>all those bosses have massive amount of hp
>bosses are hyper aggressive and very fast
>all those bosses with multiple phases
>all those bosses with multiple hp bars
>all those bossfights with multiple bosses at once
It's funny how the hardest Souls game ended up being arguably the worst in the series.
Remember when souls games weren't about difficulty and didn't pander to difficulty fags? Remember when bosses were actually varied and didn't have to be extremely difficult to cater to the reddit le hardcore gamers?
What went wrong?

Attached: Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (289x345, 48K)

Dark Souls 3 is incredibly easy. You start the fucking game with 11 invincibility rolls for christ's sake, in comarpison to TWO in 1/2. Armor barely affects weight. Every boss is roll spam. Get fucking Good.

Also it's the worst one but because of the DUDE REMEMBER DS1, the failed merging of souls and BB gameplay, the rehashed bosses, and the shit PVP and removing every positive advancement 2 made in favor of linear level design and nofunallowed

Mostly this, from myself I'll add that sorcery makes the game trivial as you don't have limits on spell casts, you can refill your mp with ashtus and continue spamming CSS for bosses or GHSA for mobs. On the contrary juggernaut builds are shit, especially in PvP - poise doesn't exist and roll spam effectively prevents you from hitting anyone who isn't afk

Not OP but I've tried roll spamming against most bosses and the the vast majority of the time they still get a hit in due to the rediculous amount of tracking they have on their attacks and how aggresive they can be. And you barely have anough stamina to attack them with if you do that.

git gud

git gud then? The game is literally easy as piss until Pontiff / Nameless / Twin Princess. Then the DLC has Friede and Gael / Midir. Everything else is incredibly brain dead.


Because you still havent expended enoguh on stamina

Everything is stamina in this game. Every point. Theres no armor stas ailments powermoves weapons secrets hidden summons

Just roll roll roll

You still have to time. It's just that it feels relatively roll spammy compared to the previous souls games because you can do so many even with base stamina. There's also a few bosses with insanely fast multi hit combos where you actually barely have to time to evade and just mash B.

>Ds2fags coping every time Ds3 is mentioned
Never gets old

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More health and more phases doesn't make it harder, just more tedious.

stopped reading there, you are wrong, just git gud

I was thinking about becoming the autist who posts stuff like this for DS3, but for DS2, but now that I've played DS2 more I like both games. DS2 is one you hate every second of playing but look back on with good memories.
DS2 has waaaaaay more DUDE REMEMBER DS1 than DS3 but a secondary shitposter like you wouldn't know that.

>B-buuuut DS2!!!!
At least 2 had tons of new (great) mechanics in its' shitpile, that were all removed from 3 because Miyazaki is a hack

mistake to talk to subhuman

is there anything more boring than large HP bars?

Small HP bars

I kinda preferred Fallout 3 vs NV bait threads over this. People put actual effort into those.

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So many good concepts of DS2 weren’t used

>TWO in 1/2
in 1 and 2 the enemies are so slow that those are enough

>git gud

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You sure about that, sweetie?

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>all the mental gymnastics required to argue 1 is harder than 3 when even the bosses in 1 are slow as shit and have 1-2 attacks

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>Iudex Grundyr
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Abyss Watchers
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Pontiff Sulyvahn
Big humanoid in armor swinging TWO swords at you.
>Yhorm the Giant
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Dragonslayer Armour
Big ___________ armor swinging a sword at you.
>Champion Gundyr
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Lothric, Younger Prince
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Nameless King
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Soul of Cinder
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you AND sometimes uses the magic attack from the Crystal Mage.

Very cool game you got here, fellas.

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>he doesn't enjoy overcoming challenges and instead whines like a little bitch about it.
Just stop playing, these games aren't for you.

It's not a challenge if every boss can be defeated with the same moveset and general strategy.

>B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1...

Devs didn't even bother to make most of them interesting to look at.

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thats dark souls 1 and 2 as well

I know, all the games are shitty.

git gud

Dark Souls 3 is a great Pleb filter. It's hands down the best souls game there is.

git gud is a reddit meme

Yea but you wouldn't be able to do all that without first learning proper spacing and learning the bosses movesets which is all part of the fun of overcoming them.

Again, Demon's Souls doesn't count since he duped his character to level +90 to beat Armor Spider.

Large HP numbers (99999 hp for example)

DS3 was made to literally bring in baby players to the franchise. Hence why it's piss easy until Irithyl

He cheated in Sekiro and DeS
Imagine watching or caring what this random dude plays like because he makes money from autists like you.

Every boss has the same moveset. They swing their [LARGE, BLADED FANTASY WEAPON] at you in a 2-3 swing combo. If you roll behind them they'll do a move which is designed to hit you from behind or just a general sweeping attack. This is the only thing they do, every time with almost every single boss. That is not how a good game presents adaptability.

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DS3 was made exactly like people with him in mind though? It's an action game, not Souls.

How does he get worse?

Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition
what am I in for?
>my computer is too old to run remastered
>using ps3 controller
>vg thread is dead

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Sounds like you're just a jaded faggot then.

If anything 3 is the easiest because the most broken strategy in the other games (rolling) is now better than ever

He cheated in 3 too
>Played half of the game on the xbox baby mode press build
>Summoned 3 phantoms for the hardest boss
Those alone easily cut 200 deaths off of Ds3s final numbers

How am I a "jaded faggot". Is that just a catch-all term for "person who disagrees with me but I can't really provide a counter-argument to his position". If the bosses all have the same fucking moves then they have the same moves. What am I supposed to be getting out of this?

>Oh shit, I killed this boss which is almost identical to the last one! I did so by rolling around and stabbing him in the asshole. EPIC!!!

Attached: Seated girl.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

A genuinely solid ARPG let down by a poor third act.

Kino, amazing experience
Enjoy br/u/tha

>>Summoned 3 phantoms for the hardest boss
Which boss?

because ds1/2 were just as simplistic but they get a free pass because they did it first

It's not cheating if the developers purposefully designed it to be used by the player.

I think all the Dark Souls games suck balls. I never said 1 or 2 were good. Don't make assumptions.

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He fought him like 3 times before summoning casters to beat it for him
for contrast he died over 70 times to Pontiff and 80 to Champ

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i have a hard time thinking of a ds boss that ISNT about rolling or poking at its back. if you dont wanna roll, what would you have then?

Hard? Did you maybe forget to press the not die button whenever the boss attacks?

That's true for sure, but you also aren't supposed to be coordiante or converse with legit friends either. And additionally, most bosses simply cannot handle more than one player at once due to how they're designed, so it simply gives you a far different and easier experience despite increased health pools. Not elitist, play how you can enjoy it but I don't feel like you've even beat most bosses if you haven't done it yourself. Twin Princes is completely relentless by yourself the first time you fight him, but if you coop it's literally impossible to die because he can only focus on one person and the attacking person while always grab his attention, completely foregoing the entire point and structure of the fight.

By that point in the game I was tired of it too and just wanted it to end. I don't blame him for not wanting to die another ~70 times to this fucker, especially since you need to watch the cutscene of him killing his mount every single time before getting a chance to analyze his second form.

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Exactly, all those bosses are shit in their own way. This is why I was criticizing them all for being so similar to each other, with a few noteworthy exceptions. These games are all very lazy and people only like them because "muh difficulty". The devs weren't even competent enough to put in coherent lore.

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i beat it so its not hard

Yeah I suppose that makes sense. I still feel that using the Pontiff summons are justified since the developers intended for him to be the final boss of the game and then just stuck him smack dab in the middle for shits and giggles.

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>he can't hit start
also this, but in an elitist way. You fucking missed the entire point of so many bosses, such a large amount of immense satisfaction when you finally beat Artorias on NG+3 (you WERE already playing before it released, right? You fucking newage shitters braging about your lv120 NG character tanking him) or O&S for the very first time, or Fume Knight, or Nameless King, Gael on NG+++ (same as Artorias), Midir, most key BB bosses, Ludwig and Kos and Laurence especially (same quotations as souls), or the first ape and Isshin. At least Sekiro forced that player to get that accomplishment. I really do give it props from removing the handicap.

nothing, the games end and get old thats the only negative for me and then im stuck waiting for the next

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Now that I think of it, you're right. Most bosses in souls are like that. Much less so in bloodborne and sekiro, thankfully.