Why is nu-lara so damn cute

Why is nu-lara so damn cute

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Built for horse cock.

because shes the most timid rambo and it makes me laugh

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Old Lara was way better.

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Original nuLara was way cuter.
Then they made her "realistic".

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why does she have shit all over her, is that lara scatporn?

classic lara is for loving making and gentle femdom
Nu-Lara is for rape and horsecock.

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OP is the kind of guy that would try to save a stripper

because she is!

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how long are the timeskips since the first nulara game?
10 years? 15 years?

dilate tranny

I wanna kiss those soft lips

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old lara is a bimbo, nu lara is cute, btw tomb raider was never good

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Post loli nu lara


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You don't know what bimbo means.

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is this ingame? that's some apeshit level of detail

Nu-lara is too attractive for me to take seriously in these games. She looks like she was pulled right off a models runway.

Old Lara was hot too, but had a more common femme fatale thing going on so it didn't pull me out of the games.

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it was a serious question, she looks like 35 on the last game.

>No hairy armpits
No buy.

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Holy shit that looks good

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>Spends days/weeks traipsing around the desert/forest/buried ruins/etc.
>Is covered in blood, dirt and other general filth
>Still somehow has time to shave all of her body hair every day, as she remains smooth as a seal throughout, but doesn't bathe
Needs more of pic related

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She had laser surgery to remove the hair follicles permanently. And this is a good thing.

For me it's TRII.

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They knew exactly what they were doing with those facial animations, didn't they?

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>new game mechanic that depending on gameplay time affects her armpit hair grow.
>if it took more time that it should to finish the game, she will have hairy pits and will make a comment at the ending about how badly she need to shave them.

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Let it go. She has been replaced, nothing can beat

>make a new Lara Croft who presents a more 'realistic' and 'positive' depiction of the heroine
>is most known for getting her pussy blasted by horsecock in SFM

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I love nu Lara

Bimbo, from the Italian word for "baby": 1. a stupid person. 2. a man of ill repute. 3. a pretty but stupid woman.

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Post her feet

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i'm infatuated w/ nu-lara

I want more body hair on women in general. In games like Tomb Raider that are trying to be as realistic in their presentation as possible, it doesn't make any logical sense for her to not have body hair when she's spent a week in the wilderness and hasn't even showered or bathed in days.

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Now this is a thread for gamers

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Yes, but for some reason, that extra detail on the skin is only activated if you run the game at 4K.

that closeup ass shot only succeeded in making me kek hard

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>You came home after day of work and see this in your bedroom
What yoy will do?

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i neigh

The first game of the trilogy was actually entertaining. I liked the story and there were actual characters to get invested in.

I played the second one and it literally felt like the exact same game. It also had 0 interesting characters.

Post horse

It's a problem with the genre. Gears and Uncharted suffer the same problem.

too bad they went with the fugly poop eye version


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>nu-lara fans
uh oh the real lara shows us whos boss

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>read her lips saying "into my ass"
>can't complete the sentence of something that match with the lips and makes sense

fuck you

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fuck you leatherman

pretty accurate