Got laptop that barely runs anything and dualshock 3. Recommend me any comfy ps1 era games on pc

got laptop that barely runs anything and dualshock 3. Recommend me any comfy ps1 era games on pc

Attached: 2eKv.gif (316x240, 2.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:!ruABEK7b!4a18HJhBDiOTxFGUj7HpGXYd5ykbcIUoyjaPp0UES0o

Fallout 1 or 2

What a horrible gif. I recommend you suck a dick instead

Megaman X4 is quite nice.

haha. good luck getting the ds3 to work consistantly

Why was Rogue's outfit so shit in X-men: evolution?

Breath of Fire 3

>cartoonists see twin peaks for the first time

This, jump on those MMX games user

>Not liking X men Evolution.

That's exactly how women dance when they know someone is looking.

KOTOR and Jade Empire
Freedom Force

>not knowing any comfy ps1 era games

what the fuck lol

You can't go wrong with Harvest Moon, the PS1 version.
Just take your time, don't try to rush and use 100% of your day, don't be a machine. You'll have loads of fun.

Phantasy star online Ephinea.

You’re welcome.

Bubsy 3D

Cause she's a goth

I got a recommendation idea for you

Attached: image.png (1264x948, 970K)

Got a link buddy?

Silent Hill
Metal Gear Solid
Syphon Filter
Tenchu Stealth Assassins
All very comfy games
epsxe is good for low-end PCs but if yours is not that bad you can try Mednafen or even Retroarch

Attached: epsxe.png (569x399, 84K)

ace combat 3 (japanesse version), crash team racing, crash bash, tomba 2, spyro trilogy

also if you want to quickly setup the emulator, check the info section for games on this website
protip: always play the NTSC isos if possible!ruABEK7b!4a18HJhBDiOTxFGUj7HpGXYd5ykbcIUoyjaPp0UES0o

Goddamn I wish this game was in widescreen

ace combat
mizzurna falls
castlevania sotn
resident evil 1-3

can i just take a laptop’s dead screen off, or will that break something vital?

Digimon World

Attached: 1564591667389.jpg (2440x2484, 2.49M)

You can check YouTube i was going to do the same but i found a good deal on a used last gen gaming laptop

American McGee's Alice

my brother has a shit-tier laptop (Thinkpad) and can run Dolphin on it.

try out some Gamecube and Wii games

Sell me on this

>dolphin porn
not this time, fucker

>could be porn game or dolphin porn
It's a win win user.

Attached: 1489734004254.jpg (500x376, 45K)

Rogue-like: Evolution

>no CGIs and crappy sex animations
>still jack off to it for more than 10 times
god damn Rogue is a fucking semen demon

New Rogue is shit

Old Rogue best Rogue

Is it on any websites

Play FF9, there is no game more comfy.

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 22K)


Suikoden 2, Breath of Fire 4, Final Fantasy 9, Silhouette Mirage, Bushido Blade

Ugh, that's what Rogue looked like? The fuck, why the chin? I remember her being waifu material x10. I was wrong.
I'd still smash... The other girl. Forgot her name.

Wait 'till you see Wanda...

Just googled her, straight up don't remember her at all. But... Gross. Nty. I love punky/scene/whatever girls but these are gross.

tfw the game will never be finished. At least he finished most of Laura's scenes.

Shame about how horrid Emma looks though.

why do you say that. I use better ds3 and it works flawlessly.

OP what are your specs. what you can run on low settings may surprise you.

>X-Men Evolution
Yea Forums's faggotry knows no bounds.

>cringe worthy high-school shit

>cringe worthy
I don't know why I hate this phrasing so much. Maybe because faggot journalists who applied it to everything they didn't like in their retarded "top 23 cringe-worthy moments in this TV show only popular with old women who are still struggling to let go of their youth" articles.

go play Advance Wars 1 and 2 fampay

Why stop at PS1 era? Some modern pixelshit games aren't so shit, try some of those. AM2R is easy to get your hands on even after it was DMCA'd. Also recommend some SNES games - Mario World and Yoshi's Island are golden.