is it me or does Death Stranding have worse graphics than MGS V?
Is it me or does Death Stranding have worse graphics than MGS V?
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this blurry 719p screenshot is very convincing
MGSV's visuals were all in the great lighting. DS' grassy environment looks fantastic, but it has a lot of fog and shit, at least in your screenshot. Not like we've really seen gameplay either way, so I guess we'll have to see how shit really looks outside of cutscenes
It's just you
Its got better graphics than this Ultraman game I remember playing on the SNES, so there is that.
If it runs at 60fps I'll buy it
it won't
i remember playing the fuck out of that game but i never had the manual so i didn’t know how to do half the shit in it
It makes up for it by having far superior gameplay.
it's the color palette and the lack of proper geometry like outposts or buildings
It's just you
why does Yea Forums call it a walking simulator? he's running, not walking
It's marginally better
Graphics aren't everything in games user.
Okay, this doesn't matter, and it's really just me getting my 'tism rankled, but a single screenshot can't be
the P refers to Progressive, as in Progressive Scan, as in every single line of resolution is refreshed, as opposed to "i" or Interlaced, where only every other line of resolution is refreshed.
Screenshots don't refresh. They're static images. An image can't be
It's simply 1280x719.
Anyway, please continue your regularly scheduled Death Stranding shitpost thread.
graphicfags really are pathetic
im more worried about the gameplay, looks pretty barebones rn
how do we go from MGS V looking gorgeous and running at 60fps to this looking like muddy blurry shit and running at 30fps?
Not surprising. MGSV on max settings is pretty incredible.
>looks pretty barebones rn
Nice meme.
kek mgs v remember all that walking well imagine no cool gear, no shit to interact with just get chased by black goo everyonce in awhile.... oh wait thats still mgs v......
what the hell was this supposed to prove jesus
I don't mind, it looks like there'll be ruined cities, mountains and a proper forest to explore unlike MGSV. The enemies are a lot more interesting too.
How dare you, all these graphics are made possible by the almighty power of Decima™ Engine
seriously why did guy travel across the world to find an engine when unreal or cryengine
>no cool gear
Says who?
We know that there's stuff to find/unlock.
could've used*
guy sure can walk good
i dont see your point
Kojima is a hack. MGS has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a fucking game.
yea no
good b8 though
Hollywood disagrees with you.
The scanned models looks better though, Quiet looks off in MGSV
>Modern engine that Kojima built from fucking scratch to perfection for his own team
>vs. Decima engine made by Guerilla Games for the Killzone shit and Horizon.
Really makes your noggin' joggin.
what engine is this?
Fuck graphiqz faggot
not him but the writing is really troubling
im not talking about all the weird shit with the story but about dialogues
lobotomite level
also in all shown cutscenes character are just basicy standing somewhere and talking without ding anything
thats star wars prequel level cinematography
No shit, they've mostly just shown us 'character spotlight' trailers
Watch this:
>actually trying to understand Kojimbo's ruse cruise
I'm pretty sure everyone thinks Kojima is a hack, but his games are still great. just shut up and enjoy the pants on head retarded story and writing
Learn to use punctuation and stop typing like an 8 year old before calling anyone else's writing "lobotomite level."
MGSV has a really good art style but it is a PS360 generation game through and through. It doesn’t take advantage of the effects and lightning that the current gen consoles have like death stranding uses. Sadly even the newest GPUs don’t have much else to offer except potato ray tracing
Holy shit, this is awful.
Yes, better than your garbage Splinter Cell and Thief i.e. sit in the shadow simulators
this is 4channel not a shakespearean writing techniques forum dumb queer
the biggest complaint for his last game was there weren't enough cutscenes, why do idiots still perpetuate this meme? Worst part is they'll get asshurt when DS releases to critical acclaim and only double down like children
I also remember turning 15 and finding contrarianism funny, you'll grow out of it
as opposed to lying down and become invisible simulators?
those characters seem really one-dimentional then
did we actually learn anything about them ? the lady had a invisible baby but what else do we know about her from that intro, that she plays poker ?
you are most likely right but gameplay wasnt all hot shit either
i wonder whats going to end up as the weakest link
>his last game
>posts MGS4, a game he was essentially forced to do when he didn't want to
You can't just prone past everything in MGS like you can sit in shadows in other stealth games.
>last game
>posts MGS1
i think we're establishing a pattern tho
just burnt pcfags who'll never get to play this on their $3000 mail box.
wrong again
>open video
>scroll through randomly to 2:32:21
>it's gameplay
nice, anything else?
the p stands for pixel
Kojima allegedly traveled around the world looking for the company who had an engine powerful enough to make his vision a reality. After months of traveling he came to the conclussion Guerilla had the best engine.
And yet Horizon looks su much fucking better than this.
Watch your own video, you have to actually know where you're moving and have spatial awareness. Not to mention that's only one of the bases in MGSV. It's a lot more complicated than Splinter Cell and Thief where you just move from shadow to shadow.
Why are you so obsessed with Splinter Cell and Thief? No one but you has mentioned either one.
no? that's what I thought. Fuck off kid
Then what do you compare MGS to exactly?
yes, that's what you're doing against the top stealth franchise in gaming
>top stealth franchise in cinema
Bro that's all marketing bs. Kojima is a master marketer. He has created this cult of Kojima when he is in fact a hack who was surrounded with talented people making games.
>engine looks beautiful in dense, man-made environments
>90% of the game takes place in the sprawling, barren fucking wastelands of AFRICA and AFGHANISTAN
least y'all fuckers forget
gameplay is still walking/running/gimmicks
cutscenes are still wooden af
story is still real fucking simple and incomprehensible tardspeak at the same time
fap to whatever you want to but dont try to tell me this looks good rn
kys moron
obviously horizon looks better, the engine was made specifically for that game
It's not fox engine
No it doesn't, especially the character models
Those mountains. Can I climb them?
MGSV was developed for ps3/360 and runs 60 on next gen consoles
all resources went into face scanning B-class actors, no time for world sorry