I was just about to come ask Yea Forums if there is some game considered a spiritual sequel to VtMB...

I was just about to come ask Yea Forums if there is some game considered a spiritual sequel to VtMB, as I played it over 10 years ago but haven't really followed the PC gaming scene after those years. I really want to play something similar.

Any suggestions?

And also pic related -- hyped yet? It does look mighty interesting.

Attached: blood.jpg (460x215, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No one is interested in this?

Smh state of Yea Forums

I can't think of anything like it. I'm kind of hyped but what they showed so far doesn't really impress me.

>mighty interesting
do they not at any point teach you how not to talk like a fucking marketer?

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The fact that vtmb2 and cyberpunk are coming out the same year bodes 2020 to be a goode year.

Im not a marketer mate, just a guy who came back to PC gaming after 10 years. Any recommendations welcome.

"hype" is the word that always give them away.

i recommend you suck on my fat chode, marketing biscuit (:

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isn't cyberpunk just GTA in future?


Here is the introduction to my favorite clan, Mal kavians. Looks pretty cool desu. I think I'll play the 1st one once more before this one comes out cant wait.


tell your boss i like his track record

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I hope it's a bit more organized than that. Story wise it is supposed to have a lot of politics, intrigue and such. More like a deeper Deus Ex with actual RPG heaviness.

What's this? Are you saying Bloodlines2 gonna suck? I really hope not. I want something at least as good as the 1st game.

>Are you saying Bloodlines2 gonna suck?

Attached: 1561233291117.png (1024x2792, 550K)

postan in shill bread111!!

Attached: 1550097177340.jpg (810x1080, 105K)

What? The game is not even out yet hombre.
That sounds like a load of bollocks.

Bloodlines 2 is funny. The original is loved because of the everything except the gameplay itself. Mainly atmosphere, writing and the characters. The game is a janky mess and the gameplay is merely put up with and never praised. You can put up with it and excuse it because it's a game from 2004.

Bloodlines 2 looks especially shitty because it looks like they're getting some basic game design wrong all these years later. It looks rushed. It will definitely be a buggy, clunky and janky mess that will probably feel incomplete at launch since theres a ton of DLC planned. Maybe after it's all released and they iron out all the bugs and mods come out fixing/adding shit maybe then VTMB2 will be a considered a "good" game, but at launch it'll probably be a mess.

What Bloodlines 2 has to get write isn't something that demos well. It's the atmosphere and the writing. If they nail that at launch everyone will forgive the bad game design but if they fuck it up no amount of DLC, mods and patches will save it.

Basically they're kinda fucked because unlike a game that that focus on gameplay can be salvaged post release and win back fans and consumers. You can't go back and retroactively fix the writing in a game. They only get one shot to stick the landing and so far looking rough.

you sound like a pathetic normie doing a job that suits you

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>What Bloodlines 2 has to get write

This can't be real

I work in waste management. So?
I'm pretty well off, have a house, wife, two kids...

God damn, that empty nightclub is soulless as fuck.

>waste management
i take it back this game is perfect for you

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Have you considered maybe they have a smart clock system that follows realistic times? Like for example, this is at 9pm when the club is still empty, then at 1am it will be all crazy?

Really looking forward to this game, anons.
Apparently it's available for pre-order.. considering it. What do you think?

>Have you considered maybe they have a smart clock system that follows realistic times? Like for example, this is at 9pm when the club is still empty, then at 1am it will be all crazy?
if this is a troll, ty bro i kek'd heartily lol

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>stick the landing

Is that some faggot slang?

This game was a mistake.

look at this fucking zoomer

shit I forgot I have preordered this

i think this shill thread will live a little longer

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Jesus christ, those outfits
What a fucking mess

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>sequel to VtMB
>And also pic related
Sorry user, but your related pic is very unrelated...

there were hype threads every day until the gameplay videos dropped. then they died instantly

>hype threads
Shill threads dude

Attached: hmmmmm.png (910x437, 215K)

>not a single female playable character design is good
>no more stupid sexy malk girl