What did you name him?
What did you name him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reginald Onions
i see you're a man of culture as well
Curse you Delta. Every time I asked him about all the lose ends and plot threads, he just looks at me and mumbles about complex motives.
Ray as in Raymond Shields the mastermind from AAI2
Actually Ray from Ghost Trick because real Sou is a Bad dog
sou, as it should be
Midori because I'm boring and always go with default names
Is the demo worth playing? Felt like 2-2 let off at a good place but knowing there's a little more out there tempts me.
I named him Shin because it's going to be important later on.
It's 10 minutes long
If anything it's a good idea to play it so you can avoid spoilers and can theorize
Does he take the name Mishima so he'd get lucky with Nao?
could someone post the link?
He won't take the name Sou.
Reminder that Nankidai ships them
>Name him Mishima
>twist of the game is you don't have to kill Sou, you have to kill anyone who has the name you gave Sou
>Mishima bot is activated
>He wants revenge for Nao
Thanks for the tokens retards, I’ll make sure to send you a post card from the outside
Non memeing: What do you guys truly believe will be Sou and Shin's personal connection?
Thanks kind user
Could you also provide the key, if it isn't already translated?
No one is Sou, Alice killed him years ago and he is unrelated
Good job son. I'm proud of you.
adoptive brothers
bully/bullied kid
orphanage roomates
who knows
it's cause they got leafy hair isn't it?
>name him Shin in the Shin lives route
>objective is to kill Shin
>ends up in having to kill the real Shin once "Shin" reveals in the end that he's really Sou and has the papers that Sara possesses to prove that the true Shin is with them
Why do you fags like to overlook Sara's comment about them looking alike? Combined that with Sou saying he loves Shin and their relationship becomes more obvious.
you're actually retarded
So how long until he gets fungo'd?
Because they both give a similar vibe and don't look that similar at all, even Kanna looks more related to Sou than Shin does
Being brothers is an option, but their names are different so who knows what will end up being the truth in the end, it's too early to rush to conclusions
They're gay brothers?!
and sou told shin that he(shin) "grew up" after seeing shin tell him off
More curious about the connection of Reko/Alice/Sou rather than the red herring of Shin/Sou.
>Because they both give a similar vibe and don't look that similar at all, even Kanna looks more related to Sou than Shin does
And your comment means nothing because Sara herself literally said that they LOOKED alike. Physical looks.
>Being brothers is an option, but their names are different
They could easily have been sent to two different parents after a split. Reminder that Junko and Mukuro are twin siblings but have different names. It's entirely possible for Sou and Shin to be siblings but have two different last names.
be blessed, user
nigger I already know it's likely they are brothers, I'm just saying that it's too early to know for sure
>More curious about the connection of Reko/Alice/Sou rather than the red herring of Shin/Sou.
The latter isn't really a red herring seeing as beyond Shin taking Sou's name, the two really are personally connected. As for the former, well they always skip around the details on why Alice killed Sou and how Alice killed Sou since we see nothing of this event in flashbacks and yet this is something that's been known to us since the end of chapter 1. Only thing I can think of on why Alice would want to kill Sou is that Reko was involved and seeing as Reko recognizes Sou but can't remember him sort of implies it. Maybe he was threatening her and Alice found out about it or maybe he even dated her and was using her for something foul and Alice found out about it.
Also wonder what Keiji, Q-taro and Kanna's connections are to Sou as well since they also recognize him as well but can't remember how or why(atleast for Q-taro and Kanna)
I agree on that much. I guess I was just baffled on why people don't bring up Sara's comment was all. Plus you've got this as well
will those things eventually kill us?
Does Gin and Nao know about him? They should have been in the room with them iirc.
Neither were present when the others fiddled around with the laptop so we have no idea if they also recognize Sou as well like the others. Though we do know that Sara nor Kai seemed to recognize him.
I can't help but think that the "important suspect" killed by Keiji is Sou, but gets covered up by using Alice as the fall guy. Almost seems as though Alice admits to killing him too easily despite never elaborating. Its all pretty left-field and mostly basis but Keiji's flashback that involved some deal with unknown people could easily be ASU-NARO. The case could've even been so high profile that Q-taro and Kanna recognize his face from the news or even from the shadowy figure that asks about majority votes.
Megumi being Keiji's mother figure, essentially, implies the same sort of parental volunteering of their "child" that holds true for Kai and Sara.
>Also wonder what Keiji, Q-taro and Kanna's connections are to Sou as well since they also recognize him as well but can't remember how or why(atleast for Q-taro and Kanna)
whatever relationships they must have had with him couldn't have been pleasant since his picture alone was enough to make the others, even keiji, shit their pants. and keiji was silent when the others were talking about him but they made note to mention him responding with the blue face sprite and a "......." to accompany it with. i think keiji probably knows where he met sou and stuff.
I like how this game play with your expectations especially with Q-Taro. Such a great character, it's as if he was made to win the death game. Pic related had me frustrated but also in tears, Sara haq some great lines when you pick the "dumb" choices.
>I can't help but think that the "important suspect" killed by Keiji is Sou, but gets covered up by using Alice as the fall guy. Almost seems as though Alice admits to killing him too easily despite never elaborating. Its all pretty left-field and mostly basis but Keiji's flashback that involved some deal with unknown people could easily be ASU-NARO. The case could've even been so high profile that Q-taro and Kanna recognize his face from the news or even from the shadowy figure that asks about majority votes.
Keiji being the one who offed Sou would be an interesting twist and how Megumi made a deal to make Alice the fall guy. Wonder why Alice would so fiercely claim he killed Sou despite not even being able to remember his face until he saw his picture. As you said, he never goes into details on why or how he even killed Sou. Now what would make Alice continue to claim such a tale that ends up with him being in prison and his ruined relationship with Reko? Probably has to do with Reko herself. Maybe Megumi had some pull over the situation and Reko could have gotten involved if Alice didn't cooperate. However this theory might weaken a bit because Sou says himself that Alice was the one who offed him. Buuuut Sou has been shown to be a trickster and a liar so I honestly can't take everything he says at face value like with Shin.
>Megumi being Keiji's mother figure, essentially, implies the same sort of parental volunteering of their "child" that holds true for Kai and Sara.
That's true enough. It's an interesting parallel.
Yeah. Everyone seemed freaked out when they saw his pic. Everyone except Sara that is since she didn't recognize him. But Keiji's reactions there were kinda suspicious.
gin and nao being absent during the sou picture was so we wouldn't know if they had a connection to him or not. but my gut feeling is those two would react worse than shin did and probably collapse or something
I'm surprised this game doesn't have a bigger following. Just finished up to 2-2 yesterday and it was pretty great. Might even be better than ZE and Dangan in some aspects.
Posting one of my shittier gifs ey?
It doesn’t need one, but when the game gets remastered it’s going to be overwhelmed with retards thanks to anime youtubers and danganronpa faggots
Both of the endings of 2-2 made me tear up like a little bitch despite not even caring about Shin or Kanna that much previously.
That alone must mean the writing has something special to it since similar games never had the same impact.
Alice also mentioned in frustration on why he couldn't remember Sou from the start? And then his next comment was a weird one because he basically questions "what in the world is Sou Hiyori". That had Keiji respond with that weird blue face of his but with no comment.
I do think Keiji knows something more about Sou but thing is when we get to actually see Sou, so far he's only really singled out Alice and Shin.
This. I'm actually fine with it being a very niche product. Not everything needs to have a big following. The bigger the following, the more chances of cancer to pollute it.
You are a faggot.
>what in the world is Sou Hiyori
He's the friend you made along the way. But really, it would not surprise me that all the candidates know who Sou is.
Fuck off tough guy. Keep playing death games because you're emotionally and sensorially deprived.
I should be careful what I wish for, since the DR fandom is total shit. I just think the creator should get recognition for such a great game.
Same here user. The writing feels much more grounded than similar games, it's easy to care about each character despite only knowing them a short time.
Fuck you this is a gin free thread
If that's the case, then why doesn't Sara recognize him? She's also a candidate as well.
>I just think the creator should get recognition for such a great game.
He gets enough as is.
>when the game gets remastered it’s going to be overwhelmed with retards thanks to anime youtubers and danganronpa faggots
We are already there, the fanbase outside these small threads consists entirely of mentally ill tumblrfags
Just check any random lets play on youtube it's 80% females, 15% trannies forcing a female voice 5% anime youtubers
I'm really in love with that concept, hiding Joes in every spoiler image
Teenagers don’t know about it yet, it’s not as mainstream as danganronpa.
It should be just like zero escape, only like fifty people care about it
Sara's entire past is odd.
>kept in the dark about a bodyguard hired by her father
>never mentions her mom after the opening scene
>adopts Keiji's eyesight
>only memories she looks back on are when Joe brings them up
>survival instinct that surpasses her moral compass
Is the Chapter 3 demo translated?
Why do you think the one with the highest surviving chances doesn't know Sou? Because she along with the one with the worst surviving chances(Shin) are the ones who truly have the strongest connections to Sou Hiyori. Sara and Sou are more connected than you think. Her lack of memories of him can be seen as the proof of that. Asunaro made sure that everything between those two would be wiped off.
Go for it big guy, save the newer ones though and don’t over use it. Also get clever file names
>It should be just like zero escape, only like fifty people care about it
DR is hardly mainstream either and besides YTTD's fanbase in Japan is much bigger than the west which is fine because westerners are far more cancerous.
Fuck the west, the creator needs to add some fucked up shit in chapter three, like rape or somethibg
If you're implying what I think you're implying, then you're truly insane. There would be ABSOLUTELY no way for Nankidai to get away with pulling this off.
What is the purpose of the Death Game? I think it must have something to do with creating the dolls, creating an extreme survival scenario to draw out the worst of human emotions. Maybe they are trying to replace people in the real world with their artificial clones. But then I'm not so sure why they would bother with seemingly powerless people like Gin and Kanna.
Wow, almost as if Sara was a doll who's AI was adjusted!
It's getting there, the way this game is becoming popular is extremely similar to how DR became popular
>big japanese fanbase
>barely popular at all anywhere
>after a few months it becomes decently popular on Yea Forums
>a while after tumblr falls in love it with
we are currently here, only things left are
>new paid release translated by NISA comes out
>series becomes insanely popular
user, I'm just saying that there is a reason the organization went out of there way to bring Sou back and why Sara is key to this death game. It may sound fucked up, but I truly think this is where this game will be heading with those two. Now if my theory is correct, then that means absolutely nothing about Mishima has been legitimate whatsover.
I wish Keiji would break my neck
And Then I
Let's hope Nankidai doesn't continue YTTD after the final chapter. I like the game too much to see it get ruined by autists
sara is so bad
Are we really going to post this every thread?
3-1 Demo
Browser link for 3-1 Demo
Go to vgperson's site to download the patch. The password for the file is the key from the browser link, so it's "af2d75af04eb"
Paste the contents into the respective folder listed in the instructions.
Yeah. Rape would definitely piss people off in the west.
>>survival instinct that surpasses her moral compass
Pretty fucked up since if it was Sara and Gin on the wheel she wouldn't have pressed the button.
There's going to be more to Sara that meets the eye. Remember this game was supposedly made for her sake.
Hopefully he does something like that to lead people away, or he just makes someone else piss them self again
>>adopts Keiji's eyesight
nothing strange, this is just more gameplay stuff to spice things up
>survival instinct that surpasses her moral compass
Nothing strange here, only time she ever lets that happen is during the Nao ending and it wasn't unrealistic to have her take the chance to get out
The rest just makes her look like a doll, which she is going to be
Reminder that we see Sara get kidnapped 2 times and someone very similar to Sara participated in another death game
They want to find a new leader to lead the Asunaro. Beyond that, who even knows. AI dolls seem to have been just made as a test for candidates.
>Reminder that we see Sara get kidnapped 2 times and someone very similar to Sara participated in another death game
Yeah. We still can't forget about pic related.
Maybe Sara shits herself or gets raped by Sou or something but end up forgiving her rapist. That would definitely have tumblr fanbase collapse. I'm hoping this happens.
>Sara crying her eyes out for Shin
Just how based is he when he isn't pretending to be le tricky master ruseman?
Is it possible that the Death Game is all a simulation?
Based, sounds like it would work
completely forgot about this and the weird segment before chapter 2's main game. so fucking weird
people have been saying this for a bit because there is a lot of implication (first floor hallway, sci-fi tech)
>At another point in time Sara x Sou might have been real
>only time she ever lets that happen is during the Nao ending
bruh she was ready to loot reko's body the second she got the chance. one of the only instances of her moving completely without the player's interaction
Post the picture of dead qtaro and gin
I think this game will have a happy ending regardless of everything but it's going to be bittersweet as fuck. Like Keiji sacrificing himself for Sara and the rest.
>Sara is a doll
>Joe is a doll too and only exists to feed Sara fake memories so she thinks she is a human
>this explains why a Joe AI exists
>Kanna ending feeds her delusions and fake memories, which is what the bad guys want and will end up having her working for the bad guys
>Sou route maker her abandon her fake memories and will make her realize how she doesn't remember shit because she isn't human, and will make her want to rebel aganist the gamemasters
Vote for Kanna gang rise up
I love Mishima!
>ends up being a sacrifice if he's need being a Sou
Well it was stated that the previous games that have been tried out with AIs have been simulations apparently. Question is, why does Sara have this particular memory here? Or even with Shin having Sara attack him?
Then I will bring up danganronpa
Welp. Guess Sara is getting the boot for Sou.
I want to fuck danganronpa style joe
Yeah. Sara's shown that she could do some shady things on her own if it means she could survive.
Alice/Reko choice will only change some dialogue and Shin/Kanna is the one that matters, do you think they will bring another route in ch3-1 or just keep going?
>Alice/Reko choice will only change some dialogue and Shin/Kanna is the one that matters, do you think they will bring another route in ch3-1 or just keep going?
Probably. Maybe we get a Qtaro/Gin split as well along with some dolls. I wonder how Nankidai will handle all this.
Reko route will have fem Alice.
>stealing from a corpse to survive is considered a bad thing
Come on now, that was nothing
Why would it be a simulation when they specifically mentioned how the previous games being simulations was to test out how the actual death game would work with those percentages in mind?
It's already a pretty small cast I doubt another split would do any good
I wonder how they will make the Kanna/Shin routes differnent enough from each other but also similar in ways. Demo so far, had those two having similar stuff going on with them.
Well Kanna and Sou both have real Sou talking about the other to them which has either of them defend the other from real Sou who just goes off to talk mostly about fake Sou. So that's the beginning. Then when he leaves, both question the goal about killing real Sou while their partner Naomichi is fired up for it. Now it could go some ways. Kanna or fake Sou could end up getting Naomichi killed thanks to real Sou. Former aligns with real Sou due to his connection to fake Sou and latter just does it because of something real Sou says or whatever.
>Shin and Kanna having similar routes
no fucking way, they will be completley different after a certain point
>punished Sara in one of them
>HOPE Sara in the other
>most active nonSara character in one who directly knows Sou
>least active character in the other
>both characters are partners with Naomichi of all people
I really wish they gave Naomichi a better partner than those two shitty characters. A Naomichi/Q-taro team would have been based.
>both characters are partners with Naomichi of all people
But will either of them remotely be able to control him?
>punished Sara in one of them
>HOPE Sara in the other
Punished Sara doesn't even seem that different from HOPE Sara. Only difference is less cheerful comments and lack of not remembering Joe but other than that, the two are pretty similar.
>most active nonSara character in one who directly knows Sou
>least active character in the other
Well that's true and all but they could easily have Kanna get involved with Sou to make up for not having Shin's personal connection to him.
>both characters are partners with Naomichi of all people
That points to having a similar route with them having a similar partner. Of course how they interact with him would be different.
Killing yourself would be even neater.
Kanna's route really does seem like the more boring one.
I need more of these.
Of course it was necessary. There was no other way. Or was there? Am I being serious right now? Who knows.
What about Nao pissing herself?
We need more fags like you dying.
I'm not following, spell it out for a brainlet
shut up shin
I might have the most autistic theory yet.
The game was made for Sara's sake, right ? So what if this is all a test to find the perfect boyfriend for her ?
Someone ready to give his life for her but for real
The demo showed enough of that already. To punish fags who kept Kanna alive.
Was Shin a pedophile?
I just hope they actually make the "Choose this topic" mechanic relevant I don't care if that means it shows as an obvious cyoe split
Even though they already had the perfect husband material?
then they fucked up because kai was the best choice
Why do you think you can kill every other girl by chapter 2?
Holy fuck, wait a second.
Then why are there girls in it as well?
Sara isn’t one of those girls is she?
This makes more sense than you'd believe. It's ironic that Sou so happens to be a floormaster in the same chapter and possibly floor as Sara's dad. I think Sara's dad approves of Sou and wants this young man to deflower his daughter.
Are you not realizing that you can kill a lot of girls in this game
Honestly, it's not really a Kanna roue and a Shin route so much as it is a Shin Dead route and a Shin Alive route.
No, he just likes loli and piss
Kai was a creepy faggot.
Sara's dad didn't deem Kai worthy seen by his reaction in chap 2's prologue.
>all the girls die early
Well they brought back Mai, Anko and Hinako who knows where it will go. But yes
Handsome man who would die for her, can protect her and knows how to cook and take care of a house.
>Sara's dad didn't deem Kai worthy seen by his reaction in chap 2's prologue.
Can't blame him there. Kai seems very autistic.
He was a danger to her. Honestly I think Sara's dad made the right call in having Sou be the guy.
he's the most capable housewife out of all the male candicates
What game can I inject myself with while I wait for Ch3? Already played DR and ZE trilogy.
>the death game being a way to get sara a boyfriend is a more plausible theory than poodle-san being alive
>He was a danger to her. Honestly I think Sara's dad made the right call in having Sou be the guy.
Sou doesn't seem interested sharing the same last name as Sara.
Henry Hugewit and the Curious Killing of Carnival Cove
He's also the more creepy person. Sara's dad was right to "no way, fag" that weirdo.
Then everyone already knows who the answer is.
Flower, Sun and Rain.
I wonder what was in their head then, putting girls and a shota in the game
Anyone thinking he's alive have a mental disease anyways.
i'll prove you nonbelievers right when chapter 3 drops
wait who's poodle san
That game seems interesting. Why does it have such mediocre reviews? Pleb western reviewers?
Sure buddy, we'll having fun proving you wrong
Fuck your face dick, kai is nice and pretty
>Then everyone already knows who the answer is.
Yeah. Sou Hiyori.
How is having her surname mean he's her brother in law?
Is there anything worthwhile in any of the personal info files? Never did get enough tokens for them, just some victim videos.
Good taste
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Nao has a considerable bust size.
Yea Forums has changed your brain man, that is in no way a girl
Is the retard who think that Mishima/Nao is a pedo ship, still around these threads?
Who do you think the final survivors will be?
Are you the same user who thought Joe was a girl somehow?
What's his jitsu?
Sara, Gin, Q-taro, Kanna/Shin
Gin is a floormaster.
Are you that same underaged autist from before?
Everyone because Kimi ga Shine is complex fictional love.
Sara and real Sou.
>Sara, Anzu, Mai
So does almost everyone
Bruh, it's like wondering why Explorers of Sky has bad reviews when it's widely considered the best game in both the spin-off and main series on Yea Forums. The story isn't something that'll touch a man who's only playing it to write a review in 3 hours top.
It's a surreal trip with some complicated puzzles. That alone is enough to make most people give up on it.
If you can see it to the end though, well, I don't know you, so I can't say what it'll do to you.
So I guess you'll have to try it yourself.
Getting teleported to the hospital
You are that autistic ugly weeaboo who sit in these threads 24/7 and type retarded shit.
Sara, Q-Taro and Safalin
I'm afraid that even with the route stuff, the ending will be something like "only Sara and this person can escape", kinda like Nao's ending. At least the choices would have "mattered" since if you choose Shin to live, you will have the choice to take him with you and etc
why is my bucket wife so cute and funny
what reviews?
A daily reminder that non-candidates and anyone who posts about them deserve nothing less than the rope.
The ones who can be discussed are the 17 candidates. I shall name them all here.
Sara Chidouin
Keiji Shinogi
Shin Tsukimi
Kanna Kizuchi
Gin Ibushi
Q-taro Burgerberg
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Kazumi Mishima
Megumi Sasahara
Hinako Mishuku
Naomichi Kurumada
Shusuke Hayasaka
Anzu Hinashi
Mai Tsurugi
Ranmaru Kageyama
Sou Hiyori
Also floormasters are allowed to be discussed as well.
That is all. Remember if you do not discuss about the 17 chosen ones or the floormasters, then you deserve nothing less but the rope.
How many times would Sara and Keiji do it per nights if they got a sacrifice end?
Oh so you are that underaged schizo. Nice to know. How's your shithole Euro country doing?
>only Sara and this person can escape
I'm picking Q-taro.
Based pistol dad
This. People hate on the game because they're too retarded to actually figure out the mysteries.
>2nd most likely to win candidate doesn't even make it past the first trial
>but THREE (3) non-candidates do
Get rekt Crubstache
based and gashupilled. always setting these threads right
this character is literally me
>gets a solo trial on his own that's way harder than the ones that the non candidates did and two of them had a partner to do them with
And now that 2nd place candidate is back for chapter 3 while all non candidates are dead.
Care to tell me how many non-candidates are alive right now?
FSR has bad reviews because it's a bad game
Suda himself made the game as bad as possible because "dude what if we make a game bad and unfun... on purpse, Duuuude wouldn't that be genius?"
Do not fall for Sudafags who claim it is good, it's pure garbage and every single aspect of it is bad because why not
>terrible gameplay, most of your playtime will be backtracking and all the characters in the game make fun of you needing to backtrack
>puzzles are literal garbage with 0 thinking required, just open the ingame guide and look up what code you need to input
>characters are shit
>art is shit
>story is nonsensical with pink plastic alligators because "so randum and trippy lol"
>music is good I guess
Why is Gashu so fucking based? He's literally my favorite character with Q-taro being 2nd.
Wait! I know the answer to this one!
Genuine dumb motherfucker.
Post floor masters
Almost had me there user
>Kanna was nabbed while she was with her sister
>Sara was with a friend, Mishima was with a student
>Gin was completely alone
Kinda fucked up if you ask me
>Gin was completely alone
He wasn't alone. He was with his followers from Asunaro
Why does he look like a faceless porn protag?
If he ends up being innocent, I'm really surprised at how strong he is, doing an trial all by himself
Go wank yourselves somewhere else about how much of a genius Suda is for making bad games on purpose(which he himself admits in a FSR interview) to make fun of players and videogames in general for pushing thorugh his shit games expecting any payoff(which he admits in the same interview)
FSR is a garbage game and anyone who beleives otherwise is a delusional pretentious fag
How do we know Gin was alone.
We don't even know what his trial was.
Why are you fishing for replies this badly?
Hold up
Were all non candidates just people who were there when candidates were being taken?
>yfw Kanna route actually turns out to be way more fucked up
>because they traded leet hacker ruseman Shin for retarded bucket autism
Seems like it, Joe heard Sara's scream, Kai probably went there as well. Kugie was walking with Kanna, Nao was in a car ride with Mishima
Yes, what did you think they were?
>believing gin's lies
Yes you idiot. They literally say it in the damn game itself. I hate speedreaders.
what lies? We know everyone's trials
Based crabstache
I'm honestly expecting Shin's route to be the ultimately happier one just to subvert what the 2-2 endings were setting up. He's probably gonna get over his revenge boner as soon as somebody tells him the obvious "But Kanna wouldn't want this!"
Kanna will betray us again. She can't deny the Sou.
Nah. I think Shin's biding his time for now. The fact he lets it blows over in the demo for now just proves it. If what you were suggesting were to happen, then we'd have a much more antagonistic Shin than what we got in the demo.
based speedreader
>We know everyone's trials
What are Gin and Kai's trials then?
>hes so mad he replies to every post
>calls me a speedreader but outs himself as a speedreader
Alright, can you stop memeing Q-Taro? If you continue people might end up believing he's an actual good character.
imagine being this mad you didnt see everyones trials like a nonspeedreader did
whos your favorite character then
>inb4 gin or nao
Q-Taro drinks PEE
Gin of course
that would be the first time we had a participant work with the floormaster assuming sou was telling the truth about being one.
i want to punch gin in the head
Reko, Sou, Keiji. Also there is nothing wrong with Nao.
What's wrong with Q-taro?
he's got a rock hard skull user, you could even call him steelmind
Of course Ginfags would be hating on Q-taro again. Cope with your shit taste in characters
He's going to get executed and turned in to B.B. Q-Taro
Will Kanna sleep with real Sou in his comfy coffin like she did with fake Sou?
>Also there is nothing wrong with Nao
She's non candidate trash. Please reapply yourself.
Do all ginfags want to fuck him in his tender prepubescent asshole?
anyone have links to all the victim videos
I think Gin is funny_ and I don't like Q-taro, but Q-taro did nothing wrong when he didn't press the button. It was survival instinct and he even barely knew Gin to begin with in this Death Game at least, so why would you sacrifice yourself for a stranger, even if it's just a little kid?
Keiji is the obvious best character.
Ginfags need to seriously be gassed.
A Ginfag with common sense? Rare.
No doesn't mean no, it means yes
>lets 10/10 babe die because she tried to save his dumb ass
>obvious best character
Can't wait till that faggot dies in chapter 3.
She was obviously covering up Asunaro crimes
After the first shot, it was revealed it was 5 shots so he doesn't have a excuse after that
But if you go with Alice's route, he presses the button in the end so who really cares?
Oh really, what if he touched your dick by accident?
What would you do then?
That would never happen, why are you thinking about taking your pants off near a little boy you freak
With your pants on idiot, would would in the right mind take their pants off near a child?
Why yes I voted for Kanna, how did you know?
He has every excuse. He has no reason to sacrifice his life for some stupid ass kid who got himself in that situation on his own plus same kid is a stranger to him anyways.
Fucking or wanting to fuck children is not a good idea, so don’t do it
stop talking about gin
Poison doesn't cause instant death, he could have suffered serious organ damage with just a single dosage of concetrated poison(like the one he ended up taking)
Good thing Keiji just happened to know what the antidote looked like for some reason like being a participant in the hades incident
Think about what gin would do if his hand made your dick go erect, probably take your pants off thinking you had a candy bar in there or something. And you would get hard, wouldn’t you?
Sick bastard
this, talk about getting therapy
Yes. Dance for me, little rabbit. It amuses me.
you are really letting your imagination go wild huh? seek help
Reminder that q’taro could of ended ginfags if he let him die
>Good thing Keiji just happened to know what the antidote looked like for some reason
because it had antidote written on it?
>hades incident
that happened decades ago
What would your mom think if she saw these posts you sicko
This is why Q-taro isn't the most based because he's the reason we have to deal with Gin and his obnoxious fags.
>because it had antidote written on it?
Why did nobody notice it except Keiji then?
>that happened decades ago
Do we really know exactly how long ago it happened?
My mother is dead
Also I’m just typing what you are thinking in YOUR head, I don’t want to fuck gin,
I don’t want to.
She's rolling in her grave in agony because God will tell her all the sick things you posted about a poor defenseless 2D boy
imagine if g*n didn’t exist, these threads wouldn’t be randomly shit
i don't know if this ever gets brought up but why exactly does alice not ever question "sou" about having the same name as the person he killed?
>Why did nobody notice it except Keiji then?
Because everyone else are literally dumb compared to him who's an ex detective.
>Do we really know exactly how long ago it happened?
It's literally stated in the game. You'd know this if you didn't speedread.
It's never really explained. It's possible that Alice did talk to Shin about it off screen at some point and we just never saw it like we didn't know about the secret Joe and Kai conversation.
The entire name thing is weird as fuck, at this point anyone could of taken a name from someone else. I wouldn’t even doubt that gonbee is a real person as well and Alice took his name
Jesus user, I can only get so hard
why does a joe doll exist if he isn’t a candidate?
Please riddle me that one
he also has an AI
Probably everyone has an AI
>I wouldn’t even doubt that gonbee is a real person as well and Alice took his name
Yeah. Alice never really mentioned where he came up with the Gonbee name. But probably something he just came up with on the fly.
It is a mystery.
Wouldn't be surprised. Maybe Asunaro had spares for other people who were connected to the candidates. They did tell Kai to watch Joe and Ryoko. Maybe Ryoko has an AI too.
And why is that, why do non candidates have an ai?
Gonbee Yamada
Is sou’s Real name
I think I found out who's the one really affiliated with Asunaro and may be it's leader. If you guys line up the names of candidates on the list in descending order and then throw in the 4 non candidates in in order of Japanese alphabet, then only use the third letter of each name and it would help spell out a code that pertains to one of the participants.
Spill the beans then, who’s name is it?
Only Joe has one so far and we don't know why. It could be what user said here
Because Sara is a doll and doll Joe existed to make her think her fake memories of a childhood are real
wait what? who's the rat?
Pretty autistic, who is it?
>the objective is to kill Gonbee
I want to watch Keiji make love to Sara!!
I want to watch Mishima lovingly molest Nao!!
Don't leave us hanging user. Who does the code point towards? Gin? Mishima? Sara?
Sup underaged schizo
based yet unbased
mishima and nao's relationship is consensual
And I’m going to vote for you so you die along with everyone else
>replying to himself
Zoom zoom
I accept this too.
Think of the team, user
Please tell us, I don’t care how stupid it sounds
I forgot Keiji mentioned it happened decades ago
And any way, Keiji's backtory still lines up with the guy who wrote the memo about a past death game
>killed a person during the first trial/shot someone
>loved Sara because she was a leader/pushes Sara to become a leader
>has hallucinations of Sara/has hallucinations of someone
I think you're full of shit
user tell us what you found in their names that points towards a suspect
Bullshit, but prove me wrong
W-what the fuck happened to him,
Did he die?
Yes, but actually no.
i did what you said and got... wooden mallet? what the hell is that supposed to mean? how do you figure out who the culprit is based on the name "wooden mallet"
Oh shit it’s Celeste
I remember seeing some people wonder why Keiji stops being so dead-set on killing off Shin at the end of the 2nd trial and during Chapter 3 a while back, and one thought that's struck me is the possibility that the reveal that he isn't actually named Sou Hiyori could play a factor into it.
Maybe we're supposed to think of the Japanese term for wooden mallet?
I mean wouldn't he already know Shin wasn't Sou based on the picture he saw before the second main game.
Ki mall Is what it translated to
gin is the mastermind
Kai is the mastermind I guess
Perhaps, but you have to bear in mind that Sou was allegedly 'revived' somehow, which leave some ambiguity in terms of how they did it (could they have, perhaps, housed his mind in a different body or something?) and additionally Sara's comments in the Chapter 3 demo has her say that the two of them actually look pretty damn similar. Also, perhaps the fact that Shin was claiming to be Sou Hiyori is significant enough reason for Keiji to want him bumped off 'just in case' and that when he reveals his hand Keiji no longer is suspicious of him.
Stupid EOPs. Wooden mallet translates means kiduchi or kizuchi in Japanese
True. I guess it's because "Sou" was causing trouble for everyone which is why Keiji wanted him gone but there's probably another reason for it. And I guess with Shin looking like Sou, it would have Keiji believe in Shin's claim that he is Sou.
Gin Or Kanna mastermind confirmed
>Kizuchi (木槌) - wooden mallet for the mounting of swords (e.g. Iaito, the Japanese trainings sword from aluminum alloy),
You're right. It does mean Kizuchi. Now what that means is anyone's guess.
And apparently Kugie/Kugi means nail.
kizuchi is kanna and kugie's surname. so this points the finger towards either of those two. however kanna wasn't exactly born into the kizuchi family so i'm leaning towards kugie
Couldn’t this mean nothing and just be accidental
>And apparently Kugie/Kugi means nail.
Shit. I never knew that particular bit. But it goes very well with wooden hammer which is her surname.
Looks like...
we hit the nail on the head
>demo adds a CG where Sara doesn't bleed
Really makes one think
Idk user. It could be but with this game, I won't close off any possibilities. But looks like Kanna or Kugie are going to be my main suspects for now.
It's almost like they want to show how Sara's a doll.
Someone post the kanna card
>bucket girl or her sister will be the mastermind
Ginfags redeemed
A lot of the names in this game have other meanings that align with the characters. For example, Shinogi is a Go term meaning to parry/refute an attack, but it can also refer to yakuza/gang-related activities.
But they're both dead
Wait a minute, Is that why Kugie uses a nail as a decoration? Because her family name translates into mallet?
In one route. And Kugie's video is the only one we haven't seen yet. They even showed Megumi's.
the manga shows Kugie getting pancake'd very clearly and Sara sees it too
Interesting. Makes me question if that will be relevant to Keiji
Yeah. Because basically her whole name is supposed to mean "we hit the nail on the head" which means a revelation.
manga is one of the simulation runs, obviously
Which is in itself a strange occurrence. Makes me more suspicious of Kugie
>training of swords
>sara’s card saying swordwoman or whatever
Someone get the japs on this
Nice pancake!
Based, ginfags get a redemption arc
>training of swords
>swords representing death and honor
>simulations of death games
Potentially one.
No, seriously, this is my out-there theory: female Alice is the real deal and 'Alice' is actually just a different Yabusame sibling that has adopted the name for 'reasons.'
Fuck. I forgot about Sara being considered a samurai woman aka swordswoman. This Kizuchi thing really does seem relevant now.
Shit fuck this is going too deep
And the first doll we find Is kanna’s
Pretty weird
It really is weird. Along with that text we found about Kanna. We never found out who texted that to her. We assumed it couldn't have been Kugie based on what Shin said but.....
What if it fucking was, what if her sister just faked her death using an ai doll?
Maybe Kugie is actually an expert texter and felt like pulling one last incredible prank on her sister.
>the first doll we find Is kanna’s
Just because she pissed herself and needed new clothes. I wouldn't think too much about it.
That's what I'm leaning towards now. Shin wasn't there to witness so he had no clue what really happened and Kanna was too shell shocked to remember everything clearly. We were being led down a misdirection this entire time.
Since we know hardly anything about Kugie, it's entirely possible.
>Yeah. Alice never really mentioned where he came up with the Gonbee name. But probably something he just came up with on the fly.
I think I read on vgperson's site that Gonbee Yamada is basically a combination of different Japanese equivalents to 'John Doe.'
Yeah. It's the most basic of names to use if you want to pick a fake name.
Who would care that much about her, but her sister?
Seems like kino is back on the menu for the Kanna route as-well.
Do you think Safalin is Sara's sister because she tried to give her the Joe doll to fuck? It was just them doing creepy all-seeing villain stuff and a way to introduce the idea that there are dolls of the cast.
Yep. Kanna route is now infinitely more interesting than Sou route
They're both pretty kino.
>Kanna vs. Kugie
>Shin vs. Sou
>Alice vs. Sou round 2
>Alice vs. Shin vs. Sou
Well, there is one person we haven't seen that is connected to Sara, that we know very little about, and that is named despite not being apparently connected to the death game, and that is Ryoko. I highly doubt she is Safalin but I would be surprised if we don't see her at some point.
Honestly no, but Miley might be kanna’s sister
Makes you wonder if Reko will get something. Perhaps people are right in that Fem Alice only shows up in her route (although that'd be thoroughly disappointing were that the case).
where were you when ginfags won?
>Kanna's execution just happens to leave her body perfectly preserved
I don't think they'd keep fem Alice exclusive to one route if she ends up happening. But maybe Reko ends up having more personal conflict with her setting up Reko vs. Fem Alice so each of the ch.2 characters you take to ch.3 end up having some personal rival to defeat.
I want to fuck this doll
haha no, thats gay!
Fuck. Now Ginfags will be 200 times more annoying than ever. Fucking Kanna and Kugie.
>Fem Alice
Is this really a thing? I thought it was a meme.
Joe's and Nao's were perfectly preserved. Minus some blood loss and all.
It's a thing, check out the demo files and search for the filename in pic related.
And she's also on the title screens as well.
Did you really win if your character ends up looking like the Weedman of YTTD in that they're basically a non-character with nothing interesting going on?
Nao got crushed in half
This. The kid is irrelevant as hell.
at least mine is cute
I have many questions.
No she didn't. Her body just got crushed a bit is all. Nothing like some surgery wouldn't do to help fix it.
I've wanted to play it and I own it, but every time I start it I forget it has a anti keep system or some shit where you need the manual or something to solve it like we're back in the dos days.
best boy, best boy
>we're back in the dos days.
Those days were great
pettan pettan tsurupettan
delete this
Maybe this is some next tier troll and this sprite will have absolutely nothing to do with the game.
delete this RIGHT NOW
Spooky Joe
it doesn't, that's just a completely normal puzzle
the rest of the game is like that too
not this time
He might be talking about the DS version which starts by having you check page 15 of the manual for the answer.
>Nothing interesting going on
Do you have zero memory of the first floor secret entrance?
This was in the files before the chapter 3 demo
That's how forgettable Gin's action was.
>game is based off majority vote
>keymaster and sacrifice tying for 1st is an auto loss
>game is based off majority vote
>barely any voting
>only 1 vote in the whole game so far mattered
bravo Nankidai
Democracy is a spook.
You can't expect Sara to have the deciding vote every time.
>brainlet too understand how the game works
>death game based on majority vote
>rules make it so that 90% of the trial is about figuring out who's safe to vote for rather than who should die
>keeps on replying to himself
gin is my boyfriend
But the safe votes are precisely the ones who will die. Ony once you find multiple safe votes should you worry about who deserves it or not.
wrong, he's my future husband
I claimed him though
How many pretty boys does this game have?
a lot, it's basically an otome game in disguise
We have Sou, Shin, Kai, Ranmaru, and Shunsuke.
Then he would've been voted for in the Main Game most likely. Q-taro knows how to play the game
When will you stop?
This is unhealthy obsession..
gin is cute though, I want gin as my brother
I want Gin to get shot in the forehead.
Give Gin noonoos.
Sorry lad, FemAlice is happening.
>Rio dilates Alice's chest for no reason
pretty based if you ask me
let them be stupid if it makes them happier
stop making me wanna fuck young men
user please don't fuck boys that didn't even hit puberty
Alright those threads are as bad as Danganronpa threads now. Q-Taro posting is where I draw the line. See you when next chapter comes out.
do it
>saving that pic
>maybe even drawing it
Even the mentally ill Ginposters are better than this
That's what you Q-Taro posters deserve. I have to fight fire with fire.
Name a better track.
remix of the violin song
what do you think kanna's flan tastes like haha
Thanks Gashu
Why is she so perfect lads?
where do i get seconds
there's no way that qtaro's real name is qtaro burgerburg
Why not, he looks like food and has a punny name and was asked to setup the first main game, he's just a floor master.
she sucks and I hate her
Uncalled for!
t. toto noel
what's that she's smeared in
why is the red penguin from the bathhouse there?
Look at the image that post is replying to.
oh wow chapter 3's game master is behind kai
poke vagoo
Reminder that Sara is a lesbian
Why specifically Q-Taro posting over the other characterfagging?
What should've been.
Why would she try to molest Gin then?
thought that was male nao for a second, but yeah you're right
Muscles are banned from now on
Delete this
What actually should've been.
shut up shin
Nao was into some kinky shit.
do you know any streamers/letsplayers that are playing chapter 3?
I don't wanna play the whole game for chapter 3.
you do know you can select by chapter right?
I'd rather listen to somebody voice the lines than read this myself.
i don't wanna play a vn
I'd rather just speed up a youtube video
oh no no no
Then just watch ManlyBadassHero
this is a whole new level
Manly doesn't deserve speedwatchers
Cute. But when are they going to fuck?
he hasn't play chapter 3 yet
maybe because there's only 10 minutes of ch3 demo and it isn't allowed footage?
Who'd you kill kanna or sou
Sou seemed a lot more interesting. Kanna's story was basically finished and she was fully willing to die.
Alice/Sou is the alpha route. Everything else is sexually attracted to the male gender.
>Everything else is sexually attracted to the male gender.
But the one you mentioned is the one that leaves only boys.
It's pretty cool how there are multiple routes but there's not much difference when you go through them other than the initial death.
It was a cool idea though.
>nao dies
>mishima takes her head
uh oh...
i'd rather kanna have died but i'm going dead sou route
>all the non-candidates are dead by the end of Chapter 1.
it's the end of the thread but i'm leaving my masterpiece here. enjoy...
I see, doesn't matter who dies. It always ends in oral sex. Based
You wouldn't be able to hide her head anywhere with all that hair she has.
Why is she so rude to him? What's her problem?
I personally don't believe it was 100% coincidence. I feel like they were taken specifically for their corresponding candidate's first trial. It's possible they were just expected to die during then, like Kugie. Or taken care of later like Gashu did with Nao.
she knows he's the ultimate masochist
and she's the ultimate sadist
Ey thanks for updating my oc
God damn, for a non candidate she has a sick body
she's a minor you pedo
19 is legal
gashu no
What a slut
Don't say that
I’d fuck that second panel kanna
I'd fuck that third panel joe
Sara hates manlets.
Gin is a child so he doesn't count
Based, I’d fuck them both
How tall do you think Gin will grow?
Morgan Freeman, named after this video right here:
Tall enough to sleep with, sexually