We talk a lot about how games were better in the old days, but let's do something different in this thread. Instead...

We talk a lot about how games were better in the old days, but let's do something different in this thread. Instead, let's talk about the things we DON'T miss from those days.

>password screens
>games not having a way to save at all
>non-backlit screens on handhelds
>handheld requiring AA batteries

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Arcade bullshit where you pay to retry.

>limited continues

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>having to pay for balance patches

Not having the internet to help you if you get stuck on a level or can't find the last collectable.

>No SJW/tranny bullshit
>No Sony interactive movies passed as quality games

Rpgs were just too fucking slow. I find it impossible to replay final fantasy 1-3 or dragon quest 1-4 on the NES without fastforwarding

Excuse me we said things we DON’T miss. Not things we WANT to miss.

>no backlit screens on portable consoles

god the game boy was a pain in the ass to play.

>those little twisty lights you could plug in that barely worked

>no saving at all

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>beat game
>you get only a simple "CONGLATURATION!" screen you can't exit out of

>offscreen enemies that fly chest high and cant be hit/shot down and/or reacted too
>respawn if you move a pixel off from that screen
>blind jumps
>hazards that are unclear whether they hurt you or not(water)
>limited continues
>hazards that require you to travel quickly under falling blocks but you cant run

man Castle of Illusion pissed me off

password screens were great. They were like gamesaves you didn't have to download. Plus it was fun (as a kid) to sit there drawing the password.

stage select but all the missions are really hard unless you did a specific stage first and got the item

>mega man

>no real save feature so when you turn the game off it basically deletes all your progress and you have to start again.
>shitty maps that don't tell you where you're going properly
>super cryptic shit that requires a guide
>unskippable cut scenes, especially when figthing a boss and everytime you die you have to rewatch it
>anti-climatic endings. 'And so the hero beat the villain and the game fucking ended.'

>>handheld requiring AA batteries
one better, requiring normie batteries at all. rechargeable were super convenient when they came along officially in handhelds.
proprietary, sure. but removed the need of keeping stock of AA.

I don't miss having to play tuned on channel 3 with horrible static before I discovered the wonderful composite cable.
And honestly, I don't miss CRTs.

I remember finally getting a tv that could use the video "channel" to play video games. what a relief.

>Having to angle the GB/GBC/GBA against the light to see what the hell is going on

Picked up a GBA recently to replay some old games and I honestly forgot how bad it was

>the wonderful composite cable

At the time it was, to me at least. Back then I never imagined videogames could look so crystal clear, I thought twisting the thing on the back of the tv to get the least amount of static was just part of the experience.
I find it funny that now I think of composite as the shitty option compared to component or HDMI. Do modern consoles even come with component/composite ports anymore? I don't have anything newer than a ps3.

ps4 comes with hdmi. you can purchase the other cables separately though if you need them I think.