>I have never voice acted in really anything
Based english dub, amirite?
This is your Aerith voice actress and yes, she is a youtuber!
>says the loser on social security who never interacts with real people
Yeah, I'm sure she's fine incel
Now go donate to your tiddy streamers, or streamers in general, thinking they're your friends.
It's Aeris you fucking lisping faggot
the hell
she has an annoying voice.
im glad Aerith dies halfway in the game.
Why are you projecting yourself this hard?
Don't you mean episode 3?
Couldnt care less about voice actors, they are tools
a flower?
Be thankful it's not Rinachunk.
Are you brain damaged?
Aerith the character sells her flowers, and Aeirth the voice actor sells her bathwater.
wait what?
fuck squeenix, they should kill her on the end of episode 1 or in the middle of episode 2.
i cant take this fucking bitch´s voice, she souds annoying as fuck.
I'm okay with this.
why are white women so fucking flat
Better than Laura Bailey yet again
your a homo if you dont want to rub your pp on that
But Redditor whiteknights like you are the types to donate to tit streamers, not OP who shits on this girl
They aren't using the Kingdom Hearts cast? I suppose Aeris was shit but Sephiroth's English VA was actually pretty good in that series. Would suck to see him replaced.
I'm happy for her and wish her the best of luck!
why does that mean shes bad?
Dubs it is. Thanks for tell us.
>never voice acted
>"that isnt a bad thing"
Enjoy your early 2000s DUB VA with cheap "VA actors"
So soul?
>Imagine enjoying listening to a language that you don't even understand over your native tongue.
Can't stand subcucks. You speak English so fucking USE IT
Why do Americans hire random people off the street to do voice acting? The result almost always soumds awful and the characters sound like they're voicing a children's cartoon which completely ruins any weight a given scene might actually have. When Nintendo of Europe localised Xenoblade Chronicles they used trained stage actors and it ended up having some of the best voice acting in JRPG history.
>japanese voices
>Blond hair
>Dark eyes
girls are never 100% natural, she clearly dyed her hair the stupid bimbo
They should have just hired Laura Bailey instead amirite
She's a fake blonde, probably going to be a terrible voice actress, and she's a YouTube e-whore. With every bit of new news coming out, the red flags keep piling up.
This is the dumbest argument ever to exist on the internet.
Why isn't Sephiroth called Sephiros then?
Hey, at least it's not the KH2/AC Aerith. Though to my knowledge those were the only games that Aerith was in.
I would have taken a real celebrity over some fucking youtuber or even who ever voiced her on KH or in AC or fucking anything but a youtuber
Have you ever been outside a second in your entire life?
she only got the role cause shes white
U sound mad lol
You liked Lance Bass from Nsync as Sephiroth?
>I suppose Aeris was shit but Sephiroth's English VA was actually pretty good in that series.
Which one? Lace Bass or George Newbern?
...You realize white voice actors are a dime a dozen right?
She's got a good voice for Aerith
I won't accept a voice actress for Tifa with anything less than F cups.
of course you don't, kumbrain
she only got it cause she was white, if sh was any other race than white she wouldnt get it.
Have sex
sad but true :(
The amount of seethe in this post is off the charts
Crisis Core had a younger Aerith in it.
Same person did her in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, which was based on FF7 Aerith. She did have a CC alt.
Why do people still do this?
Cant be worse than KH 2 Aerith
>imagine being an amerimutt who only speaks and understands 1 single language.
Probably George Newbern since he has actual dialogue while Lance only had battle cries
Based and black pilled and remember white knights she IS not going to fuck you
But the post you're responding to is the whiteknight
At least it's not a JewTube tranny for once. Fuck Squeenis, they SJW'ed Deus Ex to death and now they're getting ready to kill my childhood.
>playing the remake with the dub
>playing the remake at all
George Newbern (Kingdom Hearts 2/Advent Children/Crisis Core/Dissidia) isn't returning unfortunately. A shame because I always thought he made a great Sephiroth.
She's cute. Isn't that the number one thing anti dubbers complain about? That the voice behind their waifu isn't hot?
I've actually seen herr content before, she's not just some chick cashing in on let's play videos/twitch thot, she legit has a passion for vidya.
When she was on another channel's video (which is where I first saw her) for a crossover/collab thing on Zelda BOTW, she was litterally the only person there who knew what they were talking about, and it you could tell she was genuinely excited for the game and hyped up.
Got zero clue if she can voice act well though.
she said in the video (or i think it was on her livestream), that she's not alone voice acting. People who are expert in the stuff are helping her.
She has an excellent voice, just not the experience.
>implying your pajeet ass knows japanese
Good thing she's actually going to be voiced by Maaya Sakamoto.
Is the Japanese version using the same seiyu's from Crisis Core? Because the seiyu's for Zack and Aerith were married IRL and their interactions felt way more organic than in the English dub.
It's okay though they got another Superman to voice Sephiroth
I've seen her Criminal Minds episode, she's alright.
I actually know her in person. She's professionally trained in both acting and voice acting, so expect her to give a good performance. I don't think we ever had a conversation about FFVII in particular, but we've talked a lot about video games in general (especially Zelda), and she knows her shit. Happy for her! And also relieved that they're hiring actual actors for the roles and not some twitch thots.
>I actually know her in person
>im okay with this, dude sex haha pretty lady haha.
>social security
Everyone is on SS in the States. It's something you (theoretically) pay into. Why do people keep confusing it with welfare?
I too love Ali Hillis' dulcet tones
They did?
They've played each other's love interests in some other stuff too, like Kara no Kyoukai and Gundam Seed Destiny.
God she's so fucking perfect.
Tyler Hoechlin. He's actually good at being Superman.
Combined with Gideon Emery as Biggs and Cody Christian as Cloud it's a mini-Teen Wolf reunion.
Whites have given up on breeding so they are slowly becoming an infertile genderless creature
naizuri > paizuri
Good, get noname literally whos as your voice actors, it's better than the current crop of 20 they've got fucking everything up
I know, right.
Who /Japanese audio with fan translated English subtitles/ here?
I bet you think Ted Woolsey translations are a masterpiece of localization.
based casting couch cutie
Where's MJF then.
Only if it hasn't been translated/dubbed before. Otherwise I switch to the official stuff ASAP.
Not that Teen Wolf.
I'd fuck 2B, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Shes a cutie
OP on suicide watch
Pretty much this. Taking a shot on literally whos that audition is how you bring new blood into the industry.
Rina-chan used to just be Newgrounds' cumrag. Now she's a major name in the dubbing business.
Christina Vee, Sarah Williams, Xander Mobus. All literally whos at some point.
>Sarah Williams
Why couldn't she be nuTifa
Literally every youtuber is mentally ill, they're not performers or people interested in drama/acting/comedy, their lives are just farming views and attention. Someone who requires that will always be a fucked up weirdo irl
Jew detected.
Another Jew detected.
If SE corrected Aerith, why don't they correct Claude?
>Cody Christian
Literally fucking WHO?
I miss Steve Burton. My Feet hurt. I want to go home. Why is Tifa censored? Why has a benevolent God ceased to shine his divine light on Earth?
>actually spoilering this as if anyone's going to be shocked
He's still going to be Cloud's VA for everything not Remake-related, according to someone who attended an E3 developer panel.
>Literally fucking WHO?
His acting resume are roles in stuff like Teen Wolf and Pretty Little Liars, stuff Yea Forums isn't into.
woop de shit
Get fucked OP
But also, and more importantly, come visit me at moonmoon_ow and give me your money. I'll be live in the hour biiiiiittttcccccccchhhh
wow, so he's only acted in two of the most vapid, virtue-signalling shows on one of the dumbest channels to grace television? Literally Lifetime but for tween girls instead of 40 year old women?
Again, stuff Yea Forums isn't into.
this unironically
bizarre to see people here shit on foreigners so much and then get down and lap up as much squealing jap nonsense as possible
Why not just use the lady who voiced her in crisis core? She was pretty good in that.
Is that actually the CW superman outfit
because his name is Sephiroth retard
>I miss Steve Burton
he was also in true blood
At least it’s not Ashely Burch or Laura Bailey.
Eh, blame that VA strike. All the companies are scrambling for replacements now.
Good. VAs are the most replaceable people on the planet.
don't trigger my autism like that
>mfw you can criticize anyone on Yea Forums except women
she looks like she sounds hot as fuck.
Isn't she too young for the role? I mean, this is a remake of one of the most popular games of all times. You would think they will pick someone more famous/experienced
They're not here for Tom Holland, they're here for Spider-Man
Resetranny is on other web fucking zoomer adicted to youtubers.
>a bunch of nobodies who get paid too much money for no effort went on strike thus allowing passionate people to try and get jobs
Thank you strike?
I don't think that's the point of watching subbed.
She can know her stuff about videogames, but that isnt the point.
This is the FF7R, something people have been waiting for almost 20 decades and they are gonna give a role to newbies that never acted?
That isnt how things should work. Japan gives these roles for games like this to people that have been working for years, but the west just plays around and wants to pay the less possible. In the case of females the west just gives to the prettiest face they find
Are you implying the two are mutually exclusive?
>20 decades
I was thinking Square-Enix time. Meant 2 decades
christ what are they feeding american women? this skank is like early 20s but look late 30s wat do?
fuck the west.
>never acted
stopped reading there
What is Aerith's age?
Hell yeah I wanna fuck that
ayyy hahaha. me too.
Aerith is 22, a year older than Cloud and two years older than Tifa
incel op absolutely btfo
>want to be some random fuckwad they pull off the street to voice act in some brand new anime I like
>little to no avenues in New Jersey
>all the big VAwork is out in Cucklefornia or Texas
>end up watching the show where half the characters are voiced by Chris Smith or Richard Epcar & have either an improper tone that barely fits the character or don’t sound different from the other roles they do in the same show
I didn’t think Kengan Asura would get me as butthurt as it did, between its dub & how it skips a lot of shit.
Only normals care about FF7 or dubs.
I'm just shocked it's not one of the same 4 voice actresses they use for everything
>I want different voice actors in games
>okay here's someone completely different
>wait no
But the first poster is the virgin, Reddit. So you can take your buzzwords and your cherrypicked pictures back to where you come from
>Based english dub, amirite?
darn tootin' lil feller
>Japan gives these roles for games like this to people that have been working for years
or have voiced the characters in the past, unless they are dead.
So the only possible newbies would be for people like Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, Don, President Shinra, Aeris' mom, etc....
>Based english dub, amirite?
Unironically yes
Unless you WANT Laura Bailey and Grey DeLisle playing every woman in video games?
100% she will die half way or at the end of part 2, easy.
part 3 can easily be disc 2 and 3
I wouldn't mind that, I guess
I'm really tired of hearing the same 5 actors in every game
Play on mute, play with the voices off, or just don't play video games at all
Better yet light your balls on fire
Nah, I will be fine with Maaya Sakamoto aka one of the greatest voice actress in Japan.
i thought OP was overreacting too but holy shit the projection
Maaya seems okay.
Granted I don't really watch anime just because she is in it, my biggest exposure to her would probably be Jenne
not a single youtube link in the whole thread to hear her voice
Peak shitposting
If you're gonna get your panties in a bunch just play it in wapanese
Top kek, op. You copy and pasted your shitty comment over from reddit because you seethe that people over there doesn't agree with your retarded opinion. And wanted retards here who only agreed with you because they hated the idea of the remake being not similar to their precious childhood and random shitposters? Fucking hell. Who the fuck cares if she's a fucking nobody, if she does the job, so be it. From bits that was shown, she's miles better than her KH2 V.A. Sounds a bit older than her KH V.A which I think fits her character better since she's supposed to be older than Cloud. Stop using buzzwords to “defend” your shitty argument when you have none you fucking retard. Your entire “argument” is that she's different, reeeeeee, I don't like her. Fuck off. And those who like Steve Burton as Cloud, fuck you. He's fucking shit as Cloud. His monotonous performance in somewhere on par with Lightning’s boring ass voice acting And that guy's a fucking stage actor. Now where's you defend for that now you fucking faggots. Though, I like Newbern as Sephiroth and Bilingslea as Barret. Tifa has always sounded wrong. She always sounds like someone soft but tried to sound tough. It's fucking weird.
>west cuck voice actors
talentless roastie
holy based
She has a background in acting. Not known by any means, but I wouldn't call her a random youtuber.
She also happens to have really good lets plays of games like the last of us and life is strange.
I'll be playing the Japanese version anyhow.
>there are people who exist that want Mena Suvari back as Aerith
Fucking who are these deaf motherfuckers, Briana is a goddamn improvement over that.
You can tell this was made by a non-white cause they can't spot the subhumans in there
I want that gap on my lap.
I want her kiss on my list
Here's your Tifa, bro
fuck I don't want to have to wear contacts
Who cares, she voices someone who dies 40 minutes in, not like she will talk very much anyway
I don't think the creator of that image knows what "incel" is supposed to mean.
what part of that image implies that these people are not women hating virgins?
Nothing saying there can't be overlap, but they're using the word like it describes racists.
>>I have never voice acted in really anything
This is unironically a good thing. Hopefully she'll have a normal female voice and not a shrill squeaker anime voice.
Me in middle of second row.
involuntary celibacy is a major trigger for males to become racist and participate in hateful discussions online. don't pretend that it's not true.
>a shrill squeaker anime voice.
She doesn't have that.
Does the European version of the game have differnent English VAs than the North American version?
Only retarded EOPs would play with English anything.
eh, it's pretty anime-ish and kind of squeaky. not the worst I've heard I guess, but I'm disappointed.
She sounds like she's in her early 20s, which fits the character.
based slanteye needledick
Ahh, my wife. Nice to see you, honey! I love you!
based lightningfriend
Sorry, EOP, but I'm European. I just learned Japanese.
>I just learned Japanese
Is that the equivalent of an American vacationing in France and saying croissant as "quo-saunt" once they come back home.
This is your twitch actress and she does porn.
Localization was done entirely by NoE. NoA wasn't going to release it at all until a public campaign pressured them to bring the European release over.
No, it's the equivalent of knowing another language. I know, unimaginable for an Amerilard like you.
For minor characters, you don't need an experienced voice actor. You just need someone that fits the part.
I dunno mate, every time someone learns something new they try to show it off like they've known the thing for years.
Learning Japanese takes years, true.
My god, does every woman do porn these days? It doesn't even pay well.
>Playing games and watching anime on english
People really do that?
I mean if she was voiced by a completely different person that the one in the OP sure.
So do you emphasize certain tones in your voice when you say Japanese words to flex or what.
Is there any casting couching going on in the dub VA industry?
No. That's what Amerilards do. It's rather funny to hear.
>he doesn't do that
Then what's the point. If you're going to do another language, commit.
Professional VA's are shills they said. They're demanding too much money and deserved to be replaced they said.
And look where we are now.
The idea is to speak it normally like native speakers do.
>George Newbern's Sephiroth
>Bro Sephiroth through a good chunk of Crisis Core
Despite the dumb shit with Gackt, that game was surprisingly comfy. Too bad it's locked to the PSP still.
But it pays in dividends
Where is Tifa's voice actress?
So you DO speak it with the accent.
Are you sure you're not mistaking Japanese for Chinese? Japanese has very little tonality.
I'm glad she's some basic blonde bitch because the Aeris design looks like my high school sweetheart and if her VA looked too similar I would've had to go on another bender.
Neck yourself you fat disgusting ham beast.
Nope. Japanese does have an accent, as do Korean and Chinese. I guess you have to be natively Asian to pick it up.
seething roast beef
I know it exists, but it's rather understated.
Hi friend!
Social Security is what retirees 65 and over go on. I don't think that's what you mean.
Hello to you too, fellow Lightningposter.
I see. Nice to see The European branch step up and do well (for once).
Very cute.
>this post
roflmao cuck piece of shit
who is making these?
al have "kippers" titles
go on paheal bro
Yet they still weren't as good as the Japanese VAs, especially the Nopon.
Her name's Britt Baron, for some reason I keep wanting to say "Bond"
Ooooh... I'm taking this!
Do you prefer Japanese or English VAs?
I listen to English dubs to practice my English.
There's plenty of Japanese voice shows where even leads have never had roles before. What kind of complaint is this?
what does this have to do with the Aerith VA?
I want people to be happy and they just never are.
The absolute fucking state of useless goddamn dubbing.
Why do they keep wasting money on dubs? Only the most retarded murrikans that are incapable of reading still care about those.
I'm chilean, and you don't see any latin american demanding latin american dubs, even though they're superior.
>you don't see any latin americans*
It is a mockery of the topic.
>and yes, she is a youtuber
Why does this matter?
What we've heard so far sounds fine, we should be judging the quality of the work not the person behind it. Everyone has a first role and if they do a good job then that's all that should matter.
That's the thing isn't it? Yea Forums wants new voice actors in the market, but they don't want voice actors to enter the way most big names now got their start, which is via anime dubs.
Don't cross the border
3 months until the game comes out. Are you hyped?