Is it really that bad? I want to play a survival game and I need more MGS even if you know no Kojimbo

Is it really that bad? I want to play a survival game and I need more MGS even if you know no Kojimbo

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It's riddled in live service bullshit to the point that a second save slot costs $10.

It was an okay game, IMO. Don't think it'll have anything to do with Metal Gear though.

haven't played it but somehow i doubt it has much else to do with mgs than the name.

It’s a good game. Still has the kind of B movie kajima aesthetic to the plot and cutscenes, game is great if you just want another fox engine game to play. Solid 7/10 game

>if you just want another fox engine game to play
this is what I meant yes. guess I'm gonna get it

Despite that, it still doesn't have as bad and as intrusive microtransactions as The Phantom Pain.

Be aware that you need to be extra cautious in the first few hours of the game. You're constantly on a timer and you will pretty much soft-lock your progress if you dawdle too much. Always eat to 100%, because if you don't your meter will always be constantly draining. Eating to 100% leaves you a couple minutes before it starts draining again. Also, if you want to play coop you have to join the steam group to get team members. There isn't anyone on the matchmaking queue.

Oh yeah, and don't fall for the spear + fence meme. That only works early game. Later game you're going to get overwhelmed, so you've got to invest in guns, ammo, and melee weapons with more AOE.

It this game really good Lovecraftian survival horror or are people on here just memeing when they say that?

It's bad but most of the complaints about it when it launched were straight up misinformation and not the reasons why it's actually bad.

even on PS4?

There's one big monster which is kind of spooky until you see it in its entirety later and it looks fucking retarded. That's it.

The game is a farewell message from the remaining Konami devs to Kojima.It has a sad ending.

I played TPP close to release and I only learned they had microtransactions yesterday, while talking about PT. I'm still baffled. I'm almost tempted to reply the game to find the microtransactions that I apparently avoided so hard that I memory-holed them.

There is absolutely no way you didn't find the micro-transactions in TPP, especially if you got far enough to unlock the FOB content.

They're barely there. You can buy cosmetics and character slots for MGO and you can buy additional FOBs and speed up timers in the main game.
Literally nothing that matters unless you're a turboautist who wants to have the best FOBs and grind to the top long past the point where the actual game ends.

Awesome game with better post-game boss fights compared to the ones seen during The Phantom Pain's main story. Survive's level design is more linear and focused than MGSV. It just needed some new areas instead of reusing little portions of Afghanistan and Africa from The Phantom Pain. Survive could've done with some new environments. And after you beat the main story there isn't a whole lot else to do besides the online salvage missions. Needs more special events

There are far better survival games than this.
This one is just an asset flip of MGSV.

Is it possible to pirate it on PC to play offline? Or is it online mandatory?

Or if you don't want to lose all your resources to raids while you're not playing the game.

I know I beat the game, and I know I thought "Huh, why do the weapons take real time to research? Oh well" but I cannot for the life of remember seeing any pages to buy shit. I'm laughing almost like a madman because I feel like I'm in a separate reality from the rest of you guys.

>There are far better survival games than this.
please tell me

>Payed save slots
nuff said

They added FOB insurance or something like that a while after launch. I forgot what it was called but it seemed pretty unnecessary. If I remember correctly I was able to build and max out two FOBs without spending real money on microtransactions and I never spent additional money to speed up development times. There were quite a lot of microtransactions in MGSV The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Survive doesn't have as many microtransactions in comparison.

user, you actually bought save slots? What's wrong with you?

STALKER is a good example.
Also has gloomy, grey atmosphere, but it's better in pretty much everything, and has a very active modding community to this day.
Monsters are well designed, map design isn't yawn inducing and is very varied, the map has more colors other than grey and brown, and survival is about finding resources along the way, not about farming.

I'd also like to know this

It is online only.

Its just okay. Nothing more, nothing less. Pacing is slow, and while the story has some moments its kind of forgettable. Gameplay is fine when you get into the grind, its just a shame that there's barely any enemy variety for the first half.

You can easily beat Metal Gear Survive without paying extra money for another save slot. MGSV didn't even have extra save slots so I don't see what the big deal was.

>They added FOB insurance or something like that a while after launch. I forgot what it was called but it seemed pretty unnecessary.
If you played the game long after it released it would be unnecessary because no one is doing FOB raids anymore. If you played it at launch everyone was doing raids so every time you turned on the game all your shit would be gone so you'd have to go grind for resources again, so FOB Insurance was a kick in the dick trying to force you to play to protect your resources against an online raid mode you're forced to enable and can't turn off.

All you need for the games purposes are the motherbase resources though, other people can only steal your FOB resources and kidnap FOB troops which doesn't really affect much considering how quickly you can replenish the lost troops

It's not very good but not nearly as bad as all the Konami haters would have you believe.

It's an easy thing for people who didn't play the game to latch onto as its biggest problem instead of any of its actual problems.

Are there really multiple endings where I'm going to have to delete my save and start over if I don't do things correctly?

And not nearly as good as Yea Forums says, a place that was defending it from day 1.
Yea Forums is always wrong and has always had garbage taste anyway.

I played SoC extensively, know it by heart. Can't get into the other ones. Also most survival games have a hobo phase that is too short, this is the best part usually. Gotta be something good these days ...

Yeah, the game doesn't pull punches if you're too slow. There isn't much in the front end of the game, but when you get to the jungle, there's a bunch more to watch out for. Take note, when you find zombies on fire, only elemental weapons that aren't fire can hurt them. Or you can pick medic, since the medic's tackle can knock down any man-sized target. But if you choose medic over the other classes, you have to deal with the fact that you chose one of the least useful classes.

No? When you beat Survive there's a chapter select if I recall correctly. So you can replay the last mission and make a different choice if you wanted. Though I think chapter select was added in an update a few months after the game launched.

>You're constantly on a timer and you will pretty much soft-lock your progress if you dawdle too much.
not sure what you're talking about here. because you might run out of food? the game hands out like 3 rations daily among other things, it's practically impossible to starve or die of thirst

it's not lovecraftian

they aren't even extra save slots. they're extra characters that are tied to the same save slot. the end result is similar to FOB's from mgsv which also cost $10 if i remember corrently. basically survive got shat on for things that mgsv already did

No. Most complains about it are BS, like MGS V had the same save system but, somehow, it was ok when Kojima did it.

MGO always had paid extra chracter slots. Weird how Survive was singled out. MGS V didn't even have extra character slots.

No it didn't, MGSV had no save system at all.
You could delete the save, that's it.

Online only, you will be booted to the title screen if your connection even hiccups. So that's the real reason you wouldn't want to buy the game. The buyable save slots thing isn't that much of a problem since you get the premium currency for free from playing event missions and logging in on the weekends.

It's alright, still ended up being better than V, anyway

You mean those MP modes that died within like a week?
Strange thing to take inspiration from.

MGSV seems like the first Metal Gear game a lot of people have played

Just one near the very end. You can do the bad end first then reload and do the good one.

>not sure what you're talking about here. because you might run out of food? the game hands out like 3 rations daily among other things, it's practically impossible to starve or die of thirst
There are a surprising amount of people who soft-lock themselves in the first hour because they didn't treat the game like a survival game.

Everyone whining about muh save slots is a fucking retard, the far more egregious microtransaction bullshit is the base dig timer forcing you to wait and play the game at a specific time every day unless you pay up.

and even then you had to go through the Ps4's system data to get rid of it, not ingame

love me some tactical waifu action

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Survive is literally MGO DLC made standalone and with an SP campaign added.

Kojima wanted a zombie Metal Gear game for years. He even wanted nanomachine zombies in Rising. Weird how that little chestnut got memory holed.

So it was worse then

There are more posts in this thread right now than people playing MG Survive.
That you should tell you enough.
This game is a lazy asset flip that stands out in no way whatsoever, Yea Forums is literally the only place that defends it, and it defends it entirely because Kojima didn't make it, because Yea Forums is mad that MGSV wasn't a movie.
That's it, any "criticism" in Yea Forums related to MG Survive or whatever Kojima does next will always be based entirely on their hatred towards MGSV and contrarianism that makes people side with Konami.

If people had any objective opinions, they'd know Metal Gear didn't need any entried since MGS4, but as we've seen with the "Demon Edition leak" MGSfags are a bunch of thirsty, pathetic, dignityless faggots who can't accept when things are over, even though this narrative focused franchise had it's narrative conclude 11 years ago.
Hell, you yourself say that you "need" more MGS.
This franchise was only about the story, the gameplay has been subpar all the way through.

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You could make a backup of the save, you just needed to do it manually in the game files.

It was fun, story was a wild ride.
Better set pieces than V.

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But you can do that with Survive too.

But I liked MGSV and played survive substantially and I just find it annoying that people are shitting on the game for reasons that aren't the actual reasons for why the game is actually shitty.

>Kojima wanted a zombie Metal Gear game for years. He even wanted nanomachine zombies in Rising
That came out of nowhere, what does that have to do with anything?
Not to mention that just because Kojima thought it doesn't mean it's good.
Remember when he thought about making an open world MGS?

>That's it, any "criticism" in Yea Forums related to MG Survive or whatever Kojima does next will always be based entirely on their hatred towards MGSV and contrarianism that makes people side with Konami.
Or it could come from people who played the game and formed opinions on it through actual interaction with it, although that's clearly a minority and most of the discourse about the game is exactly as you say, either full Kojimadrones shitting on the game for absolutely everything or contrarian fucktards who praise it as the second coming of Christ. Really it's just a mediocre game with mechanics that are at odds with themselves and a severe lack of meaningful content.

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>what does that have to do with anything
the biggest criticism of the game is how zombies don't fit in metal gear.



keep saying it

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The run up to the top of Mother Base, carrying Chris while avoiding the Lord of Dust was so cool. Very tense

And they don't.
Seems like Kojima had yet another stupid idea like, as I said, making an open world MGS game, or adding grinding and base building mechanics to it.

If only they used all the FOB platforms for different maps.
Too bed we'll likely never get another one.

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Fuck no, the entire game felt constrained by it's budget limitations.
The fact that the "battle" against the big bad was just killing waves of zombies instead of actually fighting it was laughable, reminded me of the last mission in Mass Effect 3 where you have to kill one of the small Reapers, but the actual fight is against the same goddamn minions you've been fighting the entire game.

Guys what do I get Ghost Recon Wildlands or Survive?

>But I liked MGSV
The game wasn't close to previous MGS games, and it didn't delve deep enough into it's mechanics to become the fully fledged milsim it had the potential of being.

Are you talking shit about MARAUDER SHIELDS?

you're right, the final battle against eli piloting sahelanthropus was much better

I'm talking about the entire mission, it's a goddamn dissapointment.
I replayed the trilogy after a few years and I started noticing that the entire last mission is just so fucking underwhelming and lazy.
It's the same you've been doing through the rest of the game but in literal corridors, and then at the end it goes full retard and spawns like 50 banshees.

Although a monster hunter type battle would be cool, those types of fights aren't easy to make.
I still found it as a very climactic moment.
Of course the dev team was just a rag tag group of remnants. It's unrealistic to expect a mainline entry style budget.
It's too bad the potential for ideas in this universe got cut short from the mob of misinformed NPCs

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Tough choice, and they are not too similar.
Wildlands it's like MGSV but with more to do and a livelier world, but it suffers from Ubisoft's typical grindy shit, and the controls are absolute fucking garbage. Seriously, the game feels like shit to play, it's like playing one of those indie games on Greenlight.

Survive is more polished in general, but it's a zombie survival game, it doesn't do anything we haven't seen in other games.
If you haven't played many, you might like it, if you have, it'll bore you.

>It's too bad the potential for ideas in this universe
They had none, Survive's ending itself makes it impossible to make more games in this universe, it was conclusive.

Yes, it is that bad

Mostly because of the feeling of deploying on missions with your own loadout and those kinds of feelings. There were a couple of spots that were fun to infiltrate, but it was only fun for the first few times while they still felt new. I personally wish the game was more like peacewalker in how it did it's loadouts, but the way MGSV did it was okay. Sure it wasn't anything near what it could be, but that's probably why I only "like" it, not "love" it.

If only they didn't designate that as DLC, and then cancel it.
Yet another reason why I hate nuMGS.

I have never played a MGS game and I'm having fun playing MGSS

Wasn't survive's ending staying in the weird apocalyptic future until they can get enough energy to send people back?

It's actually really good, I enjoyed the beta and the actual game, is great with friends too. Concrete Single player. Unfortunetly the Multi is dead unless you find on discord or steam groups

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Fuck off Konami. Go back to your pachinko machines.

I liked how challenging it was to get S ranks, because the open world forced you to figure out routes and learn enemy patterns by yourself. Could've been executed better, sure, but there are no other games like it.

>I liked how challenging it was to get S ranks
It was a matter of doing the missions fast.

>but there are no other games like it.
ArmA 3, although this one might be too deep for a lot of people.

I had a lot of fun with the game. It's like the custom map hero defenses in Warcraft 3 which I've played for several years so naturally I end up liking MGSurvive.

Also can't play as a surprisingly busty soldier in arma 3. The captain in survive has surprisingly large boobs.

If only they came up with the idea sooner.
The mgs4 engine is so much better.

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i wish i saved more OC when the vg threads was alive

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>It was a matter of doing the missions fast.
Which requires you to take different approaches due to guard patterns.
>ArmA 3
I meant a game that's actually fun, not an autistic simulation.

Basically, if you liked MGSV gameplay and basebuilding it's worth picking up on sale? I would only play it single player anyways.

go for it my dude.
It's basically mgsv but fun.

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I honestly enjoyed it. The story was pretty neat and creepy.

lol cope

>You mean those MP modes that died within like a week?
I played all the MGOs from day one til the day the servers were killed. And so did many other players. Hell there are fan servers up for each one.

Stalker plays like shut compared to the fox engine lmao

Yes, it was a non-ending.

It had much improved building mechanics and entirely new meele mechanics on top of all tugs survival shit, hardly lazy or a mere asset flip

Also you're retarded if you thought 4 was necessary

Would have been several times better without the micro transactions or multiplayer and the design elements which focused around those things The premise itself is fine but its too grindy and is centered too much around MP and pushes MTs too much. Its the same reason I hate Phantom Pain. They both could have been great but they are mired in too much bullshit.

>gameplay is tied to an engine

It was, unless you are one of those bandwagon jumpers who says that MGS2 is a "post modern masterpiece".

I didn't say that genius

>Implying it isn't a post-modem masterpiece

lol it's okay you'll get it eventually.

>fox engine gameplay

Yes and? You're clueless if you think engine has no effect on gameplay at all hurt.

You didn't get it, you watched a video that told you how Jack = jack where you connect stuff means the game is "genius".

Why are you shilling this game?

It can have an effect on the physics and graphics, not on the controls or the way it plays.
Then again, this is an MGS thread, MGS fanboys are the ones who unironically thought the Fox Engine was great because of a generic map editing video.

Saying another fight is bad doesn't make this one good all of a sudden.

Some people like it but I think most of it comes from people who hate Kojima for whatever reason so they will claim survive is better than MGSV because it bothers kojidrones.

But I really don't see the point. Even Konami doesn't care about the game or games anymore. Its the most pointless form of contrarianism. If you are shitting on Death stranding I get it as its relevant but Survive is old and nobody cares about it or MGSV anymore.

Engine handles input lmao. But anyway it's inferred solely by the fact that pes aside the only fox engine games are the ones with MGSV gameplay lol

the point is that the eli + sally fight doesn't even exist, despite mgsv's budget being extremely high. sure survive's final boss was underwhelming, but it's objectively better than literally nothing

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