...says we should ban First persom shooters. Do I agree or not?
The man who killed Bin Laden
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He's Gordon Freeman?
..he's a nord female who gets constantly raped?
The man who killed bin label is probably an actor
he felt threatened that his guns would be taken away when he did in fact earn them so he wants to deflect the blame to videogames because fuckin losers should get jobs instead of him giving up his guns
still a retarded argument anyway
>Bin Laden
Cool, where's the body?
>i'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games
Kiryu-san ? Is that you ?
The man whose name rhymes with Obama
Oh shit, it's the real Mario.
Yeah but what's that K/D look like?
>the guy you pretend to be
Didn't seal team 6 literally crash a helicopter and almost died on the spot while raiding osamas hide out
they dropped it into the ocean like a transformer
if you wanna believe that. which im sure you already know this but the info is here now for those that may not
>he's verified on twitter
Will I be famous if I shoot a saudi too?
Fucking zoomers
>Im the guy you pretend to be on your video games
I didnt know sexy trap catgirls were actually real
>i'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games
But I pretend to be a girl when I play vidya
>The man who killed Bin Laden
What? I thought they all "died".
To be honest I wouldn't be too sad if FPS games got banned. They're all just rehashes and cash grabs nowadays anyways.
>kill bin laden
Wheres the body? I don’t believe that fucker did anything
He’s Zelda?
why should i give a fuck about what some larping boomer says about video games?
Kiryu can't use twitter you goofball
>Hey, motherfuckers... my name is Robin, and I hate all of you(r first person shooter videogames).
Kek. This faggot thinks he is hot shit because he killed an old man in some desert shithole?
honestly that would be based, majority of shooter these days are shit anyways, and when the shooting still continue it'll be great to see these cucks cry about something else.
>We should just ban everything until all problems are solved!
Yeah, everyone has retarded opinions. He probably thinks killing some towelheads makes him too much of a badass to be wrong.
idiot asshole willing to die for muh freedoms wants to take games away, maybe he should get a hobby
I personally don't care for the genre but I don't think it would stop at just fps, so ill defend them.
Did you know: the Bin Laden operation used two top-secret black projects: stealth helicopters
One of them crashed (perhaps it was shot down by Pakistan intelligence forces) just outside the Bin Laden compound (that was next door to Pakistani intelligence HQ).
The US sent a backup helicopter to pick up the team to safety.
The interesting part is, Pakistan sent the crashed "stealth helicopter" wreck to China for intelligence purposes.
So when America grabbed Bin Laden from Pakistani protection, they inadvertently gave the Chinese a stealth helicopter.
As usual for Obama's term, a very bad trade.
FPS games are cancer, and so are 3rd person shooters. If it prevents even 1 person from joining the alt-right I'd say it's worth it.
>Osama Bin Laden
Please this is the greatest crime against humanity perpetrated by a Bin Laden.
soldiers =/= video games
the same way when i play cooking mama i don't listen to actual mothers who cook about how the game should be, you should not listen to soldiers about how shootan games should be
>the guy you pretend to be on your video games
I didn't know he was Mr. Foster.
I'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games
Wait a second, but I play as a little girl...
I'm okay with FPS being banned just as long as you ban firearms too.
>FPS ban, no shooters for 5 years
>5 years pass
>Guns shootings don't change
>FPS is now legal ushering in a glorious new era of FPS
Sounds fucking great to me
>killing an unarmed old man suddenly makes you the equivalent of doomguy.
How come mutts are this delusional and generally retarded? Is it that hard to at least ban the sale of auto-rifles so the school shooters would at least kill less when they go for it?
I think the pilot wrecked the rear rotor on the wall outside
Then again I heard that from some documentary
Pick up a fucking book
>unga bunga rock-tard soldier is an idiot
Who woulda' thought?
no matter what he thinks he is, he will never be as cool as sam fisher
Low tier /k/ bait
I don't agree with his opinions but I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty based.
dont forget they crashed their helicopter outside the compound before even going in
these guys were shit
All countries play video games but mass shootings happen everyday only in USA? Weird...
it's such a small brain take
should we ban all games with swords/knives because people are killed with them irl?
should be ban all racing games because some bad actors can use cars irl to hit pedestrians on purpose?
this logic is fucking terrible, he thinks he is a badass with all those likes when his snarky retort does not actually add any real credibility to his assertion.
Automatic rifles are sadly already illegal iirc
he is a cute anime girl?
>is it that hard
Yes we technically made it a constitutional right and now all gun owners point to that
>implying china didn't steal the blueprints for the stealth helicopter in their weekly hacking of US
>Killed a lot of people in war
>not amerifat
Just play FPS, niggas. It's fun.
No, but I'm fully supporting banning third person shooters.
>I'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games
Doesn’t that contradict the statement that vidya creates shooters, Robert?
Playing CSGO doesnt make me want to go see real combat. Especially when I go 8 kills and 14 deaths.
>kill a geriatric 3rd worlder while he is asleep and you are using top of the line modern military equipment
>something to be proud of
amerilards make no fucking sense.
>hey motherfuckers
I bet money this fucker has a goatee and constantly wears either a baseball hat or those athetic sunglasses or both
How about we ban gacha games and sony interactive movies?
>I'm the guy you pretend to be in the video games
an incestuous underage boy?
>Do as I say because YOU BETTER be afraid of me.
Intimidation for political gain is terrorism.
Supposedly killed. No photos or footage exist of his body and for NO PARTICULAR REASON his body was sealed and dumped into the fucking ocean instead of being buried or something.
Must be that imposter again !
>soldiers good
>video games bad
It was a heavier model not meant for the altitude they were at. They didn't want to take it but were forced to. Tail rotor went out near the landing zone and everyone was OK from what I remember.
Please, I'd smack that poser's head off his shoulders, Stolen Valor ass
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
So the guy that allegedly killed him laden, who I assumed was in the military for a good amount of time, picks fights on. Fucking Twitter and starts off saying motherfuckers? And I'm to believe that this was a professional operative at one point?
The military is primarily composed of speds and borderlines, who knew?
Yeah kids should dream of joining the army and die for their "own" country instead of avoiding murdering thoughts by playing videogames
I mean if he actually killed Bin Laden I guess he's earned it but why is he so seemingly edgy?
dude, every "war hero" is a cunt
>yeah I killed bin laden
Why should I trust him? There is evidence?
>he killed bin laden
>still no proofs to this day
>dumped his body into the ocean
I can't believe anyone has ever believed this. It's almost as ridiculous as Epstein commuting suicide
>a guy who literally killed people with guns in real life is implying video games are the problem and not the guns which literally and non ironically do in fact kill people.
murica is all kinds of retarded
>implying bin laden wasn’t killed years and years ago and they didn’t fake this so obongo would look better because I’m reality he was a stupid fucking kenyan Muslim loving nigger
>I’m who you pretend to be in video games
Sly cooper is that you?
post the best comeback
>Guy who murdered for a living says Vidya are bad
This dude needs to reevaluate some shit
Why doesn’t every other country have a mass killing problem like America? They have vidya too.
I don’t get it.
wrong. the problem is jews.
You shouldn't expect any intelligent comment from a guy who joined military to die for Israel mate.
I have no autonomy over my thoughts and only follow the echo that Yea Forums throws at me.
Am I supposed to praising conservative based man for attacking semen cerebellums or shitting on his alleged actions against arab bad man #1262 because he's attacking our vidya. 100% serious too
>I'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games.
Just b urself
Video games keep people from joining the military that's why they want them banned
ESL can't be expected to know shit about our military. Especially special forces. Go back to scamming old people for credit card numbers, Pablo or Ivan or Muhalamachabad or whatever your shit name is.
>bin laden was killed years ago
Why would the CIA kill one of its own when they can just shoot some homeless sand nigger and throw his body into the ocean
and then they sold the scrap to china to piss of the Americans LMAO, pretty sure they were able to reverse engineer the parts.
of course you did, you fucking attack dog, we could have captured him and gotten answers but good work!
>Crazy people getting guns easily isn't a problem
>It's video games!
Imagine being a fucking boomer and your whole life work is that you literally murdered someone for money. The military is embarassing
>Taking the advice of someone who was stupid enough to go and risk his life shooting arabs on the other side of the world for the sake of some jews he never met and never will
>probably circumsized as well
amerigolems are truly the goodest of all goys it's pretty imbarassing at this point
>I'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games
>on your video games
>ban first person shooters
>people are still killing each other because [insert stupid reason here]
What now, Ace?
He's the entire nation of Germany?
my favourite is when they compare the US to Switzerland because they also have loads of guns but there are no mass shootings therefore guns are not the problem.
>mfw muslimcels have to look at this crap every time they do their "holy pilgramage"
That's a load of karma
Seals should be legally required to never speak in public after they get out. To a man they are all fucking embarrassing.
This dipshit is probably just stirring shit to sell another book he had ghostwritten about the time he double tapped an old man in the middle of the night and never produced a body because reasons
The dude acts like he did it all solo.
CS:GO: Yes
CS 1:6: No
Quake Champions: Yes
Quake 3 Arena: No
Call of Duty: Yes
Medal of Honor: No
Battlefield V: Yes
Battlefield Desert Combat: No
Doom Eternal: Yes
Brutal Doom: Yes
Chocolate Doom: No
Destiny: Yes
Halo: Yes
Marathon: No
>thinks he's hot shit because he killed a bunch of sand farmers
Good point user, you’re probably correct. How people believe anything the government says nowadays absolutely baffles me.
>I am the guy who cia decided to give the credit to once they decided they didn't need bin laden anymore and the president needed a popularity boost
>nowadays I spend my days being edgy and calling people motherfuckers on twitter
Our ally in the middle east against the soviets and a freedom fighter. Pretty based guy.
All the guys who (((killed))) (((Bin Laden))) have died in a helicopter (((crash))). This guy is just a plain faggot
You know what else separates Switzerland and America?
Literal child murderering war criminal kike shames innocent us citizens for playing videogames
Why should anyone respect this coward for his "service" how many kids did this fuck sell to hrc
>kills scapegoat as (((ordered)))
>propagates anti-freedom arguments
Gee, what a surprise.
Fuck the army, the goodest of goys and racetraitors there are.
Not for long.
that was included in the "savages" part, user
They blew up the chopper on the way out, standard procedure
>I'm the guy you pretend to be
This isn't the same guy that also pretended like he killed Bin Laden in his book?
He's e guy who gave Xi Jin Ping those stealth helicopters. And he's proud of it.
Looking at the dudes twitter feed and only shit he is a fucking faggot. His achievement boils down to shooting an old unarmed raghead. Fucking impressive.
this neural network shit is getting really scarry
So third person shooters are still fine right...
What's your MOS idiot?
I was going to make this just after work but oh well, less work for my enjoyment I guess.
It's obviously the pornography at fault.
not everyone cares about your fairytale "terrorist", mutt
Navy Seal
He's right though.
Do you feel like an hero yet?
This guy gives me a lot of spec ops vibes
>I was going to make this just after work
Real men join the Marines, Stolen Valor ass
but in which game can I actually play as those?
I'm a Navy Seal in the Marines.
Akshully he was a seal show some respect
So the man that kills/killed for a living and probably doesn't play video games is telling people, that mostly hasn't killed anyone and play video games, that video games are violent?
Even at the time that it happened, I felt no pride. Bin Laden had already been broken and defeated by that point, humiliated with the annihilation of his terrorist network. He had no longer had anything worthwhile attached to himself.
All they did was kill an empty husk.
I think more people pretend to be me or one of my coworkers in video games. I can't think of a game where people played as that guy, there's quite a few games where people play as us.
>Guy on seals rock of shame at their HQ
>Multiple people there claim he didn't do it
am loading
Why would I listen to a random faggot on twitter? I can claim I killed bin Laden too. I also shot JR Ewing. Who cares?
What operations have you been on jack ass?
What the fuck does he know? Soldiers are LITERALLY retarded grunts, even worse when its in somewhere like mutt land where men arent forcibly/semi forcibly drafted into service. He (more like it) has no say on anything, he (it) isnt allowed or encouraged to use his (its) head to think and certainly has nothing of worth to say about ethics or psychology
it's like that podcast of joe rogan with dan crenshaw
>Joe: Do you think banning guns is a valid option?
>Dan: Probably not
fucking kek, it's not like anyone is dying from it or anything right?
it's a come back alright
Was the supposedly American lapdog actually a chinese spy? Maybe the helicopter pilot was chinese
Or maybe america is chinese
This shit goes deep I'm gonna need to open this tab in incognito mode
I was the one that killed Bin Laden. I'm the guy who you pretend to be in video games.
Like the Holocaust, JR getting shot was just a fever dream that didn't actually happen.
B-but blue checkmark.
>ban porn
>people are still killing people for any dumb excuse
What next, dipshit? You gonna keep putting band-aids on the gunshot wound or are you gonna admit that banning stuff won't solve jack shit?
everyone knows that trump gave the plans to xi as part of an excellent trade deal
he should do like a seal and get clubbed then.
This guy's one job was to not shoot bin laden in the face, which he did. Either they were hiding something, or he's terrible at what he does. Take your pick.
Then what? Catcher in the rye?
Oh yeah? What did Osama say before we shot him poser?
Please don't spread misinformation, OP.
Based military man sperging out because of being called out for being part of a group of high-hatted fucks who think shooting a few sandniggers means they deserve the pride and respect of their country.
All non air force are retarded. Imagine being some braidead yes sir no sir soldier
Goddamn Swedes
"Hey bro, can you like, not shoot me? That's not cool dude."
seems like he's joking or there is more to this.
he probably played vidya when he was in.
seals are fags anyway that end up in rehab when their susie rotten crotch cheats on them.
Now this is a comeback
just a prank bro lul
>it wasn't me it was the jews
I psychologically tormented my bullies. When it comes to insulting, belittling, and tormenting a person I can be a very VERY brutal human being.
It doesn't take much. Just requires not taking shit, and always having a creepy grin on your face and just stare at them unflinchingly for minutes on end. Never blinking. Looking down on them as nothing more than brainless dogs and telling them, "good boy" when they behave.
I think what helped was just the general creepiness I could exude and how quickly I could shift my mood so I'm fairly certain they all thought I was crazy or psychotic. Not to mention me freely sharing my violent thoughts with them with a smile on my face.
I can teach anyone any day. But I think the best kinda response you can give to any bully these days, especially in this country is, "Would you like to become the next statistics to be given Thoughts and Prayers?"
not a very good government operative if you're spouting off classified information on the internet are you?
that was clearly not sarcasm, he's just trying to save face.
cause if it was sarcasm.... jesus christ american military are the stupidest people on the planet
My sides
>Remove all context from gun debate
>Just ban all guns lol!
Based Euro retard
either way youre still paying all my bills even though Ive been out for years.
>just pretending
Remember that sarcasm doesn't really work in text without massive context.
Final Fantasy XIV
>I was promised immunity if I made those videos
I would ban war veterans, especially those who acted like glorified mercenaries and killed for profit and not their country.
No fuck you, I killed Bin Laden, they let me keep his beard to make a scarf
It was "Hands up don't shoot"
Nice try though posers
No I don't think we should be listening to the violent dog of the state regarding the curbing of my and others personal freedoms.
>pls don't take away muh pwecious gunny wunnys guis ;_;
Well, shit. I'm still all for banning FPS because it's a shit genre that I hate. If Americans stop shooting each other as a result, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
You have autism
kraut joking?
Yes, because completely emotionless black text can totally be interpreted as sarcasm.
German humour is no laughing matter
Military targets poor people from shit communities. It should not be shocking that poor people who couldn't make something of themselfs on their own would act retarded
At this point it's fish shit floating in the ocean. They dumped his body at sea as a final insult to his faith and also so that no one can make a monument of his grave.
You're a big faggot. See if I'm being sarcastic or not.
Why do Republicans hate video games?
So why do Euro fags pretend they don't wish they could own guns?
>N-no, I'm happy with my butter knives
>some bootlicker sucker who didn't even get a high school diploma who's inviting men to fuck his wife while he goes out to die for a barrel of oil has an opinion
This is even worse than gamer YouTubers
>actually believing this
Holy kek
>Is it that hard to at least ban the sale of auto-rifles
Sorry to break it to you but the country of freedom already banned that freedom long ago
What an ignorant post
I wish there was a game where I could play as sakura
Yeah dude, and I bet you think that JFK was actually assassinated.
You fools! I never died!
Cig companies and the US government are in kahoots
>angry manchild who killed a man he was supposed to bring alive for questioning and to pay for their crimes, effectively extending the war against terrorism for at least another 2 decades
I don't remember this protagonist from any of my videogames, lads.
Wow this one is a hard question. Maybe, just maybe i enjoy not getting shot?
You can't pick up social cues from plain text taken out of context, you absolute armchair intellectual.
He's just a prima dona. I also served in the Navy but I do enjoy my shooters, fuck him
Where's the timestamp? Retake pic with timestamp and I'll believe you.
>Actually believing Euros get to wield dangerous butter knives
He's right you know.
Violent video games have made me violent too. Thanks to Team Fortress 2 I get frequent urges to throw jars of piss at people so I can get mini crits off them and kill them faster. I also want to hit people with wrapping paper tubes and christmas ornaments to make them bleed.
It keeps people from joining the military because vidya is more fulfilling
holy shit voice actors will become irrelevant as soon as this ai can frankenstein new voices from several sources
Reminder that this glownigger killed /ourguy/
>Osama Bin Laden is perhaps known as the world’s most infamous terrorist but as it turns out, the man is quite the gamer like many of us. The Central Intelligence Unit (CIA) recently released the contents of the Al Qaeda leader’s personal hard drives seized during the deadly 2011 raid at his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
>As anticipated, around 470,000 files included reels of public speeches, jihadist propaganda and previously unseen home video footage of his mysterious son, Hazma Bin Laden. But unbeknown to many, Bin Laden also appeared to have a penchant for virtual gaming and pop culture, as his trove was filled with video games, movies, viral YouTube videos and anime.
>Here are some of the gaming titles found on his hard drive, according to multiple reports:
>Even Bin Laden couldn’t resist the allure of Mario and Luigi and the rest of the crew. A bunch of bootleg copies—or emulators for PC—were found on his files including “Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time,” “New Super Mario Bros,” “Metroid Prime Hunters” and “Yoshi’s Island DS.” Bin Laden also owned printed copies of “Animal Crossing,” along with PC games “Zuma Deluxe,” “Sniper Elite” and “Nazi Zombie Army 2.”
>Turns out, the then 54-year-old Saudi Arabian was also a fan of role-playing games, particularly “Final Fantasy VII.” With a lot of time on his hands, it’s not hard to imagine Bin Laden immersing himself in “Cloud Strife “ and the rest of the crew. He also reportedly possessed the whole “Devil May Cry” series.
>The feared extremist also had a naughty side, as several pornographic games and videos were seen in his files as well. The CIA, however, refused to reveal the titles due to some copyright content.
>Check the post feed
>Dickriding muritards supporting an alleged killer
Really hoping Aphophis will be crashing on the USA first if it ever happens
oh shit
osama bin livin
>Lives in fear like a bitch
>Is euro
Checks out, at least your honest
I've never told anyone this, but the statute of limitations has run out in my state for crimes committed as a minor.
>ARIZ.REV.STAT. § 13-107 (2012). Time limitations.
I bullied someone when I was a kid pretty bad, eventually raping him repeatedly. It started with making him suck my dick, then I would fuck him and call him names. The usual "faggot" and whatnot. He was raised by his grandmother and she eventually went to the school to try to get the bullying to stop, but she threatened me and a few other kids which put a stop to that conversation and our parents filed a restraining order against her. The bullying intensified after this.
One day he threatened to tell the other bullies that I was fucking him, this was junior year. I told him that none of them would believe him and that things would get far worse for him afterwards. What I did, since I was really worried that he would rat me out, was offer to get them to back off him for a bit but he would have to let me continue fucking him whenever I wanted and he'd have to let my girlfriend get involved. He readily agreed, my girlfriend was pretty cute, and so he traded a handful of really awful bullies for the worst bully I have ever seen walk the face of this world: my highschool sweetheart. The things she made him do still haunt me.
He's diabetes and neglect? Cause Osama Bin Laden died of diabetes some 7 or 8 years ago.
>As usual for Obama's term, a very bad trade.
Chadbama still making white cucks seethe while Trump continues to suck jew dick.
>all the retards biting this
uh yikes
He also had anime didn't he
And? Who honestly gives a shit if he's alive or dead? Al Qaida is old news. They hardly do anything of note and the organization as a whole is a shadow of its former self. All the competent leaders have been killed. They're charismatic face, Bin Laden, is dead/MIA. At best they're a bunch of loosely affiliated cells with no cohesive goal, plan, or motive.
Who do you think his waifu was?
Good to see you again homeslice
You sick fuck you should be institutionalized
So many disrespectful fucking kids in this thread.. this man killed the greatest terrorist of all fucking time, the one responsible for FUCKING 9/11 and here you all are mocking him... Disgraceful...
>Super Mario killed Bin Laden
I was there for his final moments, it went exactly like this:
>alright you sand nigger cunt time to die
>hol up playa, let me hit this here blunt one last time and do the stanky leg
>dabs right before I blow his brains out all over the camel standing right behind him
Because they hate the virgins who play them
Didn’t he watch a bunch of anime?
>b-but video games
Yeah it's not like amerimutts are clearly too retarded to own guns
that some Yea Forums meme
enjoy your melted face haha
The majority of soldiers I’ve met are crass and a little rude to varying degrees, even my dad, who has a bad habit of cutting absolutely everyone off mid-sentence so he can voice an opinion when he doesn’t even know the full context the speech was about the explain
>caring about anything a SEAL has to say
Literally the most incompetent and morally and professionally bankrupt branch of any "special" forces. They're too busy signing book deals, getting wasted, committing war crimes and leaking intel to be of any actual use to anybody.
And mutts wonder why everyone else call them retarded.
CIA asset
>has no fear of dying
oh it shows burger
>wife and daughter are raped by filthy Muslim cock while they are beheaded
>haha stupid American at least I didn’t get shot
Cope harder euro bro
I made this yesterday
the naruto running is actually good though
what that playing video games leads to not murdering people irl
oh wait, did i mix something up?
>اَللهُ اَكْبَر اَللهُ اَكْبَر
على أساس
Holy shit it's Super Mario
>stealth helicopters
No such thing. You can angle the blades and give it "stealth" paint but all that does is trying to help diffuse radar signals. Pure fucking propaganda meme
T. H-60 Aircraft mechanic
Mossad. And Israel still exist, those responsible 911 go unpunished
Thanks for reminding me to give all the 9/11 babies a big happy birthday on Yea Forums this year
Hey man to each their own. Enjoy your butter knives, at least until they get outlawed again because your "afraid" someone might shank you with them.
>expected a shitpost
>get the truth instead
well shit
Its more likely those games were there for his kids
why did you guys get rid of the hueys, they were really cool. Fun to pilot in rising storm 2 as well
He's just salty from being a ZOG foot soldier and being the equivalent of a garbage man who had to take out the trash left by our intelligence agencies who trained and radicalized him in the first place. They also are responsible for losing a state of the art stealth helicopter to small arms fire and significantly advancing Chinese technology as they would be the first in line to acquire materials from it.
The Middle East would be westernized by now if we just left it alone during the Cold War.
Being a political dog for a state run on behalf of corporations does not give you credibility to know what's good or bad.
the beetles is pop music though
i made this
maybe his thought process is that murder isnt cool and games about killing are fucking you up. like when a smoker tells you not to play smoking games
Obama killed an old irrelevant terrorist. Trump puts them in his cabinet
>literally pays Muslim terrorists to kill him
yikes Burger
Ez answer is doesnt fit our mission requirements. Marines still use heuys. They even gave them 4 blades instead of 2
false, he didn't kill Sir Isaac Newton.
if he hadn't invented gravity the towers wouldn't have fallen neither would we need planes in order to fly around.
Sir Isaac Newton was the greatest terrorist of all time.
And just like in your example it rings hollow
Not illegal. Just require a specific license (class a). However he probably meant to say assualt rifle
Enjoy your school shootings.
Bush Jr. is dead?
extremely based
they killed him about 9 years too late for it to really matter. despite all the media hype in 2011 al qaeda was irrelevant.
he is right history proved censorship and prohibitionism are absolutely the way to go to make your people morally responsible
we all know that without videogames there would be no mass shooting despite america being the only civilized place where they are even a thing.
Being the only civilized country on earth with high weapon availability has nothing to do with this matter.
As a Swissfag, guns are actually more important than vidya.
Do you realize there's countries in Europe where you can own guns? There's just no mass shootings every other week because there's no amerimuttoids here
The US Constitution has caused nothing but problems for the past 50 years and should be either amended or abolished entirely. The fact that you would rather let kids get shot by the dozen weekly is proof of this. There are far more successful, happier countries that have no equivalent and don't allow assault weapons, and a 200 year old piece of paper is not a justification to own them since even the writers of the Constitution would choose to abolish them.
The Saudis are our ally. Don't fucking mock them.
I'm 30 and I'm still saying the Bin Laden raid was an unnecessary operation. We've fucked up the Middle East for generation to come, and we're still not done. That's more than enough revenge for my taste.
Bin Laden was supposed to live out his humiliated life as a harsh reminder of what happens when you attack US soil. Now he can't because of Obama's MUH POLE NUMBUHS
Steve Jobs was behind it all along, and cancer got him before we did!
Disc 1 Final Boss
Is more blades more better?
Why stop at 4, why not 6 or 8?
What if you just made a huge disc instead, that's like infinity blades.
and yet you complain about foreigners being lazy and living off the state
We're learning from our mistake in Vietnam. We didn't fuck them up for generations and it came back to bite us in the ass. So we have to do this in the Middle East just to be safe.
Yes, but not because they are violent but because they are all the same and boring
>Osama bin Laden one of America's biggest enemies was killed in 2012 after a raid by seal team six after 11 years of fighting Al quesadilla
>Mfw I was 12
>Didn't even know about this dude
Holy shit. How the fuck did one man manage to fuck up the US for 11 years?
So much for 11 trillion in military spending
>The US Constitution has caused nothing but problems for the past 50 years and should be either amended or abolished entirely. The fact that you would rather let kids get shot by the dozen weekly is proof of this. There are far more successful, happier countries that have no equivalent and don't allow assault weapons, and a 200 year old piece of paper is not a justification to own them since even the writers of the Constitution would choose to abolish them.
lol abolish the us constitution and you're abolishing the USA. you would never get Americans in current year to agree on a system of laws and government. the mystique of the constitution is the only thing left for the usa.
Osama "to err is human, to hit is musulman" Bin Laden
>assault weapons
oh i am laffin
>He doesn't play videogames
>Still ends up in a career killing people
He's a hypocrite.
That would be a mercy kill by this point. The sooner you break apart into smaller, infinitely less dysfunctional governments the better
>of course we killed Osama
>no we didn't take photos or any proof
>also we gave him an Islamic burial with full respects
>no we can't show you because it was at sea
I never recalled pretending to be a faggot in my video game
the idiots still think that socialism = communism
that's how fucking basic those fuckers are
there is literally nothing wrong with letting zoomers die
The constitution is almost entirely procedural rules, user.
Just navy seal pasta that fag.
I agree. The Constitution practically allows everyone to be a citizen and it effectively makes anchor babies a legal tactic. We need to get rid of it and start executing illegals on sight along with their children
>punitive justice is bad because it doesn't sit right with me let's do *symbolic* justice instead
What the fuck let me guess you're a Trumptard too
mass shootings seem to happen in gun free zones all the time, really makes you
>muh salt weapons aren't covered under the constitution
Dumb cunt. The first amendment only applies to printing presses then.
As if I give a shit what Captain Bootlicker says
>mass shootings seem to happen in gun free zones all the time
yeah, american schools
Nothing about your interpretation of what I said makes any sense at all.
They got a more powerful engine and youre dealing with lift at this point
imagine believing anything coming from obummer administration especially as shady as the instant burial at sea without any proof
No user you're totes right, bringing terrorists to justice is bad because living like dirty sheep herders is punishment enough.
>says this when the new zealand shooter came in with doom music and shot up people
>Put gun free zone next to get all of the guns you want zone
>be surprised when people mix the two
if they killed the greatest terrorist then how come america still exists?
Bin Laden was killed by his own chronic liver problems some time in the mid-2000s, unless someone wants to claim that he was hauling a dialysis machine around in the Afghan mountains.
>pretend to be
no I pretend to be people who actually did something, not people who take credit for a kill orchestrated over many years because they just pulled the trigger.
What a dipshit though, I'm sure he doesn't play games, he's probably just some faggot ass jock who can't comprehend anything deeper than twitter.
But Bin Laden died of disease.
Guns are more important than bing bing wahoo shit. The vidya industry is infested with leftists and trannies.
Thanks for reminding me why I reinstalled FO4
holy crap, that's a lot of 1 (literally 1) examples.
Leftists also hate video games but they have a different way of showing it
>50% of his paycheck goes to pay for Muhammad and his 20 wives palace in the middle of London and all the healthcare their 25 children will need while he eats a chip butty for dinner because it’s all he can afford
>also his wife and daughter are still sucking Jamal’s filthy pozzed cock in the other room
>he is in the cuckshed watching the bbc
Such is the life of a euro
Literally fuck the Saudis and their incest-ridden families.
>disarming your population so the most corrupt government in the world can just do whatever the fuck it wants(not like its not the case already but at least with guns you have the possibility of normies actually waking up and taking back control
>not addressing that all of those mass shooters were under prescribed anti depressants(oy vey goy can't show big pharma in negative light)
>not addressing the modern rat race climate causing those shooters to lose their shit in the first place
yeah it would lower some of the numbers but it won't solve the problem at all in any form and would completely fuck your countries citizens to defend their freedom.
modern day america is the equivalent of babylon with its degeneracy but the one thing they got right is gun ownership.
it's like those parents who hate their kids but keep posting them on facebook for likes
>imply that shootings only happen in burgerland schools
>get told about one example of it not happening in muttland
>D-doesnt count
You're just as retarded as amerimutts
what if we murder
There were a bunch of kids in the compound. Porn was probably his though.
>100% of his life goes to Ali's latest killing spree
I'm glad I'm not a Burger.
>all the eutards and bongoloids where the government routinely arrest people for mean tweets bitching about guns
The safest country in Cuckrope (Switzerland) has the laxest gun laws by far.
Yes, thanks to Pakistan they made their own blackhawk helicopter the Harbin Z-20
Osama Bin Laden Assassination
Date May 2, 2011 PKT
Harbin Z-20
First flight: 23 December 2013
LMAO amerisharts BTFO
i didn't say it doesn't count, i'm simply implying that a lot more shootings have happened in the states since that one in new zealand, my dense friend.
100%based and redpilled
I'm being serious here. Don't fucking mock them. What the fuck is wrong with you?
>still believing that Bin Laden's actually dead
lmao they really did a number on you guys
What are you even doing man? Why would I want to own a gun? Seriously, tell me. Never in my entire life have I felt the need to own a gun. I've actually met only two gun owners in my entire life, one hunter and the other just a guy who likes going to the shooting range for fun. Nobody I've ever met has told me that they'd want to own a gun for self-defense, simply because there's no need for that. I don't need to be afraid in my own country. If you feel like you need to own a gun for your own safety then that tells more about the state of your country than anything else. Now I know that the replies to this post are all going to be some "lol enjoy muslims raping your wife" shitposting but the truth still stands, I'm not the one with my finger on a trigger in fear of getting shot when walking down the street. I'm safe on the streets and at home, you're clearly not.
i love it when stupid goys sign up to be part of the zog warmachine. it's even better when i read stories of them coming back with irreversible PTSD or physical mutilation. serves you right for dealing with the jew devil
>haha yes goy disarm yourselves so that the military has no qualms stomping in and shitting over anything, they know better after all
the whole point of gunshaving is that the risk/reward for using the military like a fucking club is drastically changed by civilians willing and able to fight back in the event of tyranny, people fighting against the idea of having guns because "lol big brother is stronger anyway" are fighting a strawman use some critical thought for once in your miserable life
oh my god
he's a jew that runs a theme park?
This. Every US soldier deserves the absolute worst possible outcome
don't worry goy 9/11 is solved and all is well
Uh yeah these digits are epic
>implying I pay taxes
>implying all of my money and time doesn’t go to eating tasty burgers and lifting weights
Oh lord please help this euro bro, he can’t help that his wife is addicted to pozzed bbc sperm and filthy Muslim dick cheese. Please help him in his time of need and send him down a butter knife so he can defend himself from the 20 shitskins trying to behead him. Amen
These actually look fairly different, and aren't copies.
No one has been drafted since desert storm, which is why everyone coming out of the middle east theater in the 2000s is a complete shithead, they were dumb enough to volunteer.
>The safest country in Cuckrope (Switzerland)
According to what?
>has the laxest gun laws by far
It's 11th on guns per capita in europe.
we already ban sexy depictions of female characters in games to avoid sexism why stop there and not also ban violence in games to prevent real life violence?
The guy has his head so far up his ass because he killed an unarmed super terrorist that was holding valuable info if he was captured.
Just watch his interviews, he's a total faggot who takes all the credit of his squad just because the bullet came from his gun. The others didn't shoot because they knew they could capture but he desperately wanted to be a hero.
Lol do you think anybody here gives a shit about mass shootings which kill less than 100 a year in a nation of 325 million? They're statistically insignificant as fuck.
He'd keep quiet then
Being the US so powerful and the CIA niggers having influence worldwide you expect them to be better at lying
>murderer who doesnt play video games says we should ban video games
also murder rates. Keep crying faggot
Why do schizos and only schizos post this weird cartoon?
Stop playing games and go die for Israel you dumb goy
Your beliefs are so weak that you lost to some esl. Jesus fuck reevaluate your pathetic life you faggoty hypocrite
dios mio
>almost every country has violent video games
>only one has a serious mass shooting problem
this guy is such a redneck asshole. why are all rednecks racist republicans
So he's a teenage boy that rapes Japanese girls in highschool? What the fuck, how isn't he jail?
Otis is a walking contradiction that perfectly encapsulates the bizarre reality of the times we live in, he's a cow yet he stands and talks like a man, he's a male yet he has udders, he is both black and white and yet belongs to neither race, he can use a computer despite not having any fingers.
We don't hear your voices or thoughts. I'm not saying this to deceive you, we really don't know what you think.
Switzerland is a paranoid country though, it wants every citizen to be armed in case of war. That's why they have tunnels rigged to blow keep the other countries out.
>it was the British all along
At last, I truly see.
Wow, who would have figured that a crayon eating retard was actually a crayon eating retard.
Literally every member of Seal Team Six claims they were the one to fire the shot.
No, his head just did that on its own.
So he's just another murrimut dog
sounds like the average battlefield match
>also murder rates
It isn't the safest euro country by murder rates either though. It's like 10th. Also you should consider that even being "the most gun-friendly country in europe" it has a 5th of America's guns per capita.
He thinks people play as guys
>fps games are in every country
>incrediblely lack gun laws are in one
Can someone explain the veteran respect culture in the USA? Why should you respect some low IQ redneck who joined the military after realizing that they had no prospects after high school?
really makes you think
Veteran here. I don't get it either, it's literally just a fucking job.
Because they did it so you don't have too
The US has been very propagandized after WW2. During that era we saw every soldier as a hero, and that tradition continued on more or less. It dipped hard during Vietnam, but it bounced back up.
It's probably a CIA psyop to get people to actually join the military, since it's seen as a socially high position to low IQ people.
Only city states like Monaco and San Marino are safer.
Switzerland has lax gun laws and is the safest nation in Europe. Cope more.
This made me laugh so hard
Wrong. Swiss laws are lax too.
Most people who play vidya aren't eggs
Can’t shoot guns without ammo.
He's a japanese high school teacher working at an all girls school?
>muh switzerland
>one tiny country with low crime rates in general and a restriction on ammo instead of guns doesn't have a high murder rate
>this somehow disproves the massive trend all over the world that legal guns mean more murder
Ever wondered why other countries end up fine with access to guns and vidya?
Do you consider Ireland and Norway city states? And you've yet to address my point about guns per capita, if anyone's coping it's you.
I agree. Third person shooters are much better, anyway.
Black people
a man who did nothing wrong
I definitely dont think they were the best, but it is pretty novel that no one had ever played live shows that big up to that point. They were the first artists to ever reach that kind of popularity.
My biggest takeaway is that John was a huge fucking hack, Paul and George were both much better song writers.
>restriction on ammo
Why are you lying? See
You can buy and own as much ammo as you want privately with no restrictions or limits.
>more legal guns equals more murders
Citation? Nations with some of the tighest laws and lowest ownership like Brazil have the highest murder rates. If you're looking at developed nations and using the US as an example, I'll point out a developed nation that has incredibly lax laws and the lowest murder rates in Europe.
France has lots of them too, yet their murder rates are leagues below the US
Try again
What body?
Who cares what he says? He's absolutely 100% entitled to his opinion, but the same amendment which protects his right to be a woke hypocrite also protects video games. The government will probably outlaw the sale of violent video games to minors, and it won't matter because kids are stupid and don't deserve video games anyway.
Ammo isn't banned in Switzerland dumbfuck. All you need is a copy of your ID and you can buy as much ammo as you want for private ownership from gun shops. Only MILITARY ISSUED ammo is banned.
I'm sure you can hear a stealth bomber coming as well, avoiding RADAR detection is the whole point so you don't get seen 20 minutes before you are even close enough for then to see or hear you.
yeah dude they'd totally leave the stone age they were in for like 2000 years if only jews werent playing them (and americans) against each other. That's a totally reasonable assessment lol
Black culture
>I'll point out a developed nation that has incredibly lax laws and the lowest murder rates in Europe
Alright, post it.
Just know that if it's a tiny nation that's a total outlier on the chart, it doesn't count.
Keep in mind that USA is fuckhuge and so the trend is averaged and thus reliable, unlike outliers.
>the man who killed bin laden
>no one saw the body, we tossed the body in the water right after, obama is a hero who got bin laden, trust us goy
this guy is nothing but a deep state agent, so its no wonder hes calling for rights to be removed
Not nearly as much as the US. niggers commit over half the murders in the US.
Swiss murder rates are lower than Ireland and Norgay.
Switzerland you mongoloid.
>tiny nation
Learn what per capita is.
How come a nation which has more liberal laws than states like California possess one of the lowest murder rates on earth?
A lot less niggers.
Isn't it because Switzerland forces every citizen there to serve as a conscript for 4 years and then serve as a militaman/National Guardsman for the rest of their life and citizenship? On top of that, they reward the people in the military with the ownership of their own rifles, which result in everyone understanding and respecting firearms, as if the existential threat of Switzerland being wiped out wasn't enough.
Someone has to take the fall so the conversation goes away for another 20 to 30 years.
Sadly church goers are at an all time low so they can't use the whole pokemon are for the devil thing to distract people for a while.
In after a tiny outlier that doesn't count.
I accept your capitulation, guntard. Enjoy your death.
Louis has twitter
the more you know I guess
Why are anti gunz so afraid of guns, you realize that guns can't get up and kill people without a person operating it, it's like any machine, do you get terrified of driving to work because your car significantly outweighs any human being and could easily kill them?
>actual murderer wants to see shooters banned
Netanyahu is still alive tho.
>ban the things that let you pretend to be me
>only i get to be cool
Lax laws doesn't mean high ownership. There are regulations and rules you have to follow in Switzerland. For some reason second amendment activists really know that last three words of the second amendment but ignore the first three. Cannon ownership was quickly restricted in US history, it should be clear that weapon ownership was intended to be limited and later automatics were heavily restricted as they became a huge problem. More effort goes into buying a car than a gun in the US.
To buy and own a gun,I fill out a single form, the store owner makes a call, and I walk out the door with a new gun.
With a car I have to have a license, fill out paper work, get insurance, register it, renew the registration on the car and my license.
>tiny outlier
Switzerland has more people living in it than all of the nordic nations except Sweden. en.wikipedia.org
If Switzerland is tiny than so are a shitload of other Euro nations except France, UK, Germany, Italy and Spain.
You claimed nations with more guns have more murders. Explain why there are a multitude of nations that have much higher murder rates than the US with far stricter laws and lower ownership dumbfuck?
Based and modpilled.
Why are people so terrified of guns, guns don't do the killings, we're just following orders
Stop cherrypicking and look at the trends in large populations.
Guntardation correlates with murder, even when general crime rate and economy are accounted for.
Ignorant retard. Iraq, Iran and Syria were very modern countries, and Iran was probably one of the most western middle eastern countries. US and Israeli meddling has set the region back significantly but they were very modern. Fucking retarded Americans
I would suggest you learn how to read that list you yourself posted.
No one is scared of guns.
We're only scared of armed loons, which is something that only exists in guntard countries.
>There are regulations and rules you have to follow in Switzerland
Compared to Texas, yes. Compared to states like Cali and NY, Swiss laws are laxer.
The founding fathers let private citizens own warships. If the second only applies to muskets, then the first only applies to printing presses.
"Well regulated" meant well equipped and well trained back then. Not regulations.
You only need a license, insurance and registration if you're going to drive a vehicle on PUBLIC roads. You don't need any of that shit if you want to buy a vehicle to use on your own private property. Furthermore driving isn't a right.
Try again.
Soldiers aren't those honorable bros that you see in movies, they are dumb, rude and aggresive cunts, and they get paid for it.
Man, why don't we just ban crime instead of guns?
Why do only vidya get this standard? it's so weird
Imagine people saying "oh you watch Top Gun? what a fucking loser lmao stop pretending to be a jet fighter and get on the the REAL world"
We already did. It worked really well, just not 100% well.
We can't ban it twice.
>still refuses to provide a citation
>backpeddles completely
All of the top nations heavily restrict guns. Try again.
>muh cherry picking
Are you not cherrypicking when you just look at the US? There are plenty of nations with relatively higher gun ownership and very low murder rates.
So if banning crime doesn't get rid of crime how would banning guns get rid of all the guns?
>Are you not cherrypicking when you just look at the US?
>just the US
Yeah, just a whole fucking continent
>There are plenty of nations with relatively higher gun ownership and very low murder rates.
Multiply it by population, then average it. Then it will actually count.
Weird that literally everyone else from that mission died with mysterious circumstances
>look, these small impoverished 3rd world shitholes have high murder rates and low gun ownership, that must mean gun ownership is 100% the cause.
Japan has low murders and low firearm ownership. Most European counties have low murders and lower gun ownership. Canada has a lower firearm ownership and lower murder rates. Why are you comparing the USA to shit holes?
What the fuck, meme professor was actually based?
>Blades on the American one aren't even moving
Was there a Dragonbreak?
it would reduce crime to first world standards
Bin Laden was also an ally at some point
really makes you think huh?
>it won't work 100% so it doesn't work
Nothing in this world is 100%/0%. Nothing is perfect.
Banning guns will get rid of most guns and that's better than not getting rid of most guns.
They only "modernized" because of western influence in the first place. You can throw all our goods at them but at the end of the day they'll still turn back into sandniggers
>caring about a mutt's opinion
Go die for Israel, golem.
>killing a retired CIA asset is somehow impressive or difficult
>dude why doesn't he shoot people irl lol what kind of soldier is he
Dumbfuck all those stats are per 100k. They're murder RATES.
So again, do you have a citation for what you're claiming?
This hypothesis makes me wonder who would give up their firearms, law abiding citizens that wouldn't have used them for fucked up shit anyway, or people that are going to break the law regardless.
It's a real brain scratcher
He was present when they opened the hell portal on Mars?
>grab the remote
>turn the TV on
>shooting shooting guns more shooting terrorist attack shooting shooting death guns death police police murder shooting
>it's another obsession thread
>I'm the guy you pretend to be on your video games.
>yet actual first world nations can keep their crime rates low despite low gun ownership
>all that amerisharts can point to are fellow shithole countries or microstates
sheesh bro
>PUBLIC roads
Ahh yes, so like all of them if you intend to drive anywhere in the US.
>The founding fathers let private citizens own warships
Then why were cannons banned from private ownership? The thing thay makes a warship actually useful.
It's always funny how someone that killed people for a job under the order of his jewish overlords is telling that a virtual medium made to entertain is somewhat more problematic than his whole existence.
I mean he's the incarnation of violence, if he really wanted to get rid of it he should start by himself. Retard.
>Goes off on a tangent and doesn't address the point.
Also I'm an American, not a Europoor peasant, I can do whatever the fuck I want
By your logic, a country with 1 person who killed 30 matters just as much as a country with 1 billion
If you weren't a brainlet who doesn't know statistics, you'd understand weighted averages. But you are a brainlet who thinks statistics are magic, so you don't know what a weighted average is and why countries with more people matter more for a statistic than countries with fewer people.
Why ask them?
Get police to disarm the criminals, just like we do with other shit used for crime.
>countries with 10% of the population of the US and no minorities have low gun crime
No shit, Ahmed. Stop raping white kids.
Convince an officer to go into a 99% black neighborhood to retrieve guns and don't act shocked when he tells you that A, he's not doing that, and B, to go fuck yourself
>claims that more guns equals more murders in general
>give international rates which showcase this to be false
>backpeddles and accuses me of cherrypicking
page 279
Rougly THIRTY PERCENT of households on Switzerland own a gun compared to 42 percent in the US. While this is only 12% lower, it's still very high.
So why is Switzerland so safe while the shithole you presumably live in so dangerous in comparison?
t. this guy
>all that americans can think of when they hear first world nations is europe
lmao, you beat yourself
>muh no go zones
I didn't know he was really Eve
>The US Military
>Switzerland is a microstate
Confirmed utter retard. Switzerland is more populous than many European nations. Is Norway, Denmark or Finland microstates too?
Except they weren't? Private citizens could own cannons and explosives up until the 1934 NFA.
There are genuinely some people who don't want to own guns.
We call those people faggots here in Finland.
No, I get terrified because I see how so many other people drive like retards and my life is in their hands. This is with people using something not designed to kill people, so what happens when you apply the same to objects specifically designed for killing and maiming people?
Driving is considered a privilege, so why is gun ownership considered a right instead?
For the record, I do not think we should get rid of guns. I do think that the process and checks involved in getting one should be more thorough, we always here about people who were sold guns or ammo that turned out to have records but no one looked into it.
I still don't believe we should've had to kill him. We could've captured him, tried him for his crimes, and lock him away.
Because there are none outside of Europe barring the U.S. you uneducated simp.
You some Leaf struggling to buy food at a supermarket telling me to hand over my gun handed down through literal generations?
Kill yourself
>allahu akbar american kaffir you are just jealous of us proud native europistanis!
You know he actually made that tweet sarcastically right and admits it himself if you followed on.
Sounds like he wants the terrorists to win. Is he a terrorist?
And the man who killed Hitler says all jews should die.
He's not famous or more important just because he killed someone
As an american (read dumb as fuck) they need to find an easy scapegoat for a complex problem. Since he's a gun guy he can't blame it on the guns that would be counter productive
so he's taking the next big thing on the ladder : video games. Easy.
>Turn on news
>Newest shooter has their face and name plastered all over it
I've always felt this was kind of glorifying them. Wouldn't it be better to not tell anybody who they were? They obviously wanted to go down in blaze of glory and if you don't put their identity on the news you've shot that hope down.
Who knows, could also help prevent other people doing it if they know they'll never get the infamy that they sought.
he's a cute anime girl?
only if you live in the city. having a vehicle that you only use on private property is very common in rural areas.
if guns were regulated like cars, the laws would be laxer. No "salt weapon" band or mag restrictions, much like there isn't a horsepower or speed limiter in cars, and you don't need a license or whatnot if you intend to use the vehicle on private property.
> Why would I want to own a gun?
Because I want to have the tools necessary to kill other people should deeds ever become necessary to ensure my own survival.
Being able to hunt animals for food is also a plus.
Only an utterly retarded pleb has any long term trust in the course of the western world. Shit's gonna blow up in our faces within this century and when that happens I do not want to be the one in the business end of a gun without a gun of my own.
t. a Finn.
He's not though, and it's a stupid assumption that Vidya and irl violence is linked. You could make a better argument about mainstream sports being linked to violence then you could vidya
Based. Zoomers aren't all bad.
>By your logic, a country with 1 person who killed 30 matters just as much as a country with 1 billion
No, that's why we adjust for population you cretinous fuck.
You have offered not a single shred of evidence thar more guns leads to more murders. Can you prove it? Where are the stats faggot?
An anti-Communist Freedom fighter and warrior against Western degeneracy.
I don't get it. Would someone with the name "Neptunyan" really be pretending to be some american army guy?
t. 56%
>I'm the guy who killed this pathetic scapegoat for the higher ups who expend his last decade hiding like a rat and playing old videogames while the media painted him as a cult leader mastermind
Sure buddy, do you want another medal?
>there's a very good chance one of us fragged bill laden once
I live in Alaska where fucking everyone owns a gun yet, the homicide rate is higher than Switzerland. There goes your argument I guess.
your government spent so much money on giving the millitary shiny new toys of mass destruction that they would shit all over the population either way
your little AR won't do shit against jets and tanks
Of course it does, user. And it doesn't stop to name and face. They also make a full resume of their lives and motives. Like you couldn't be more counter-productive if you tried.
Medias are also responsable of these mass shootings. They're fucking retarded. They create echo chambers in which desperate and dumb people with nothing to lose see themselves in.
Because America’s citizens aren’t fit for the openness of guns allowed to them. I’m pro gun control because these retards shouldn’t be able to buy guns at wal mart.
And yes, I consider how dangerous cars are each time I get in them and am in turn a very defensive driver. I can mitigate risk of bad drivers around me, I can’t mitigate risk of some 3 IQ hilljack nigger pulling a gun out and smoking me because I looked like a dude that fucked his sister.
>"I have an opinion"
>"No one cares, asshole"
>"Did I mention that I was in the United States military?"
>"OMG my mistake, didn't realize you were a troop, let me kiss your ass now"
You seriously think a retard's opinion has any value? He just got lucky. It could had been anyone else who could had killed BL.
Wow I can't wait to drive on poorly maintained back roads and never touch a paved road again! The highway system is for losers anyways.
>retard that doesn’t understand the concept of power vacuums and how arming religious extremists could effect a country negatively
Nah, that definitely damage control. This guy has always been a shithead.
>I can’t mitigate risk of some 3 IQ hilljack nigger pulling a gun out and smoking me
With an eye for detail and a gun of your own you wouldn't be saying that.
Glad my state makes it super easy to get a conceal carry license.
I'd be smoking these eurocucks with my glizzy if they ever had the balls to even think this garbage in my presence
>what are offroad vehicles
For those humorless enough to be unable to detect sarcasm or willing to look it up, he was joking. His point was tying violent behavior to physical objects is ludicrous, so why not take away even more?
This is what military people like to pretend about their service in pointless wars, nobody really gives a shit.
Most murders in alaska are by drunk injuns. Alaska is like 60% white.
I’d like to be able to go to buy milk without arming my fight or flight response by default. If I wanted to live in a third world country, I’d move to Africa.
Why do americans think that just because someone is good at something, he is an expert in everything?
Poe's Law. And no, I'm not talking about the ghosts from Zelda.
>I’m pro gun control because these retards shouldn’t be able to buy guns at wal mart.
Fucking retard.
"Gun control" doesn't mean controlling guns, it means disarming everyone which isn't a government shabbos goy. Period.
Most people aren't, indeed, tailored to be around guns. But some are. Some citizens are far more trained and versed in firearms than you average operator. There's no distinction in gun control. They will get disarmed just like Tyrone with his sub 70 IQ and Glock Fawty. Do you think this is what we should strive for ? Total and absolute disarmament of citizens ? No distinction ?
Fucking retarded boot licking cunt.
You fucking retard, learn to logic
You keep pretending that one outlier with small population - switzerland - counts as much as one giant country with a lot of people - 'murka
How hard is it to understand that smaller countries count less?
Per capita doesn't solve this, you turbo retard. You need to do average murder rate per capita over multiple populations until you reach a good sample size that doesn't just represent tiny localized trends like low crime.
When that is done, the result is obvious correlation of guns and murder, not some autistic fantasy where tools of murder somehow magically don't help murderers.
>huur i am a boomer old game good new game bad
Straight out your ass, tinfoil hat man.
Yep, and those guys cant realize how fucked they are in case they want to go against their own army.
>Sarge, there are another group of assholed holed up with sniper rifles in that shopping center
>Sigh... Another one? Tell the tanks to shoot a couple dozen of rounds and then ran over the building ruins in case some faggot is still alive.
Ireland has a rate of 0.90, Norway has a rate of 0.50
Shut up, you pathetic bitter old-timer. Cringe cringe cringe cringe
>shoots unarmed old man because he's a spazz who has an itchy trigger finger
>"yeah............. i'm the badass in ur videogame......... give some respect.......
No I understand that, it just isn't relevant to my point. Those "extremists" are their natural state which is why they always devolve into it. Just like Russia became communist it was due to the qualities of the people and contrarily the revolutions failed in Germany, it was not of their qualities to fall victim to foreign influence.
>this entire thread
Yes, because I want to ride my 4x4 across a fucking state to avoid using the highway because I want to be truely free from the government.
You are fucking insane.
>Criminals won't keep their guns because they plan on breaking the law anyway
You're truly retarded
>gun control means disarming all citizens
My man, you have been effectively controlled. There is a window between letting any 15 year old with $100 buy a gun and completely banning them. You believing there isn’t makes you the fear-mongered boot licker.
How can someone be this retarded is beyond me.
But you said the guns would lower the homicide rate. They clearly are not.
That raven dude was in congress?
okay i'm sorry
This joke is a little too high brow for this shithole user
oh shit I'm sorry fuck 9/11 was a tragedy
>some army grunt is a fucking retard
wow, who could have guessed
Except it doesn't retard because if you averaged all nations with gun ownership there would be no correlation.
So you accuse me of cherrypicking, what you meant to say is that if you looked at developed nations there'd be a correlation. However if the US was removed as an outlier due to third-world tier socioeconomics and demographics, with 13% of the population being over half of the murders, there'd no longer be a correlation with guns and murder rates.
If Switzerland doesn't count, then neither does Austria, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Ireland, Estonia, and Slovenia. Who's cherry picking again, dumbfuck?
Seal team 6 is full of the real SF rejects, like the mentally retarded attention whore of forces that is used as a public face because you wouldn't want people to actually know about the good ones. Also the CIA is full of trannies and glow in the darks.
>osama....was the real hero....he needed to retire in peace...american kaffirs....
No I didn't you moron. I said there's no effect on way or the other.
15 year olds cannot own guns. Leftists in the US want all semiautos banned. Try again.
I can't imagine being such a bootlicker that you take pride in the fact that your ZOG restricts your rights more than someone else's ZOG. Amerimutt's bootlicking muh troops isn't even as bad.
>Except it doesn't retard because if you averaged all nations with gun ownership there would be no correlation.
That's just a lie, retard
No one is gonna go take all the guns away, we want people who should not be able to buy a gun be denied when they try to. NRA's all or nothing and slippery slope rhetoric is the cause of all you mongs botching and getting in the heads of politicians. You are being played.
>The man who killed Bin Laden
pics or didnt happen
I don't think he's quite a cia operative he just fulfilled the saudia element of the down and dirty part of the equation israel + saudi + america. Also the cia is pretty much just an israeli front.
You did but that's okay I don't expect much from a retard.
You mean like all the retarded restrictions passed on the past based on this notion of "Slippery slope is just a fallacy brah hand this type of gun in too btw"
Fuck off, no more