Monster Hunter Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>leaker leaked knowing thread would archive soon
you dirty bastard



Don't believe him just yet
That wouldn't be the first high quality fanmade icon leak

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Please leaker, post more. I beg. Show us more icons at least. Like Garuga’s



GOD i wish that were real

yama clone?

>high quality
it looks like a damn sticker

>OP is a shitty picture that could easily be fake

Fake shit
Based and real

>All of this leaker LARPing but nobody mentioned Garuga until last night
Yeah, okay, can’t fool me niggers.


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>cropping the picture to save time on faking

How come none of the leakers can do proper screenshots?

The threads have been nothing but Garuga until now

from last thread

Attached: Capture6.png (1247x683, 87K)

He's saying none of the supposed leakers said Garuga was in

Almost as if they're all fake right?
The only proper leak we ever got was the Brachydios one and it was an actually good fucking screenshot


How come none of the leakers can make a 5 second video on their phone camera?

And Namielle.
Literally not a single one of them predicted Namielle.

The “leaker” just posted this in the last thread. They also said a new area (guiding lands probably) was a mix of the current areas and zinogre is in it. He can redeem by posting more icons. Or actual screenshots. Who cares what capcom thinks, they won’t know it’s him

>You unlock a new region which is a mix of all previous area, and first monster you encounter in it is Zinogre.
Do you really believe this shit?

Hardly much of a leak when the previous trailer was the most obvious tease ever

Yeah because he got revealed. I’m saying anybody pretending they beat the game “3 days ago” and had nothing to say about him smells like a heap of bullshit.

There never was one, unless you're talking about the green pompadour in the midst of the smoke behind downed Jay Leno



These are OBJECTIVELY the monsters everyone wants back in Monster Hunter World II or even Iceborn late additions. Excluding Zinogre because there's no way he isn't in.

Mizutsune is a gayass bubbly faggot, but water weapons are sorely needed and it's a fun fight.
Wroggi is the best tutorial bird wyvern and I want the fucking armor back.
Hermitaurs are FUN. Also cheergirls/FOOTBALL. Ceanataur can suck my dick though.
Zamtrios/Tigerstripe are fun fights, ice weapons are also needed, and with Jagras already in, there's hardly anything in the way to accomodate for the inflation gimmick.
Fuck your shit if you don't like Klack-Klack, should've 100% been in over Lavasioth.
Amatsu works on the Leviathan skeleton as does Agnaktor, and it's my favorite Elder Dragon with the best themes.
Owl was neat and more sleep is always good. I like this one over Hypnocatrice for visual reasons, mostly.

Frontier is full of spiky edgy boys, but crystal scorpion isn't too bad and would fit great in Elder's Recess (shame about the skeleton).
Baruragaru works on Leviathan and adds water and some creepy cave monster.
Zamusa is a really fun fight and it's satisfying to break off all the dirt.
Forokururu is the best Rath spinoff because it fights very differently, it's a colorful colibri and uses the environment to switch its attack styles and statuses up.

Don't fucking @ me if you disagree. If it's not in this list, it's not fun enough so fuck you.

Attached: Monhun.jpg (1004x2314, 408K)

Dude, it's fucking fake

leave listfag

leave listfag

Gay bright bird can fuck off. Malfestio is pretty based though, I love its G rank armor

Dude, I don't give a fuck, I'm in those threads to have fun and shitpost. Now say it with me

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So really no Zinogre in MH:I? What the fuck capcom.

I mean, Fatalis is obviously in regardless of fake leaks so

listfag go clean your bathroom

Alright leaker, you have one last chance to prove you're not full of shit
Post a picture of the supposed final boss

Monsters from that dying piece of shit mmo can stay there. Fuck off.

He's almost definitely in because of the icon leak. Chances are they're just saving him to reveal right at the last minute (or maybe not at all until the game releases).

Listfag your mom's calling

>Ceanataur can suck my dick though.

Attached: ecliptic meteor.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Yeah this. Post more pictures of the monster list in the hunter’s notes too.

How about he posts the icon for Garuga so we can actually trust him?

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That works too

Guys... reddit is dabbing on us for believing this...
Are we fools?

You're saying your pic related is a fan made high quality edit too

So it's probably safe to say that the leaked quest list was real, right?
>Clashing Swords Upon The Rime, presumably a Velkhana quest, before we knew that Velkhana could use its tail like a sword
>Memories Of The Sea God before Namielle was revealed

Cheap fake. The white clouds are way too vibrant.

where's the mod, i thought he babysitted these threads for when this faggot ventured out of /vg/

>blanket hating everything frontier
You're fucking retarded. Hope people keep on and you stay mad.

Anyone have tips for fighting kirin with gunlance? The little faggot just prances away whenever I catch up to him.

God, you're such a faggot new york pizza. Just kill yourself.

>Anyone have tips for fighting kirin with gunlance
Pick up a better weapon

Yeah, that is exactly what i was implying
But apparently people here thought i was posting a genuine leak or something

Don't catch up to him then? Stand your ground and shell away. Block his headbutt and he will flinch like a retard and stun himself

Why would I be mad when that shit is getting taken out back with the ol shotgun?
If it was any good people would have played it.
You fucking idiot.

Step 1.

hop backwards into him

Did they remove the Iceborne main theme song from youtube? Can't find it anymore

All frontiershit is garbage that will never tarnish the actual Monster Hunter, give it a few years and we'll get rid of Lavasioth too

Gore Magala when?

Attached: gore.jpg (640x453, 65K)

went on that site to see what you meant. jesus that site sucks, layout is garbage and the faggots there piss me off with the way they talk

fake until proof...
I can see this on the other hand, the "guiding lands part" sounds just like guild quest's, random zones made up of a few set bits and what not from maps they already have? easy way to make end game shit and the story trailer made it sound like the guiding lands was some kind of strange new magic place.

AND if this fucking robot thing is the final boss, the idea of it tearing apart land masses and making new one's WILL fit,


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Apparently that’s been posted here before so I think it’s fake lads. Time to wrap it up and go home


Leaker said yes, post final boss.

You guys aren't any better. You faggots eat up fake news like pigs.
Don't pretend to be above others, Tumblr did the same and got BTFOd.

B-but gunlance looks cool. Do I really have to?

>Block his headbutt and he will flinch like a retard and stun himself
Shit if this is true I probably got too scared of the lightning and didn't notice. I'll give that a try.

Does hopping backwards go further? Or is there another advantage I haven't realized yet?

lol people only give a shit about gay fox and even his popularity has dropped

go back to r*ddit faggot

Fake as hell
Not legit, just a very good MIDI recreation of the one time the nip went to a MH orchestra and heard the original song in full there.

All I see is bullshit being ignored via bullshit.

Stand your ground and he'll eventually charge at you
Or use another weapon like Lance or Hammer or GS

>go to plebbit to see what that guy meant
>see all the fanmade monsters posts

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Leaker is a faker

Wow, 95% of the game is trash so fuck the rest, right? Taikun and Baru are genuinely good monsters who would fit right in on mainline and it's a fucking shame they're returning to nothing at the moment. Get the fuck over yourself.


>You unlock a new region which is a mix of all previous area
what's that supposed to even mean?
how can a new region be a mix of all previous areas? what areas is he even talking about?

>spiky edgy boys
I wish MH had just faded into obscurity

You sure showed him.

>at the moment

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just wait until iceborne for gl buffs m8

I still can't believe Yian Garuga just sorta slipped in Iceborne outta fucking nowhere

Like a wet turd

I meant his actual charge and horn headbutts. Not lighting attacks.

>Wow, so 100% of the game is trash right?
You said it.
What a knob you are.

People who use "boys" when talking about literally anything should be hanged from the fucking trees or skinned in front of their families if they say "bois" instead of "boys"

Prove it. Everyone is saying that the Ishvalda icon was posted befor yet they provide no proof.

I love GL but it's not a very good weapon against this horse fuck. I guess you could slot some health augments jewel, get loads of thunder resist, wear the rocksteady mantle and blow his fucking face when he's doing a long attack, you'll take damage obviously but that might work. Or hit and run

You can, but Kirin is an annoying faggot of a monster so I’d rather switch to something else and brutalize that prancing asshole as fast as possible.

Also, reminder. Every single leaker has been wrong as shit so far. Every time something has been shown, no leaker has gotten that right. Water dragon? no one said shit about him. Angry fucking chicken? Nope. Real leaks in a week I hope

Whatever, I'll have the last laugh anyway. Sit and spin.

Hey Nephlol, your shitty MMO is finally dying and so are your garbage monsters, suck my dick

I hope there's no leaks, it's always the best when a leaker doesn't fucking spoil the game.

t.faker desperate to say his fake shit is real

The PS4 can lock the screenshotting tool for certain games during certain times. I believe a review copy would have its screenshot function disabled.

Obviously he's saying the guiding lands is a mix of all the previous areas (so it would have a forest section, a desert section, a coral section, a meaty section, a volcanic section, and an ice section).

To be fair, the reddit leaker leaked that the water elder dragon tease at the end of the trailer in a private conversation with some dude from discord who later screencapped the convo and posted it all over the place.

>I'll have the last laugh anyway when the game gets deleted
Okay retard

The only mention of a water dragon is the "memories of the water god" quest

Use your hops, Kirin likes to do the lightning strikes right on top of himself (if you're too close, a backwards hop will probably still leave you in poke/shell range), or he does them at medium range around himself (hop forwards to hug him and keep attacking). Usually good to be standing on one of his flanks, near his head, you will avoid him charging through you most of the time.

Don't waste time with much other than poke + shell, sometimes he stays put long enough for wyvernfire blast but you better be damn sure he isn't just about to nail you. If you catch him doing the multiple rows of lightning that's a good time for it.

Also when he uses thunder armor space yourself so you don't bounce and just get damage off from shelling. Easier to do with Normal and Long shell GLs, obviously.

What if Shara Ishvalda is just a rock colossus thats being controlled by Sharal-ka

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What if it's just another fake?

>reddit leaker
That faggot just reposts the leaks already in here, you'd know if you follow both Yea Forums and /mhg/

>If it was any good people would have played it.
The game died because COG insists on railroading everyone towards Raviente and the overpowered gacha armor. You never see other monsters.

This, I don't even underdtand why you'd want to ruin the enjoyment of discovering the game yourself

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>Shitposter flipping out at Frontier is another /mhg/ schizo

Not a leaker, faggot, this was posted last thread, provide some proof that it's fake, an archive link with the same icon is enough.

that can't be
they posted a low quality screenshot

To be fair, Garuga isn’t the most exciting monster to leak and a lot of people thought he was in anyway because of the weapon tree. OP could be fake shit though

i was assuming that too but that sounds retarded as fuck. unless it's something like the everwood, but even then, the most it had was a desert area, foresty/fields area and some forest mixed with ruins area.

If only, instead of hiding in /mhg/ with the others Nephlol spammed his shitty webms on Yea Forums too

Sounds like World endgame to me

Klack-klack is fun, lasers are fun.

monster hunter has made me feel a certain way towards their monsters now. i want to see rathian porn

Man, you are the one that have to provide any proof for your stupid fakes. Nobody will give a shit otherwise.

Yeah faggot because Namiele was leaked here first before he went with it to reddit. fucking retard

Where’s Lagi?

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More like provide proof that it's real and not bullshit like every fake leak that's come before it. The only people that believe it are Zinogre fags still clinging to hope.
And that's the best part. Every fake leak uses Zinogre as its frame of reference.


Garuga killed him

In the fucking trash where he belongs.

Does anyone have that Big Nigga vs Giga Nigga Nergigante image for me, by chance?

Yes, that "Sea God" quest was originally from a Yea Forums thread
Unless you're talking about discord thing because i'd laugh at you for even considering a conversation as a "leak"

You seriously thing Capcom will just shelve a bunch of perfectly reworkable designs? Get real. LOL

Can't wait to see you squirm when Espinas rolls in.

How and is it even in english?

On the other hand, we are now really close to the release of IB, and that’s when legit leaks usually start happening for games. I don’t remember, when was Bazel leaked for the base game (not his name, but actual pictures)?

Good design. Shit fight. No thanks.

>collecting the ??? Footprints
Played it again yesterday after a year hiatus and remembered why I quit.
Does it get better or should I go back to oldschool monhun on switch?
[Spoiler]my last one was freedom 2[/spoiler]

>not knowing that they officially said they're garbage monsters who clash with the game's design and would have to be remade from the ground up anyway
Pathetic and desperate MMO faggot, die with your game

Give me Garuga memes

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Did someone call my name?


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Less than a week before release
He frequently hopped streaming platform because capcom police kept banning his ass
That alone took an entire 2-3 days
Fucker's slow but was the only thing we watched

>mfw Gravios and B Gravios turn up in World

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20190815114425.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

I only want Tama and Zamtrios back in World for reasons involving the number 34.

Replaced by a greater being

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The fucking mix of all the areas cannot work without a loading screen

You seriously think capcom will touch fronturd after the disaster that was lavasioth, and bring over these crystal abominations that dont fit in instead of actual monsters people want? Remake these literal whos for the game?

Get real retard. Loving your tears

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Trying to kill AT Lunastra with a GS is pure suffering. Recommend me a build or something please.

I believe that Shara Ishvalda might be just Keo'arbor's localized name for mainline.

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He literally said new elder dragon tease at the end of the brachy trailer and then said that it looks weird and nothing like we have seen so far. You are mentally challenged if you think he didn't have some inside info, or are you some religious nut who thinks this reddit fag was a fucking prophet.

That's vague as fuck

Switch Axe should have some way of resetting the Amp charge.

Kulve is at least somewhat like a regular MH fight, and I don't mean something like relics when bringing up gacha gear. You're expected to gamble with every update despite already paying a subscription.

I want the thunderous monkey of rape back, ages passed last time i played a MH game but if he comes back imma instantly buy this shit

Jho was a paid actor
You can see him putting his head down in anticipation, then violently swinging his head back to sell the hit. Garuga's pissy thinass tail could never have such an impact. Garuga once again proving that it needs to resort to underhanded methods to win

>all these new additions to the hub iceborne is going to bring
>no jukebox
i just wanna be comfy again bros...

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>Anjanath's scales and skin just tear off and expose bone directly, no flesh.

Why did they ruin blood and damage in this game again?

People have been saying that there's a water elder ever since the LS tree had a water LS braching off Zorah

Gypceros, user. It's called a Gypceros.

Why? There's no advantage to not having it.

To do what? Have a Sonic the Hedgehog-off with the Hammer's new spin move? Rajang only works when he's bouncing around the arena and your character moves like they're stuck in cement.

Attached: MH FUCKING.jpg (315x276, 33K)

Yes, there's an English patch for the TW version. Can't find the link but people have posted pictures and talked about it. TW doesn't require a VPN either and seems to cover just about everything. There's never been a better time to try.

Best way to kill Luna is get three pieces of Kushala Gamma armour. Since this armour gives lots of Ice Attack and Handicraft, you just need a melee ice weapon and you can kill her quite efficiently/

Alternatively just use Dragon IG, but you probably want Negate Wind Pressure regardless.

user, you could do that move already by sliding down a slope.

The jukebox should come back so we can listen to this gem again

The possibility of a giant rock monster being the everwyrm and it is causing the tremors and destruction doesn’t seem impossible. Leaker needs to post actual images though but I think the fag that posted it has left or refuses to post anything else. Probably because it’s fake.

How is AT Lunastra different from the original? just more HP and damage?

No, as in you can stop amped charge from ending and reset the timer.

>Recommend me a build
Build a guillotine and get someone to behead you. It'll be more enjoyable than hunting Luna

Basically. You know a monster is shit when all they have to do is up two values to make it the worst AT.

You get back under desk, or erse...

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You may as well say that the quests screen is fake then faggot. And i'm not a leaker.

It probably would have hidden element of some kind. Or a hidden status.

At least they didn't make her Xbox Hueg.

Attached: 1537670029061Plessy.webm (640x359, 2.94M)

Massive spoilers
The Old Everwyrm is actually a piscine elder dragon underneath the rock armor.

>it's not a wyrm

Attached: potion seller 02.jpg (750x1071, 416K)

You both can't completely shut out the truth, I can see it in your posts. The very slight hint that you're both aware Capcom could go digging in the trash. You blind retards dabble in the here and now, but I dabble in the inevitable, and Espinas, at the very least, is inevitable. He's their flagship after all, and designed back when Frontier was still pretty much just Dos.

Get fucked homos.

Because english translators are shit.

>It's not a Wyvern, AND it doesn't fly


Attached: 1566583101367.jpg (800x658, 46K)

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People believed in the quests screen and the new skills screens without any proof.

Low quality model.
That pc mod already exists so this means nothing.

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nice shop retard

Yikes, cmon man.

>You both can't completely shut out the truth
The truth that Frontier is dead and it's monsters will never come back since Ryozo officially said so?

Now THIS is fake.

Low effort

It's literally a giant Tigrex

how come these hacks can make a fight like astalos and steve but keep insisting on shoving the raths into every fucking game

Damn, 4U looks like THAT?

god damn nips are amazing

>the crab
Bug and Snake from 4 Ult, yes tho. Agreed on the rest.

Japs are disgusting creatures moved by nostalgia

I did it with her normal set slotted with earplug, wind resist and health augment, all to the max. Used the earplug charm, then there's still room for some jewels of your liking. Used daora's insect glaive. Takes 20 to 30 minutes with that depending on how careful you are. Use the IG air movements to evade her nova as fast as possible, if you're in a corner try to put a health booster and eat some astera jerky, if you get hit stay on the ground as long as possible. You can attack her in the air as much as you want because her wings are her weakpoints along with the tail. Used grancathar, it leaves health dust all around and is fast

Yeah, I'm the one who talked with him. But idk if it's real yet.

Freedom Unite was the last good Monster Hunter game.

just crit draw bro

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nostalgia. the new monsters are frequently hated in japan for taking the spotlight away from the ps2 era selection

If you flash her when she's fully charged she novas as soon as the flash wears off
Flash her and sprint away and wait it out

Seregios is a terrible fight. Way worst than Rathalos. It's like they didn"t have any ideas of what the fuck they were doing with that monster.

It has forelegs where Tigrex has forelimbs that function as both legs and wings. So technically Akantor is a drake, and Tigrex is correctly classified as a flying wyvern.

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top kek was this an event or what

eh, kinda?

If the Garuga vs Jho scene isn't in Ancient Forest, the regions in Guiding Lands being based on the World regions is the obvious answer, but someone could easily predict that and still be BSing about what exactly you fight there.

>Only level 4 attack

this is real
this is also real
this is fake, they will never add crabs or monkies to world

There is a trophy about leveling regions up somehow. Maybe new rooms on existing maps?
I feel like they would've shown that though.

You *trips* don't *trips* like *trips* Seregios *trips*?

Wow, seriously? I risk my ass busting into Capcom HQ to snag this picture and THIS is how I get thanked? You know they have literal Zinogre shaped tazers right? Shits cute until you get zapped. Yeah, you know what?
Fuck you.


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Im a gs main and you have to be able to adapt when your weapon has a bad matchup, Luna has shitty hitzones save for the wings and tail which are all usually out of reach, ranged weapons are the way to go and hbg th most similar to gs which requires timing and positioning.

Deviljho hbg sticky lv3, spread 3 and cluster bombs trivialize the fight since you can actually hit her zones. Load up slugger lv3, free ammo and spare shot, atk up, health up/wind pressure, sticky her face until she's stunned and then cluster or wyvern heart her face/tail and repeat.

Fuck the hbg haters all weapons are valid options.

This picture literally doesn't matter because the Japanese typically use Wyrm as a word for greater dragon. Grigori is called a Wyrm, just as an example. FF often calls Bahamut the Wyrmking.

as a gunner he's a very fun fight

You forgot Artillery

What the fuck

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If he's getting spanked then healh boost > attack boost 7, sorry.

And what you said also doesn't matter because the Japanese name in the trophy has nothing to do with "wyrm", it just translates to "the great existence"

>actual tips

>le arbitrary classification for fictional creatures made by dnd faggots
God shut the fuck up virgin

Do you have the nuclear Gypceros webm?

ugh you disgust me

Healing takes too long. Faster to just git gud.

Frontier had a lot of silly April Fools quests like Thermonuclear Kut-ku

Yeah, i'm thinking you can take your made up classifications and shove them up your asshole, disgusting Gaijiin

Attached: ThunderWyvern.png (1072x600, 2.46M)

And what you're saying now also doesn't matter because English has been using literal localization for new monsters.

Health Boost increases your max HP, it's the best defensive skill per point
You're thinking of Healing Up which only really helps against AT Vaal

Never believing icon leaks until its next to all the other icons (Monster List in Hunter Notes) gake and fay until then

The trophy % for maxing your first region has gone up on the same days as the trophy % for beating Ruiner Nergigante in the Guiding Lands. I'm pretty sure you max regions of the Guiding Lands by beating endgame bosses, and Ruiner unlocks the other endgame bosses like Tempered Kirin unlocked the other Tempered Elders.

Well, no. But I do have Uragaan's Revenge.

Attached: Uragaan.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

Post more if it's real then

That's what I was saying though. They pulled "Everwyrm" out of their asses and it probably has little to do with fucking D&D magic lizard classifications. This is a series where T Rexes are Wyverns.


A longer healthbar means I need to spend more time healing
My spite must be sated. If a monster hits me I need to be able to hit them back HARD

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If you're not using Max Potions when you need to heal mid fight you're doing it wrong.

don't say i never did anything for you guys...

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literally my mom's seregios photoshop

holy shit he's out

I literally cannot even tell what I'm looking at

i'll never get tired of that webm

It's supposed to be Steve, but it was already proven false.

Did you take this photo from your actual ass

I remember a webm where a drome runs up to a guy and spits a farcaster at him, got any silly shit like that?

Why do nips call Kut-Ku "sensei" and Garuga
"senpai"? General reaction to Garuruga's inclusion seem to get them excited

Is tonfas any good in frontier?
the gameplay always looked hella fun

The nips know to respect the wolf chicken

Having no health means you can't deal damage though :(

Kutku teaches you the basics of the game


This again...

Check the archives, we went through this already.

>go outside
>throw a pinecone
>take a blurry picture of it

Attached: Luna Cheese.png (1134x584, 256K)

>mfw Fortify

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>he’s in

fire res feels so useless vs luna

Nice try, but that's a painting

Garuga has come a long way, he doesn't need a punching bag anymore

This makes Kut-Ku extremely likely for World 2 at least (not that it wasn't already pretty likely)



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I wouldn't be surprised if Kut-Ku was also in but they just don't bother revealing it pre-release.

So another fake leak? I just want the real leak soon to stop this bullshit everyday

He's IN.

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how does bow work against lunastra? i heard she can block projectiles then again bow is also really good and i have never used bow against lunastra
i could find by myself but could you spoon feed me so i dont need to cart to find out?

I don't even want Alatreon. It's just boring, even more now with all those elders in World.

But it is real.

You're a fucking retard.

Too bad. You'll be stuck with fake leaks for the next two weeks.

There isn't gonna be a real leak unless a journo squeals since all of Iceborne is a digital download.

Why can't they shill Nami instead of this ice whore?

Attached: ECdFpExVUAEM5s2.jpg (1600x1200, 101K)

But all the elders in world are small or lame. Alatreon is fucking huge and also quite difficult.

they are ALL IN
n1 cares

The Dos elders auras only block projectiles hitting their body. Head, tail, wings, and limbs are fair game.

unga bunga

Please god no

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Equip temp mantle spread shot / arrow rain his face and you'll get a free knockdown to further spread shot his face, flameproof mantle when that runs out. Other than that just shoot him in the face or tail at range until he dies. I don't play bow but I got all AT Luna stuff solo with this with no carts. Also if you want teo to fuck off just farcaster when he shows up.

>nu-Alatreon theme
Oh no

alright, thank you anons

Is the gear in the MHGU demo shit or am I? It took me almost 4:30 to kill Maccao with the greatsword, and I only got hit a couple of times.


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>kut ku gets in world
>has bond attacks with garuga

It's quite good actually. Maccao is just pretty hard for being a tutorial boss.


>Just relaxing on the forest while eating a Great Jagras
>This purple motherfucker just comes and uppercuts you, launching you in the air.

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jesus my sides

this one is a painting

>the attack is Garuga picking Kut Ku by the neck and using him like a flail

where is that frog man? we need him

>kut ku throws fireballs meanwhile and autistically screeches

Just got mon hun world. Why do faggots enter my main base uninvited???
I just want to play the main story alone. Hmph.

we gonna race all the way from camp 1 to nergi nest!

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Not gonna happen since a Journo couldn't even get to master rank.

Imagine a Kotaku "writer" attempting to kill Xeno'jiva alone with a full set of "high metal" gear because they're too fucking stupid to mix-set and are scared of Elder dragons.

Also their Palico would be called something gay like "RosaParks".

So no chance one of those drooling retards have made it to final boss. They'd had to have solo'd Ruiner Nergigante too.

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All according to plan if he manages to make Jho starve.

>charge blade reveal
dick is diamonds
>it transforms
limp meat

we almost had another KINO weapon bros

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