Which game this gen have you regretted buying most?
Buyer's Remorse
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rdr 2
Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Pre-ordered the special edition. Such a boring game. Looking back, I didn't like Human Revolution that much, I think I just finished that one because it was much better than I anticipated. I wish they didn't do this gay prequel shit.
gtav for xbox 360
my nintendo switch
>You will never be this happy
Kerbal Space Program is probably my worst purchase
Spending 1k USD on FGO. Kinda. It wasn't the last money I've had and I've got Drake and my CUTE wife Mordred but sometimes I wish I had that money now.
FFXIV, but not because of the game but instead because it's all my friends play now and they keep fighting each other on what fucking role to play, not to mention one of them got super anal because someone else got ahead of him for a fucking week. I think this shit is what's going to kill this ongoing group of 9 years. Fun game though
What's the issue with KSP? it's a fun game if you aren't a complete retard
Only games I bought this year were Dark Souls 3 and The Witcher 3, racked up about 200 hours in the former and like 4 in the latter, fuck TW3
I dont understand the pic in op
>on Yea Forums
>not a complete retard
The witcher 3 is good, there's just a learning curve to it. With 4 hours you probably didn't even get out of white orchard which is the tutorial area.
You have to have medically diagnosed retardation to be as happy as this reviewer.
The review states that it's an amazing camera that takes great wildlife shots, then he uses a blurry, poorly exposed photo as an example.
Outward and No man's sky.
Boring slow and trash
I bought Witcher 3 while it was on sale. Honestly got bored with all the constant cinematics, blues clues detective portions, and shit combat
i bought brink at launch. at least they used my money to make dirty bomb
Im not a camera fag so i didnt understand
I wish i was mentally retarded so i could be happy
Easily the most disappointing game of my life.
MGS5. DMC5 and RE2make are a close second. I don't buy alot of games. I pirate.
just look at the fucking picture
even a retard should be able to figure out it looks horrible
Devil May Cry 5
Ultimate Alliance 3. Should have just bought CTR.
monster hunt world
was it really not worth it? I loved the first one :c
>DOOM for Nintendo Switch
>Splatoon 2
Man the Switch is def not made for shooting games.
Sekiro. It just wasn't for me.
I don't get it.
Project Cars 2 is dogshit, should have pirated to test
Would you call that shot a "beautiful wildlife picture?"
Sid Meier's Beyond fucking Earth.
I was so excited for it. I sincerely hoped for a game like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Like hell it was.
Destiny 2, Donut Country, AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected.
>Destiny 2
I got it on the PS4, quit shortly after I bought the expansion and did The Last Wish with a sibling, but it was dumb as hell with the load times and gameplay. I only kept played it that long because I fell into a sunk cost fallacy. Might have liked it better if I had been playing on the PC.
>Donut Country
Cute idea with absolutely brain-dead puzzles, terrible physics. Not worth the bother.
>Away: Journey to the Unexpected
It looked amazing to me in previews, I was sold on this rogue-like brawler experience with Aurélien Régard's cool art. So disappointing, characters that you barely interact with, extremely short with absolutely no replay value, a horrible feeling melee system, and buggy as hell even after patches. I would have preferred to buy an art book. Oh well, Aurélien is involved in a lot of cool games. Still enjoyed The Next Penelope, and his old studio's game Big Bang Mini was one of my favorite 3rd party games on the DS.
It’s shit
(Different user here) It is an okay beat'em'up, a lot more fun with friends, but I'd wait for a discount. Not a lot of technique to it, Diablo 3 is just a better game, even the low-res Switch version.
Battleborn, then again i bought five copies on launch for me and my friends
I didn't think I would get an empty open unfinished piece of shit filled to the brim with DLC with some really shit combat.
I mean it's Square fucking Enix, not Bethesda
Kingdom Hearts 3, by far. Such a shit game.
isn't the picture zoomed in 50x?
Monster Hunter: World
All my friends love MH and I can see the appeal I really do but the gameplay and grind aspect is just not my thing. I spent 2 hours on it an I bought it day one.
Definetly FFXIV. It looked cool and shiny with all of its side content and graphics and features. But then when I actually played it I hated it because of how shitty and shallow the real gameplay is. It is repetitive, long, and quite boring, especially with how each and every part of the game drags on. The dlc shilling pisses me off too but I know better than to buy it.
The only other game that can compare is probably Monster Hunter World. I bought it thinking I'd get to play it with my friends and have a good time but after only a month or so they stopped playing and now I'm stuck on a shitty boss fight I can't beat alone.
I thought I liked the game at first but upon trying to replay it, it really shows the lack of choices and options gameplay and story-wise that a Deus-Ex game should have. I still like Jesen as a character though, I really enjoyed the voice acting.
I liked MD, but I still regret purchasing it for full price on launch. I was doing it to support the franchise, but Squeenix went and killed it anyway and now you can just buy it for five bucks during sales.
Easily it has to be Elder Scrolls Online. Played that game for 2 hours with a friend and it was extremely boring. Never played it again after that first time playing. Complete waste of $60.
Another has to be Fallout 4. I got 30 hours out of it, but I barely got through the main quest or any other questline. What a shallow game. Even the hyped-up base building was poorly done.
All of them. Fuck paying for games, now I just pirate.
everyone on Yea Forums has said its good for years, I played it for 6 hours and it was utterly boring. I guess it just has an undertale-tier fanbase or something. It felt very generic.
NMS. Even after the updates it's still so boring.
>DMC5 and RE2make are a close second.
Hey Michael
>There was something subtly wrong with user. There was something that he lacked: discretion, aloofness, a sort of saving stupidity.
For me it's gotta be the PS1 Beyblade game. Any other idiot kid like me who bought the game just because they watched the anime was probably similarly dissapointed. Enter the Matrix was also a pretty big letdown.
You probably have gyro turned off.
I'm very cautious is buying so I usually avoid this, but Witcher 3.
It was boring.
>dull filler
>dull combat with a shitload of buttons that don't do anything and have no difference
>dull cinematics about people I don't know yet
>dull detective stuff about some lady I don't know and then turns out to be a bitch
>dull story about some other chick I don't know but is the super most powerfulest person ever who is also my daughter but I had never heard of before this game oh and also she's old now
I wanted to enjoy the landscape and play it as a Skyrim exploration simulator but a third person camera is inherently shit for this (because there's always the same fucking idiot standing in the middle of the view)
I think at this point I just don't like the same games as most people.
This so hard
There's no learning curve. The game basically hand holds you through everything. Potions and oils are not even mandatory on death march if you poke and roll. The games just kind of boring and takes itself way to seriously. Plus geralt is a literal author insert so hes an unlikable cunt who somehow still scores with all the ladies and is so nonchalant about everything because hes just so cool guys.
Firewatch was a waste of time and money.
I hear that, some games suck to play with a tight knit group. I remember when ninja came out, and despite not actually liking it or being good at it, everyone fought over who would be the ninja. And we also had a guy that rarely got on but was furious if anyone passed him in progress.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
You actually thought a walking simulator wouldn't be complete shit?
Have a (you).
Sounds like you really need the attention
I did very little research but I believed there would be some kind of puzzles and mystery solving but it is literally just walking around.
Probably monster hunter world. Bought it because everyone said it was good.
>runs like shit
>disgusting, multiple-chinned handler bombarding you with unskippable cutscenes that have little to do with the story
>very unintuitive
>clunkier combat than dark souls 2
>why the fuck doesn’t the bow even shoot the mob you’re locked onto???
Eso was a huge letdown. Really nothing like the original games. Somehow even more generic and shit combat. Classes and not just organic growth, what moron thought elder scrolls needed that?
Deleted it like 20% through the story
Probably everyone's gone to the rapture. Thought it would be a puzzle game with multiple endings, but it's literally walking around listening to clips from Britain's most boring television drama, with no ending to tie anything up. I was actually mad when the game ended.
Tekken 7 was a complete waste of $50 for me. I bought it because Aris wouldn't stop hyping it up for weeks and I did enjoy the free PS3 Tekken Revolution and screwed around in Tag 2 some years back. But I just couldn't get into 7 at all, I drop it and come back every few months to try again, got blown out and discouraged and quit again. I also paid $130 for a fight stick two days after I bought the game.
At least I use the stick a lot now on SFV which I ended up enjoying more. I don't know, maybe I am just a retard like my therapist says. Most people seem to enjoy Tekken.
Jump Force
Overlord 2
>Which game this gen have you regretted buying most?
>buyer's remorse
not really bought any games since forever. last time i bought hardware i took a real big hit financially however. im still bummed about it
Combat with anything beyond the knives is just painfully slow. Combat is the focus of the game and is so clunky and slow. Monsters are generic armored dinosaurs and way to much talking with no payoff.
It wasn't this gen, but still. This purchase haunts me to this very day. I make sure it does, in fact. This is the game that taught me not to give into hype, not to buy on concept alone and to be sure that it has executed that concept properly, this is the game that taught me to research before I buy. I fucking hate spore, but I am thankful for it, for it taught me a valuable lesson.
I keep it front and center in my gaming collection to ensure I never fucking forget the absolute fucking trashheap that was fucking Spore.
Anyone who unironically thinks this game is above an 8 out of 10 is a retard. It's like babys first open world. Copy paste filler content, generic combat, abysmall weapon breaking and overall just a bland experience if you have played anything open world in the last 10 years.
>i bought five copies
Ouch user
yes but the dude forgot to change the Aperture, automatic does shit like this sometimes that's why i stay on manual and does stuff myself, also these types of camera HATE when you are moving and create a blurry effect at the slight movement so you are quite forced to buy a tripod to make perfect shot on static stuff, if you know what you are doing and fuck around with the settings you can also have good shots when moving around
Yeah, I was forced to use the knives as well. The reason I compared it to ds2 is because similarly, if you’re comboing, you’re forced to walk in a straight line, and unable to move or pivot to face the mob who is of course moving all over the place. The knives were the only weapon that allowed me to relatively quickly stop attacking, face the monster again, and start attacking without taking a million years.
Either this, Sekiro, or Octopath, though I have given Octopath a second chance and its better than I remembered
I’m only replying because I know you might harm yourself or shoot up a supermarket if you don’t get validation for bad bait
Stay safe, bait-kun
octopath or mgsV.
That's a positive outlook user. At least the money you paid wasn't a waste since it bought a valuable lesson.
Why did you have to remind me this was a thing?
none because i don buy games and even if i did >this gen
Legit dmc5
buying Fist of the North Star for $60 on release was the only time this gen when I realized pretty quickly that I had made a terrible mistake.
That hurt to read
EASILY X4. How did they fuck up a series so badly? Everything including the ship designs just suck sooo much
>started the witcher 3 from g2a
>got 2 hours in
>cant jump
havent played since
its like 10 bucks you dumbfuck.
You can jump in TW3. It's the X button on xbox and the square button on PS4. I'm not sure what it is on PC though.
That is still one Costco pizza he'll never get now
Wow, what an enlightened statement you definitely didn't parrot from all the Yea Forums shitposts
Doom. It's good but not $60 good.
Cope harder faggot.
I unironically think the game was overhyped and only "ok". Nintendo manchildren are so starved for good games they thought this was actually game of the year material.
Stardew Valley.
I don't think it's a bad game but it definitely isn't for me.
I find the artstyle simplistic and ugly, and the gameplay is just doing chores over and over.
I wish Graveyard Keeper wasn't garbage so I could play it instead.
So I cant post a negative opinion without being lumped into the shitpost hive mind? Really? It's a mediocre game that was just riding the open world hype. I'd much rather have the typical dungeon chain of gameplay with some sidequests tossed in.
the pokemon hawaii game
I literally played it for 40 minutes and when I realized the tutorial wasn't nearly over I dropped it
literally every 30 seconds was a cutscen
It's a good game for its genre, but it's a niche genre so I can understand it not appealing to you. I liked it, but I liked the old harvest moon games and those are abhorrent shit now.
FEAR 3, I met one of the devs at PAX and he was super excited about it
Probably Arms. Played it for 30 hours and had fun with friends but still.
Probably resonance of fate for ps3.
The combat was a dumpster full of diarrhea after curry night. And it's the typical square enix convoluted plotline where emo angsty people go up against God or some shit.
Reminds me of when I still played WoW one of our dps gquit because they got beat on the dps meters by someone that just joined a couple of weeks prior. I never saw them again after that so either they switched servers or just stopped playing altogether.
How the hell is LISA generic, my man? I understand it not being for you, but it's a very unique game.
And I hope you fucking die if you even think about replying to this post defending it. Fuck you.
ATLAS by far. I still can't believe I fucking paid for that steaming pile of garbage. Never again will I fall for early access.
Isn't this just the prototype for overwatch and that type of shit?
at least we got dirty bomb out of it.
It's an autism simulator at heart.
Essentially it's factorio for girls.
This, but only because it’s so good I’ve decided to wait for PC port. Never made it past Valentine.
I haven't touched it in weeks and I can't think of anything super interesting they could add in updates this time around.
brink was sort of a spiritual successor of wolfenstien enemy territory MP. its not like class-based shooters were a new thing
>There's no viewfinder on the Canon PowerShot SX530 HS, if you think you're likely to want one of those, have a look at the higher specced Canon PowerShot SX60 HS. The screen meanwhile although fairly low resolution by some standards, at 461,000 dots, copes well in most situations except for very bright sunlight. It's also a fixed screen so not quite so useful for awkward angles, selfies and so on.
>Autofocus is generally swift and accurate, locking onto the subject with ease. It's a shame that you can't change the autofocus point though - especially given that you can manually control all of the other settings on the camera. Macro focusing is pretty impressive, you can almost be touching the subject with the lens and it will still focus - particularly useful for frame filling flower shots and so on.
The birdwatching crowd are usually amateur photographers and they aren't going to demand the absolute greatest resolution. Also, the SX530 is 3 years old and I believe it retailed for ~450 bucks when it came out. Looking a the picture, the guy zoomed in from far off and that was as good as it was going to get.
tl;dr: the SX530 wasn't a bad camera for the price in 2017 after the price dipped to around 250 bucks. For the wildlife crowd, it was worth the 450 thanks to how much it could zoom.
still to this day. this was also the game that broke the spell Nintendo had on me up to that pont and made me start question them and it only got worse with the years until I completely dropped those slant eyed kikes after the gamecube and never looked back.
It only took like three hours to do and collect everything. Having to pay import tax just made it worse.
OP's picture is nice because the reviewer's picture isn't very good but it's really heartwarming how much he loves his camera and enjoys using it regardless. I wish we all could love video games as much as that guy loves his camera, even if the picture (games) aren't that great all the time.
I've bought games that I haven't considered worthwhile, but I walked into them with skepticism. This was the one game that I played this generation that I had no reason to see what was coming. Hell, while I didn't like GTAIV's gameplay, I don't believe I've ever seen them fail from a story perspective until this one. How the mighty have fallen...
Don't make fun of me too hard.
I bought and played Anthem for over 500 hours.
RAGE 2, i can't believe i wasted $60 on that shit
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition. Which didn't even have all the DLC up to that release. I want my $5 back that I spent for it.
>I bought and played Anthem for over 500 hours.
How was there that much content?
I liked it
It's cute at least.
>Which didn't even have all the DLC up to that release
It should. I mean it's the base game + season pass + royal upgrade DLC
Mike ross is complete trash at the game and is slowly working his way to mediocrity. If a quitter like him can slowly grind it out then so can you.
A tie between RDR2 and BotW. RDR2 was a downgrade from RDR1 gameplay wise and BoTW was a demo for BoTW2.
Monster Hunter World
Cringe and blue-pilled
CTR. It's just knock off Mario Kart that doesn't do anything better. Fortnite is better than that garbage
> i know you mean xv not xiv the mmo
I'm not even barry-kun but I had fun with that shit game. Maybe it's because I had no expectations of it outside of "Bros bein bros: Bro-quest." I don't know how people fall for the hype or drink the kool-aid whatever it is.
I pre-ordered the collectors edition and didn't even get all the DLC. Game blows but it's a fine kuso-ge
Oh wait yeah I do the last time I had buyers remorse for a game was fucking Fallout 3 for PS3 I played the dog shit out of (VANILLA)Oblivion and it was the sickest shit I ever played. Then I see screens and vids of Fallout and all the memes oblivion with guns. . . If only it was Oblivion with guns. It was just completely disappointing. I probably would have enjoyed it a little had I played it on PC with mods.
The Kane and Lynch games. What utter dogshit both games are - 1 can't work on modern systems and 2 is just 3rd person hitscan shooterman.
It wasn't worth the discount that got me the games for like, $5.
>BoTW was a demo for BoTW2
Honestly hoping this very badly. I mean, 8 dungeons, more than 4 unique sub weapons, and at least triple the enemy variety will go a LONG way towards making the BotW layout somewhat decent. I get the feeling they are going to skimp on dungeons, giving us maybe 4 at best, and maybe at best 1 or 2 extra sub weapons. I want to be optimistic but IDK...
When you have shit luck and can't get legendaries, you grind and grind thinking that any second it will drop. then 500 hours pass and you still don't have shit to show for it. Then you give up.
My Nintendo Switch and Smash Ultimate.
I used to play a lot of Sm4sh, I went to local and regional tournaments and got pretty decent, but my Wii U broke so I just quit since then.
I bought a Switch a month ago on a whim and man, it's just not the same.
I'm a twenty something now and I just can't binge vidya without feeling immense guilt, it makes it unenjoyable.
Also fuck the Switch Pro controller, what an uncomfortable, unresponsive and overpriced piece of crap. I wish I could keep using my Wii U Pro controller.
>Kingdom Hearts 3
I was never a huge fan but I enjoyed 1 and 2 well enough. But the whole game was a disappointment, especially the ending. It's also doesn't help that I paid $60 for it rather than waiting for it to go on sale.
I thought it was going to be alright even though I'm not a big fan of that combat style, but the sections where it forces you to play MJ and Miles just felt tedious and just made the game quickly turn to shit. It also didn't help that MJ was annoying as hell.
>Muse Dash
Too simplistic and most of the music wasn't very good. Although that's all on me since it didn't occur to me that it would mostly be Chinese which is an awful sounding language.
>Out There: Omega Edition
Was expecting something more like FTL but it was just resource management with RNG that likes to fuck you over. Soundtrack wasn't bad though.
With Hyrule Castle raising into the sky I'm hoping the terrain in general will be altered quite a bit in places doing the same, so what was some old ruins we couldn't really interact with becomes a proper dungeon that's raised up from the dirt. What will go a long way as well are some quality of life improvements too like a non-shit Master Sword, and the ability to either repair or pay a blacksmith to repair our stuff.
Killing Floor 2
Destiny 2
Every WoW expansion post-wrath
>Kingdom Hearts 3
Is it sad that I've already erased it from my memory?
Battletech, i liked the idea, but the guys who built it took a look at the Xcom Long War mod and went "this is a good thing to add to the loop" and i hate it. Also the early game is ass. I just want a heavy mech, but literally nothing but 35 tonners show up even in 3 star missions.
Galax-z: I liked it, jsut bought it when i had a shit pc, and now that i don't, i don't wanna play it anymore. Same for Enter the Gunegon, All the unlocks just make me go "i don't wanna anymore". I can play Nuclear Throne all the time though.
Prey: i just got it at the wrong time in my life, because i couldn't sit down and play for hours and immerse.
It's probably better off that way.
Doom 2016. A series of repetitive, dull combat arenas broke up by the odd key hunting section. So glad I only got it for 15, I'd be pissed if I bought it full price. Titanfall 2 and Wolfenstein New Order are substantially better
Don't blame me just because Capcom can't reproduce their classics. I wanted new games, not DMC4 but complete but with no Credo tier fight and OTS RE2(A scenario only).
Dragon's Dogma and Chocobo mystery dungeon on switch
For some reason I get dizzy playing DD and there aren't any options that could change the smoothness of the camera
Chocobo cause SE is a dickweed company that charges 40 bux for a century old game
>Classic WoW
What happened, bros? I thought we were going home. This isn't the Vanilla WoW that I remember from 15 years ago!
Spiderman although it did give me a hearty kek when I told a friend I didn't like it and he sperged out
The PS4 unironically and it not your average type of buyer's remorse. Oh no siree, this type of buyer's remorse makes me think that the Xbone is the better purchase than the PS4 and the Xbone unironically, IMHO, the "winner" of the 8th gen of console. All because Sony had to go & implement an anti-japanese policy years after I bought the system thinking that Sony won't do something as dumb as what they're doing right now with them censoring japanese vidya. Oh boy was I wrong.
I kind of agree even though I played through 90% of it and enjoyed it at the time. It just leaves a bad aftertaste for some reason.
t. poorfag
My biggest regret game too. Really shitty.
I didn't mind the "gameplay". What I really didn't like was it having a story that went nowhere.
I don't get this image
Why is that particular sentence circled?
Yeah, I'm a pretty big Spider-Fag and it's definitely overhyped although I suspect that's from a mixture of MCUfags being generally a band of massive cunts and the game being PS4 exclusive so you also have to deal with Snoyfag cunts too. It's alright, stealth sections suck, they fucked up MJ and Miles can fuck off, and the plot had decent parts but was too focused on Mr Negative and the DLC was utter shit. I bought that day one, I wish I didn't.
For Honor probably.
Horizon Zero Dawn is probably the worst game I've played this gen, it's literally just eye candy the game and everything else is just trying to emulate other games but fails horribly.
Look at the image of the heron. Do you think the quality is "beautiful"?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
anal blasted bloodborne bro
tw3 2015 goty get over it, fatty
It was barebones af but i honestly enjoyed it.
>tfw bought the $100 Ultimate Edition
>on a standard PS4
In my defense, I thought the special edition shit for multiplayer would be cool and didn't think the multiplayer would go to shit faster than GTA O.
Lmao yup
Hoi4, I’m ass at it
Fable 3 at the time I wasn't aware of Peter Molyneux's sweet lies.
It really is a game for autists. There are some decent and even great levels in there, but you have to wade through dozens upon dozens of shit levels before getting to just a single one worth playing. The popular page is full of braindead speedrun, "auto-mario" and gimmicky bullshit so that's not a good source. Endless mario is also full of low quality garbage. You'd have to look for well crafted levels online but that will require you to waste more time than you should. 3/10. The overstimulating sound and visual effects like retarded cat paws are annoying too so let me peg that down to a 2/10.
Witcher 3
paying full price for FighterZ
You just gotta have friends dedicated to making good Mario levels.
allmost all of the shit i have bought in the last 5 years
This to an extent. The game is amazing in a lot of ways but God damn does it move slow and they could have much it much more interesting. Still incredible in many ways.
The two games I have buyers remorse for that comes to mind is mario tennis on the switch (op bowser jr, barely any sp content, janky online) and the bouncer (full price for a game that takes less than a day to complete).
>learning curve to Witcher 3
You have to be joking
I was upset by the lack of closure, but I absolutely loved mankind divided. You a real jerk.
What game do you compare it to, because it destroys all the ubisoft attempts at open world. I can't really think of any open world games.
Smash Ultimate. Never played a Smash game. Played it for an hour and never touched it again. I don't get the hype I guess
I got to play it for free, so I think I got my money's worth.
Albeit I'll probably buy it if it comes out on PC for the graphics alone.
Halo 4. Even though at the time I was a halo fan to an autistic degree I couldn’t even finish the campaign. Dropped the multiplayer about a week later. The game is probably not as terrible as I thought at the time but I just felt overwhelming disappointed.
what is the point of this picture
Halo 4 was just bad, the only reason I finished it was because I kept telling myself that it's going to get better but it never did.
Modern Warfare 2, this was the game that made me start to question videogames as a whole. I beat the campaign in around 5 hours, went to multiplayer to fuck around and there were no vehicles or any major improvements. Then I got a PSP with a bunch of JRPGs, started playing RTS, RPGs like Diablo, etc., then I ended up on this Australian dumping ground for autistic people, I never bought another Cawadooty game again. Also I am addicted to Arma milsims.
Front Mission Evolved. Oh this gen? FFXV.
Neir Automata
Heaping dogshit
>unique RPG with increible music and writing
>bad after 6 hours
Fucking tasteless
This gen the only game related thing I bought and regretted was an EA pass for 5 bucks, around 2 years ago. Origin is a fucking barren wasteland and it wasn't worth it in the slightest unless you really like Battlefield and Star Wars. I got Dead Space series I guess, but I 100% them around their release dates except 3.
Jurassic World Evolution. Tycoon shit. Got memed into it by Yea Forums.
Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Splatoon 2 and ARMS, both tied for that spot. Both are such fucking letdowns.
bullying bird watchers and wildlife enthusiasts should be illegal
pokkén on wii u.
sonic 4 episode 2
I would say KH3 or Bloodborne but then I remembered that I also own Uncharted 4 and Fallout 4
At least I actually played KH3 and Bloodborne and they're better than most games this gen
lol gachafag whales are the saddest thing on this board right now. You're what Yea Forums wouldn't normally made fun of a decade ago and now there are threads 24/7 on it.
this one too
Fuck Sun for being just meh
fire emblem three houses
Dark Devotion
Into the fray
That’s what I was doing. I think the level where you flew the pelicans was where I dipped out, I could tell the game was wrapping up at that point and I couldn’t see it getting any better.
The only game I truly regret buying was Bayonetta, my brainlet brain couldn't into Dodge Offsetting and I didn't have an iotta of fun at all.
2 hours? Have you even fought Jagras yet?
Mass effect andromeda. I was an idiot and even bought the $80 version.
Good choice
I agree. It was too easy, too short, and the story gave little to no closure.
The Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns expansion.
Shit fucking sucked. Gliders were cool though.
battlefield 5 ps4 for 15 bucks, and i have an high end Pc.
>DOOM for Nintendo Switch
What ?
What's wrong with FME? It's a nice mecha game for its price tag, it's just a different genre from the series it spun off from.
This has got to be bait. REmake 2 was the best game Capcom has produced in YEARS. At least explain why.
This. Fuck any game with an eating mechanic.
Same bought user, when they were showing the development videos and shit and then it released I regretted this purchase as well.
Monster Hunter World. Didn't expect the korean grindfest. worst part is the price dropped down to 30 the very next day
It's a mistake
why? I enjoyed it
the only 2 games i ever bought.
>enter the matrix
>space engineers
Street Fighter V at launch
Nothing really, I bought very few games because I pirate most of my shit
That's because you're 10. If you think ubisoft is any benchmark of open world gaming just stop talking.
This 100 percent
Baby's first bait.
>tfw literally any card game would just shit all over my group of friends
something about card games pushed the shitty competitiveness out of my friends and turn nearly all of them into that guy until enough finally decide to quit
other games just didn't have this effect
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Oh God, claire. I forgot about that pile of pretentious shit. Was like someone read the back of the silent hill box and then made a unity game in an afternoon
imagine letting randy make you this much of his badass bitch
For retail price, I don't think it offered nearly enough new content for what I paid for. The survivor stories and challenge modes were unsatisfying, too.
Though I do agree that it has been the best thing Capcom has produced in quite a long time.
The combat is so janky and stiff. Even the basic sword seems like it takes forever to swing. And the monsters seem to only react to hits if you're using a greatsword or a hammer, which are slow as shit. The lock on for ranged weapons is bullshit. And for a game all about killing animals for their parts to craft stuff there seemed to be a real lack of item diversity.
Why would you buy a remake of resident evil 2 and expect a ton of new content? If anything they changed too much.
nothing because i only buy games i know ill enjoy
Mostly for the price. I was expecting a whole bunch of new content, even if it was optional or not.
I'd say my Switch but I resold it at almost RRP.
DOA5 and a large portion of its DLC
Turns out I don't have the autism for fighting games, I swear to fuck 50% of my inputs are fucking wrong it's the worst feeling to show your hand before you even try to execute something
Honestly. I tried out morrowind and for the love of god i cannot get into it. The gameplay is way too shitty that the lore, which i thought was ok at best, cant make up for it.
yeah you bought it, but did you actually play it?
Spider-man PS4
The swinging was all animation based and not on physics, the webs don't even need to exist because they do fuckall.
The combat was piss easy, story was crap with yet another goody two-shoes Peter that's now a feminist, art style was fucking shit as well.
Just didn't have any fun at all while playing it.
aliens colonial marines
the order 1886
far cry 5
Don't forget the archaic game design from 10 years ago.
>Reveal the map through towers
>Emphasis on collectables
>Forced stealth missions where detection leads to instant failure
>Linear hallways that only lead into cutscenes
>The shitty minigames
>Carbon-copied arkham stealth
>Infinitely repeating open-world activities
Presentation wise the game was great, everything else though, was completely uninspired and boring as fuck. 6/10.
At least, it was pretty cheap. Brigador cost me about 20 bucks, and I don't even speak about fucking shitfest named Agony. Holy fuck, I even bought it on ps4...
>Recent ones that come to mind
>Monster Hunter World
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Kingdom Come
But on the bright side I actually enjoyed
>Atelier Rorona
>Ace Combat 7
>DMC 5
>Total War 3K
>Yakzua 0
>Risk of Rain 2
do you remember the last time you were genuinely happy? not from emotional highs, but the raw shit
Pic related. I don't know if it's better with co-op but the difficulty hikes between levels are jarring.
Preordered it, thought it will be Vermintide but space marines. Bugged to hell at release, multiplayer barely working, characters without any personality, poor weapon balance and lack of any customization. Enhanced edition fixed some of the things but still game is meh at best.
yeah i just got fc5 the other day and it looks nice but it's pretty boring and shooting people isn't very fun, hopefully it gets better i loved fc3
Polygon count, sure. But color scheme and those ugly ass faces? No. All the suits looked way too busy as well, not just Peter's.
Arma3, upgraded my pc 3 times and I still cannot run it properly
Is this really something camerafags seethe about? Fucking losers
Its really not better with coop. Once you get the hang of dodge rolling its not to bad with the exception of like 2 bosses that are quite a bit harder then their contemperarires. The game also rewards you for doing well on early floors by making later floors easier. If you perfect a boss you get an extra heart container. Also it is more based on skill then item drops. After my first win as pilot I beat the other 3 maine characters in a row without a death. Though there are some instawin items like clone and bloody scarf.
alien vs predator from 2006 or whatever
Spend 5 minutes in and you'll see for yourself
Star Allies. Pretty much every Kirby game has at least been decent if not fantastic, so I thought nothing could go wrong. Oh how wrong I was.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Dishonored 2
The Witcher 3
Assasins creed origins
This. God that game was boring.
It wasn't too boring, the main problem is how painfully easy it was. Even if you didn't play with any allies at all there was virtually no challenge. And god forbid you did, the game would basically play itself.
>50x optical zoom
that bird is probably on the other side of the county
Guild Wars 2 always
There are games that I enjoyed far less, there are games that I dropped far more quickly, but none of them carries the soul-crushing feeling of never getting another GW
It'd be a pixel on a regular cameras zoom so yeah thats pretty gud
Cubeworld, starbound and everquest next
I dont learn do I?
>Lacking scenario system
>Removed enemy types
>Changed too much of the story
>Changed Dialogue feels like it's asking you to take it seriously when the original dialogue had immense charm to it.
>Didn't change the amount of resources you get when it's way easier to deal with enemies due to the OTS perspective and aiming
>Looks too bland. It's just "dude photorealistic".
It's just a really inferior game to the original. If it was an original, I wouldn't mind it as much. It's unacceptable because they already have the blueprint on how to make it great and they still failed by actively removing the charm of it.
I regret pirating Sekiro and wish I could get my time refunded.
I usually buy indie games that I pirated and enjoyed, as I did with Kenshi, but I do regret it after playing some more and getting swamped with bugs, glitches and crashes
Black Ops 4, MGSV, Nier Automata.
Battleborn..... with the season pass..............
I forgot Doom 4.
MK11 and No Man Sky (after people kept saying "BRO IT'S A GOOD GAME NOW"). Somehow managed to refund MK11 with 8 hours played. Oldest regret I have is picking Primal Rage instead of Earthworm Jim 2 as a birthday gift
Agree it was shite
Never had buyer's remorse.
star wars battlefront 2015, preordered for $120 no less.
Now I just wait 6 months and buy Ultimate Editions of EA games for $19 or less. I got battlefront 2 2017 for $4
It was my first pirate game from FromSoft and I'm glad. I dropped after an two hours.
Is it true they patched Battlefront 2 until it became an actual game? I heard they pulled of a Siege and managed to revive the game but it might be EA bullshit
Deformed and all, he look like the kid from the The Sixth Sense
Im sorry lol
>The lock on for ranged weapons is bullshit
This makes no sense, you just manually aim like any other shooter
>And for a game all about killing animals for their parts to craft stuff there seemed to be a real lack of item diversity.
Objectively false
It's not outright terrible but there's just so many baffling deign choices? Who the fuck thought constant corridors and boat trips was worth the stupid one-shot gimmick? It adds nothing but filler to the game. Then on top of that they try to pad out the length with an unsatisfying RPG system for weapons, and "high level" monsters are especially retarded health sponges with hit stun disabled. The valkyrie fights should have been an option in a startup menu instead of scattered across of loading corridors AND loading elevators.
The most unforgivable sin, though, is that the final boss is literally a copy/paste of the first non-troll boss fight in the game. Talk about anticlimactic.
Dark souls. I have anger issues and can’t handle it for long because I’m not that great at it..
My friends said to try bloodborne instead, still haven’t tried it. Thoughts?
what REALLY gets me about this game is how spiderman has to make cringe as fuck comments about everything like the most spastic attention starved redditor sperg i could even imagine
this. fucking hell.
Sort out your anger issues you fucking brainlet.
>the final boss is literally a copy/paste of the first non-troll boss fight in the game
Adding insult to injury is the "attack with the right weapon based on colour" trope that gets introduced as if it's supposed to be some deep mechanic.
It's so bad. The first Baldr fight was so exciting with you hitting block and just parrying. The final boss being him but just interchanging between the a blue and red form was insulting. Really exposed how limited the gameplay was.
KH3, DS2 and... artifact
I enjoy DoA6 more than Tekken 7
Left Alive
God what a turd that turned out to be
Pokemon Sun. Jesus christ, what happened?
So much fucking this, at times I want to play a game and its a fucking movie/riding simulator. I never got used to the movement delay either.
People give MGS4 shit for being a movie but this was worse, hell Asuras Wrath felt less like a movie than this
Nothing but cutscenes.
Annoying rivals. Lillie.
You name it.
Does it count as buyer's remorse if i didn't even pay for it? Because the few hours i spent on Ultra Moon were abysmal.
You're just salty cause your life is a living hell.
He wasn't doing it for a job, the picture was for his own use. It could of had someones ass in the way for all it mattered. Kys fag.
I bought an Xbox 360 recently because I wanted to play with my brother like when we were growing up but neither one of us has the time to play Co OP and it's just not the same. Before we had a single game and that was our only entertainment for a while until we got another. Today we are inundated with things that try to catch our attention. It just doesn't work
GTA V since that shit crashes my PC after am hour of play
I bought a boxed copy of GTAV for PC. its on 9 DVDs, and takes longer to install than it would just on steam
>Kirby: Star Allies.
While there's never been a BAD kirby game or a hard one, Star Allies just clutters the screen with pretty nonsense so you can barely tell what's happening in some levels.
I'd love to do it single player but the game forces you on multiple occation to dive into the friend mechanic.
Robobot was so much better than this.
My brother got me this on release with money from his first job, I didn't tell him how much of a let down it was :(
Not really remorse but i haven't got back into it after seething because of the gigajank.
Fucking Outward man, i dunno if it's intentional or just happens to be like that when in development
The Phantom Pain
>zoomer spotted.
No Man's Sky. Easily.