Call me a zoomer but Witcher 1 aged like ass

2 is very good though

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witcher 1 felt like harry potter 1 levels of uncanny valley

Geralt went from incel to chad in 3 games

A faggot here called me a coping zoomer cause I said I liked Witcher 1 more than 2/3
Just give your opinion and see Yea Forums rage at it

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1 = 3 > 2

You realize he's boning the most people by far in Witcher 1 right? He even gets sexy cards of the girl for doing it

Agreed, I recently finished it and it literally took me 6 months to do it. The game is so fucking boring and drags on and on and fucking on

I liked it but I could never replay this game because of the courier simulator that was chapter 2/3

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the fug, chapter2 was god tier

Half of these memespouting faggots don't even knowcwhat the words mean.

Everybody who play these games hate Witcher 1. It's universally regarded as a piece of shit. Only autistic contrarians who literally eat feces like it.
With that said, OP is a fucking faggot. Not because of that but because he is perpetuating the boomer-zoomer shit.

1 has the best atmosphere

only faggots who played 3 first hate it because they can't deal with the combat which is pretty comfy at the end of the day

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Choices and Politics

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Good game

Bad Games
2 & 3

First one was ass since release day

No, it doesn't. Atleast not compared to the sequels.
All it has is some well written stories, but none of that matters when the gameplay is broken shit, the voice acting is trash, the visuals are ugly as fuck, and the dialogue is spotty

can somebody post the animated swamp webm.


>gameplay is broken shit
tw2 has the worst combat
>the voice acting is trash
it's janky but holds up fine
>visuals are ugly as fuck
for a game of it's time it holds up fine
>the dialogue is spotty
same shit as the rest

Well no wonder. It runs on the Aurora Engine. The same NWNII runs on.

You're a zoomer, not for disliking Witcher 1 (shit taste, but I recognize the fact that tastes differ), but for suggesting that games age. It's impossible for a game to age.
Next thing you're gonna say that rocks can die.

I think 3 has a better story than 2, maybe even 1. But yeah I agree overall.

>tw2 has the worst combat
Objectively wrong.
>it's janky but holds up fine
Voice acting isn't "janky", its not gameplay mechanics. They are either good or bad.
>for a game of it's time it holds up fine

are the books any good

the closest graphical comparisons would be mass effect 1 and stalker

neither of those fucking games are much prettier

1&2 are real good
3&4 worth a read
rest meh

1 and 2 as in The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny or the short stories within them?

the books themselves

Stop deluding yourself hipster
I'm 80% sure this is just retarded and autistic bait

2 has the best visuals, choices and plot, as well as replayability

Witcher 1 is one of the most overrated games on this site. Its 50 hours long and like 30 hours of that is spent on the game's utter dogshit combat system. The swamp was a fucking nightmare

2 Had a way better story than both. 3 only makes opens the door for debate because of HoS

Witcher 1 is fine, 2's the one that aged badly
everything just got worse the combat, potions, signs and they added quicktime events for no real reason. Traps weren't worth anything which is why they removed them for the 3rd one and the only viable skill tree ended up being combat
only the graphics improved, they're different games but witcher 1 is better

3 story was contradictory to both books and previous games


I don't know about the english translation, but in my opinion they are better than the games

I don't know, I felt 2 rushed too much on exposition and the story was very confusing until you played both main paths.

Iorveth path was pretty comprehensive if done first playthrough, Roche path is pretty awful though unless it's your second.

The voice acting is that bad in english ? I played the game in polish and the voice acting was quite decent

>he doesn't exclusively play eurojank games

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>running across the town non stop for 7 hours
not huge fan

I liked playing detective

the ultimate contrarian fag, 3 has best story by far and the other 2 games are dogshit in general.

Nah it was alright

I just played through all of them in order and 1 is my favourite by far, blood & wine is the only thing that even came close to being as good

3 has no redeeming qualities. Open World bullshit

zoom zoom

Not but seriously, TW1 is the only great Witcher game. 3 is good. 2 is absolute and utter assshit.

I vastly prefer 1 over 2 though I did enjoy both.

Witcher 1 is pure shit.

Witcher 1 and 2 were both part of the zoomer childhood era. Not that that makes them bad.

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Yeah, no awesome button to instantly solve quests. Unplayable.

Witcher 2 was 1.5 games

You basically had to play it twice because a simple choice in the middle totally changed the 2nd half of the game

>It's universally regarded as a piece of shit. Only autistic contrarians who literally eat feces like it.
Even mainstream games reviewers ended up giving it an average of 86% or something. It's not as bad as you think.

ALL Witcher games are ass.

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Yeah I can imagine it being too far off from an anime dating sim for your taste.

Witcher 1 was always very rough. It gets enjoyable once you get past the prologue and the first chapter, but definitely not because of the gameplay or combat.

lol, I never finished the Witcher 1 because it was so fucking boring. That's why I also never tried 2 and 3.

It's impossible for a game to age.
Next thing you're gonna say that rocks can die.
stupidest thing I've ever read

>he can't greentext

user, all the Witcher titles ARE fucking anime relationship sims, for fucks sake. The combat is cinematic as fuck, the MC is a always best donut steel fag, and you endless relationship filler is pointless as it is in Dragon Age, Mass Effect, or any attempt of making something that can be labeled an “RPG”.

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1 is quite janky, 2 is more polished but the combat system is almost as dull as that of the Batman games.

I'm not him, but games do age.

The art work of many old 2D games still hold up today.
But early 3D games were so pixelated and had such a low resolution, where everything looked very zoomed in, that the art looks very dated today.

And you also have genres that improves so much, that the old games seem like crap today. Like early FPS games like Wolfenstein. And early RTS games like Dune 2. But the games released a few years after those still hold up today. It seems it's mostly a problem for games that were one of the first of their kind.

it has nothing on that ps1 game, that was a fucking blast.

The Witcher is more of a fantasy adventure game with elements of RPG than a full blown one.

1 > 2 > 3

Which means pointless filler, press “x” to use heavy “b” for light attacks that are all flash, autistic potion systems, stupid retard peasant NPCs, and finally endless dialogue to get sex with this NPC in specific. Shits awful full.

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Let me guess, you didn't make it pass Kaer Morhen because of the combat system.

I enjoyed my playthrough but chapter 2 was a fucking nightmare.

Incel is now a state of being, a mode, a aesthetic.

Try to keep up you retarded boomers.

What's wrong with the alchemy system? I hate how they replaced it with "ROLL-QUEEN" spam in TW2/3.

Its a trash way to waste time wandering around rather than actually play the game. Alchemy was about the only way to get through some fights and fuck it got to be a chore. I cant even use alchemy in any trashpile that has the Elder Scrolls title above it now....

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I prefer the combat in the first game to the others, actually.