Admit it; you liked it

Admit it; you liked it.

Attached: Modern_Warfare_2_cover.png (220x313, 133K)

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Of course I did. Loved using the grenade launcher, dual sawn offs FMJ and commando. Made all the redditors seethe on every server.

Well, yeah.
I was 11 years old when it came out.

No, only zoomers like that game. I dropped it after a month because
>death streaks
>dude WEEED LMAO kill cam cards or w/e they were called
>heartbeat monitors
game was shit

The PC port was aids, the Campaign was the worst one yet and the MP was never good
the ONLY saving grace was the Spec Ops mode

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I enjoy the single player, though I prefer 4. 2 and 3 kind of become more and more comical as they try to one up the nuke scene by having every helicopter you board crash, though. It doesn't make me dislike them, just amuses me.

I LOVED the single player. It's like the perfect balance of reality and cinematic bombast. Wonderful.

I enjoyed the multiplayer but it was just a time sink to run around and do dumb shit. Not sure how anyone could take it seriously when a person with akimbo 1887s could sweep a team.

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>heartbeat monitors
Those things always made me SEETHE like a motherfucker.

Nah I boycotted it. rip CoD PC

I prefered cod4, without picatany rails on every surface possible and guns too high pitched.
And singleplayer was better, my first "cinematic" game I played, I was amazed by it.

>tfw quickscoping finally clicks and suddenly the Barrett 50 cal. is the best gun in the game

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>Ninja pro
>Scrambler pro
Add cold-blooded and go sneaky peaky like..

The game was fun but had no depth.

i always used a heartbeat monitor on my rpk because i knew it would upset you specifically, user

did you like it when i shot you through entire buildings, user, knowing exactly where you were at all times

was that fun for you, user?

Based zoomer

>pc port
sub 100 iq detected

I liked the singleplayer.

Yeah I liked it.
Post your class:
>Slight of Hand pro
>Cold Blooded pro or Stopping Power pro
>Ninja pro
>ACR/AK suppressed
>Spas-12 grip
>stun grenades

Explain, are you trying to imply that MW2 wasn't made for consoles first?

user quick scoping is incredibly easy
you just abuse auto lock on

I never really liked cod but I played local multiplayer of this with some friends and it was fun.
All of them were much better than me so getting those high tier killstreaks rarely felt good.

pretty based, burst rifles 2 hit from across the map, constantly shitting on people with killstreaks in ground war

>tfw getting an AC-130 on wasteland
Multikills for days

>scar-h with grenade launcher, one man army and danger close
>marathon, lightweight, commando with the care package marker
>dual 1887s with fmj and stopping power
That shit made life worth living

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You deserve a painful death.

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I liked the spec ops, nothing more. Campaign was a borefest and multiplayer was probably the most unbalanced in any Cod ever. 4 was the last multiplayer i had fun with.

Since when was liking Modern Warfare 2 a bad thing lmao, I’m proud to say it’s one of my favorite games I’ve ever played

and yet - hahaha, dare i say it?

you were the one who died

> thermal
>G18 Akimbo
>Claymore + stun grenade
>Bling Pro
>Stopping Power Pro
>Steady Aim Pro
I was a shitter and loved it.

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If you guys didn’t get a ninja defuse in S&D you must call yourself a casual

>not ninja defusing while prone and spinning doing 360s at max sensitivity looking like a retard for style points

anybody here still play iW4X? got my friend into it and we've been enjoying shitting on pablos and polskis in nuketown 24/7 servers

MW2 had unironically one of the best single player campaings in FPS history.
Also idiots often call it a movie just because it's very cinematic and the gameplay is simplistic. But you actually are in control 99% of the time unlike in modern games where you constantly have to watch lengthy animations, cutscenes where you have zero control or have to listen to some faggot protagonist talking to themselves (eg. Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, new GoW). Fuck those games.

it wasn't
it was the same game as older call of duty games and on the same pc engine, just without dedicated servers

I only liked it because I had friends to play it with. Now I hate it, and I have no friends.

I don't remember much about 2 but I really liked 3

>no lean
>no insane corpse option
>no corpse options at all

It was fun for about 2 months then everyone jumped on the tryhard train and went uav/pred, harrier, then ac130 or nuke while corner camping.

Which is really sad to because to this day it's the only cod you could akimbo silenced pistols. #ballin

I was 12 get outta here young man

I was 16 get out of here loser

for me?

m1014 extended mag

stopping power

scavenger pro
stopping power pro

its my favourite game

>auto lock on

console fags please get out

Of course i liked it, i was a 12 year old casual who never played any other kind of games besides Battlefield, MoH and racing games. Now that i'm older and played more fps games i feel nothing about the game, i can see it's mediocrity now. The only nostalgia i have is over the friends i made while playing.

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Jesus Christ, has it already been ten years? Why do I have a sudden urge to brush my teeth with a shotgun?

I never like the multiplayer, campaign was worth a playthrough.
Spec ops was fantastic, one of the best video game experiences I've ever had.

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How old are you, user?

I was 21 in the marines. Gtfo numb nuts.

just wait till 2029
you'll be praying to come back to today


My mothers dead because she saw your post. Fucking incels.. I swear man.

28. I graduated high school and joined the army that year.

i was
5555/spoiler 555555


fuck my dead mother

So what happened? Are we not getting a remastered of this game?

Scrambler literally announced the enemy that you were getting closer to him and made Ninja worthless.
>Radar starts fading into snow while no counter UAV
>"He's gonna walk through the door in 3..2..1 aaand killed him

*ahem* excuse me, the RPK was only featured in Black Ops 1. You’re thinking of the RPD. Big difference.

I see. I'm just a couple of years younger and I still feel old as fuck.

I liked BO1 more. Commando was fun as fuck and Call of the Dead will always have a special place in my heart.

It was my first and only cod game. It was fun but grew old fast and was ultimately vastly inferior to bc2. 6/10

Activision knows that people would only play MW2R and not the new MW so they’re either only going to have campaign (which was already leaked) or scrapping the whole thing. They don’t give a shit about us gamers.

Although while looking for a source I did stumble upon this... not sure how reliable the site is, but I highly doubt that they’ll still have a full remaster next year.

Well yeah it was fun. Great map selection for a wide variety of play.

Was anyone else autistic and make different loadouts to roleplay as the different faction you'd be put on in the match?

I did it especially for WaW.

You guys love this game but when it came out it was the fortnite of its day and Yea Forums treated it as such.

And in 8 years time Fortnite will be looked back on fondly in comparison to the newer games of the day. It's the way we are.

seeing people on Yea Forums talking about how great Destiny was is already enough to make me want to end it



Destiny was and always will be shit no matter the year.

If you used this, I hope you’ve grown up with broken glass fucked into your ass daily as your dog is beaten.

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God FUCK commando. That really makes me seethe.

Bringing a knife to a gun fight is the true way to play. Only us big dick having mother fuckers used a knife, ninja, cold blooded, and marathon.

Yeah commando is pussy shit


>Watch Booster Justice
>Literally do the same thing and just fuck with people trying to get nukes
>Used to get voice messages everyday from 9 year olds calling me a nigger and saying that their dad worked for Xbox

Comedy gold. I miss the game, but it was a fucking mess. Let's not forget when Models were literally one shot from fucking anywhere.

Modern Warfare was the better game, but I did probably have more fun with this, because more people in school played it.

The chad class. Why use bullets when stabbing niggas does the trick.

>he plays shooters with a gamepad

Attached: And post overused image macros.jpg (500x375, 69K)

>the Intervention on Afghan

just this makes the game perfect, the Intervention is just the best sniper rifle in the history of CoD, and I didn't talked about the campaign, the best of all modern FPS.

don't think that's what he meant chief

>ACR w/grenade launcher
>Drone/AC130/nuke killstreaks
Loved it

>getting enough kills for the Apache on Afghan

you know the game is over user.
after his rampage of kills he will get the Harrier user.
and the Harrier will make him have enough kills for the Nuke, user.

>tactical nuke, incoming!

goodbye, user.