a continent when they die" would be mentioned somewhere in the last 500 games

Maybe it's just another form of Dragon element


If I eat enough Dragonfell Berries can I spit dragon energy?

I think it’s one of those things where, unless you really need an explanation, it doesn’t matter.
It’s probably just something for fans who actually really care about the biology and shit of monsters to have an explanation.
You know, like how in starwars they use mitochondria or whatever the fuck its called to explain the force.
Last time I checked it’s not mentioned in the movies, it’s just something so that fans who care about how those sort of things get an explanation.


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Only one way to find out.

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Elders are fucking weird bro, and they've never seen a concentration of energy in the old world similar to the recess anyways.

Bioenergy sounds like it's just energy produced by living organisms, I think you're overthinking it.

It would be extremely painful

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I give up. What's the next best thing?

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I’ve got your Bioenergy right here.

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You're an overdesigned guy

Just make Luna/Nerg shotgun, it's like 85% as good as Glutton

i hope the HBG meta still isnt going to be spread spam, thankfully the other shots looks like they got buffed

Bioenergy is just elder dragon magic. Capcom thought "bioenergy" sounded more meaningful, kind of like calling it Magick.

Send your bug out to fight after getting all three juices. Hit the dust clouds to accumulate status effects. You can also hit all of them at once with a flash pod. Your bug won't make dust when used manually but it's still good to do so when you're far away from the monster.
Speed boost glaives have a more pronounced effect on slower bugs.
Health stat also improves the bugs' stamina recovery. You can also refill their stamina faster by recalling the bug repeatedly.
Take advantage of your ability to jump over attacks. The midair dodge also has I-frames.

For (gen)u

Sure, here ya go

4 times he called me anti-listfag or shill or whatever and 2 others got called the same. He has issues

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Dinowaldo > Glaive anus

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Gore maggy
Seltas (male) and Vaal Hazak (female)

bloodbath when
cera cymmetry when
blos lance when
teo gs when
siege hbg when
pierce buff when

>blos lance
Based. We got the tigger stick though so I'm happy for now.

>They haven't shown a single unique LS yet
Capcom pls, I can't stand all these generic katana reskins give me back sexy European style LS.

Is Fatalis a lock now that we know the final boss is a fatalis skeleton?

We did? GS too I hope

So any chance we'll be getting final trailer and dev diary on PAX West at the end of this month?


Where's your etrian odyssey on that 3ds?

where's /ourguy/?

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Good question, but I literally bought the 3DS for MH and Pokemon. I should add it to the backlog

What are you guys running for GS armor?

Drachen. Simple as

Which game?

>SA or Hammer
>Dreadking is kinda cool I guess



Do you use anything for focus?

Glaive venus>>>dino balding

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that and being posted is no coincidence. He didn't get deleted, he fucking deleted it himself out of shame

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For me it's 4 pieces of drachen with a couple of focus gems slotted in

The black Diablos lance is pretty cool and simple but honestly the main selling point is the raw, there are better looking lances. I do miss the Teo GS though

fucking embarrasing either way

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Dinoblade > Glaive Anus
Raizex >>>> Ass Talos
Tama and Gamuto are pretty much the same as the english name

I can hear him prepping the bot already

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Where do you stand on Zinogre/Jinouga?

What did I miss?

Why the fuck does every goddamn thing I want to craft need Teostra Horns and why does this asshole never want to give me them?

I'm pretty sure I've had more Gem drops than Horn drop.s

>I wonder what this laser-beam does

It be like that sometimes.

Doooo it! I've have at least 5000 hours with Blanche in 4U alone. She can back me up for my 4000+ in 3U. I sold my Wii U years ago.

I have played monhun more than anyone here! Capcom not putting new species in Iceborne is a key sign they are out of fresh ideas. We've reached RE5 levels of shitness with Iceborne and the crutchclaw.

It's all downhill from here.

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Hit his head more to break the horns, his head is his best hit zone as well.

Guild Cross > Comission > Origin > Bushi > Dante > Whatever Kirin drops
This is fact, if you disagree you're wrong.

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His head is what you should be hitting with literally every weapon, how do you not break them each hunt?


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The fuck do you think I've been doing, going for his tail? I break them every time, and 9/10 times my reward is a mane.

>when that user posted his MHFU save with 200+ hours along with his LE MHW PS4 controller and listfag shut up for a whole 2 threads

ayy lmao

tackling though this with GS while wearing rock-steady was the stupidest things i've ever done in my MH career

>500 hours
>still no focus gems
Kill me

Guild cross, origin, and commission all mix and match nicely as well. I just hope we get actual transmog this time.

Friendly neighborhood list-cuck either getting banned by jannies again or deleting his posts in shame, which i highly doubt he has

Jinouga debuted in a jap only game which has that overtly jap aesthetic to it as well, he's pretty much the de facto weeb monster so Jinouga feels more right, it also rolls off the tongue better than Zinogre.

8k hours?! Holy shit, do you have literally every weapon+armor?


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>Road Rash 2
>Trench Broom

Have you not been fighting fat jagars?

>Use IG
>Jump over the laser
>Jump over the explosions
>Jump over 90% of AT Xeno's moveset
That fight is fun as fuck for that very reason.

>It's all downhill from here.
just for you. Everyone else is fine with it. AlsoGU is what you should consider "downfall" because of styles and arts, but World brought this series back from asset reuse hell. Finally no more reusing PS2 assets for a decade. MHW is a stepping stone for the series, and Iceborne will mark it

Going back to playing instead of replying to you. Enjoy cynicism and self-loathing for life

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You're getting some rotten luck then, try hunting tempered or AT for more drops.
Thought that fag was range banned now?

By that definition no G Rank game has ever added new species.

It's a 66% drop from a break, how many times have you fought him?

>Brachydios or Deviljho
>Tie between Ceadeus, Rajang, Agnaktor, and Bazelgeuse

>World finally made it so blocking a laser actually stops it and makes a safe area behind you
Protecting people from the sweeping beam will never get old

Attached: nutted too hard.jpg (750x726, 50K)

He's better at dodging bans than vets are at rolling roars.

Stop taking the bait. No G game ever introduced new species

Ok, what's your stance on Nibelsnarf/Hapurubokka?

Delete it from the franchise.

roll THIS

Attached: lol just roll from the roars u plebs.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

>>World finally made it so blocking a laser actually stops it and makes a safe area behind you
Holy shit really?

I don't have a strong prefference towards either of those

It's easy to evade bans with Absolute Evades

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That's the only correct answer.

Sometimes you just need to take a moment and contemplate how hard you've fucked up.
The worst is when you can see your death coming a full second before it happens.

Yeah, go fight Xeno with Guard Up, it's great
Hopefully that carries over to every beam once we start getting monsters like Agnaktor or Zamtrios again.

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This is just between us, okay?

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this is fake, dont fall for it

>brightness is low as shit so we can’t notice the quality
Fuck off

I know this is fake, but I want to believe anyway.

Already doing that, thanks.

16 times, I did get 1 horn on my last run but honestly I just keep getting manes but so many charms need horns and I built most of the Teostra set + swaxe.

I mean thanks for trying to give me hope user, but I've accepted that it isn't happening.

>Not L'Oppresseur

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Is that Gurenzeburu?

Don't play with my feelings like that you heartless bastard

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At least do it with more obscure monsters like Kecha Wacha or Jade Barroth.
At this point those are 100% more believable than the ones people actually want, especially since Garugas officially in.


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Bioenergy is just life energy, everything has it but Elder Dragons have ridiculous amounts of it and can control it to varying degrees.

Uh... bros?

Stopped playing regularly when they patched kulve

It's basically asian mumbo jumbo, aka ki, when it comes to elders.


>nergisue will keep coming back stronger at least until world 2
valshit will be no match for black horned nerg

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Man ATs are so fucking lame, why did they think it was okay to make quick jab attacks are 50% health?

>gore weapons are all named in german
>shaggy weapons are all name "The ____" in french
>chaotic gore weapons are a mix of the german and french words
>shaggy's charge blade is shaped like 4's logo

Was it kino?

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No, French is cringe Andy German is a mistake.

I wouldn't even be mad if kecha got in, he's cool monster that's genuinely creepy looking despite his role as "designated weakling" monster

hbg looks like benis

Viper Kadachi uses his moveset

Nerg will be back in MH6U and he will eat the entire roster

>this is "good" weapon design

I'm glad we don't have anime bullshit anymore.

>Shaggy weapons would be useless because of how easily you can reach 100% affinity even after the nerfs

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What's the optimal HBG set for MHGU? I want a set that does decent damage but doesn't make me OHKO to every attack in G-rank

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That's the lbg but yeah

>He's back and blacker than ever!

Better get a proper Castle Schrade if he's in. Like, fully explorable ruins

The greatsword with the eye looks great. It's the good kind of anime bullshit.
The bad one is having furry lolis singing.

I wouldn't mind if Nerg became a regular returning monster. He can take Kush's spot, since no one wants him back.

What new species are in World? Behemoth and Ashen?

None, but now the fanged wyvern class makes sense.

He’s based, hope he makes it to mainline.

what lances/GL do you recommend?

god this fanbase is worse than soulsfags now

i wish this never came out on nintendo systems

You can always tell the pretenders. They try too hard. MHW is your second MH game, guaranteed

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There is still hope, the trophy image looked like a tower, so perhaps a mix of maps (not areas we know, maybe old scrapped area ideas of the ancient forest, etc.) And maybe a tower in it for tougher monsters? Like a everwood on crack

Have you heard of the Overindulgent King and his daughter and the tale of the rajang furcoats?

>fully explorable schrade castle
>fully explorable tower
>fully explorable volcano place where crimson fatty eternally seethes

For World? Taroth Crest Claw, Luna/Xeno, or Fiendish Tower are the top 3. If you don't have Claw then the Odo Lance is basically the same thing but with less raw.

Gunlance it depends which type of shelling you want. Just make sure whatever it is you have Lv4 shelling.

dont reply to listnig

They were already useless in gen because for some reason every "upgraded" tree of the same weapon branch dropped raw for slots and element or some shit

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Why would that castle be on a different continent?

X/XX's weapon upgrading was a clusterfuck that I hope never returns.

Are the multiple skill decos in IB completely random?
Are we gonna have to hunt for god decos now?

Switchaxe is the most aesthetic weapon

It sounds like they are pre set combos you can get.

We have no idea. Probably not though.

Nah they’ve confirmed they’ll be preset but a ton of them.

who the fuck are these dudes in red clothes yellow clothes and black clothes
the fuck are they doing predicting apocalypses and telling prophecies

Who said anything about that, we can just travel over to it from the island

I really hope they deco grind isn't as bad as base game, it's so frustrating knowing you're one decoshort of being able to use a new mix set but having less than 00.2% chance to get it. But real transmog would take the sting out I guess. And I pray gatcha weapon she never come back holy shit what a mistake that was. I know I lot of retards love spouting X isn't monster hunter and so on, but RNG weapons that are better than anything you can craft really isn't monhun.

I get what they were trying to do with it, but I think the G weapons in FU accomplished the same thing without being so obtuse. I don't know why they've never brought that system back.

Or they could just do what God Eater does and let you adjust your weapon's appearance to earlier parts of the same branch.

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Because humans in Monhun's universe are fucking strong man, combine that with your average human intelligence and you get the true apexes of the world.

Yian Garuga
LR Velocidrome Armor

I hope they change the garuga LS, I've never been a fan of the non sword looking LSs but with the new move using the scabbard they are going to look maximum retard.

why does the game keep hyping up fatalis as some sort of world ending dragon but he's shit

>Monster hunter
>Can't pick a favourite set
Yeah I'm pretty based I know.

The only reason I want Iceborne is to see how the Jho LS is gonna look with the new sheathing moves.

He's the only monster that actually hates humans. As in he goes out of his way to kill them just because

Because he's gen 1, gen 1 was jankier than you can imagine and world is the first really big step in advancing the tech of the series.

but they also keep hyping him up with shit like, hunters going crazy after trying to hunt him, or straight up seeing shit after wearing gear made from his mats

Is this close? What the hell am I looking at here?

Attached: monster.png (720x511, 800K)

I feel like they might just add a really small basic one like the bone weapons have. I can't wait to replace it though, I always feel ripped off when my LS doesn't come with a scabbard, that's like half the weapon.

thanks man, will try blocking laser

They’ve confirmed that you can do ‘something’ with your Kulve weapons so the grind isn’t completely wasted, but they didn’t say what.

Looks a bit like the zohra concept art, the wing arms at least.

Is Focus worth it on Hammer? Am I nuts or does charging feel slower than past games?

So about that Zinogre LS leak... is it real? Its obviously low res photoshop or pc mod, why are people on reddit so convinced by it there are like 5 posts praising this leak and defending it

Hopefully it's melt them down into something and everyone can forget it ever happened.

Reddit is gullible as fuck.

Why don't you post it so I can decide?

People really want Zinogre to be in the game and there's enough evidence to suggest that he might not be, so they're desperate.

what's up with that Giant dalamadur in rotten vale
shit is like 2 kilometers long

Because the picture seems to be taken from the Seliana smithy, and using a checker to find irregularities seems to show that the picture is real.

shit like is just flavor text, the part about him actively hating humans and being reasonable for the old civilization being destroyed is true though

>guard up
>razor sharp
this feels like cheating, I love it

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Dalamadur is 4.4 KM long. He's a huge beasty

I’ve heard from anons here that it’s supposed to be an ancient relative of Dalamadur and the modern ones are way smaller but I haven’t seen a source for it.

Nah he’s only 440 metres, you got a decimal place wrong.

people on reddit are stupid

So, here's my tinfoil thoughts on how the Everwyrm could potentially be a climate disaster, capable of destroying entire ecosystems and responsible for fault lines, based on what the leaker mentioned regarding 'Sonic Waves.'

Sound waves can be used to trigger cavitation - the process is known as acoustic cavitation. The sound waves basically cause the bubble to grow before it rapidly shrinks again, releasing more energy.

Taking this real phenomena into account, it could be that the Everwyrm generates massive bubbles from it's 'sonic waves'. When these massive bubbles collapse, they would release correspondingly huge amounts of energy and shockwaves that would tear through the environment around it.

What we are looking at is an ecological threat that surpasses Miralis and its island-sinking. If not, an elder dragon that rivals even Dalamadur in terms of potential ecological damage. No wonder the Comission developed the Dragonrazer.