Was it a good game? Or the beginning of the end for Final Fantasy?

Was it a good game? Or the beginning of the end for Final Fantasy?

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It's the best Final Fantasy and anyone who doesn't think Blitzball is the tightest shit is a brainlet


It's pretty fucking bad, but the combat system is top notch, fnally ridding itself of that terrible ATB crap. And it looked really pretty. But the story is shit, the characters are shit, it's linear as fuck and the music isn't even good. An affront coming after 6, 7, 8 and 9 and it was all downhill from there.

best battle system in any final fantasy and the sphere grid is so fun to use. I prefer FF VII OST but this game has some amazing songs.

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it's in the top 3, it is really good, and fits that "journey" feel better than most games.

It wasn't the beginning of the end. It was the last good Final Fantasy game Square ever released. FFX-2 was more of a beginning of the end.

It's the last classic final fantasy title. Nobuo Uematsu, Sakaguchi, memorable mini games, great world setting, turn based combat, dark and emotional story, many different playable characters.

It was alright but was in fact the beginning of the end.

>6, 7, 8 and 9

None of these are any less linear than X, and their stories aren't nearly as coherent or well written

That was Final Fantasy XI because after that the MMO style gameplay started seeping out into every newer game coming out.

All of them let you fuck around on the world map while 10 is a straight line until literally right before the final dungeon, where the game expects you to go around and do every sidequest at once.

it's a cringe hallway simulator that ruined main-series final fantasy. only zoomers defend this trash because they have nostalgia for it.

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The beginning of the end was 6

I don't think it was terrible (I mean it isn't XIII,) but I feel it did less right than it did wrong. Half the characters were bad at best and bland at worst, the story wasn't great, the music was mostly forgettable to me aside from Otherworld which was great, and it did feel kinda like a hallway.

It had some good stuff, but I beat it the once, mostly forgot about it, and it didn't leave enough of an impression on me to ever want to go back and play it again.

Rent free

better than FF7 really

This one really exposes the ff fanbase.
FF XIII was supposed to be crap because "muh linearity" yet this game is a fucking hallway simulator with cutscenes everywhere and a boring romantic melodrama. Color me surprised when I noticed it was directed by the same guy of xiii.
Everyone who shits on xiii and praises this one is a complete retard with no personality, they are the same shit.

But I liked both X and XIII.

The world traversal and general look of the areas are extremely lacklustre and unimaginative. Everything else is good but this one aspect lets the game down tremendously. Interesting worlds/scenery are a pivotal part of any JRPG.

XIII had the worst gameplay in the series, one of the worst villains in the series and no mini games which have been a staple in the series since 7. If you can't tell the different idk what to tell you.

Yes and also yes

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X's combat was just turn-based combat with FFT's turn tracker added and ATB removed (though I think previous games would let you 'pause' during a character's turn so you didn't have to try to menu as fast as possible if you didn't want to.) It wasn't exactly groundbreaking. Seymour wasn't all that impressive or memorable to me, and the lack of minigames is... odd, but not really a deal breaker. I mean IX only really had Tetra Master, and that minigame was meh.

XIII was worse than X for sure, but they're more similar than different when it comes to some of the criticisms.

X is great, the only FF that gets a pass because of nostalgia for me is VIII.

Oh, shut the fuck up; you never even played XI. XI was the last “real” FF and the other games didn’t play anything like it outside of maybe chain bonuses.


it was alright, not bad. x-2 on the other hand was a trainwreck and the beginning of the end

I hope VII remake gets rid of minigames completely, they are always trash and grindy

>staple for 3 whole games
>out of 10

Its shit and paved the way for garbage like XIII

>Getting rid of minigames
Not gonna happen

It was the last FF to have a proper development cycle, thus being actually finished. Everything after that was rushed.

does it qualify

You can fuck around on the world map but you can't really do anything out of order that has any real impact. The story is completely linear, the areas accessible to you are completely linear until Disc 3, pretty much right before the final dungeon.

XII is the least linear of all, and even that is still fairly railroaded

People aren't upset that X is "linear", they're upset that they didn't get to fly a mini airship around a field instead of choosing locations from a list.

That would have been cool, but wouldn't actually change anything

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>awesome and unique setting
>great gameplay
>memorable plot and characters
>great ost
>no world map/filler content
it's one of the best FF games, linearity isn't a bad thing in an RPG


>look of the areas are extremely lacklustre and unimaginative

lol fucking what

Spira is probably the most unique, visually interesting setting in FF

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>People don’t know shit about what they defend

In other news, water is wet.

XIII was not very different from X at all. People act like X wasn’t a hallway when you can’t even backtrack before home, extra exploration was on a fucking list, and the endgame was BARELY more entertaining than Gran Pulse. I really question if you guys actually play enough of these games to form criticisms. XIII had major pacing and rubber banding issues that were fixed in XIII-2, but it is far from being that much worse than X.

It should. XI was an actual classic FF game.

I didn't think much of the story but boy do I wish that battle system stuck around

I really wish they would make a new spinoff in Vana Diel

>came out in 2001

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>top notch
>"use this character against this type of enemy"
it was boring shit

And you spend literally all of 5 minutes there at the start of the game

That is Luca, not Dream Zanarkand.

>You can't do anything out of order that has any real impact

Fuck you're retarded. In 8 alone you can skip getting like half the gfs if you just follow the story. Skip getting the best weapons etc.

I think someone just outed themselves.



And you spend all of 20 minutes there at the start of the game

I thought Kitase directed FFX?

Yeah, you can skip at least 3 aeons and the best weapons in X as well, and at least 2 dungeons can be completely missed

Game would have been improved if they just deleted the ronso.


You can’t access any of that before the Zanarkand, and you only get locked out if you actually enter Sin. You’re reaching hard.

It has the best summon mechanics of any game

XII could have had them, but in the original release they replaced all but one of your party members and in a game that's not turn-based that doesn't work because they just get fucking mobbed on and murdered before they can do anything

Don't know if TZA fixes this though, I never see anyone using the espers in the game

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You start at Dream Zanarkand, then Baaj temple and then Besaid, Luca is for the albed machine fights and blitzball.
Seymour was close to that actually.

It wasn't perfect, and you could break it almost immediately, but it was still nice that they at least tried to make you think about using the whole party. Except Kimari.

>another "HURR DURR X WAS LINEAR TOO" meme shitpost
This meme really exposes those who just mindlessly repeat what they hear other saying without having actually played the games themselves

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The setting is pretty great but other than that its bad

Both. It's the final fantasy game i genuinely enjoyed

>ff8 was better than 7 because it has an actual plot and love story

You can get Yojimbo and Magus Sisters before Zanarkand iirc, as well as access the Sunken Cavern

It was a foreshadow to 13's hallway design. Replaying X and getting to Highroads gave me flashbacks to 13.

X was super linear though. It was just better about filling in the line with towns, characters, sub stories and the like to give it a lot more flavor.

Isaaru is the lamest summoner in the game
>Programmed to be based from Yuna summons but far weaker
>Has Ixion, yet uses Valefor
>His Ifrit is notable only for his beg.turbo
>Bahamut only charges and does megaflare, no other moves

Still my favorite game of all time. Probably put in 150 hours on blitzball alone

>Final Fantasy
Who gives a fuck? It's everyone's first jrpg untill you play 2 or 3 more then give up on the genre.

>Isaaru is the lamest summoner in the game

Here's what always bugged me about 10. Yuna's sacrifice is supposed to be all noble and sad and shit but it kind of loses a lot of it's emotional weight when there's a half dozen other summoners jumping at the bit to take her place. Just let that Donna bitch do it. I realize it's not a long term fix but you didn't even consider that yourself till well into the game.

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Espers are stupid OP in TZA. Zeromus with bubble can 2-shot most bosses.

You can also actually directly command espers iirc

Well I mean, is it not a noble and sad sacrifice anymore if someone else makes it?

It would be completely out of character for Yuna to let someone else die so that she could live, she might have been the only one at the time who actually had the resolve to go through with it all the way. The other two didn't seem to be serious about it

Well shit, I wish they had that to start with.

Playing the original right now and it feels like such a waste to get them, even if the boss fights are cool


Yeah, it was an odd switch. TZA makes the original obsolete in literally every way.

Has best boy Auron, I can forgive most of its faults

Wakka is also based af

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>TZA makes the original obsolete in literally every way.

does TZA fix the issue with the story on how your party feels like they are just pawns in a bigger game?

There must be a strong connection between the guardian and the summoner to create a powerful final aeon to defeat Sin [Due to Seymour not caring, Anima is a supposed final aeon yet a newly aquired Shiva can fight her], but Yu Yevon would use that aeon to create a new Sin however the truth is
>A party that trains a lot > Final Aeon
however yevon tried to lure people to sacrifice the summoner and such albeds kidnaps summoners.


it was the last good combat system in a FF game. it was the first to incorporate voice acting and facial animations. despite some dubious character design choices, it's the best in the franchise because of its pioneering achievements and overall quality.

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i'm a huge FF fanboy and I find it hard to bring myself to finish this game. the cloister of trials are some of the worst, dumb, boring "dungeons" ive ever done in my life. i might go back to it eventually but im not a huge fan.

Well shit, time to wait for a $20 sale

>You're reaching hard
and you are remembering incorrectly and looking like a retard. fair trade imo

You still spend like 20 minutes there and the area just comes across as a generic port town other than the blitzball arena.

>your party feels like they are just pawns in a bigger game?

Working as intended


Pick 1, maybe 2.

How's the PC remake? Should I bother with it? Also, why do people like that shitshow called FF12?

It was only good if it was your first Final Fantasy


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The cloisters aren't dungeons though because you can't get into any encounters, they're just puzzles

Every area where you can encounter enemies is technically a dungeon since there is no world map to delineate them

It dilutes the tragedy a bit, yes. It's certainly NOBLE and SAD but it's also completely unnecessary, especially when you factor in how willing everyone is to let her go along with it. Her friends put up no fight and just brush it off as "That's how Yuna is." And as for character? Well let's not mince words here, Yuna has no character. She's just a bland saccharine self sacrifice summoner sold solely on a senseless suicide sojourn.

Compare to Colette from ToS. She's a goofball dork, who regularly has fun with her friends, has stronger relationships with those around her, loves to name every dog in the world, and is clumsy and little naive. She's also the only one who can be the sacrifice to save the world, so her shouldering that burden and keeping it a secret from the hero is far more dramatic. Yuna's burden is self imposed and the summoners all feel like they're just in a race to see who can kill themselves first.

It's hard to care about this sac rice when there's such an easy out. What actually separates her from the others in terms of nobility? You said the others don't take it seriously but we rarely see them and when it came time to talk about it for real they where dead serious. And as for serious? Well Yuna's quest was almost completely overshadowed early on by an underwater soccer tournament.

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What do you NOT like about it?

All versions of X are basically the same outside of the original US release on PS2

>Starting playing X for the first time last week.

...Does Tidus get any less irritating or more relatable. Currently finding him a totally insufferable prick.

Not really

Honestly my favorite FF. Everything about it I liked except maybe the end game stuff, but the story, combat, sphere grid, levels, music, aeons, characters, bosses were top notch.

It's not unnecessary as far as the world is concerned, they have no idea Sin can actually be beaten by any other method.

As far as they know, SOMEONE has to die, why do you think it's less sad if it's someone other than Yuna, a character who you don't even like?

Kind of? As he gets sadder he HA HA HA HAs less.

>ref missed one al bhed primer

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Relatable to what kind of person?

I never understood this need for characters to be relatable. Is Batman really relatable to anyone?

This is something that I like about Yuna. The girl has resolve. One of my favorite scenes in the game is the scene where they're both at the lake. No I'm not talkin about the kiss, the scene just before that. Tidus gives Yuna an out. Run away with me. Throw all of this Summoner away and let's build our life together. And Yuna wants to do it. In reality she has no reason to even continue. The church, the only reality she's ever known, has excommunicated her. Her name has been slandered the world over. And even if she succeeds in her mission she knows that sing comes back, this could all be pointless. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking up his offer. But her response?

>I can't...I just can't...

Yoona isn't just play-acting when she talks about wanted to make everyone else smile. This girl is 100% selfless. She was willing to marry someone she didn't even like just to give the people the world something positive to talk about. And now she's willing to continue on a suicide mission to save a world that doesn't even like her in a corrupt Church that probably will end up downplaying everything she ever did. That's a ballsy move and speech to Yuna character and strength. Thing is the game didn't need to tear down everyone around her to make Yuna look strong. As a matter of fact Tidus ended up taking a leaf out of her book which ended up saving the world for real.

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I mean, he was designed to be Shuying opposite.

I think it's less sad because it's unneeded. Yes someone has to die but it doesn't have to be Yuna and her throwing her life away for no reason is precisely why I don't like her. She doesn't feel like an actual human with dreams and hopes that are being tragically cut down. She's a lemming that the game wants to present as some messianic angel.

It needs to be in FFXIV.

>unskippable cutscenes
>bad voice acting
>linear as all hell
>celestial weapons are an absolute bitch to get
>story related holograms locked until you either RUN ALL THE FUCKING WAY back to the starting village or grind your balls off for 20 hours so you can kill the aeons and get your hands on them
and its still one of favorite games, the OST and gameplay and story really resonate with me

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Superheroes aren't meant to be relatable. They're supposed to be above the average human and idolized. JRPG protagonists are usually meant to be self-inserts and relatable because making the player understand their feelings and choices creates immersion.

Yes? Anyone that's obsessive to the point of being self-destructive can relate to Batman. The guy is so absorbed into being Batman that he neglects the relationships with everyone around him. Yes they do hover around him for a while but even his biggest fan boys acknowledge that he's a really shitty person to be around. Even Batman himself acknowledges that he's never happy. It's not even that he doesn't have things to be happy about he just actively chooses never to be happy

It had some amazing world building, locations and a well told and memorable story despite its whackiness and randomness. The characters were meh but the voice acting, which was the first time for any FF game, propelled them into greatness. The score was pretty much incredible. Some bosses were a lot of fun and brought some unique mechanics into the game. The style of turn based combat is still the best that's ever implemented in any game.

However, the game suffered from boring sidequests and late game farming. The rock paper scissors enemy design wasn't bad by any means on paper, but when you have to swap Lulu in for the billionth time because some fucker was basically immune to physical attacks, that's when things tend to break down. It just got kinda boring, especially reaching Yunalesca. People complain about linearity, and they are right, but it wasn't all that bad.

Not a 10/10 by any means, but a great, albeit flawed game nonetheless, carried by the graphical design team and soundtrack.

>She's a lemming that the game wants to present as some messianic angel.
This is exactly at the core for character development. When we meet Yuna, and a third of the cast for that matter, they are all mindless drones of their religion. It's actually a world mandate that no one thinks for themselves. That's the primary reason why the Al Bhed are hated. That's also why Tidus was necessary for her. Because Tidus doesn't know anything so he questions everything. Why do summoners have to kill themselves? Why do you have to give up your life to protect everyone else? Why is it wrong to want more out of life. Granted Tidus is a selfish asshole which is why he needs Yuna too but Tidus's selfishness DOES rub off on her. The Yuna at the beginning of the game would have 100% sacrificed herself without a thought. But by the end she was able to tell the High Council and Yunalesca to fuck off. Because she's not willing to give up the people closest to her even for a few years of peace.

There's even a moment after Zanarkand where Yuna regrets her decision for moment because even though she took a big step by killing off the central figure of her religion she doesn't know how to go forward because she's never known anything outside of Yevon. Seriously talk to you not in the hangar after the fahrenheit picks you up.

>It's pretty fucking bad
:eye_roll:, subjective let's find out why
>but the combat system is top notch, fnally ridding itself of that terrible ATB crap.
You know, everybody shits on ATB but what did it really do that was so bad? If you knew what you were doing, ATB wasn't even a big deal. Also the combat system wasn't that great. As many things as they did right like with Yuna's summoning skills they did just as many bad things by making certain characters hard counters for every enemy in the game.
>And it looked really pretty.
>But the story is shit,
Objectively false, the story was fantastic, especially for the setting. The encroaching doom that hung over everyone's head except for Tidus as they marched toward what they thought would be their inevitable doom only for Auron to finally show them the opportunity to change not only their fate but the fate of the world was phenomenal. All anybody ever brings up about the story is "hurrr Titus is le dumb" brainlet tier shit
>the characters are shit
Also false, Auron is easily one of the best characters in all of Final Fantasy with his dry wit and steadfast resolve to see his plan come to fruition with or without the party. I could come up with other characters that were worse than Tidus from the other games in the series.
>it's linear as fuck
Yes it is and really only for the story's sake but I feel like once SqEx embraced linearity for the sake of their stories we we're headed down a slippery slope of losing a key part of the franchise.
>and the music isn't even good.
I think the arrangement of the music is bad, the music itself was god-tier at the time.
>An affront coming after 6, 7, 8 and 9 and it was all downhill from there.
I'm having a hard time determining whether or not you are a zoomers that only read the reviews or just a retarded boomer.


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Couldn't figure out how to play it

>make 7 party members
>2 of them are dead weight in the endgame
How would you change the game to make Lulu useful once Yuna learns black magic boys?

>Oneshots literally everyone

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>Objectively false, the story was fantastic

Do I even need to read the rest? Also lrn2semicolon.

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Sup, Ditko

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jumping into thread
I like ATB, but FFX made the right choice I think. The real-time elements are some of the worst aspects of FFIX's combat system, it had been declining since FF7 frankly.