Is this a worthwhile game to buy if I liked BOTW?

Is this a worthwhile game to buy if I liked BOTW?

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maybe, they're really not very similar other than being open world.

Its a good game, check it out

yeah the robots are definitely fun to fight

I mean it has better combat and looks prettier, but it's not a very good game unless you really like the AAA-open world stuff. I never even finished it.

Is this game multiplayer online?

It's not a GOTY contender, but it's pretty fun and the story is intriguing enough. Honestly my favorite part was just fighting robo dinos and how fluid the movement and combat felt.

No online at all, 100% single player

That's good, I might buy it if it's about 20 beans

Complete edition is on sale for like $15 last time I checed, I sank like 100 hours into the game so it's good for bargain price

The story was ass, exploring is fun, Combat was great, Better than BOTW honestly.

If you're brain damaged enough to like BOTW, you just might be brain damaged enough to like this

Good, cheers

The general idea behind the plot is good, it's just meh in the writing and presentation department

I like how the open world isn't sterile, you're always running into stuff like varied machinetype heards, bandit patrols, random dudes getting assaulted by robots

Yeah, I've also not tried the DLC that was released for it yet, Was that even any good? Didn't hear much about the DLC.

Not him, its really just more of the same and not particularly memorable, except some new bear type robots that are a lot of fun to fight

exploring and messing around with the robots is fun. You eventually get tired of going from point A to point B, 40 hours in i still havent beat it.
Cant say i didnt had fun though.

The snowy map feels a bit annoying after a while, but it has a decent size and lots of quests to do, there's 3 new machine types and a new boss type, the scorcher ones are fucking bitches to fight, very challenging, the bear like ones are just aggressive damage sponges

It gives some shitty costumes but it has some great weapons, and good extra weapon ungrades, provides new skills and lets you upgrade the Lance damage, plus ot has full cutscenes, voiced dialogue and decent new lore additions

It's a good dlc, better than what games usually get nowadays

No, its the game that had the unfortunate fate of being released pretty close to BOTW and being directly compared with it despite being a completely different game from a different genre.

It has almost nothing to do with BotW, they just came out around the same time

It's basically Far Cry with robot dinosaurs. Story is actually decent. Very beautiful game especially in 4K HDR, probably one of the best looking games on the system

No because the red headed cunt won't keep her mouth shut
"Oh look a dead body (that i have to announce to the player since they're likely going to miss it because we couldn't care less about level design and it's much easier to just literally tell player's what to do rather than let them figure it out and have fun because that requires effort much cooler to see a totally badass chick enivronment is awesome and so are women)"

Environment is awesome tho, the whole terradorming plot with animal-like machines was greatly crafted, too bad it's just lore

I do agree the game goes left a bit much with the matriarchal side of things, thankfully the Nora bullshit is over as soon as you get into the overworld and meet other tribes

Is the DLC worth it? I played the base game and liked it for the most part

The Frozen Wilds were pretty much an improvement of the game overall in my opinion. Even the NPCs you talk to seem hella more expressive and alive than the base game.

Yes. Slightly harder but the snow is pretty comfy. Would recommend

Banuk people are just better, carja and osram are one note morons

Even the hidden fetch quests were better crafted

It's good but be warned that it doesn't get good until like 5 hours in

That's mostly the player getting the hang of the learning curve, crafting and strategies tho

Camera in snow land is pretty great if it's your thing

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I played this game at the time as i was playing BOTW. Honestly i liked it and would actually recommend picking it up, especially because you can get it at like fucking walmart for 20 bucks.
But i think having them at the same time was the thing that made me not really play it. botw was just so much more fun to explore and even just play overall. When i started playing horizon I'd really start to miss the mobility and tightness control of botw and would do silly things like just hop off a small cliff only to have to reload. The bow combat in horizon is great though.
My ex and i bought these games for eachother when they came out, i ended up playing botw on my wii u tablet while she'd play horizon on our tv. She was pregnant at the time and would make up excuses when she couldn't beat a boss, like she felt nauseous or her swollen feet were distracting her, so I pretty much only ended up playing all the hard combat in the game while she did the rest. That might be why i enjoyed the combat.
two years later she really really wants to move into a better place and nice neighborhood with nice schools for our daughter, so i pulled it off and found us a nice home only to have her suddenly decide she hates me and wants to take my kid and move back home with her mom a month and a half later, leaving me with all our debt, rent, bills and a half empty house.
she's being a real fucking cunt for no reason and i really want to hate her but fuck bros. I'd forgive her in a heart beat. And having my kid every other day isn't enough i love her and want to always be there for her.
Life feels hopeless, all my old hobbies are plagued with memories, and I just want my little family to be whole again.. I miss her so much.

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its botw except it actually looks like a game released in 2017

You learn all that quickly enough, but I think it doesnt get really good until they introduce the larger robots. Cause thats when you have to worry more about shooting their components to weaken them, than just picking your strong arrows and shooting the body.

You dont get any of that until you reach the carja area and even then you have to get the materials you need to stand up to them.

Finding out you can just shoot the power cells off of enemies and they just immediately combust and are unable to do anything was pretty freakin rad.

Oh yes, the first time you fight a stormbird all shit gets super intense

No it will be a disappointment comparatively speaking

I hope you get kid custody user