ITT: shitty games Yea Forums memed you into playing

ITT: shitty games Yea Forums memed you into playing

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Pic unrelated.

I thought it was pretty fun. Also long war was fun too.
Who hurt you user?

awesome game

Alright, tell me where the newfoundland mission touched you.

It's a stupid game with a retarded difficulty curve. Enemies have the same weapons in the beginning as in the end game so it becomes easier instead of harder like logic and common sense dictate. If you can get beam weapons and carapace armor you've won the game, all that's left is grinding the same three maps for 40 hours.

Play long war.

So I can grind for 120 hours? Not getting memed again.

>he played on normal

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Classic. It's the same shit.

>i have bad taste
>i don't know what i like
>i don't read up on the game's genre before playing it
>i complain about a vast, unformed, anonymous entity like "Yea Forums" as if it had a clear, uniform consciousness capable of dictating my choices
OP, you really aren't off to a good start. are you also a virgin?

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If you're too much of a big brain strategical genius for Classic, why not just bump it to Impossible and try it out before you start complaining?

It solves all the complaints you presented. Aliens have research levels that scale enemies, and they added several new maps and re-enabled others.

>120 hours
I mean, my last campaign took 100, so I can't deny it's a time commitment. I guess if you want to play a bite sized strategy game it's not for you.

What kind of strategy games do you prefer?

>play a game that's half my age
>like who even play cranky old games any more
>start on rookie because anything higher will short circuit my brain
>restart for the 5th time
>proceeds to gets dabbed on by 3hp sectoids

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xcom 3 when

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>Designer of XCOM, XCOM 2, and...

soon brother

OP is a nigger faggot

So these threads are basically just places for zoomers to declare how shit their tastes are?

*BTFO of every XCOM game ever*

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>pure rng
>monster always gets hospitalized
>no skill involved
>only get suezos

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still waiting for a 20buck or less sale

you're a baby

Into the Breach is a bite sized strategy game, xcom is dumb as fuck and requires less strategy than a game of tick-tack-toe, considering you have to deal with one patrol at a time and aren't really allowed to maneuver around enemies because of how the braindead fog of war mechanic works. It goes from a game of roulette to a menial "game" of clicking buttons to win. All you have to do is make obvious choices wait see what RNG throws at you.

>defending games from this decade with the zoomer buzzword

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I still regret it

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Imagine paying full retail price for these.

t.zoom zoom

I love this game, people calling each-other zoomers for a recent game is still retarded

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7 years

Only a Zoomer would believe that 2012 was a long time ago.

only a zoomer would argue about a 7 year old game being "recent" just for the sake of arguing.
go zoomzoom elsewhere

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back at you zoomer

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couple of zoomers zoom zooming. watch out everyone!

War of the Chosen is less than two years old and is basically the same game down to the graphics.

I liked vainilla XCOM 2 and I want more. Should I buy the dlc for 2 or get memed into this too?

Janky, but once you get past that it's surprisingly brilliant.
>there are ways to continue the story if an NPC dies
>enemies flanking you due to broken pathfinding
>the horrific underground sections

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More like shitty threads OP memed people into entering.

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Xcom2 and EU are pretty different though, its like saying Final Fantasy 6 and 7 are basically same game because they both use that abortion of an ATB system

>compairing a game released in 2012 to its sequal in 2016

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>Xcom2 and EU are pretty different though

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even if you ignore the significant over-world changes, the general focus on going fast in Xcom2's battles gives it a different flavor from the originals to the point that most of Yea Forums couldn't adapt

The only significant difference is the stealth system.

I like this more then 2 to be honest.
Long war just makes it so close to OG that I can almost taste it.

Your insane if you don't think late game enemies push your shit in.
That or you played the shit on easy/normal.

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could of got it for 12 bucks through humble monthly.

this sounds great on paper but i know i'd hate it if i actually tried to play it

they memed me hard though

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God Hand

>got memed into playing a 'bad game'
>falls for it 7 more times
Either bait or you're quite literally retarded.

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>most the skills are useless
>ugly as sin graphics
>terrible voice acting
>retarded story
>the "openness" is just your choice of two different corridors that lead to the same place
>pick-your-ending crossroads at the end
Shame to because Human Revolution was so good, even if I recognize it has a few of the flaws the original had too.

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>tfw too brainlet to get into it

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Any game that needs mods to become barely functional isn't worth playing. The same goes for Skyrim.