Go watch Ethan Klein's latest podcast right now holy shit he talks about how white people and particularly men have been unjustly made to feel guilt and shame for no reason, how black people weren't slaves "but were treated fairly equally to white men back then" and how the only solution is a white ethnostate he even mentions that Hitler's idea in theory was not evil

HOLY fuck guys watch Ethan's latest podcast has this guy completely lost his mind???

Attached: klein-hila-image (1).jpg (300x300, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

video game

What part of this is about video games
Oh, none of it. Hiding thread.

Sure sounds like video games


I hope he gets shit on and deletes his channel


Yea Forums - podcasts, celebrities and porn

Go away.

>Please give me views

Literally who

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Samefriend kike shill faggot. There's a bias against white people and you nigger lovers and tranny cock suckers keep dividing people more and more. Kneck yourself Soros puppet faggot nigger ass

Based as fuck. Fuck black people, fuck twitter, but also fuck Yea Forums this place is basically a niggerlover hivemind

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Will I finally get a job

most beautiful woman on earth

Go to pol retard

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Kike rat shills. 1 shekels have been shoved up your ass. Fucking nigger loving faggot cunts. All die nigger fucks

Fuck you sonic

If reincarnation occurs physically, I think I am looking at Tiny Tim.

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>watches a literal jew podcast
With Israeli wife
>calls others Jews
Lmfao kys Ethan

I'm not watching your podcast Ethan

>muhhh /pol/!!!!111
Like clockwork. I guess the truth hurts lil' fag nigger boy.


I'm not sure how Video Games

Am I going to get cucked

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Should i care about the literally who that op talks about?



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I hate zoomers so much for giving us ecelebs

Imagine being anti-semitic
Lmao, how's living in the stone age you neo nazi skinhead fuck?

I'm too cowardly to confess to the girl I think I like. If I don't will It be my biggest regret in life?

Will my wedding go smoothly and under budget?

Is Artoria Pendragon going to become real so I may become her master in the next Holy Grail War?

Just kys

I hate you so much for ignoring the underlying fact of the matter. Hollywood is training people to hate wh*te people and you FUCKING NIGGER ASS FAG CUNTS don't seem to give a toss

will i ever get a cute gf who loves me?

This better end in sex, solo action is fucking gay.

theres literally a board just for this shit yet you insist on spreading it all over. go back to your containment board and jerk off to your e-celebs there

Was it worth transitioning, should I just go back to repressing?

>let me follow a kike
This is how America pwn itself.

Ethan and his wife are mega Jews you stupid retard

Isn't middle america, the shit hole of the country, literally a white ethnostate?

-i have no reason to justify hating a group of people so I'll just post a witty reply!!!!11
Yeah, nah, fuck off mate.

Are you real?

Does she love me?

Should I buy the FF8 remaster?

fuck off nigger

We should, you chucklefucks ruin everything you touch and are killing the planet, fuck whiteoids, you're the biggest subhumans yet.

Enjoy your vacation

Ok I’ll ask again.

Is Artoria Pendragon going to become real so I may become her master in the next Holy Grail War?

Will I ever at some point in my miserable and forsaken existence find a human being that accepts me for who I am and would like to share their lives with me in a long term, committed romantic relationship

Will the outer dimensions be flattened and layered ontop of one another like an ever expansive flat world cake?

>no reason to dislike Jews
Lmao yeah. Right there’s not a single reason why they’ve been run out of hundreds of countries throughout history.

Nobody cares.
Anyway, how's it hanging Yea Forums? What games you guys playing?

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Fuck white people.

Will I ever get my shit together?

>wahhhh I don't like others' opinions (especially when they're right!)
Typical liberal. Don't agree with someone? Just try to silence them. You're a pathetic cretin. Keep jerking off to anime and playing Nintendo games you c*mbrain

he says Hitler ide wasnt evil because Israel is doing it faggot.
Never trust a jew and quit shilling faggpt

get b&

>it was a man dreaming he was a girl masturbating all along
eh... nevermind...


But he's correct, and it was the SAME RETARDED MINDSET used by all the racists.
"If most criminals are black, then this means all blacks are criminals"
"If most banks are run by jews, then ALL jews are banking scheming crooks"

But in this case it is
"If most rich people are whites, then all whites are privileged", and it continues with "which means we should guilt em into fixing the world!" and we got nazis and SJWs out of this retarded shit.
And i can pinpoint to the exact book where this retarded shit started, this one.

Attached: white awokeness.png (335x477, 102K)

Besides GACHA SHIT like FATE/GRAND ORDER. Just been playing DragonBall FighterZ. Having a lot of fun playing as Janemba currently.

Will bdo be fun

Will I ever get motivation to learn art?

I was wondering why I clicked on this shitty thread.
It was my cunny senses all along

La la la la la I can't hear you over all this kike ass nigger shilling you're doing!

You’re worshipping literal Jews

Will everyone's mother except mine die tonight for posting ITT?

>shit hole of the country
>white ethno state
Ah yes, I wish it was more like diverse London.

Will we get Vergil DLC soon?

Pls mr totem be more clear. Does she love me?

Will I ever find love?

I've started playing minecraft again after a long-ass break recently. The new stuff is pretty cool. Jetpacking around with Elytra + rockets is amazing

keep saying it

Will I participate in the next Holy Grail War?

Dumb american i bet u love alex jones too loser
get a fucking life or atleast play videogames and arent a nazi or White so why do you caree
mind ur own business

because we've all known it for fucking years but absolute morons like you need your shitty e-celebs to shit it down your throat.
if youre just learning this now, its already too late for you


Actually it's "if most of the important powerful positions in society are held by white people and white people treat other white people better than minorities, all else being equal, then all whites are privileged"

Which is undeniably logically true

Will I ever regain the ability to feel anything?

That's what I don't get. How the fuck can these people unironically justify not hating them? They're the purest form of biological evil we know of.

Will I get Hotline Maimi Collection this weekend

Either post the rest or post source you fucking jew.

will i have the courage to talk to her again

Will I get a girlfriend?

hahahaahahah holy shit rent free

im so sorry bud


>a jewish man agrees with Hitler's idea I theory
>he's serious


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Just draw.

Oh fuck

If it wasn't for white people you'd still be swinging from vines and painting your face like a zebra you nigger!
>announcing a report
Mobile posting master race, I'll be back in an hour, little faggot nigger tranny kike boi

The last one was about felix wedding you dumb nigger

Will dragon age 4 help Bioware survive?


On the computer!!!!

Attached: Chen Harsh Very Large.png (4000x3530, 72K)

Lobotomy corp, just finished a dusk ordeal and lost some people
just have to do memerepo day then I'll do a few core supressions

Will I get a girlfriend if I get buff?

thank you based totem

pop pop pop

Attached: poppop.png (850x1204, 652K)

Will I ever learn how to whistle super loud?

Because black people are awful, shitty, disgusting, violent animals.

Have sex.

Will I really have no choice but to commit suicide in the future?

sonic totem, will i ever get married?

How the fuck is this shit video games

I don't mind spoonfeeding cunnychads
TS Shoujo Haruki-kun Jii Hen from dobato

Post doujins, Chen!

>get a fucking life
>is on slash vee
Lmao you pathetic little faggot kike. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history little nigger jew boy

Will I get gf of my choice?

>enjoy your vacation is announcing reports
Oh no, it's retarded

Not this thread again

That's what /ic/ told me but I just got upset and didn't learn anything after weeks.

Sorry bud :(

Will I finally stop coming to this shithole

Am i going to make it?

Am I going to die before I turn 30?

Will I be able to keep my current job for another year?

>Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Have sex incel

This is a troll thread.

I played Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Going through the Atlantis DLC.

If I would try now, could I get a girlfriend?

One question per post number:
Am I a monster for what I did?
Is there any hope for me?
Will it keep escalating?
Was I just born that way?
Will I ever be able to control it?
Am I going to end up in prison because of it?
Is there anything I can do to redeem myself?
Is it possible to stop going back there and to move on for good?
Does hell exist and will I end up there?

Is OP a massive faggot?

Dilate tranny fag. You have no rebuttal at all cause you're openly admitting to being a nigger faggot tranny kike rat faced, hook nosed, onions, basedboy, c*mbrain jit

this isn't even tangentially related to videogames.

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Will I escape gacha hell?

Should I get a bf instead of a gf?

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Alright totem, end me yourself if you want. I honestly don't mind.

Fuck off

False, but even if that was true itd be way better than you subhuman retards destroying everything slowly and paying off news outlets to keep it hush hush.

well he did have infamous nazi Jon Jaffari on his show, after all

who are you quoting?

Asking again

Thank you Sir Totem. Hopefully this means that both of these occur when the next Holy Grail War occurs.

See now you're falling into the trap of stereotyping

Yes and no if you're still lurking your feeling for her at this point are so far beyond hers for you at this point that if she does like you you will probably fuck it up if she says she likes you back. Unless you're casual about the entire situation or you're a Chad. Ask yourself user are you a Chad?

Should I sage this thread?

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I'm the chosen one.

Will I earn more money in the near future

Will I finally get an ebony girlfriend this year?

Maybe is not a good answer, can I or not?

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>he believes coastal elite lies about middle America being shitty
lol, glad you're brown and not allowed


Will I get a switch lite?

Will OMORI be released this year?

Will i marry her?

>i don't agree with this topic so it should be banned!
You're on Yea Forums faggot, if you want "on topic" discussion go to reddit seething little tranny.
>using a shitty meme quote
Oh no, YOU'RE retarded!
Ur mum's a troll you blimey cunt
>wahhhhh offtopic posting!!! :(
Welcome to Yea Forums niggerkike
Muh boogeyman
Like clockwork

Will I lost my virginity this year?

he's not wrong


wow jewish man who sold out a long time ago sees how easy it is to make money from gullible /pol/tards and starts pandering for that sweet ad revenue. what a shock. next you'll tell me trump never really cared about replacing obamacare or locking hillary up

Will I ever found my one true love?

Confirmed to be overpriced

Perhaps you ARE the chosen one......The one who will destroy the Holy Grail in the next Holy Grail War. I wish you luck when that happens.

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It's off-topic you fucking autist.

will i die soon?

What flavor Hot Pocket are the mods making that take this long?

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Will I get a job soon?

I can't wait until /celeb/ is created so mods can permaban you retards.


Gonna fap for my friend waifu again today?

>Will I ever found my one true love?

>white people and particularly men have been unjustly made to feel guilt and shame for no reason

>black people weren't slaves "but were treated fairly equally to white men back then"

>the only solution is a white ethnostate

video games?


Attached: A7FA3094-554E-416F-BB9C-690EC7266C59.png (800x800, 681K)

The vast majority of the homeless are in coastal states and cities

>Muh boogeyman
it's literally /pol/, effective bait but stop merely pretending, just go to your board.

you're the cool kid wow

Attached: bronx.png (214x175, 48K)

Can I become Anton Chiggurh and murder people with a cattle gun on the whim of fate and flipped quarters?

>Welcome to Yea Forums niggerkike
This was a good indicator that you're a newfag, Thank you.


this thread is as zoomer as it gets

based child porn poster

I wish White Genocide was real just so I could see you get mauled by an horde of angry basketball americans.

Should I drop my feelings towards my ex?

Wow, what a retard, not video games either.

Yeah, it's the absolute worst part of the country, just driving through is enough to make you wanna kill yourself.

Fuck off faggot, this thread is shit but hamfisted loli shitposting is also retarded.


God I hope Ethan and Hila go on a killing spree together.

no you should pirate it

Are there any Hila nudes? I don't know why but I want destroy her.


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Takes 30 minutes if you bake them, we got a few to go.


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Will I have sex?

>having loli on your phone
you're just asking to be found out by normies, user

fuck niggers

Are you the same fucker from
>2 months ago

Will my life improve thanks to certain events unfolding in the following weeks?

Says the one bitching about banning something they don't agree with. I thot liberal tranny kikes were all for freespeech? Oh yah, unless it goes against your ideals
You're an autist if you complain about off topic posting on Yea Forums
>its literally
*insert nu-male reaction image*
You're a faggot wow
Been here since 06, and farming sweet replies. Thank you.
Sounds like your cuck fantasy user. How big is your nose?
Reddit spacing nigger lover

why is this still on the front page? dont you fags know how to sage?

just use the payday model to make sfm

does she ever masturbate while thinking of me

Will I lose virginity in the next 30 days?

Mods, you deleted the Avatar thread, you have to 404 this garbage too.

>Dumb phoneposter also has a dumb fetish

am I gonna get BIG GAINS?

Risk of rekt 2, still trying to master REX, kind of an interesting character to play

Is Lagiacrus in iceborne?

Give me hope for the future, user. Anything I can cling onto, please.

Attached: 1566523256670.jpg (820x471, 91K)

I watched it and no, she didn't say that.

>fake and gay

Are gyarus the best?

>implying I’m not ascended wizard
No one is going to look in my phone

Attached: 4D953168-4458-4631-9FFA-5A47BF395594.jpg (1027x1517, 266K)

Will I lose my virginity in Moscow to someone I have known for years?

Just trying to scare away the family guy shilling his podcasts.

Attached: 3cf32689fe6e19885b8ebad0eba858c9.jpg (698x511, 25K)


Somebody needs to do this, I have no idea how to do it.

back 2 reddit with you

Will I receive my gaming chair next Monday?

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Attached: he mad2.png (370x300, 153K)

Do I win the lottery tomorrow?

asking again

>"I've been here since 2006"
>unironically says "reddit spacing"

is wow classic going to be shit?

>replying to everyone in one post
PLEASE go back to discord

>Ethan Klein
Kill yourself and fuck that moron.

>wants an e-celeb thread
>calls other people reddit
Fuck off lol

Attached: 1535924270036.png (775x496, 49K)

Is my current plan working out? Am I in the right path?

Reminding my fellow cunnychads, MUK has released a new Tiny Evil.

The logic itself is retarded, even in the way you put it.
Because you see, most white people are not rich, are not in important powerful positions, are not jeff bezos, and there's no such thing as "trickle down of privilege".
There's enough poor and unemployed white people in the US to elect a fucking president, and reelect him if needed.
Writing anything on the base of "all whites are rich" will backfire horribly.

Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I hear you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I feel you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
och pushar på och smeker
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
och springer runt och creepar
och motståndet vi sleepar
Let's get it on!
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
och pushar på och smeker
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
och springer runt och creepar
och motståndet vi sleepar
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
och pushar på och smeker
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
och springer runt och creepar
och motståndet vi sleepar
What's happenin'!
What's happenin'!

Attached: 1566543490943.png (1454x1985, 2.56M)

Boomers are dying out soon, which means less morons running things.

Get your schizophrenia treated.

Everyone complaining about it being off topic is a newfag. Shocking right?
:^) gimmie more (you)s
Look at that stinky nigger! Good thing he died
Gimmie more replies :^)

Does my future lie through uni

Attached: 1549588002981.jpg (482x960, 98K)

He might be

I can only respect this level of trolling if it's done by someone with a salary paying job during workhours.