This looks like the same exact shit as Gears 4. Did they even add any new enemies or weapons...

This looks like the same exact shit as Gears 4. Did they even add any new enemies or weapons? It looks so boring and stale.

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You obviously didn't play the tech test or have watched any of the gameplay videos.
Plus it sounds like you don't give a fuck anyway, so who cares? Just move on to something you do like.




You can't be serious

Western games bloat the file sizes so that you'll have to delete another big game to download this one, meaning you will devote more time to the one you just downloaded.

well then I'll just boycott any of these games with bloated file sizes. Fuck that shit

Gears 4 is 118gb

I will.

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Wow they added some shitty new pistol? Wow so cool.

oh no, how will companies ever recover

the default xbox one gas a tb of space that holds at least 30 games close to this size

Better than any PlayStation game.

Everyone knows bigger is better, user.

>that artist
This won't end well for her.

just like that dick up your ass



I'd say it's gonna flop but Xbox faggots have literally nothing else so we will see.

>the two most boring characters are the main now
what are they trying to pull? girls don't like gears, and they're not going to, ever.

Western games have good graphics compared to bing bing wahoo trash

Best thing about Gears 5 by far is the noobtube Lancer they brought in. Holy fuck that thing is ridiculous. They basically just slapped the mortar from Gears 2 underneath an SMG and called it a day

My wife and I are playing through 4 right now, we did them all except judgement that was crap.
It's funny she has dark hair and freckles and is named caitlin. My point is she likes gears even cried at the part where dom found his wife.


I'm really happy to hear that bro, as somebody who co-op'd up to 3 I really miss having somebody to co-op 4 with.
Hopefully my female friend will buy 5 and we can play that, but im seriously jealous.

she is not good at games but will struggle through them for storyline we did the Master chief collection before gears and will probably do borderlands after

they added uglier characters

What happens to the mentality of "Gameplay is always important than graphics" Gears of war seemed to perfected that, especially with it's competitive multiplayer and horde mode, what's so different that make people bitch? I mean, i love Gears of war and understand that people can't get into it because it's too hard, but that's the point of Gears of war, the multiplayer literally makes it so unique, from wall bouncing to clutching and shotgun battle, it's no wonder why people love it, including I.

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Gears 4 and 5 are worse than Judgment. And that game was pure shit.

It’s shit

Now you're just talking shit.

Gears 5 looks even worse. No noteworthy new weapons or enemies. Literally a Gears 4 reskin.

you guys know how to wallbounce, back-A, up-A and reaction shot, right?

The Claw, the Lancer Gl, the talon pistol, breaker mace, that new freeze gun. And gears 4 wasn't even that bad, sure I get the whole oh man robots, how boring direction, but it stilled had the core Multiplayer everyone loved. Still won't be good as Gears 3, but it was serviceable. And I did enjoy judgment, yes it wasn't the best and didn't follow what made Gears 3, but it's a show of "Hey, this is what happens when you go into a different direction of Gears of war" That's the reason why people hated Gears judgment, it was funky and the control were weird, I stilled played it although, and still enjoyed Overrun. I thought that was a fun game. I have the Gears of war 4 ratbike statue in my room

Still waiting for pendulum wars prequel, Coalition.

>the claw
Wow, another assault rifle
>talon pistol
Some shitty gorgon ripoff that no one will ever use
>lancer gl
Literally the only semi-interesting addition
>breaker mace
Melee weapons will never work in a gears game
>ice cannon
Another heavy weapon, which are shit

Uhh, the butcher knife did well in Gears of war 3? There's been a lot of pistol action when i was playing Gears 5 tech demo, then again, it was Arcade mode. I hope they fixed that sluggish movement in Gears 5, it felt like a hybrid of Gears 1 and 3, gnasher needed alot of fixing, that's for sure

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Is there hope it will be at least as good as gears 3?

Attached: 1534394804531.jpg (750x747, 149K)

Looks to me like you just want to hate on the game and have no interest in playing it.

Looks to me like you need to go back.

Hopefilly. The Tech test i played in has the hybrid of Gears 1 and 3, they added hitmarkers for the gnasher so we know if our shots was registered or not, but man the movement felt sluggish and clunky as hell, so time well tell, but seeing the recent Horde more game-play, that shit looks smooth and crispy as hell

> skip to 2:15 for the gameplay of Horde mode

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At least they got rid of the Gear Pack horseshit.

>wow another assault rifle
>wow another pistol
>wow another heavy weapon
Sounds like you're crying for the sake of it lad

I didn't care too much until I saw the gamescom trailer. Really looking forward to it now, glad I went for that $1 Game Pass ultimate deal.

How do you get the ultimate edition with the pass? I want the Steam version but I don't mind using the Windows Store version with the pass until a price cut

pretty sure the PC (beta) pass gives you the ultimate version of Gears
im also gonna play it through the windows store until Steam has a sale on it.

There's a sale right now for Ultimate on the Microsoft store's Xbox page. It gives you Gold and game pass in one package. 2 months for $2. Just make sure you cancel automatic renewal or they will charge you the full price again after the 2 months end.

>see the Steam pricing finally goes up
>have €20 Steam wallet credit ready
>guess I'll see how much I can get it f-
>it's €70 for the fucking standard edition
>UK gets it for £50 even though the Sterling is in the toilet due to Brexit

Thanks for the heads up anyway lads

Honestly Nintendo should do something like the XBox Game Pass
imagine every major first party Nintendo game free for only $5 a month

>free for only $5 a month

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By the time you spend those $60 over the course of 12 months you'd have played tons of games essentially for a discounted price.
Cancel any time and you're golden.

80gb x 10=800gb
Your math is off.

It's 130 now and gears 5 is without those updates

You could literally replace the weapons with shit from 3 like retro lancer and sawed off and you'd still say the same shit.

She looks cute

If it's like the gorgon you can bet your sweet ass I'll use it

You are exactly the kind of person no one likes to be around

Or we aren't poorfags and can afford multiple 4 the hard drives

Why did they drop the "of War"?

we just dont know

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Idk but if you’re actually upset about this you need to evaluate your life.


Simpler brand recognition for the different branches of the franchise: Gears 5, Gears Pop, Gears Tactics.
Apparently Gears of War Pop would be too hard to remember...or something.

You can tell they are trying to make her palatable the best that their cucked minds are able to, but she still looks masculine as fuck.

Literally no one in these threads even plays Gears for the Multiplayer, they're just campaign babies or come in to shitpost because it's the new designated "muh wamen" shitposting game.
That being said, Gears 5's multiplayer is looking to be garbage and casual as fuck from the tech test. They basically just took 4's core tuning and made it the overall tuning while also slowing the game down and making wallbouncing even less effective. It's going to be a crossing fest where everything downs from a mile away.
Gears will never reach 3's peak again, unfortunately.

What are you talking about? This time they got serious about the plot and it's about a strong woman who don't need no man, especially not all those toxic masculinity white males who doubt her. Oh and she's aided by a black man and has magical powers.