So what are you eating for Classic release?
So what are you eating for Classic release?
I ate a tomoato 5 minutes ago.
I'll be closing when it releases; going to get home at 2 in the morning with some Wawa sandwhiches for comfy late night kino on Herod
>Playing on a PvP server
>In the current year
If you aren't in the biggest guild of the server you are retarded. PvP server are just ganking server for the biggest guilds.
Classic pvp is simply zerging where the zerg with the most mages wins. That's the reason why classic pvp server are just retarded.
If you are a real vanilla player and you know the mechanics of classic you will only play pve. All those streamer who play on PvP have never even played vanilla. At best they are BC babies or they admit that Legion was their first wow expansion.
I don't get what people expect in WORLD pvp? Do you think there is some magic there to make pvp fun? If you like getting ganked then sure, but do you really think that level 60 player who are in a 5 man group and ganking level 48-55 player 5v1 is fun? Do you think "guild pvp" which is simply just mages running into each others zerg and the winner is the guild with more mages is fun?
I don't get what people like about PvP servers. I played vanilla wow and the only good memories of pvp serve is the time I saw someone from the other faction and we parted ways without attacking each other. Everything else was just shit tier ganking (which was pretty much non existent, now you have nu-wow where all those cucks think "if it's red I attack").
The Gurubashi arena is the best example of why PvE server are the best. You want that chest? Here is your PvP. It is fair, you can decide if you want to risk it, you can plan, and most importantly pvp has a meaning with a reward. But nu-pvp server retards won't understand this anyway.
Reminder that PvP servers are for underage, neets, and streamers. People with an actual life and career outside of video games, mostly adults, will be rolling on PVE servers.
>tfw no wawa near me
>they said they were opening one months ago
>the supposed location is still an empty lot
aight bitch boy
Whitemane Alliance... Home...
Unironically pic related, so I can feel like a dopey kid again mashing Sinister Strike
tl;dr. Let people enjoy the game, even if it has whatever conceived faults you give it.
Catering to people like you is what killed the game over a long period of time and that includes pve especially.
im retard no image post pls no gank
>Every Region is getting a really nice release date but EU
>Enjoy your Midnight release you cunt Stay up all night, no sleep for you.
Should I try and find a guild right now or just try to find one in game?
>Playing pvp MIGHT get you bullied, so it's best to just not ever deal with it and play a realm with half of the game missing! Wouldn't want to get PVPed and develop PTSD.
My favorite part is how long you made your post. You're trying to convince yourself you are right. All of the anonymous reinforcement in the world wont make you less of a lil bitch.
pic related for me
Big true, fuck these casual babies.
>joining a guild before 60
wawa rlly is the shit
midnight release is comfy and also kino, also a casual filter right out the gate
>Studying a wiki for strategies in the game that casualized the entire MMO genre
>Paying Blizzard money for the "privilege" of reserving a character name on a server before you can even play the goddamn game
>Servers are already full and getting fuller, meaning that once Classic comes out you won't even be able to get in-game because you'll be waiting hours in a queue
The absolute fucking STATE of WoWcucks.
>8 am Oceanic masterace!
I get to play Vanilla without 300 ping!
dude you must suck at pvp
>not hanging out with some buds in guild chat while grinding or on flight paths
I just want to make some new friends
>Scared of interacting with people in an mmo
Big yikes my friend
>4k queue
>160 minute wait time
>your food will be gone in 20 minutes and you'll sit there like a retard worried you have to work in 8 hours
hahaha fucking wagie
If you're lucky, you might get in by 8 that morning.
>comfy late night queuing for Herod
your mom's ass
Find one in game, ideally with people that you actually become friends with questing or grinding in the open world. It's what the foundation of this game is built on.
Not sure what I'll be eating, but I'll be drinking Bawls just like I did in the old days.
>tfw rolling dorf and drinking beer
Yea I'm thinking this is the better route. I don't want to join some guild who says they are serious, just for them to stop playing in a week or two. Had that happen before and it sucks.
the wait time is going to be much worse than that
dorf priest and rogues are pretty based.
I'm on keto so probably a plate of bacon and a diet Pepsi.
If I wasn't going /fit/ I'd be doing the typical Dewritos and pizza.
So just play on the lower pop servers, what's the issue here?
these are actually really fucking good.
>Implying there will be low pop servers on launch
There is a reason they keep introducing new servers
Eating shit like the rest of the Yea Forums
Right, so play on the server that you can actually get into without waiting 5 hours- do you know how to read? I didn't say there would be low pop servers on launch.
Lmao who you kidding fatboy
a burger
>midnight release
>mummy forced zoomers to go to bed
>wagecucks have to log off for work
a shorter queue sounds good to me
>my bulk starts the week that Classic releases
>gonna gorge on oatmeal, nuts, bread, and other carbs
>diet pepsi
You might as well just have a normal pepsi instead of aspartene fatass, it'l fuck you harder in the long run, your keto is fake
Looking at those sandwiches they looks simple enough, why don't you make them yourself for real kino?
> full of carbohydrate and sugar "protein" shit
Classic confirmed for being infested with neet and incels.
>people ITT saying they're playing on herod on launch night
You guys have no idea how big that queue is gonna be
hes gonna attempt to play wow at 2am you think hes functional enough to do that
> playing at release
enjoy your quest queue
>diet Pepsi
Drink tea if you want to lose weight, not that shit. Cut sodas and juices completely.
He could prepare them before yeah.
Even cook himself a good meal for the first day of playing, like something you let simmer, chili or something.
Mini babybels and no-bake cookies.
mega mix also good
ww@ bloomerbros
this is some sad "it takes 8 hours from 1-100" retail thinking, fag
are people just supposed to sit there in silence for a month of leveling?
for some reason my body refuses to swallow whey protein shit, like my throat just clamps shut
Imagine caring about getting ganked.
Sorry, eating shit is not my thing so I won't be playing this game for shit-eaters.
Omnomnom, nu-Blizzard...
I'm not eating, so I can lose weight while playing
Hey Classicanons, is there an addon manager for WoW classic yet? Seems like a big omission on app's part
honestly sometimes i'm just too hungover to bread my own chicken tendies with some steamed broccoli that they are just easier to consume if i'm starving.
speaking of broccoli i need to actual go steam some later before they go bad.
fuggg I used to buy a box every time I rented a movie from Blockbuster. Well that or Dots
bought banas
making tea and and cold brewed coffeine
scooby doo fruit snacks and fruit gushers to bring me back to middle school
ever hear of something called adderall IR? yea i got that shit stockpiled, and it will be going up the 2lane highway
nice ass bro, keep up them gainz
i really need to get into tea drinking. need some way to ween off my caffeine addiction.
what are the strats? a drop of honey?
>wow classic will have a lot of players at launch
>they're all going to chant "you think you do but you don't" as they think they were right
>casuals leave the game after 2 weeks
>better players leave the game after 2 months because they know all the mechanics and rush through all the content
>the game will be a ghost town 3 months after release
You think you do, but you don't.
gushers are fucking amazing that i get pissed at myself for going through a whole box. theres just not enough in those packages.