Greetings Agent 47, your mission is to infiltrate a Hitman Thread, info suggests anonymous agents will be exchanging stories, strategies and most importantly, shitposts.
Good luck 47.
Greetings Agent 47, your mission is to infiltrate a Hitman Thread...
Other urls found in this thread:
What's your favorite map?
>Going for Sniper Assassin challenge in Hawkes Bay
>Doing everything perfectly, never able to actually complete the challenge
>wtf is going on
>finally poison Alma's drink with rat stuff so she runs to the bathroom
>pop her in the head with the silenced sniper rifle
>hide her body
>finally complete the challenge
what in the fuck man, why is "bodies not found" requirement added to that challenge? Wasted so much of my god damn time
When do you get a silent sniper you can bring along you missions?
There's a few you can get. Reaching lvl 15 mastery in the Colorado mission from the first game is the route I took
Isle Of Sgail
the whole epstein thing made me want a hitman level set inside a prison
thinking about picking up hitman 2, how it is for someone who hasn't played any prior ones?
Very accessible. Hitman 2016/2018 are the pinnacle of the series, in my opinion.
you're in luck, the first levels from 1 and 2 are free on Steam. I'd assume it's the same with consoles
thanks anons I'll check it out from what i saw from gameplay its like a giant puzzle of how to kill a target right?
It's essentially a social-stealth game with puzzle and action elements. Social stealth as in, in addition to normal sneaking about and avoiding detection, you also use your disguise to fit in with the guards and civilians in places you shouldn't be. The puzzle elements are slight, but they're basically trying to figure out how to make accidents. And action happens when you get detected and you pull out your silenced pistol as an always-present Plan B.
THAT is Christopher Poole, aka "Moot". Google employee, and former owner of Yea Forums. Quite the resume.
Isle of Sgail mastery (level 10-11?) gives you one. If you have the Patient Zero DLC, then there's an escalation on nighttime Marrakesh that gives you one, too, and it's fairly easy.
most missions are kill A and B, do C. So you do those and can move on to the next mission. Each mission has it's own unlock progression system however, and you have literally dozens of challenges and things to do to unlock everything. It's actually kind of addicting. If you download the first level of Hitman 2 for free press f1 to open the challenge screen and try and figure some of them out.
is patient Zero worth it?
what about the 2016 one and hitman 2
Kind of. Killing a target is easy. Killing a target well is harder. The game encourages replays too, with challenges that try to get you to set up Rube Goldberg assassinations.
Eh, it's ok. 4 missions on various season 1 maps, 3 of which are decent. One is a sniper map which are all shit, so that's a bummer. But the 4th mission is a unique experience with this outbreak mechanic. I wouldn't pay full price for it though. I got it during the summer sale, since I never bought it during the first game's cycle
Go see what that was.
>disappears and never returns
so is season 3 happening , I heard 2 didn't sell too well
and even if 3 happened , the story burned out, same old clichéd taking doing super power corporation bs
why cant we go back to the perfect blend of personal issues, professionalism and high stakes that the old games where
Hitman is basically just How do you do, fellow X?: the game
user the old games themes and content are FAR too problematic to get away with these days....
does mastery stack as you use different methods for the same mission? I want that poison consummable you unlock from sapienza
Why is Colorado so hated? I thought it was pretty ok, even for multiple playthroughs. Many different ways to kill enemies, interesting setting and everything.
yes, they stack up for that mission though. The unlocks like the poison you're talking about unlock for general use
I've literally SA'd 2, Contracts, and BM on Pro and H2: 2018 is the weakest Hitman game.
The levels are either too big or too gimmicky.
I have no memory of the story, what kind of themes and content would be considered "too far" in the old games?
post ansels and a rare pepe will help kill your target
>being this retarded
I bet you say SA is too hard too.
Protip, you can beat every level in Contracts in SA with no starting weapons and that includes the fibre wire. The old games were perfection.
Not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean if you kill using method 1, reload a save, kill with method 2? Yes. When you exit a mission, it tabulates everything you've completed since the last time you exited the mission, so you can do a bunch all at once without having to restart.
Sapienza is also the easiest to max out mastery on, because every single Sapienza mission counts towards the same mastery level. The default one, The Icon, Landslide, etc.
white hitman miss
i guess they never miss huh?
>The puzzle elements are slight, but they're basically trying to figure out how to make accidents
>I'm a massive zoomer player
user, SA had it's moments but it's extremely flawed.
Some missions are difficult, while others are piss easy. India is a piece of cake, but YAMERO sucks balls. The game is also very bugged. You know how often the truck in the tunnel got stuck?
Contracts is a much better game, and so are 2016 and 2018
lots of sexualization of women and although some of the targets are corrupt politicians/mob bosses, 47 is a ruthless killer in a lot of them.
The new Hitman games you're just a violent James Bond fighting the ebil corporations
Contracts was the best
Where were you when you realized the logistics behind the Hitman games were some of the worst in gaming history?
what makes julian such a chad?
>but YAMERO sucks balls
"How do I use the tunnels"
> Fuck off zoomer
>. You know how often the truck in the tunnel got stuck?
>Using the truck to the end
>Contracts is a much better game, and so are 2016 and 2018
Contracts is the pinnacle of the series. The only stain is Bjarokov
season 3 needs to have better music, darker atmosphere and less james bond shit. I'd kill for a hitman game with Contracts style and 2018 gameplay.
eating fish
that's MGS2
>Working in my office, notice a dangerous amount of loose electrics and tools lying around.
>My boss hears a strange noise, and tells me to go look at it.
>I come back in and he's completely changed his skin tone and shaved his head.
remember agent trust no one not even your self
yes, it's like a super escalation
heres one for all you thirsty target-boiz out there! ;)
do 3 leveled escalation from Marrakesh, it's piss easy and you get silenced sniper
Marrakesh. Starting a gunfight in the lobby of the consulate and having the soldiers outside rush the front gate, only to be mowed down from the upstairs windows, is fun.
what's the point of the sedative?
Helmut here.
You'll never guess where I'm calling from!
Hitman 2016 fags are like Doom 2016 fags
What the fuck went wrong in 2016?
Where's the one that Causes Autism?
helping people get to sleep at the pajama party
nothing. now fuck off
>le zoom zoom
reminds me of
good one. got any more?
I mean using it in a crowd will just alert everyone to an unconscious body, using it on a person who's alone is just a waste of time.
But Hokkaido, Miami, New York, Isle of Sgail and Marrakesh at night are pretty good imo
look at the photograph mr.clarence
I miss when Hitman was edgy.
Amsterdam Docks in Contracts
Objectively the best map
I love how pretty much every area is utilized.
you'er not wrong although it could in theory be used to KO two people at once with one consuming the sedative and 47 choking out another
Contracts best game
Bangkok saso sucks balls and I hate it
lets take a look back BACK into my crystal ball
oh dear it seems thats when the bad man touched your no-no place
THAT is dalia margolis
poison lawyer at kitchen bar
poison hipster guy at his bd party
If it's anything like the tranq gun, even though everyone sees the body for some reason it doesn't cause body found meaning you can still get silent assassin and take an NPC's clothes without hiding it
Two very good games were given very bad and confusing titles.
>blend in as scarecrow
looks more like that chick form Absolution
Sniping Caruso and Franny De Sanny from the church tower is peak sniper assassin
Yeah, Contracts and Blood Money. What are those titles??!?!?!
I know it's a bad hot take and all that, but I honestly agree with the Jesper Kyd music being a bit ridiculous at times
>Jesper Kyd music being a bit ridiculous at times
kys it;s pure kino
>Talks you to death
Comedian 47 was a mistake. It was cute when it was either an easter egg or just a more subtle parts of the dialogue. I swear, 90% of his dialogue now constantly verges on satire.
tried it. breaks SA.
>in 2016
This is what happens when youtube borderlands generation get their hands on an IP
mr.soders im here from the make-a-wish foundation
>thinking the post-BM games are good
lel, but it would take some strength to push my ass down.
wtf are you even saying ESL nigger
hey what the hell is a bare knuckle boxer anyway?
Memesters ruined hitman
they are :D
Sapienza or whittleton creek, though the more I play mumbai the more I love it.
what are you talking about?
Alright it's useless then.
>proof a former mossad interrogator CAN take the heat
The devs certainly made it clear that they didn't want the actual assassination aspect of the games to seem too dark. Hence all comedy and Bond-villain targets. Cross is the only one who's somewhat morally grey.
I like the new games but I miss the old gritty "strangling a drug dealer in the parking lot of a strip club while Jesper Kyd plays" atmosphere.
Remember to put the hint system to minimal, full just makes the game about moving from A to B.
I won't but you can.
Zoomers ruined hitman
I remember being a 10 year old and loving the fuck out of Hitman 2
I had no clue what was happening but I knew how to shoot silverballers
when you hire an overpriced voice actor you'll get those lines and you will use them all dammit
it's like a dog barking at a monalisa made out of sausage
how did zoomers have anything to do with hitman's production? you're not making any sense.
>No one even talks about the Blood Money DLC dropped on IO's website
All of your are fired
I really hated Mumbai when I first played it, but the more I goof around in there, the more I love it.
don't fuck with me like that, user.
I hated Mumbai for being brown,ugly, and confusing at first too but now love it. Funny, because in those recent Hitman documentaries, one of the developers said that was the usual consensus for the map
Anyone else realize nu-Hitman is about a white male traveling the world killing minorities and Jews and taking on the Illuminati?
>white male
go learn the lore then come back
man, being a 15 year old kid was a trip
>3/5 white
Whiter than you Mohammed
As much as people don't like your heavy handed ethno nationalism that was a very well taken photo so I'm saving it
>deep into a mission
>go for a pacify on guard
>completely forget I have a non-silenced gun out for some reason
>ensuing situation as depicted in attached image
>forgetting that you brought the best gun
How do you have fun in Colorado?
by shooting the bells
I still don't know how I got 200 hours out of Absolution
its not that absolution was even a bad game just a bad hitman game
How's the bank level?
I still don't know how people even finished it.
It was shit.
Kinda easy but it's pretty good. I like that it's not excessively large for once - feels like a classic Hitman level.
>Tfw when the Birdie cliffhanger will never be resolved
You have anything good from the bank level?
Heat tier
After much deliberation, my current favorite is Mumbai
i actually dont even have hitman 2, this is all just legacy pack junk
Is the Tranq gun supposed to not cause the body found penalty or is it a glitch? It actually makes it really easy to get the data discs on the Bank instead of doing the heist
It's supposed to work that way. What IS a glitch is sedative poison causing you to lose SA.
man poisoning ken morgan on bangkok cost me SASO run and it was the part i did last which made it sting all the more
Lethal poison still works as intended. It's just sedative poison that's glitched for some reason. Also, there's a glitch that makes NPCs more likely to vomit in trash bins rather than toilets (I don't know why vomiting in trash bins is even a thing,as it just causes frustration).
it's up there with just getting someone out of the way without making a body. I haven't found much of a use for it, but i'm sure some autist completionist can figure out ways to make trash can barfs useful
>It's just sedative poison that's glitched for some reason.
It's not really a glitch when it's been like this forever. And IO never addressed it.
you can seemingly stick large objects in the bin so that the target will puke elsewhere
but for a while poison kills didnt count as accidents which was a pain in the tits
sometimes you shoot something hanging over the bin or enroute
it can also just get bothersome onlookers out of the way while you murder someone to death
its not even a "bad hitman game" its just super linear and storybased, more than the others.
>not even a "bad hitman game"
he means to say it's worse, it's bad on it's own, in a vacuum.
It's time to stop clowning around Mr.Smith.
W-where are her pants
whats worse are the NPCs who sniff their drink instead of getting poisoned
>bought HITMAN
>realized I can play it on HITMAN 2 engine without buying it
>check which mission unlock what items
>they changed it as you only get the lock picking item if you clear HITMAN 1 with all classic ranks on every mission meaning getting SNIPER ASSASIN, SILENT ASSASSIN and SILENT ASSASSIN SUIT ONLY
>check first HITMAN 2 mission unlockables and there it is pick locking easily
Why they gotta jew me like this?
she dont wear pants shes a model
I legit thought he was going to be hidden behind that vault door in Whittleton Creek.
you get the lockpick for finishing training
well HITMAN 2 was meant to just be HITMAN: season 2 but then they switched publishers who kinda rushed them to a christmas release and for legal reasons made HITMAN2 its own game
I don`t think you can`t even access the training missions, it defaults to HITMAN 2 training section
the ICA training facility is the same for both
Can't you get to the ICA training via locations tab?
Isn’t New Zealand where a bunch of elites have their underground hideouts? How’d IO even get away with it
Standard IAGO attire for gathering information from targets
I love whoever gave her those panties
>preordered H2 gold
>Still havent played it because im autistitc and want to 100% H1 first.
this is finally it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
you guys have always been my favorite board, and you've always kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
>inb4 make your own thread
Nope, currently ISP ranged cucked due to where i live. so im just posting this in the first thread i see.
stream URL + quick rundown:
See you all soon.
Why did they change the hat on the Colorado ET suit in H2? It doesn't even look like a hunter's hat anymore. It looks like a shitty trilby. It went from one of the best suits to the shittiest.
Dat older woman fat distribution
>>Why do I love mass shooting crowds of NPCS in this game when something doesn't go my way?
Also Blood Money is the best desu
Nice pasta, bro.
You're at least 100% H1 in H2, right? If not you're probably going to end up doing it all over again.
Not how greentexting works newfag
>gang stalked
what's your youtube channel, you schitzo
>expansion pass is 60 aus dollars
is the pass the only way to get the new map at the moment? Is it even worth it spending that much now? that much just for two fucking maps and two sniper levels seems like a bit much.
60 is only a lot if you're a NEET. Absolute must-buy material.
The upskirts in this game are annoyingly inconsistent.
Wait for sale.
Gonna ask this question a second time, this time with a poll. Which post-launch content model do you prefer, 1 or 2?
Yes, it's the only way. No, it isn't absolute must-buy material. Wait for a sale.
you won't be missing out on much without it. would be better on a sale
Gotta take out that anger after an NPC sees you through a wall dragging a body before you reload your last save somehow
thanks anons
Contracts has great maps and perfect Danish Noir aesthetics and atmosphere.
I miss Kyd
>post content launch
Season 1 had better post launch support.
There have barely been any new ETs or bonus missions in Season 2 because the devs are busy with The Resort+ Sniper maps. Patches also tend to fix one thing, but break something else.
The Bank was good and The Resort sounds promising as it's apparently designed by the woman who did the Paddock/Pit building area of Miami, but there's been next to nothing apart from escalations aside from that.
How would Yea Forums fix the map?
>that pic
That and those nun sluts were the only good part of the game.
>Another pipe or two to climb up to jordan's suite
>Make the back area with the tuk tuk and the room with the drummer public spaces
It's too claustrophobic and too restrictive. I'd rather SASO an all-hostile mission like Colorado than Bangkok.
>small silencer
what did they mean by this?
>Play Hitman 2 again recently
>For some strange reason I don't understand some of the colours went from white to yellow
>However the SA indicator still only goes from green to red even when you can still recover SA
WHY? They were already changing colours so why not make the game let you know if you can recover SA or not? Being spotted by a camera or target should make it go orange to indicate you can still SA.
>have the recording team only take up the Emperor Suite and MAYBE a handful of hotel rooms, rather than cordoning off half the building
>give Ken Morgan a much more interesting route
>make SASO a bit easier
Bangkok was apparently made by IO's B-Team, and it shows.
I really enjoyed replaying Colorado in Hitman 2.
So many ways to mess with the locals.
Fun right up until the convoluted exit requirement.
you can get Jordan down to the second floor for his surprise birthday party. He's even alone in the room.
More exits.
Make Ken Morgan have a not boring routine
Elevators and more rooms
Make the floor where Ken Morgan stays not completely useless and a waste of map
A cool thing they did in 2 (that they didn't tell anyone about) is that you're only forced into the bunker exit on your first playthrough, you can go through any of the contracts mode exits after that.
Yeah, that's how I ended up doing Master SASO.
I liked the Hitman 1 map remixes
Marrakesh at night, the Sapienza movie set, and so on.
Who was the most innocent target in Hitman 2?
not sure if someone can answer this but i own hitman 2 on xbox on the disc and i own the expansion pass dlc if i trade in the disc will i be able to play the next expansion map that comes out through the hitman 2 free starter pack or would i need the disc?
Nolan Cassidy? He's just some guy doing his job, no different than the hundreds of guards present in the game.
That's a good pick. Innocent but hey he knew the risks of the job too.
Cassidy is literally just killed so he can't talk. Similar to how the Washington Twins are purely collateral damage (although they're obviously a lot more guilty).
does the game work without the disc?
I don't understand this. You bought a game you're not even playing properly (because you're playing it in the game engine of the game you didn't buy) and you're mad about it? I'm not going to defend the monetary decisions around Hitman 2 and the Mk2 bullshit, but this is some next level retardation
And as other people said, you get the lockpick for playing the training. If it's not there in your weird-ass way of playing what you bought, then you know why.
Plenty of collateral on my first run through the Isle of Sgail
Mumbai is a great map because it feels like Sapienza or Marrakesh where there's a lot of unused space only for contracts but somehow ever little part is actually used for the main mission
The funny thing about the knight army Easter egg is that it proves that they have the technology to have SWAT teams show up in certain maps.
Favourite gimmick item?
The shaman knockout powder was pretty funny, it didn't cause suspicion so you could just throw it at someone, big bang, they're out cold, everyone's panicking but nobody's blaming you for it. At least when I tried it, maybe they patched that.
Well that's something as basic as spawning NPCs in spots around the map, it's not the same as a helicopter or van entering the map and unloading half a dozen guys. That being said, there are occasions where NPCs will enter and exit vehicles (caruso plane escape, yardbird helocopter entrance) so it's still not out of the question.
I think the reason we haven't seen it yet is because it would just take a lot of time to go back to previous maps and implement, unlike the bushes they slapped into the legacy maps.
Rake. Leaks are saying that The Resort is going to be adding a banana item so I'm pretty excited.
The SWAT teams in Absolution didn't show up in vans either. All they'd need to do is spawn them outside the player's FOV.
What's your favorite map to snipe targets on?
>Finished Hitman 2, Contracts, Blood Money & Absolution without any problems, had fun even
>Can't beat the first mission of 2016 without getting bored and stabbing someone with a prop and watching everything go to shit before turning the game off
I don't remember Hitman requiring a minimum of an hour of walking around just to kill someone.
i had a great sniper contract on sapienza but its cheese now that briefcases are a thing
There's just more upfront learning to the new ones since they're so much bigger. Once you know the maps you can speedrun them pretty quickly.
Possible disturbance? I'm gonna go check it out.
Getting De Santis to come out from the mansion by doing the detective opportunity and then sniping the food bell from the church tower and taking them both down at the same time
Sapienza is a great sniper map until you run to the exit and realize that you've still got one objective left. It would be much better if you could disguise yourself as the priest, go in the confessional and convince the scientist to destroy the virus.
Favorite assassination?
I hope the bananna can be held like a gun
Nuhitman puts targets at opportunities to die every 10 seconds. Remember the fucking hotel mission from Blood Money that would take a good 20 minutes to SOSA + payment even if you knew the map?
I like when targets kill other targets so probably Robert Knox accidentally blowing up his own daughter
Probably the train.
>can take out over a dozen NPCs if you do it without any setup
>can take out two targets with setup
>doubles as an exit
>changes the map after being performed
Last one in particular is something I like, even if it's pretty irrelevant. They should make more missions that allow you to alter the map in more meaningful ways.
I like that Hokkaido one where you let the chief surgeon know that the target killed his father and when you just give him the entire pill stash he goes nuts and kills him for you
2016 was Jordan Cross pushing Morgan out of the window, 2018 was the kashmirian.
Taking your sweet time with games like this is the best way to play them, and that even goes for Absolution.
I feel bad killing Janus
the one where Jordan Cross loses himself again and pushes another person off a balcony
>All the targets aside from Rose have 2-4 ways to be killed
>Only one exit and the mask part is annoying
>Disguises are less interesting than they were inside the schoolhouse
Colorado took too many shots in the dark
When are we getting an AS-VAL
That would be sick and fits the theme
I think he’s referring to how the puzzle elements are basically a point & click adventure game
Ready for the big heist!
Sapienza is the best they have done because of the vertical scale of the map.
Take Columbia for example. It seems like a big map with the village, the construction site, the caves, the fields, and the mansion. Since these areas are only horizontally connected in a big circle, so to get around requires a lot of distance. On Sapienza you can go through apartments, scale buildings, go through sewers, and get around relatively quickly because how things connect vertically.
Whens the next real map?
Probably October.
How do you feel about the bank? It's basically Paris' and Bangkok's vertic level design but not as bad as Bangkok
I haven't played the DLC since I got a PC and not really played my PS4 lately. But Isle of Sgail was really good for 2. In 1 I liked Hokkaido.
I only have the regular edition of Hitman 2, I would have to pay $40 for an expansion pass in order to play that map. I know it comes with some sniper maps, but those are my least favorite. So I can't justify paying for it until more maps come out. I don't trust them to release more than 2 maps, honestly. It's nice that since I owned Hitman 2016 that I got access to that content for free.
Is there a way of unfucking the Siberia grind? Trying to get the rifle, am at mastery 18 now. Needing like 20 completed missions to go from 19 to 20 mastery kinda kills it.
Kashmirian and the Train
Sniper Assassin challenges are really weird. I found the safest way to do it is to make sure their conscious (not knocked out) and be at least 30 feet away when the shot is fired. I swear the game checks for range and consciousness, but only sporadically.
I imagine their intent was to force multiplayer by encouraging you to team up to help pass the time or some shit. I haven't even tried the prison yet. Hurt my arm so can't do serious gaming for another 4 weeks yet.
Well you shouldn't rush it. The Sieger 300 Ghost is the best, and the Sieger 300 for pure aesthetics.
There isn't. You've just got to get all the challenges and develop a fairly quick SA run.
lolno, All three playable characters have their own individual mastery level.
>All three playable characters have their own individual mastery level.
Yeah, they really need to fix that EXP scaling. The other 2 SA maps, I never made it over level 12 simply by completing the challenges. Pic is me. Achievements were 100% last month, but I'm behind on new content (again, messed up arm)
Best thing they could do with the sniper maps is just go finish the maps and turn them into actual missions. They already got the base map built.
Oh, by the way, getting Silent Assassin on that elusive earlier this month (had to fight through the pain on that due to the time limit) took me like 3 hours because I had to move so slow. It was so un-manly. I spent about an hour just following him and his whore around with my left hand trying to find the best way to handle it without straining my arm. It was really sad. And I get to do it again in a few days.
Hope it doesn't get in the way of your fapping
I really want someone to find a way to disable collision and float over to the mansion or port and upload a video of what it all looks like up close. All the missing textures and hidden hallways and such.
For what it's worth, Siberia is the best sniper assassin mission they've made. One of the worst parts about Sniper Assassin is that you regularly spend a ton of time just waiting around for things to happen, with the prison riot you're in direct control of the pace of the mission. You've got the choice between taking out the targets while they're casually walking around, or risking it and going for headshots while they're running for extra points.
As usual, I'd really fucking prefer if they made a normal mission that takes place in a siberian prison, but it's still alright.
how do you think he got it dude
Dude, I fapped with my left hand for the first time in my life the other day. It was just all wrong. Your 'good' hand knows every little spot and when to touch it and how hard. Your 'bad' hand doesn't have that subconscious memory going out. It was truly terrible. Not recommended.
The Paris one? The easiest way was to expose the wire outside and throw a coin on it when he's done with the phone call
Nah, but once you've got the map down it shouldn't take you longer than 3 minutes to kill all the targets
There's an NVidia Ansel mod that lets you do that
Caruso when watching the video tape. When the music kicks in is absolute kino.
according to my sources you only need 27 seconds
>how do you think he got it dude
Ah, now here's the funny part. Hitman 2. I shit you not. I played Hitman 2 for about 8-12 hours a day. What you may not notice is that your arm is constantly tensed up for precision aiming the whole time you're playing. That lateral muscle in your forearm gets hammered with repetitive pulls and tugs, which mess with the tendon in your elbow. That's how I got 'tennis elbow' from Hitman 2.
Check this out. It's my """ergonomic""" mouse to prevent unnecessary stress on that tendon. fml.
I pushed the chick over the balcony on top of him after triggering the fireworks with the guy in the white suit in a wardrobe.
I wonder how that's even possible, maybe you can shoot the chandelier for Viktor and cause an accident but how the fuck can you kill Dalia in time?
You can find the pass to the upstairs in the bathroom.
Also Paris when you push the the woman from the balcony onto the guy during the fireworks. Can't remember the targets names.
is the new bank mission worth the money?
not really, no
That guy looks just like my personal bitch!
IIRC the method is to start at the fireworks remote, immediately shoot viktor, activate the fireworks and lure her guard away from the gas light before blowing it up. If you do it correctly, you should reach the helicopter exit before anyone notices viktor's corpse.
The full season pass? No. If you could buy it individually, I'd recommend it. The season pass won't be worth the price, even once the next location drops. There should hopefully be a sale before it drops.
I've watched a lot of those SA videos where they do it in 30 seconds and I think a lot of it is luck. I mean they run into buildings and do shit in the 0.2 seconds a guard's head is turned slightly in the other direction and it's just retarded. There's other things, like shooting exterior walls to distract people on the interior - that should never happen. We're not talking glass. We're talking like the concrete walls, 20 feet above ground level, on the outside of the church in Sapienza. How could they possibly know that would even distract them without cheating beforehand to see the reaction of the people on the inside?
Based, fuck magic, and FUCK ASSASSINS
>If you could buy it individually, I'd recommend it.
They don't sale New York separately. My guess is they most people who don't have the silver/gold would just pay $10 for New York then $10 for the next map, and not $40 for the expansion pass. So I'm just going to wait until the next sale.
>How could they possibly know that would even distract them without cheating beforehand to see the reaction of the people on the inside?
What makes you think these guys are doing these attempts on their first try? These are autistic speedrunners we're talking about, they know the AI inside out and are willing to try bizarre as fuck methods a hundred times before giving up.
Is this supposed to be Hantu?
How is it so bright? I thought it was supposed to be in the evening
That's probably a combination of the shitty filter I put on, as well as the fact that the evening skybox doesn't wrap around the entire map, only the parts the player can view.
I hope you guys turn brightness all the way down. The games already too bright as it is.
I swear I had the SSAO setting on and I can't see a single thing that was under a roof, it was just all black
Youre a boomer shill. Get back to your retirement home for your quake LAN party, oldfag.
how creatively should I use the duck bomb
Why the fuck did i have to pay damage control if there were no witnesses? Because there was a cover blown? that makes no sense.
dual silverballers are so fucking ass, takes like an hour to reload
this mardi gras level looks like it'll be a bitch
Blood Money btw
I wish ETs weren't one attempt only. I'd love to mess around and play like that. But since you get fucked over for failing, I just do the cheese methods to get it done. Phone from New York and that shit was over in 2 minutes.
I hate the ET model so much. They put work into making those, and most people will never see it because they want to succeed so they do the easy thing.
>jewess ex-mossad who peddles critical Intel to those who can pay
what did they mean by this
paris but miami is a close second
why do they make the generic black silenced pistol as default instead of a silverballer
Based Battlerbro
I edited all my default loadouts so the silverballer would be the default pistol. It's dumb
Kashmirian was kino and I think is the lead designer's personal favorite as well. I hope he shows up again in future maps.
I kind of like Colorado but the Sean Rose assassinations are the only good ones. Everything else was phoned in.
For real though how the fuck did Hitman survive Absolution and forced online to make such a big comeback? The people over at IO gotta fucking REALLY love their work to tough it out like this and work to make something good with what no doubt was barely even a budget, any other lesser devs would have died.
>Been playing on a pirated copy so I haven't been able to unlock anything
How much am I missing? Replaying the missions I find them feeling a little stale with my limited toolset, will unlocking things open up different/fun ways to do things? What are the other online features like? I might just buy the game.
Unlocks/challenges are like 80% of the game, you're missing out on a lot. Escalations, Elusive Targets, contracts, etc. Not as good as the normal missions, but still something.
Yeah elusive targets are done terribly. I understand wanting to keep people engaged with the game but in reality what happens is I lose interest entirely, miss a few elusives, and then when I'm interested in playing again I'm annoyed that I missed them.
It really seems like they should just be permanent missions that maybe you need to unlock by playing during the unlock period.
The quality varies, nobody is ever going to want to replay the Hackers or Identity Thief ones in Paris, but why not let people replay The Undying? I really liked some of the others like The Entertainer too.
I like the new music, it's very bond-esque.
47 talking is great. I lost my shit when he started criticizing the plot development of the cult author's shitty book series in detail.
The new games are supposed to be "aspirational" so 47's kills need to feel right and the settings have to be like cool places you'd like to visit.
If we continue the "Hitman as a Vacation Simulator" thing I'd really like a ski resort level in 3.
>peace and love really isn't my thing
Everytime I play Colombia, those lines make me smirk
By going for sniper assassin accident kills only at the water tower
Same but I would love if they made every map with a different sounding theme
THAT is Dalia Margolis
>nu-Hitman is so comfy that I spend my freetime just autistically speedrunning silent assassins runthroughs or just wandering the maps doing whatever instead of playing new games
Send help
Most underrated hitman moment in the series
>when you get caught by the police in Absolution at the convenient store
why does this game have levels?? you get up to like what level 500 and it does nothing at all.
>always play stealthy
>fucked up here for the first time
>got the adrenaline rush of all time when this music came on surprising the shit out of me
They did. It's the same theme but in every map it's different. Miami sounds like a beach. Colombia sounds South American. Vermont sounds like Home Alone.
I admit that I don't remember how the music goes in the original Hitman 2016 as opposed to Legacy 2.
Hate how Diana never shuts the fuck up in 2
It's just a normie shitbrain feature. Call of Duty and Skyrim created a giant audience of lobotomites who can't enjoy things if they don't have point counters ticking up and ringing a bell when there's a level up. There's no maximum level because those people just want to keep leveling.
Have videogames achieved max comfy? Can anything surpass this?
Hitman has legitimately the best level designs I've ever seen in a game. I've never thought "I want to live here" while playing a game before it
After playing this mission I really wanted to go visit Italy
And eat Chef Boiardee
Better check the date on it
>Good evening, 47. Welcome back to Colorado. This time our interest lies deep in the Cheyenne Mountain complex in a top secret US air force operations center intended for wormhole travel through an alien device known as the stargate. Operating alongside NORAD, the top secret operations are concealed from the general public and even most governments on Earth.
>Your primary target is the former system lord Ba'al. An alien if you can imagine. He has taken over various businesses around Earth and now has the most influential people in the global economy wrapped around his little finger. He's currently held prisoner by the SGC personnel. The NID has hired us to eliminate him. This one's a little different though, 47. Since your primary target is a member of a species known as the Goa'uld, parasitic creatures that requires human beings as hosts to extend their influence, you have to ensure that his symbiote perishes along with the host body. If you fail to do so you risk having him implant himself into another host body and escape.
>Your second target is a rogue NID operative who has strong allegiances with Ba'al. He has leaked several top secret NID documents to Ba'al and the NID asks us to take care of the leak. Be mindful 47. He has been acting, shall we say... differently as of late. It may be possible that he too - is a Goa'uld. The operative, like you, is a master of disguise. However if our suspicions about his true identity are correct and he is indeed also a Goa'uld, he may have implanted himself into another host body already to avoid suspicion and possibly get close enough to free his master Ba'al. You will have to find out who he is. He may be anyone working undercover among the SGC personnel.
>I honestly don't see how one prepares for a mission like this, but I will leave you to it regardless. I have full faith in your capabilities.
the fixed this in the last update. she only introduces the targets once every 48 hours I think.
Any creative ideas how to use the tripwire mine or the RFID explosive?
She literally did nothing wrong
tanslate comic plix?
why does it count as accident kill?
Contracts>Blood Money>Silent Assassin>Hitman>Absoluteshit>Codename 47
Because concussion only knocks her out. It's the heat of the sauna that kills her.
She's unconscious in a sauna that's literally cooking her body. As far as people know, she passed out in there from the heat after thinking she could handle it and became human meat.
Codename had a unique atmosphere though
ah, ok. thought it would be a regular explosive.
>poison the target's wine early on
>spend the rest of the mission just drinking your own wine listening to the concert
Also you have to remember that canonically 47's kills aren't always branded as accidents, some have been shelved as "unresolved", so despite some accident kills in game being obviously not accidents after a forensics investigation, its the NPCs in the moment thinking it was an accident and not raising any alarms until 47's way out of the picture that counts.
Do you tend to agree that the best Hitman missions are the easier ones with many possibilities?
Not necessarily the easiest, but the ones where you have plenty of opportunities to take out targets that range from very simple to extremely convoluted that somehow end up working anyway. The challenge should be getting the opportunity to work, not finding it and certainly not making it cryptic as fuck(to some extent, the random virus vial in Caruso's attic should be the most cryptic it gets).
Landslide is fucking kino, but the songs get grating when you're grinding out the challenges all at once.
Patient Zero campaign feels like they almost wanted to go back to Contract's atmosphere
The tone of nu-Hitman is not consistent. The cutscenes are very dark and serious while the missions are played in an almost funny atmosphere.
The only exception I can think of is the New Zealand mission with the couple that got killed for their identities and the kidnapping of some politician's children.
Original Hitman had an almost absurd surrealism aspect about them because of how serious 47 and the music and environments were while it was still a game about a white man blending into a fucking middle eastern army.
NuMan is almost a comedy sketch on how no one think's it's strange that a bald guy with a barcode on the back of his head has replaced a Spanish guy serving muffins while he tells jokes like "It's to die for"
I want to play an old hitting games but I don't know which one
Oh my gosh the first one was incredibly comfy somehow clunky II was was complete disaster and the third one and above those games were just you know we both have the same game it so it was more of the same so what do you play f***
they seem to have had some really gory concept art for the Hokkaido morgue.
so what do you anons consider the "canon" way 47 has killed a target? I like to think that 47 used the Kashmerian to perform the kills in Mumbai more than the other stuff, then snuck into the main hideout after him for the meeting.
Moshi moshi
>thought Patient Zero was a bad campaign at the time
>the recent bonus missions in Colombia and Mumbai were even worse rehashes that made me think Patient Zero wasn't all that bad
the new ones aren't bonus mission and weren't meant to be. I do agree they are extremely lazy and pretty much just perm ETs.
Codename 47 run where you spend almost all of your money on weapons
The reveal trailer has beta versions of Novikov, Caruso, Strandberg, and Jordan Cross getting killed
>got into the bank vault, took all the gold bars, and robbed everyone's boxes
now 47 can begin again
How is that anything
Can you think of like an interesting angle to play 47
I usually just go wire and that's about it
i wish they would bring the hideout/weapon collection room of the previous games.
they announced they are adding some new content for the Hawke's Bay map soon.
Yeah but the canon was still in beta there
>did suit only master Santa Fortuna from default starting location only using a lock pick, no firing a bullet, messing with cameras or knocking anyone out
god that felt good when it all came together.
Shame the game doesnt punish cheese tactics. If you're shooting out cameras or sending rounds as a distraction, you arent a fucking Silent Assassin, theres fucking obvious evidence at the scene, end of.
The failed mission on Pedo Island followed by the Prison Infiltration
I love how detailed the guns are. Can only really admire that in photo mode.
You can drop guns while in that state?
Imma preface this very carefully. Hitman 2 has some banger maps. Whittleton Creek and Miami are fucking excellent, and even the shitty forced story prologue mission is fun to mess around in, but Hitman 1s missions to me seem far and away more consistent and of better quality
If you don't have to throw garbage or shoot out a camera or 2 for silent assassin suit only on master difficulty, it's a mission for babbies. Santa fortuna is fun but it's one of the most exploitable missions with the easiest paths. You can drop a fuckin wrench in the racetrack and kill your target in 30 seconds
>Santa Fortuna
>race track
Contracts is absolute neo-noir kino and the best candidate for a movie adaptation after Silent Assassin.
back to r*ddit, you self censoring faggot.
it's so y hitman for a s o y generation.
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin had the best one. I remember getting out my M4 and using it to machine gun pigs
Is Hitman the most /k/ series?
I really wanted that causal Assassin mission at that swimming pool so I can shoot that serial killer fuck in the head.
I love Silent Assassin, Contracts and Blood Money.
The nuHitman are pretty based too.
don't be retarded
objectively correct
Contracts mode? People loved that and even IOI was surprised.
>You can drop guns while in that state?
you mean with the chamber open? sure.
the new bank mission in new york. The more I play it the comfier it gets. Loving my current suit only route to get inside the vault, running upstairs and sabotage the clock so she falls out of the glass when she's leaning against it.
>choke holds
>hides unconscious body in a freezer
nICE to meet you
>played hitman 2016 for 40 hours
>uninstalled hitman 2018 at miami
The maps are too damn big.
Sapienza is basically "Positano" or "Amalfi".
Anyone else think they should reintroduce Blood Money difficulty, as a level wide "escalation", by which I mean that if you get caught you can make guards more suspicious as you go by level and there is an increased level of security.
what they need to do is bring back the darker tone of the original series. Even fucking James Bateson does not approve of the direction of the series in terms of its light hearted tone when it comes to fucking contract killing. Silent Assassin and Contracts had the best atmosphere and dialogue in the entire series.
id love anything that adds an overall sense of awareness to everyone on the map. i wanna blow up the virus in sapeinza and have all the scientists panic and run out into the town screaming for their lives and then the tourists start going ape shit. i wanna shoot francesca in broad daylight and then have silvio find out about it and go into full panic mode and order his guards to just shoot anyone that looks weird. i wanna dress up as a ninja in hokkaido, be seen buy a guard, that guard reports me, and then everyone else on the map thinks he's full of shit for seeing a ninja walking around and i can hear guard chatter of him getting made fun of for the rest of the mission.
>Even fucking James Bateson does not approve of the direction of the series
any source on that?
Codename 47 and Contracts had the best soundtrack and therefor were the best games.
Gameplay is awfully similar in earlier titles and only goes full QTE action splinter cell style in later games.
Codename 47 and Contracts are good games.
Fight me.
They rescheduled their monthly live stream to first week of September. So probably big news coming.
so you clearly haven't played the two new ones
Epstein, more like Deadstein
The newest I played was Absolution. Are the more recent ones more back to the roots, i.e. no QTE and bullet time shit?
Reminds me of the recent Batman games and the fear you can put in the enemies, well it might be interesting to have in a level an overall "tension level" of sort.
>end of Silent Assassin
>47 gets over his past and accepts who is
>Contracts all the way to nuHitman
>we've got to reconcile 47s past, again
I wish they werent in such a creative dead end as far as the plot. Ironically, for all the shit in Absolution it add least tried to add a grain of a new storyline.
He didn't get over his past in SA, it's the opposite. He went back into his past and accepts that he is an assassin after all. Contracts is just flashbacks, and BM is about the rival assassin company and the Mark Parcheesys
>Add elevators and wheelchair ramps (for realism and inmersion, it's supposed to be a hotel after all), if the game engine cant make elevators work then just add empty elevtors shafts instead
>The building's design is changed somehow so its not just two big ass identical squares with a shitty overglorified glasshouse on the middle
>Make the front and back outside areas a little bit bigger (like in pic related, which is leaked concept art for Bangkok before the level released), so the entire level doesnt feel too cramped and claustrophobic
>Add more ways to enter Jordan's suite, maybe an external pipe or two or through an empty elevator shaft
>Band shouldn't take an entire wing to themseves, maybe just two floors and thats it
>Since band isnt taking an entire wing, add some unique visitors to the hotel rooms there. Like the sheik from paris and his armed bodyguards or something
>Make it so that hotel staff will eventually finish cleaning Ken Morgan's suite, and after that they eventually escort him there without player intervention
>Add more space for long range sniping opportunities
They are back to roots and better than ever.
There's still QTEs when you try to knock out someone from the front but that's about it
Something similar is happening to me too. I spent an entire year straight playing almost nothing but Hitman 2016 and I never got bored or tired of it, I love that game so much. But Hitman 2018 doesnt catch my attention so easily. I always end up getting bored and closing the game while in middle of a mission. Mostly its because the maps are way too big and have you walking a lot (especially mumbai), but also because I just hated the hitman 2018 story so much. All those contrived and ridiculous retcons they introduced (47 killing diana's parents? really?) make me hate the new game so goddamn much. Fuck, IO really fucked the Hitman lore too much. I dont even know what they were thinking.
it is implied that 47 killed Jordan cross while disguised as the drummer
it might be burnout too, i couldnt get into 2016 at all cause i had played absolution a year prior and used up all my patience for stealth
only now have i loaded up both the new entries and am finding the maps quite consistent give or take between the two games
i am so fucking mad that i needed to reinstall whole game for some reason, checking game files did nothing
yes i have shit internet
Paris and sapienza. none of the other maps are as gorgeous IMO. you can tell a shit ton of work went into them and a lot of that detail is missing in hitman 2 because they didn't have the sqenix money to fund it.
I hope hitman 3 has an airport level man.
>close a hectic online game of gun blazing, explosions, loud noise and instead run Hitman games
>game now is about planning, patience, and admiring the view
it's almost relaxing
fucking kino trailer
The new bank featured contract was so good
Honestly, if they really decide to continue with this World of Assassination platform where each new game is the same except with minor mechanical improvements, I can see the series developing Yakuza syndrome where it becomes easy to get burned out on them.
Paris is so goddamn overrated holy fuck
all you do is boring balcony climbing simulator
>still no hitman level editor
well i guess its because you could endlessly make your own content and remake content from the previous games meaning you wont buy the next hitman game that comes out.
but WHY?
watch the no clip series. making a single level is insane
You just know she's fucked when you see the bald man stand beside her
>it's another "plebs talking about nu-Hitman only since it's the only game they played in the series" episode
Can't wait
Beldingford Manor
you wouldnt have to make developer quality levels, people always find a way to make fun levels, they dont need to be graphically impressive, but even then you could just make levels out of assets that already exist in the game
I wish her dress was better
Target opportunities run on a script completely separate from the level editor though. That's not mentioning the fact that NPC dialogue plays a crucial role now.
I wish she was naked
that sucks, guess i have to make my own assassination game with a level editor,
For 2016/2, it would have to be Mumbai, its a maze but the main sell for me is that I can bait out all 3 targets out of their fortresses and it opens up more options for the kill
Who else didn't have the terminus suit unlock when they did an elusive target in silent assassin?
known bug
>finish mumbai
>watch cinematic
>suddenly woke super intelligent black girl appears
>'damn you wypipo crazy'
I was ignoring all the smart dangerous female targets and pretending the game wasnt pozzed up until that point.
And yes it doesnt really matter and i still love the game, but a little part of me still dies inside whenever i run into this shit
Hitman threads are among the comfiest on Yea Forums, we truly are the high IQ chads of stealth vidya
she isn't a relevant character at all but subject 6 turned into a 47's sidekick is kinda annoying. he was supposed to be THE FINAL BOSS
The Kashmirian is hanging out in the Crows hideout in Illusions of Grandeur, you're probably right to think that that's the canonical method.
I wish they had CGI cutscenes in Hitman 2 like in 2016.
Some of the best facial animations I have seen.
The constant was kino as fuck.
Perfectly cast Illuminati, globalist super villain. Genuinely felt disappointed when i saw the stills and couldnt see his character properly acted again.
Whittleton Creek or Hokkaido
>A nuclear explosion? Please 47, you'll have to do better than that.
>ze hitman killed him?
>activate quantum immortality
The Constant should have been the final target for Season 3. The Partners seem so boring compared to him.
Who knows, maybe The Partners will be throughout the game and the Season 3 ends with The Constant or Subject 6
47 only accepted who he was because it was the only way to keep the people around him safe. He didn't want to go back at all.
The ideal final mission for Season 3 would be an Airport with The Constant and Subject 6 as targets. The latter could be an enforcer that sees through every disguise (he could even see through blending spots).
>storyline is just a ripoff of leon the professional
it wasnt anything special, and i dont get why people even care about story anyways.
and you can't subdue or execute him with weapons
does this sound like a good idea?
is this for real
yes, hawke's bay is peak kino
On that note Ansel's the best thing that happened to the new games.
Would 47 assassinate kids, innocent women and puppies or does he have enough morals to not do that?
Hitman levels on a conceptual level seems like a theatre play where the audience can fuck up the story and the theatre director has to create contingency plans for it.
>what's this?
I can't tell if this is sarcasm, but more variety in enemy types wouldn't go amiss.
I'm still waiting for the PALLAS androids to become regular guards who can't be subdued or poisoned, but can be destroyed without a kill penalty.
Ah you just reminded me of how the guy who does game photos at dead end high thrills was handled a special Gears of War 2 PC copy so he could take pictures in it.
Well that would be an interesting level gimmick, maybe a fun easter egg as an homage for the Gatling craze in Hitman 1, just mowing down these stupid automatons that you drove crazy, a neat crowd interaction.
He would kill innocents, gender isn't an issue. He killed the mail delivery guy in Blood Money for example. He would kill puppies if he has to, he snapped his canary's neck in BM too.
He might not kill kids or rather, he's just never had to find out if he can because his handler has never given him a mission where kids were involved, you cute and funny poster.
I want a mission where you can kill a dwarf.
>He killed the mail delivery guy in Blood Money
Never understood that.
He also killed (or at best sedated) the fuckin dumb dog in the Playboy party in BM that won't stop barking when you kill his fossil of an owner
why don't they simply include a photo mode. Almost every new game has it now.
47 has no morals and will do what he is ordered to do. That's the whole point of his characters. He has little to no personnality and live to execute order from someone else.
To balance it out, the androids would have to be damage sponges that can only be one-shotted using explosives or melee weapons. I'm imagining a mission where Jin Po gets PALLAS androids from Kronstadt as his personal bodyguards. There could even be an opportunity where you can reprogram the androids to turn on him.
>"47 this is Diana. Your mission is to obtain critical information from a captive in the bad guy's evil mountain fortress."
>"Oh. Who's the captive?"
>"A 12 year old girl, 47. There is more..."
>"The information she holds are self destruct codes for nuclear missiles. 47, this mission is of the highest importance. Twenty minutes ago, Russia has launched ten nuclear missiles headed for new New York and Washington. The ONLY WAY to save the cities lies in the self destruct codes that the girl holds in hear head."
>"Jesus Diana I really dont know if I'm the righ-"
>"47, there is MORE. The girl has a mind blocking chip implanted into her brain, she can NOT willingly give out the codes. Our scientists have done some research, apparently the only way to get the codes from the girl is..."
>"Well? Tell me!"
>"... is to rape them out of her."
>"Jesus fucking christ!"
>"Yes 47, your mission is to infiltrate the fortress and rape the codes out of the girl. There is no other way to get her to tell you the codes. Time is short 47-"
>"I can't just go in there and rape a 12 year o-"
>"The missiles will hit New York in 30 minutes, 47. You are America's only hope. If you do not get the self destruct codes for the missiles out of the girl, tens of millions will die."
NOW we are talking about morals, 47.
What is one life worth?
What are a million lives worth?
Honestly its a waste that he's only given assignments to morally deserving targets.
47 is a merciless psychopath bar the very odd lapse in judgement. He's the guy you want to pull the trigger on that family car in Scarface.
Unfortunately the switch to a more AAA production means its unlikely they'll ever stray from him being an anti-hero.
47 doesn't give a shit about politics
this isnt about politics user, its about being given the choice to do something horrible to one person in order to prevent the death of millions or to spare one person and let millions die
47 would only do it if you raised his fee accordingly.
He would. His training lets him suppress his guilt
I'd rape her and let millions americans die
it's a win win situation
>Honestly its a waste that he's only given assignments to morally deserving targets.
I mean, how is a guy on vacation with his family more challenging than a guy with a gigantic security detail?
The thing is in the no clip documentary, the lead writer said that the targets for the new games are decided on based on how high profile they are, how likely it is for them to have a big security detail, and how satisfying it is to kill them.
The series is basically romanticising the whole career of being an assassin. You aren't going to be killing people's exes and innocent shopkeepers like real hitmen do.
47 don't deal with world ending event
>user asking what edition to buy
>user asking where does he start playing hitman
>usual blood money and absolution trolling
paid threads are back. great
I honestly hope the resort is worth the money, mate. I love the game, but nobody gives a fuck about it here because it's good. Don't waste your money on all this viral marketing. People here like to shit on bad games, not praise good games.
Season 3 when?
>go to sleep and even sleep in
>thread is still up when i return
i love nu hitman
>I love Hitman but I don't want a thread about it
Wait, is Craig Black mentioned that far back in the series?
I've only played the new ones.
>that far back in the series
thats literally the mission where you kill him
nvidea ansel labels HITMAN 2 as silent assassin because why would two game be called hitman 2? :^)
Except when he does.
the same thing happens with i think razer mice/keyboards where everything is bound to janky old keys
Anyone else surprised they did not try to pull a "Contract" and remake certain levels as flashbacks?
I'm always impressed when the remaining level structure can significantly change based on your actions, like calling in the Kashmirian's hit to make the Malstrom go meet with the other target.
Making Ken Morgan and Jordan meet was great too.
We need more Where's Waldo photos using Ansel.
I wish I had my PC now.
>paid threads
the people that unironically believe that companies pay people to shitpost on Yea Forums... clearly have no understanding how to real world works.
I'm glad they didn't, I'd rather them focus on new maps
They would if it was justifiable, but the maps from previous Hitman games are so small compared to the new one that it would look like a drop in quality. Maybe if they were just optional flashbacks, but in that case that would be too much effort for such optional content.
closest thing i have, only one can be the real santa
I'd love to see a Vatican map, like a Padrino part 3 reference.
Should've been that Ken Morgan arrives shortly after the mission starts, checks in, and heads to his room. You have to specifically go and intervene to dirty up the room at the start to prevent him from doing this. It's incredibly stupid that he does nothing but walk in a small loop unless you do something
I get what you mean, but it would be too controversial. As a Catholic myself, I'd probably hesitate to play. The idea of running around killing cardinals would definitely piss people off.
I honestly don't have a problem with the camp, it makes me chuckle.
a contract is a contract
But there's already been an elusive like that, a pope candidate no less