Pontiff Sulyvahn did nothing wrong.
Pontiff Sulyvahn did nothing wrong
>feeding a tranny to a giant slug
Ye, nothing wrong indeed.
Remind me again where we were supposed to fight him in the beta
Wasn't he supposed to be the final boss?
Sounds about right.
IIRC, Soul of Cinder wasn't the final boss but which area were you supposed to fight Suly in? The untended graves?
Untended graves was supposed to be he final area and the place were you fight Ludex is supposed to be the place where you fight Pontiff
>This thread
Apparently there was a third version of the shrine that would've the darksign sun skybox where you'd fight him.
so why wasnt he final boss?
he wasn't nostalgia bait
He's too easy :^)
Yes, the retail version of DS3 is extremely different from what it was supposed to be.
>you fought Yhorm instead of Gundyr in the tutorial fight (Yhorm's name was orignally Gundyr, though)
>the lords of cinder were called dark lords
>you didn't get a banner from Vordt to reach the Undead Settlement, you reached an area called God's Grave where you would fight Oceiros w/t baby and then open the gate to the bridge on top of Farron Keep
>the cursed greatwood arena orignally connected to carthus catacombs
>smouldering lake had no old demon king fight. You fought a crimson bat and the sandworm with the ballista. You could then go to Irythill
>road of sacrifices, crucifixion woods and farron keep is mostly unchanged. Abyss Watchers were called Undead Legion and were tougher. You could reach Irythill directly from here
>Irythill is mostly the same. Anor Londo is empty, but you could find Gwindolin's finger in what is now Aldritch's boss arena
>you found Yorshka in irythill dungeon. You gave the finger to her and she'd give you an item to progress into the profaned capital
>you fought Wolnir in the capital, but his name was Yhorm the Giant
>you'd head back to the cathedral of the deep to fight Aldritch. Depending on when you fought him, he either gave you the item Emma drops to reach Lothric Castle or the key to the Grand Archives
A lot of this sounds like wishful thinking because everything here save Yhorm as the tutorial boss would've been an improvement
Most of this was found out with a QA leak and by finding unused items in the game. Yhorm was much easier at first, and then you'd have to fight a harder version of him later on.
>Literally everyone is happy during Age of Gods except for Darkfaggots and Deepfaggots
>Naturally, they try to make the world shit for everyone else
Everything he did was wrong.
Good thing Aldia proves Dark/Deepfags wrong.
Nobody gives a shit about Aldia, the donut steel OC was never mentioned again.
That was when the fire was strong but when it started to fade the gods made everything shit and put a curse on people so they would have to ignite his dumb flame or never know the peace of death.
Hell, some of the cut stuff can even still be seen in the TGS trailer like Wolnir inside Yhorm's room, the cutscene of the Deacons of the Deep entering the boss arena and Vordt's embered babbies clinging onto his belly.
>Yhorm was called Gundyr
>Gundyr was Old King Oceiros and an homage to Old King Doran
>Oceiros was simply "Fallen Angel Dragon", a non-critical early boss with no dialogue you fight before the Undead Commune
>The Mound-maker altar is a mesh that covers what was the doorway into Carthus Catacombs
>Wolnir was the boss of Profaned Capital, hence his weak-spots are jewellery like how the capital is littered with gold and coins
>Deacons of the Deep boss room was to be Aldrich's boss room, hence why the tomb itself is perfect to run around to escape his arrow rain and beams
>Phase 2 of Lothric's boss fight featured Kaathe bursting in through the back window
Whoops, Gamescom, not TGS:
He's genuinely the reason why the Twin Fags refused to rekindle the flame in 3.
This all seems to be improvements, has anything been revealed as to why it was all changed?
>no darksign sun in Lothric Castle, the area was completely dark. You also had serpents in the sky, not pilgrim butterflies
>there was more information on angels and what they actually were, more of an emphasis on serpents = imperfect dragons, etc.
>twin princes had different weapons. The boss fight had a third phase where a winged Kaathe would swoop in and fight you
>you'd fight the Gundyr we know (Oceiros back then) in the area where you fight dragon!Oceiros
>last boss was accessed by going back to firelink shrine, go up the bell tower and ring the bell after killing all of the dark lords
wat wat wat
Pontiff smellyman
official reason: a better flow of the story and events
assumed reason: Miyazaki got buttflustered by the early leaks that were never supposed to be shown and shuffled shit around to subvert expectations
actual reason: simply messy development since they had to crap out yet another one of these games in no time and half of the stuff wasn't working properly or wasn't fun
What happened to DS3 during development?
Because they couldnt work gwynns theme into his fight
Nothing bad but nothing inspired, just super by the numbers development, playing it safe based on what worked before. Weapon arts were the biggest change and thats not saying much
Interesting. I feel like they will be wary of entering any future contracts for sequels like with Bamco.
He can't be the reason because he was never there.
It's an old-ass meme that stems from incorrect translation of a single item description.
What did he even fucking do? The lore in From games is always such a clusterfuck of scattered exposition everywhere that's far too easy to miss and I absolutely refuse to look at Vaati's channel.
The devs just didn't really want to do it, but Namco demanded another one so they made it.
It had one of the best dev cycles hence why it avoided giant fuckups like DS1 or DS2 had during development.
He used Aldritch as a stepping stool to gain power in Anor Londo, then promptly turned the city into a shithole for his own amusement.
All of this pretty much re-writes all of DS3 lore, story, and characters.
Do you have a source, it seems like an interesting read?
>I absolutely refuse to look at Vaati's channel
Any reason in particular? It's just some guy talking about the game, kindaq like what we're doing now.
They threw almost EVERY new mechanic like corpse dragging, creating your own bonfires, sacrifice ceremonies, time changing and some cult mechanic they planned for the game out of the window.
Why is Pontiff Sulyvahn not in your top 10 Soulsborne bosses of all time?
Get ready for Elden Ring 2 in a few years.
Im really glad the kaathe thing didnt go through, game has enough dark souls 1 references as is
Because he's a shit easy fight unless you're running a shitty build.
>Bring Demon Greataxe
>Proceed to chunk his health every swing while building up stagger on him
>Him summoning his clone is literally free damage because Weapon Art hits both and two-shots the clone
It's amazing how much a heavy weapon can gimp bosses that are otherwise fucking pains.
Fighting him with the big dick sword was the hardest boss in the game. He fucked me hard.
They still managed to make some cool stuff though. The devs couldnt have been too bored to create the dancer fight/music for example.
>Bring Demon Greataxe
That sounds cool, I've never done a build like this
My first time through I slapped his ass with the great axe of all things. Took me like 3 tries maybe? I expected more.
Most of the bosses became cakewalks after I got it, except Aldritch and the DLC-2 boses. Ice Bitch from AoA got ripped in half by it in all three phases.
I want to rail Dancer's ass
The Dragonslayer Greataxe’s brain damaged cousin
Before I start linking stuff, keep this in mind. As with all cut content treasure hunts in vidya, there's a mix of 100% confirmed information, interpretations/thories based on fragmented content found throughout the game, and just plain reaching.
For starters, there's a QA leak that details some of the changes made from the alpha version of the game.
After that, there's a trove of unused items in the game, the description of which gave people some clues on what exactly was cut.
There's also a Youtuber that did a series of videos on the topic, poking around the game to see what he could find. This specific video talks about the first area in the game and the bell tower, which you were presumably going to use to access the final boss.
I'm excited to give this a try
Thanks a lot and have a nice day
>All this cut/moved around content
>They still released 2 DLCs
God fucking damnit.
Will we ever get a Souls game that is actually finished?
i hate sequels too
Every game is fucking huge so I prefer they cut shit instead of ruining everything. Like, y'know, SEGA would do.
Don’t forget the
>Mother of Dragons boss/area that was at the end of Archdragon Peak
Dataminers found the basic outline of the level in the game’s files, it looked pretty cool. Bloodborne also suffered a lot from cuts, the Yharnam Stone had tie ins with the Fishing Hamlet, all that’s left is unused dialogue in the game’s files.
Adding to that, there was a leak for DS3 by The Know (I presume they're the first ones who got their hands on the leak, but I wouldn't know for sure).
Said leak included a bunch of screenshots, showing OG Oceiros (retail Gundyr) fighting in the Consumed King's Garden, serpents flying in the sky, and some sort of mechanic that you could use to create bonfires by finding coiled swords/sacrificing NPCs ?
Did you even play the game?
The animations for bonfire mechanism still exists in the files. It involves dragging enemy corpses and stabbing the coiled sword into them.
This explains why you make that bonfire in the beginning. I thought it was weird it was literally the only time you did it.
>wanting the Pontiff's used goods
We don't know what he did, really, so it's hard to say.
That entire portion of the story is half-finished at best.
Yeah, there's tons of stuff that was only vaguely implied but never really built upon like how the bell you find in Ariandel was supposed to be the one from the Untended Graves Firelink Shrine.
why did everyone turn into trees again?
Holy shit, a gook meme made it here
The solution to the undead curse was "make like a tree and leave".
I thought pontiff was acting like a douche bag and the rest where acting awkward and dont want yo deal with his shit.
It seems like the biggest lore cut were all the Epitaph's? I wonder what their purpose was.
sulyvahn has the best theme out of all the souls games
>Pontiff Sulyvahn did nothing wrong
The entire story is so fucking boring, I have absolutely no idea what it is that he did, in the first place.
apparently he did everything in the game
it's all directly or one-step indirectly related to him specifically
that's one of the reasons I found DS3 so weird, I wasn't expecting The Sully Show
Sulyvahn's Greatsword of Judgement cuts through half of this game like butter.
>from the painted world
>saw profaned flame and forsaw everything wrong with the age of fire
>formerly served as blade of the darkmoon
>allegedly tutored Lothric if that statue in the middle of the fountain means anything
>usurps the old gods in anor londo
>archdeacons royce and mcdonnel utilize int instead of faith for their holy magics, accessing deep soul sorceries
>Suly leads the procession for the Deep and herds undeads from the undead settlement to the cathedral for aldrich to eat later on
It also looks the coolest
>not only they removed proper dual wielding from 2, but they also didn't make his swords as kickass dual-greatswords with some of his combos
Fuck dark souls 3
>you can combine Lothric and Lorian's sword into one
>you can't combine Sully's swords into a dual wielding one
You'll take your paired ringed knight faggot swords and you'll like them because that's all you're getting.
Sulyvahn can dual wield them, and I'm fairly certain he put all of his stats into INT and CHA
>>Phase 2 of Lothric's boss fight featured Kaathe bursting in through the back window
no way, you are pulling that last one out of your ass, got any sauce on that? I remember all the others things you mention but not that
It's the same as the other games though.
Dark Souls
>For some reason a lot of humans are cursed and become undead
>There's a legend that one undead will be chosen to save the world in Lordran
>Prejudice against undead forces a large amount of them to be corralled in asylums
>Human societies held back by the lords, only allowed to thrive in strict conditions
>Turns out Gwyn (and/or his offspring) orchestrated mostly all of it, not only setting up the world but also propping its corpse up with the darksign/bonfire/rekindling pilgrimage which also mad propagandizes anti-human, anti-undead sentiment
>He even waits, bull-headed, at the First Flame, testing anyone who dares come near it
Dark Souls II
>A once-great land is suspended in who knows what, sealed off from time/space/the rest of existence
>It's rumoured to be the only place with a cure for the curse
>All the major players are strangely absent and there's a culture that encourages undead to fight each other
>Weird aberrations dot the land which turn out to be constructs of the king's brother's
>Unearthing his research reveals most of the major players are in Drangleic still but in at the very far ends of their respective journeys to transcend life and death, Aldia himself comes to encourage you to decide your own path and get vengeance on Nashandra
Dark Souls III
>The cycle has gone on for so long and been refused enough times that the fabric of the universe is beginning to break down and lands are crashing into one another like the big crunch
>A "prisoner" denizen of the painted world escapes and has the painting shredded, it's unclear if he knows it can still be used
>He journeys around the lands and sees things like the Profaned Flame; teaches the prince as a scholar and rises to power in Irithyll
>He takes the chance to play everyone like a fucking fiddle and positions his troops all around Lothric, enlists the aid of Aldrich and essentially destroys Anor Londo
He wasn't a tranny, he was forced into it.
Actually I'm pretty sure From was lazy and originally were making a female character then decided they should be male instead but didn't bother making a new model
The one source that mentions it was the QA leak, lniked in .
Having said that, it would make sense, given some things that you can still find in the last version of the game. In Lothric Castle, for example, you can find multiple statues of primordial serpents, and at least one of them seemingly has wings attached to it.
Aside from that, there's a whole subplot about Angels and the Angelic faith, and the Twin Princes' boss room is filled with feathers. This might no mean anything, but in early leaked screenshots of the game, you could also see winged serpents flying in the sky, and their wings appear to be feathered.
There's also the fact that Yuria of Londor, in her Japanese dialogue, directly mentions Kaathe when dying, which would indicate that Kaathe was involved with the creation of the Sable Church.
you go fuck yourself user, do not compare Sully weapons to the Ring Knight slabs.
>tfw no Ariandel cereal bowl weapon
I don't even know what he was trying to do.
Actually there's a story about how the modeler accidentally made Gwyndolin's head slightly too big for his body, and Miyazaki immediately stopped him from changing it, saying "You're a genius!"
so how do you achieve the fucking epiphany that you live inside a fucking painting
Create a better world
He really didn't.
Other than being in the worst dark souls game, no
>shits fucking cold
>random, inorganic things are starting to rot like flesh
>this place sucks
>i'm going to leave
All a part of Suly's 99+ INT
>Int so high it supplants Faith
Yes. I don’t recall slugs eating trannies.
I didn’t play DLC though
Aldrich devouring Gwyndolin.
>Sulyvahn is one of those "euphoric from my own enlightenment" atheists
I don't blame him.
If my town was being run by some sissy god, I'd get rid of him too
Everyone living in the painting seems to know that they're living in one. He must've overheard his parents or other Forlorn talk about it, the same way you'd learn in which country you live in during your childhood.
Ah thanks. I’ve only done one play through of all the games and don’t follow any lore
I wonder if he ever interacted with Friede