>shoot at static barriers for 20 minutes: the game
I guess the "FPS" element actually stands for "First Person Shielder".
Shoot at static barriers for 20 minutes: the game
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Op confirmed bronze brainlet
>finally release 'another' shield tank
>Sigma has arrived
>Its 2 and a half years too late
Try GM faggot.
The current meta is just to play Orisa/Sigma and spam shields.
>unironically playing OverWeight after the open beta
wew lad
I vacillated between low and mid Master. Why is Roadhog so popular now?
Hook combo with Orisa.
Basically a free kill.
if only there were multiple heroes designed to move enemy heroes out of cover
If only Overwatch wasn't a shit game to begin with.
roadhog's hook
orisa's succ ball
lucio's boop
sombra's hack/emp
symettra's teleporter
dva's jet-boop
moira's succ ball
fistyboi's punch
junkrat's bombs
reaper's teleport
pharah's literal existence
hamster fuck's boop
all of these counter shield spam, just switch your damn character for 20 seconds and quit complaining
It isn’t fun and the guns don’t feel good
Friendly reminder that the ONLY viable tanks are Orisa and Sigma. If you're not using a barrier, the other team is and they WILL curbstomp you. Barriers ruined this game and 2/2/2 enforcement is only making it worse.
The game has always been shit, the devs have always been shit, the fans are all shit, any new updates are mostly underwhelming and shit.. What else do you expect from this game other than shit? Year after year..
>2/2/2 enforcement is only making it worse.
2/2/2 prevents stupid shit like triple shield Rein, Orisa and Sigma retard.
2/2/2 is shit, retard. Good luck stopping the shield spam with your braindead Widow and Mcree.
What about the shit posting underfed australian?
"I chose the wrong character for this matchup, but it's the game's fault"
just switch to orisa/hog if you're tank, or brig/moira if you're support. suddenly shields mean nothing.
>just switch your character and right into a team of enemies behind a shield for a boop!
> I
You fucking wish. I'm the only fucking person that plays this game and still tries, and I'm always punished for it. Fuck this game, fuck 2/2/2, fuck comp shitters in silver and gold, fuck you, and FUCK Blizzard.
>2/2/2 is somehow worse against shield spam than say GOATS
I cannot understand what you're saying
>your DPS team is literally on life-support because their brains stopped functioning 14 years ago but their parents just can't let them go.
>you can't switch off tank/support because OH FUCKING NO IT'S 2/2/2 ENFORCEMENT AND YOU CAN'T SWITCH
>thinking boops do anything to shield comps
>>you can't switch off tank/support
Go Zarya and melt shields all day everyday then. Christ do I have to hold your hand?
you could just... you know,
play quick play and not get mad over fake things that don't matter
have you tried?
>dude just switch off Orisa/Sigma
>Team is down a barrier and we lose even faster
Just not gonna play this game altogether until they nerf shields into the dirt.
Just run Doomfist + Zarya
but so are they? because you melted their barriers? do cause and effect not happen in your world or do you just like to complain?
Just heard about the role queue thing. It's honestly amazing how they continuously manage to make this game worse and worse.