Lost party member rejoins the group

>lost party member rejoins the group
What games does this happen in?

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Casca isn't a potato anymore? Took long enough.

the one in Infinite Undiscovery is good

They can bring her memories back but they can't unslut her.

I haven't read anything about Berserk after where the show left off.

Why is Casca in the story? She literally cucked Guts for demon cock, what possible use could she have as a character after that?

Her facial design looks different
Glad to see she’s no longer drooling like a sack of bricks

You are literally 20 years behind

Are they off the boat yet

Miura switched to digital and all the idol shit has been influencing how he draws faces

>She literally cucked Guts for demon cock
no she didn't, she was raped into being a retard but shes almost okay now

Like 5 years ago, nigga

They are off the boat, that happened a while ago.

>I haven't read anything about Berserk after where the show left off.
Meaning you've never read it and only know what netflix kikes made easily accessible to you.

What does that mean though? Why would a woman exist as a character one she's left to go get knocked up by demons? Why would you even acknowledge her existence after that?

You've been reading too many memes

>she was raped into being a retard but shes almost okay now
She was objectively not raped, considering demon-Griffith never actually touched her, she climbed onto his dick and rode it herself.

>ne she's left to go get knocked up by demons?
what show did you watch? this didn't happen, her weird ghost kid is guts too anyway

>Why would a woman exist as a character one she's left to go get knocked up by demons?
Nigger she got raped and then became literally retarded to cope with the shit she saw.

Nah, I bought basically every volume I could back when Borders went out of business and read all of them. But that was like 10 years ago or something.

>people have died waiting for casca to be stop being potato behelit retarded

jesus fucking christ

also wlis someone going to post link where we can read new chapter

She was being held the entire time...

>lost party member rejoins the group
>party leader leaves the group

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Go fuck yourself, Griffith.

In Tales of Phantasia, once you get back to the present, your archer childhood friend comes back. It feels pretty cathartic and it helps that he's a dps monster.

I think Griffith’s demon semen aborted gutts baby and made well that

>forgot about it
>find a stray thread that reminds me to check up on it
>two new chapters
Back to forgetting about it for three years I guess.

>game change to a shittier art style for no reason

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Nothing changed

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>villain's sidekick joins lone hero

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Not really. The anime was pretty explicit in showing how she was riding his dick by choice.

Why they have to make her brown tho

i'll be happy with a chapter every 2 months
but fuck when he tired to released them every month was a bad idea

She's Mediterranean and spends all her time outside, nigger.

i miss her already

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Just say you want a berserk thread you stupid nigger

nah cause when it pops up later it's clearly guts kid same hair color


He just corrupted the kid, he didn't totally abort it and replace it

>tfw they got out of the bost the day my friend's mom dked years ago
>it toom THIS long for any proper development at all

And he keeps trying to publish new manga? Fucking Miura

I need to catch up again.

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right looks like a cat lol

Does she got aids today?

Because brown girls > white girls

He did touch her. But it's not like he needed to.

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So you didn't read the manga.

Is Berserk still worth reading if I already know most of the major plot twists?

I don't know

I think she was born on the border of the Kushan empire. Probably a rape baby.

I teared up a little at the end of the new chapter. It's not fair, lads...

This. Girls are cuter when they're retarded.


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Casca's a nigger

Art is good, story is compelling, good characters, action is fun, hardcore fucking.

Tales of Symphonia

>Casca is FINALLY back
>literally no hype at all on Yea Forums or here
I guess no one cares about this series anymore

Not enough idolshit for Yea Forums

look she's a nigger

If I recall correctly, Mother 3?

A small part of Berserk is political turmoil.

No, that's Berserk

Hey does somebody have that edited page where all the characters look dolled up in makeup?

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>Yea Forums
>caring about anything other than seasonal waifu trash
Im surprised this thread hasn't been deleted since it's not vidya or a porn addict thread

I literally just found out there were 2 chapters. the site i was reading the chapters on never updated or something.

took way too long and turned into bad manga on the way there.

There was a couple threads earlier, nigger

Yea Forums is easily one of the worst boards in this site, and impressively enough it isn't because of shitpost or anything, it's just pure trash taste allocated in one place

and like 5 feet

when's her next mind break? give a lil hope before snatching it away again. now that's some damn good anime.

You are like a week late retard

i only go to talk about retarded shit on Yea Forums
one piece , everything else is a no-no
rather talk about berserk here

berserk is a fag manga for nigger lovers and cucks

Yes just usual spoiler stuff. No one actually cared when the chapter realized

Literally at the end of this chapter, and once before this chapter actually
She physically can't look at Guts without breaking down and everything from the Eclipse flooding back into her mind

There's a thread RIGHT NOW

anyone that cared died waiting

we're lucky zoomers even know what berserk is in this thread, and that this hasnt devolved into brown fitgirl shitposting not that i would mind

>She physically can't look at Guts without breaking down and everything from the Eclipse flooding back into her mind

ptsd girls give me the hugest diamond dig

Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X

Where did you find this? Is there a new chapter?

will she go back to full potted plant?

I can't wait for SK to bum Guts out again

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Yea Forums was covered in threads back before it was scanned and we just had descriptions to go on.

No, I drew it as part of a NTR doujin

literally LITERALLY.
Miura is such a god damn hack.

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It was a dumb chapter and nothing happened besides skullcuck showing up again. We already knew the entire plot of getting cascas memories back were useless.

>1995 was 23 years ago

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You can't even get the latter anymore with zoomers trying to fit in by hating on brown girls.


there were tons of threads on Yea Forums just yesterday

>seems like just yesterday you were shitposting about Halo 3 and this hot new thing called Bleach
>slowly approaching 30

>the anime
Well there's your problem

>Be skullcuck
>Get sacrificed by literal big brain
>Spend years autistically obsessing over it
>Obsess so much you put on autist armor that slowly kills you
>So autistic you never take off the armor and die.
>Still so shitbrickingly autistic that you keep living as a skeleton
>Spend god knows how long as a skeleton making your super ultra amazing secret weapon to btfo big brain and friends
>Literally play right into their hands and ruin everything

Skull knight is so pathetic it's not even funny.

>anyone that cared died waiting

I stopped caring 10 years ago. Hence why I'm still alive. When I was growing up (yes, the manga is that fucking old) it was the most radial shit I ever layed my eyes on. Now I couldn't care less if Miura croaked tomorrow and that trash remained unfinsihed forever. It just took such a shitdive alltogether that I'm not interested in its conclusion anymore.


How hard is it to draw some fucking comics, you goddamn fucks

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only when she's not looking at guts, though. or thinking about her friends that died, or the demons, or probably griffith, anything that's actually a threat to anyone, really

Auron in Final Fantasy X.

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>party member rolls a critical failure

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>Hey bro, I have some bad news. Is this not a good time?

What the fuck?

Need a big brain wojack cross Void edit