Will you be playing Halo Infinite on your PS4?

Will you be playing Halo Infinite on your PS4?

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Remember when Yea Forums was pushing SURVIVE TOGETHER

Only stupid niggers use these "Netflix style" subscription services. If you pay a subscription for your games you're giving all the control to Microsoft and if they release shitty content like the way Netflix does then you can't really do anything about it. So you can expect to see a lot more tranny games that nobody would normally buy.

i will be playing lego game demos on my 360 offline

More interested in forza


That would be pretty cool. Already have it on PC and it's nifty as fuck.

>only stupid niggers pay $1 to have access to a full library of games
*drinks purple drank* then nigger I shall be

Good. This will kill the Xbox and Microsoft's attempts to fuck up gaming. All it needs to happen now is Stadia to die and another competitor to supplant Microsoft.

streaming sucks, so no. i'll just buy an xbox instead.

to be fair microsoft is likely positioning themselves for when all consoles die. have to remember that people once said mobile gaming would never take off, and now it makes up a large % of the gaming market. once streaming services become readily available and free of all the growing pains, you'll have the xbox and psn app being the entry point for playing their exclusive titles.

Why are PC gamers falling for this bullshit drm?

please fucking kill me I don't want to live in this timeline anymore

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Games pass is DL

gamepass on microsoft systems is downloadable. they straight up said 2 days ago no first party games will ever be ported to other platforms. key word "ported". if they have gamepass on these platforms it's through xcloud.

Just like scalebound is not cancelled

>Free of all the pains
20 years?

Sony absolutely should've gone for this model instead of their absolutely fucking pathetic attempt at vidya Netflix.

Gamepass is vidya netflix more or less. Unlike ps, they actually made the changes neccesary to make it work for a games service instead of movies though

Microsoft just came up with this.

Tbh, it should all fail. The only acceptable way of vidya is physical copies.

im gonna play gears 5 and forza horizon on the ps5

I meant more the fact PS Now is streaming unless you're playing a PS4 game. Game Pass is pretty great, Ninja Gaiden Black in 4K is incredible.

Digital is such a convenience but I worry about what's going to happen in the future when these servers just die.

It isn't great. Emulators can have native resolutions of 4k at no additional cost. You're literally advocating for triple and quadruple dipping to have 4k with absolutely no way of getting online features once the servers are shut down. That's beyond dumb.

i literally have no idea what scalebound has to do with what i just said

>I worry about what's going to happen in the future when these servers just die.
by that point the game files should be uploaded to some hosting site

I'm saying MS games will come to Playstation, retard.

>got to play through both LOTR games for only 1 dollar
Being a nigger feels pretty good

show proof then


Just like scalebound rumors of it being cancelled being denied, it's only a matter of time.

>You know, we would like to see Game Pass on all platforms ultimately and I think that is a long term goal,” Decker told Gamereactor. “We don't have any specific plans today, but we would love to see Game Pass really go everywhere.
Did you even read the article, Sony nigger?

show proof like i asked. i didn't realise you had greater authority over microsoft games than they themselves who also literally just said they're not bringing any games to any other non-microsoft platform.

Just wait.

there's a higher chance of sony games coming to pc than xbox games going to playstation so i'll wait for that instead.

What is the definition of the word everywhere?

lol okay. While MS straight up makes moves to port everything, all sony lets PC nigs have is f2p games.

looking forward to playing death stranding on pc. thanks again for beta testing.

MS seems like they have no idea what the fuck they're doing. It seems like someone announces something without asking his superiors or talking to any other divisions. So you end up with announcements getting contradicted all the time.

it's not contradicting anything. gamepass on multiple devices =/= porting your games and publishing them on other platforms.

What's the definition of Microsoft saying no to their gaming division on this shit?

They literally just said gamepass everywhere.

No I'll be playing Halo Reach and CE on my PC.

do you know what gamepass consists of? if sony says they want PSnow everywhere do you also think that means they want to port ps3 games to xbox one?

They will insist otherwise but the truth is PC gamers are the biggest brainlets in gaming.

Sony never said that though, but MS did.

I've been going through the windows store and there's some cool staff on game pass

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sony always wins and kino stays on the menu

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i can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or really are. anyone with half a braincell knows microsoft won't bring games to any other platform they don't own and they said so themselves. they have however said they want xcloud on all devices. gamepass = xcloud.

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i think you might really have down syndrome bro yikes dont talk to me

Pretty sure MS owns their own games which are on gamepass which will be on ps4

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i actually hope this does come to ps4 because microsoft will take 100% of the profits and pretty much make psnow irrelevant. they'll make absolute bank off it even if its streaming only. sony would have to be retarded to allow a competitor to have their service on their console. sony are retarded though so i can see it happening.

I wont be playing it on anything because it will be an embarassing pile of shit from a shitty talentless team who couldnt make a good FPS so they're just copy/pasting the same shitty open world ubisoft game design

No reason to own an Xbox. People will get Now because that has PS games no on pass.

3/10 OK rant

nope. it'll advertise xbox for free to playstation players. anyone who doesn't want to stream will be forced to buy an xbox if they want to continue without 200ms input lag. it'll be genius from MS if they get it on ps4.

Isn't this game streaming, that shit where you need a stable 20GB/hr connection to use it at all? Why do people (not corporations but consumers) want this shit?

LOL okay retard.

You guys are really stupid and contradicting to yourself.

I rather wait until I can play the original Halo on the Switch via XBox pass.


Everyone agrees ITT gamepass will come to ps4 and Xbox will die.

>Its almost the same on the other side

I'll let you think that.

Xbox as a console will die while Xbox as a service will thrive. I mean, MS already makes most of their profit from their paid online, so this is just cutting out the unprofitable portion.

yeah i saw this and it pretty much ended all interest i had in the ps5 now that spiderman 2 and god of war 2 are confirmed to be coming to pc

God, you're stupid.

Yeah I guess I'm a fucking retard for getting 6 months of gamepass for 10 bux I should have paid 30 for Blair Witch, 70 for Gears and 60 for Outer Worlds instead

F2p games


Start saving up for a PS5

With cross platform games and exclusives ported to pc, its most likely that in 5 years pc will be the place to be.

This is the worst Xbox has ever been and it still sold between 40-50m. Just think about that for a second. Millions upon millions of people own one when Yea Forums will tell you no one owns one, no games etc. If these games turn out to be good like Infinite it will sell much more than it sold this gen.


nope. looking forward to death stranding and spiderman on pc.

Nah, see above you.

Hah, see above you.

Dude when you see that some aaa exclusives came to pc lately, it will no be just some indie games.

I'm pretty sure the switch will have an xcloud/gamepass app, and nintendo will get a cut of the profits.


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thanks to you apparently I'm a nigger

Nah see below you


>Today, Quantic Dream and Epic Games announced that the formers' PlayStation exclusives: Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, and Beyond: Two Souls are all coming to PC sometime later this year. Further, they will be skipping Steam and be Epic Games Store exclusives. As you may know, Quantic Dream left behind its second-party relationship with Sony earlier this year, in favor of making multi-platform games with Netease backing it. That said, Sony still owns the IP rights to each of these games, meaning it had to greenlight this.

oh no no no no no how can this happen

>it will no be
Why are Anti-PS people ESL?

Because a chinese company bought them and undid the exclusivity clause.

nope. sony owns these IP. sony are leaving the console market. cope.


Fuck off thats a mistype, and btw english is not my main tongue.


he's saying why are anti-sony people Extremely Sexy Lads. notice how most sony fans are horribly ugly.


Oh that's cool lol

>bullshit DRM
>$5 and you can play all the available XBO titles

Yeah nah you're an idiot. I'd bet money you don't even know why you dislike DRM. You likely heard pirates blowing their stakcs about Denuvo and went full-on parrot mode.

And if you truly dilsike DRM but use a console, you're biggest assclown on the planet. Modern consoles are Fort Knox tier DRM machines from top to bottom.

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>consoles don't have DRM
what a retard


>is already released Cuphead on the switch and is bringing Ori too

>and if they release shitty content like the way Netflix does then you can't really do anything about it
Microsoft's releases are already 90% crap

microsoft doesn't own either.
neither are first party studios or games.