Nice knife.
Nice knife
Other urls found in this thread:
>the whole part where he dusts off Raiden and gives him a hug
To this die when I encounter a difficult enemy in video games I exclaim or think in my head
>Why won't you DIE?!
Reminder that he was completely in the right.
How is this game today?
Still kino?
In that he played college ball
Solid action game with sublime theming.
t. someone who would die on the very first day of his utopia.
It's funny that he's more of an American than the most American person alive right now.
He's literally (if you're a religious retard) the second coming of Jesus, improved, perfected.
God damn what a soundtrack. Are there any similar soundtracks to MGRRs?
the game aged well, it's one of the best fighting games from last gen
Why does Metal Gear have the best villains? From Solidus to Armstrong to The Boss, they're all these over the top caricatures and yet so excellently done. How do dey do it?
Only Nero's theme in DMC5.
Jesus never advocated for the deaths of millions and the conscription of children.
That only further proves how right he was.
The soundtrack was the reason I picked up this game. No regrets on that one
Wanted to legit join him after that little scene
>Jesus never advocated for the deaths of millions
At least not that you know of.
Where did he buy his nanomachines?
Fuck off you retarded blasphemous piece of shit
At some cushy Ivy League school.
University of Texas. Alumni gift store.
Jesus literally joked about how he could snap his fingers and kill everyone who disagreed with him.
edgy kiddie shit? try anarchy reigns
DMC1/Bayo1 have great soundtracks but they aren't as bombastic as MGR's.
post a song you like
No I will not fall the bait.
May you find peace brother
Knice nife.
>Raiden carries the meme of Solid Snake and Senator Armstrong
>last shot of him is his eyes glowing while unsheathing/unboxing his katana
The War Still Rages Within, but we'll never see it
The secret ingredient to a compelling villain is making them believe in their cause so hard it rubs off on other people.
Compared, there's nothing worse than a villain who just comes off as delusional or stupid.
arguably Solidus as well
>the everydayutnilmgr2 fag has been dead for a week now
its not the same
He's just getting a new cyborg body after the jannies cut his arm and eye off
>fight him in battle
>Raiden can't touch him with or without the sword
>fight him in a cutscene
>Raiden starts throwing him around with CQC
All Konami has to do is give platinum some money to make everyone happy and they just won't. The entire cost to make an MGR2 is probably far less than even just the amount over budget MGSV cost.
>arguably Solidus
Man, Metal Gear sure loves patricide.
>Compared, there's nothing worse than a villain who just comes off as delusional or stupid.
Wouldn't that just be Volgin? Granted, he was intentionally made to be stupid. I love how he was being backstabbed by literally everyone he trusted.
The sheer shock and betrayal on his face never fails to make me laugh
could he beat armstrong?
>MGR covers the entire scale of villainy
Now that's funny.
I still think MGR is the best source of reaction images.
Raiden and Armstrong get stronger the more they believe in themselves.
You can literally see it happen in the cutscenes
>Armstrong first talks about how he just wants to keep the economy afloat and starts beating the shit out of Raiden and breaks his sword
>Raiden calls him out on just wanting money and power and starts easily countering Armstrongs's moves
>Armstrong reveals his true intentions he gets the upper hand again.
>when Raiden decides he just wants to oppose Armstrong not for any logical reason but because he believes it's the right thing to do, he's able to stand on equal footing to him
tfw mgrr never
isn't the villain of MWCXD literally Armstrong?
All I'm saying is Jack... is black
>you don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill, just to survive
>"but you did survive, through sheer force of will, following your own set of rules! With your own two hands, you took back your life!"
>and now, i'll take yours...
Armstrong would snap him in two
with his bare hands
Give me a smug Sundowner RIGHT NOW
Armstrong was just in touch with his inner child, making him Mid Tier.
GOOD OL' 9/11
fucking based
I will never not be mad about this garbage.
source? I just get thanos crap
Open minded about it considering normie christians forget jesus literally sat down and fashioned his own whip with which to beat the usurers out of the temple
>There will never be an alternate ending where you join him and the end-credits is a montage of Jack n' Steve-O romping around the world making America great again.
And the reason is...
The jews. Name them for what they are.
Not all usurers are jews.
But all jews are usurers.
Pretty boy.
>there are mentally challenged retards who will join this thread to praise such a piece of shit of a game
I'm fucking Invincible
>went to UT
No wonder he was the bad guy
>t. sooner
God, what a soundtrack
Will there ever be an 11/10 soundtrack like this Yea Forumsros?
Try a bit more maroon
There is an indie game on the way with real time cutting of enemies like in mgr but still hoping for a sequel.
What about the upcoming star wars game, can you cut shit there?
t. the good senator
No. The lightsaber does no dismemberments whatsoever on whomever. The cutting burn marks are reduced to some orange blob that doesn't leave behind any damage.
There's a similar cutting mechanic in Astral Chain
>indie game
Where what how?
>sturr hurrs
Who cares star wars is shit. Also if its the one I'm thinking about no you can't actually cut shit and there were a lot of people pissed off about it because fuck you disney.
Katana Zero scratches the same itch
>forgettin the DLC bossfight
He was just a guy who believed he's doing the right thing.
I can see why you wouldn't want to admit to being an Aggie
Has a track every synced up as perfectly as this?
i only got this game because I watched a bunch of YTPs of it years ago and it's been my favourite game ever since, but the fact that there'll never be anything like it again kills me
I humbly request the posting of these YTPs
>beat Armstrong on revengeance w/ no damage
>absolutely cannot beat Sam
Forgot link
>t. Sip
There's a reason Texas keeps begging to schedule TAMU despite giving them the finger when they bailed.
>no console ports
Link to that?
also no
konami doesn't make games any more
pretty sure this was the first one I watched, guy's got a few more on his channel too
sam is easy, counter him twice and it's over
This shits starting to creep into a&m too unfortunately. Ive heard from some people who started recently they have to take sensitivity and micro-aggression training.
Its still worse at ut from what I hear, but like a cancer its spreading.
I know this is probably bullshit but I choose to believe it
It should be a circle, not a line
>hard to find fault in
>The sheer buttblasted posts a simple joke post created
What the fucks wrong with Christrannies and why are they so easily upset?
Does spending all day worshiping a disgusting degenerate kike addle the brain that much? Yikes. Imagine worshiping a false god such as this, instead of a white european deity. Race traitor abrahamics make me sick.
Can we take a moment to remember that The Hot Wind Blowing was the best track?
A man of culture.
you did see how Armstrong and Jack are capable of lifting up 300ft tall machines right?
also normal bullets wouldnt work against el presidente due to NANOMACHINES.
Armstrong was a great villain. He was over the top, exaggerated, had convoluted motives, and cheesy dialogue, yet he was so damn charismatic and played the part so well you just wanted him to win
Mein nigger
Jack's a nigger...
Is that Metal Gear movie still meant to be happening? If so then I do not look forward to them either removing the stupid anime shit or having it not be taken seriously.
Sam coulda left at any time though.
hes just kinda retard who died serving a man he didnt even agree with cuz of MUH HONOR or something
as long as we're posting bullshit can I say how much I love this, whatever it is?
>What about the upcoming star wars game, can you cut shit there?
Devs said Lucasfilm banned dismemberment. Gotta keep it family friendly.
>The Boss
>over the top caricatures
Sure you don't mean Volgin 'cause The Boss was pretty straight-laced.
Reminder that Solidus and Armstrong were both right, they had to make up that whole Solidus killing Raiden parents and kidnapping kids to make him look bad, and Armstrong was right even after loosing at the end of the game
I just meant the Big XII is the weakest of the P5 and shouldn't even be a "power" conference anymore.
but no user. Armstrong was wrong precisely because he lost. But he mixed his meme with raiden's at the end of the day so give me a second one platinum god damn it.
No, Richard is really just insane
He never really reveals a motive, it seems all he wanted to do with destroy America because he hates freedom or something
Good thing Metal Wolf is capable of utilizing energy weaponry and rail gun cannons
but by being proven wrong he was in turn proven right
Reminder that Armstrong still won, above everything he wanted to stop "war as a business" and Raiden wants that too.
What's stronger, cyborg technology or nanomachines?
Nano-machines. Deus Ex makes that very clear. Raiden's just that much more skilled a solider what with him being Grey Fox 2.0 and all.
>play the game after seeing all the memes
>get to sundowner
Wtf, how am I supposed to beat someone who's invincible?
that must've taken fucking ages to make and it somehow sounds alright
A red katana
What would you want in MGR2, Yea Forums?
For me, I want the main villain to be Liquid's right arm, now affixed to and possessing a cyborg body
>That chad intro he had in TFR.
>Only Travis could get him to bleed even if he failed in beating him
Would Raiden and Travis Touchdown be good friends if they ever met?
I wish so much the game ended with Raiden joning Armstrong, was he really wrong?
I feel like their backgrounds and personalities clash too much.
>Raiden gets Sam's moveset, ripper mode makes the charge attacks mental
>Weapon changing on the fly
>Flesh out alt weapons, don't make them just sub-weapons
>ditch or overhaul stealth and items like grenades and whatnot
>Barehanded as a weapon
>Wall running
>nerf blade mode, make it only slow down time during those slow down opportunities
I heard crazy idea for a final boss ages ago
>villains are working on a metal gear based on solid snake
>final boss is against this metal gear
>mission prompt comes up at the start of the battle: Defeat Metal Gear Solid
Who was wrath and who cuted his own path?
I just want to say that this sounds pretty good.
Then why are Cyborgs a thing? Armstrong regrew his arm so it's not like it's a cripple thing
>main villain literally comes out of fucking nowhere with the most paltry of build-up and ends up stealing the show and being remembered for years
I'm still in awe of both the writing of the game the actor's perfomance, it's magical.
Armstrong's been a confirmed bad guy since chapter 2, what do you mean. Obviously the nanomachines were a surprise but it's not out of nowhere.
>Metal Gear Solid
This could totally work with my idea of Liquid as the villain
Also how fucking k i n o would it be if it was designed to set of a nuke if the machinery is cut (like wires in a bomb or whatever), so Raiden has to use hand-to-hand to defeat it
Both enjoy bloodshed, so why not?
Money and secrecy. Deus Ex kept nano tech to 4 people for the same reason.
Now I'm sad that your final boss idea isn't real. It actually sounds kino.
The path of the Samurai is one you wouldn't understand, user.
Nah he was putting the brains of children in soldiers, he was definitely batshit insane
Maybe the amount of nanos he's using costs a small country? I presume they're an immense boost of power but they last for a single fight.
I think Dok says something about his muscles being entirely nanomachine "dough" on his arms or something. He has to charge them too, both during Sam's fight and Raiden's he's wasting a minute doing the sumo stomp and dragonball yell.
>possess new body
>starts looking for Solid
>finds Raiden instead
>boss fight
>Liquid is defeated
>Raiden says that the old man is dead
>slice Liquid into a million pieces
MGR2 demo is over
How would the Metal Gear look like? Is it a giantic version of Solid or is it a Metal Gear in human-size?
Propably just mg rex with a giant metal cigarette and a bandana.
>Do thing because someone told you to, regardless of your principals
Sounds like a shitty path wrought with a lack of accountability. Explains the minds of pedo weebs just a bit.
Sunny as your main Codec support
Every time you damage it, it just says "You're that ninja, huh"
As technology advances hardware becomes smaller, so I think the idea of the newest Metal Gear being human-sized, or slightly larger, is a cool idea to toy around with.
Maybe Metal Gear Solid's design philosophy is to utilize cyborg and nanomachine technology to create a compact Metal Gear, still able to deliver a nuclear payload, piloted by AI modeled after Solid Snake so that it's capable of world-class stealth and self-defense, making it potentially the most dangerous Metal Gear so far.
How about a humanoid robot powered by an internal nuclear reactor with a solid snake ai a la peace walker's boss
Have you ever played SMT? Chaos ideology is what Armstrong believes, eternal war and death everywhere, but its okay because people are "free"
Bloody Brad but it's Solid Snake
Okay, Raiden
>Raiden has to use hand-to-hand to defeat it
Stranger I remain is the best
He looked genuinely upset that Raiden played him with that hand shake. I fucking love this game.
>pogo remix of mgrr
not bad
It still hurts that we'll never have this as the official theme again.
Bayonetta, the first one anyway.
Imagine that during the boss fight you can't use the high frequency blade, because the Metal Gear will just disarm you with CQC, so it becomes a hand-to-hand battle
does this count?
I think people forget that a villain that has shit tier motivations can be elevated to elder god tier if they are hammy enough and are in love with their own evil enough. There's a reason people love Sheev.
And besides...
Only if Metal Gear Solid is an android.
speed up zandatsu animations and nerf the healing effect
underrated BASED post
>the health bars are the ones from mgs2 but Raiden's is finally as long as Snake's
Fuck, this is actually somehow motivating. I'm gonna make an omlette now.
Just remember, you have to eat all the eggs.
Imagine if every mainline Metal Gear had been half as fun and unforgettable as Rising
Fuck Kokima
>Number 3: Burn all the fucking eggs
Becoming a cyborg is way, WAY less expensive. Remember that most people with nanomachines just had light emotion suppressors, it didn't turn them into supersoldiers because they didn't turn themselves into basically a giant nanomachine colony.
It’s bc at least. Gotta replay it one of these days n
I want his... hand in marriage
Actually felt kinda bad for him there. I mean, he was so excited and willing to take Jack under his wing. And honestly the Senator made some solid points, albeit with insane methods.
Cyborgs are cooler though
I was amazed that Raider could not find an actual retort to that.
>albeit with insane methods.
Funny way of saying "Completely 100% in the right" you utter beltway pansy
>that most people with nanomachines just had light emotion suppressors
I really hated that scene in 4 where Ocelot turns off their inhibitors and everyone instantly gets PTSD, only because we don't have one guy among the crowd standing there going "I'm cool with what I did". I mean psychopaths are nothing new in Metal Gear, we can't have one that's a regular soldier?
Fucking hell
I'm glad I watched that
>pulling out kids brains to be mindless sword fodder isn’t insane or wrong
Wow man, nice edge. Try not to get your trench coat stuck in a door.
>Free cyborg body
>Play ARMA VR all day
>Led by a jolly fat man who talks about 9/11 a lot and Armstrong Thundercock making america great again
>Free swords
>Insane and wrong
Candy Ass tier post.
I need to look at his e-mails.
And here I thought MGR music and its use can't get better.
>get killed 3 seconds after you get all that free stuff because you’re just fodder to keep the war machine going
Best of all you die with the mental age of 10 having never got to have a gf or be a kid having carefree summers.
Anarchy Reigns
Guilty Gear
>decapitating and reprogramming third-world children to use as soldiers
>uses might-makes-right as an argument while juiced up on nanomachines into a demigod, obvious intent is he'll be the mightiest once he's reformed the country
>intentionally destabilizing recovering or peaceful nations while claiming to use war to end war
>raiden succeeds his ideology (and actually lived out armstrong's rhetoric to begin with) and promptly becomes a street samurai instead of indoctrinating child soldiers and becoming a politician
>Best of all you die with the mental age of 10 having never got to have a gf or be a kid having carefree summers.
The fate of most of Yea Forums
you need to play it user, the music is horrible but only works in this game.
nvm, I've changed my opinion of you
it explains everything about you
screencapped, that is fantastic
Then lore wise it'd be unwinnable. MGS4 made a big stink about how the only people any good at CQC were ones trained by Boss or Big Boss.
people played blue dragon?
What if raiden picked up some tricks from solid himself? Never really had to use it since he was a cyborg and had a 1hko sword, but knew it all along?
Now that's a pretty meme.
I'm sure Raiden could manage
fist of the north star is not CQC
But Hokuto Shinken is invincible
Jack! Your Jordan leg servos will overheat!
>throws armstrong from the handshake
>any counter where you lose your sword in the last part
Obviously you can't just choke or throw Armstrong like a ragdoll like with soldiers in mgs3/V but Raiden did some work on him. I'd say he knows cqc.
formerly sword
Armstrong’s Knife and Omelette
Formerly sword.
>tfw my monitor only goes up to 165hz
>recently upgraded my internet
>open this thread
thanks guys, reinstalling
>Feel like replying
>Remember the Mexican kid and padder levels between boss fights
Bonus points for how dated(?) The "Make America Great Again" part became.
reminder that Sunny will most definitely get COWABUNGA'D
MGR predating Trump with Make America Great Again is the exact opposite of having it dated
>63.5 MB/s
My internet gets 90mbps and Steam maxes out at 11 MB/s
You best be deleting this right now boy.
It all come down to who is more patriotic and american
recently got fiber optics in my neighbourhood, funny thing is i live in Croatia, and only pay around 30€ for it
>He uses words he doesn’t know the meaning of
>coming up with MAGA
It's a slogan from Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign.
>63.5 MB/s
>That parry at 1:15
No one cares what reagan said, shut up boomer
mistral and monsoon are probably the most memorable bosses for me because of the finishers they give you.
>Music rises into the actual ending of the song
>that transition into blade mode where they let you go to town
I get that Sam and Armstrong needed the impact of the post-fight cutscene and that wouldn't work if you could reduce armstrong to flesh confetti but still
>John Cygan did voice acting for some of the early promotional trailers, but Solidus doesn't show up at all in the game
Can't help but feel a a bit disappointed. They could have justified a fight with a nightmare sequence or a VR simulation.
It's pretty incredible really.
No, it's ludo. Kino means movie theater.
The original villains ranking meme is complete shit because of that. It also assumes that any story that doesn't try to have some complex morality in its villains must be inherently deficient. The Empire in the OG blew up an entire planet just to test their new toy and terrify billions, for example. Does that make them bad antagonists?
>shit tier
give war a chance, faggot.
It's ludokino
90/8 = 11.25 what are you trying to say?
Posting kino
Missing half of the title there.
Why is his head photoshopped onto that body?
>Hating Sundowner
He's just like Trump, alz.
Armstrong had his entire circulatory system replaced with mega-ultra technology. He was probably the most expensive mannon the planet.
>no hot wind blowing
Shit thread
you are actually dumb
Yeah, in the Japanese version he even has the white synthetic blood.
It's their football coach. Just friendly banter, don't worry about it.
What did Raiden mean when he said that child soldiers have a distinct fighting style?
Presumably they train all the children the exact same way for speed and ease of learning’s sake.
best ending OST
Yes? The whole point of his speech was that he was constantly contradicting himself and had no ideological consistency whatsoever, he was just spewing buzzwords and phrases. He was a composite of 3-4 different types of villains, and when Raiden calls him insane, it's completely true. He's just blindly acquiring power, the ideology is just lip service. He's a politician.
MGR is the least subtle game of all time and people like you still somehow miss the point
I checked gamefaqs and it said I'm right. Care to explain your (incorrect) position?
Don't forget Ocelot
Holy shit how can anyone watch this? It's like having schizophrenia. I like YTP when it's funny edits, not this insane shit
Also, MGR is poop by itself
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
whoa this channel is gold
>I checked gamefaqs and it said I'm right
I genuinely hope you're baiting.
Imagine being too dense to even barely grasp the point of MGR
>MGR is the least subtle game of all time
Bullshit, it takes some actual effort and considerable amount of thinking to realize what Armstrong wanted, and why it convinced Raiden that he was right by the end
The entire game is full of philosophy, the dialogue with Monsoon specifically is straight out of Socrates, but it's not "in your face at all", you only get the references or even notice they are references if you know the source beforehand
With that said there are limits on how off the mark someone can be, and that user blew it
The whole game is about how his world is a beautiful one that doesn't work. That's the whole point of Raiden winning against him.
Armstrong is the strongest, most connected, smartest and most charismatic that money could buy. Raiden literally started as a brainwashed child soldier and yet, they're both on the world stage for that moment.
The point is that Raiden accepts Armstrong's ideology, just like he accepted every desperado before, but in every case: he made it his own. Bladewolf made him reconsider his agency. Mistral made him reconsider his origins. Monsoon made him reconsider his identity. Sundowner made him reconsider his purpose. Sam made him reconsider his ideas and finally, Armstrong made him reconsider his power.
Raiden leaves MGR as Armstrong's messiah, but he had no interest in bowing to Armstrong's war: He had one of his own, and Armstrong is defeated by his own ideals: A free man empowered by his ideals and driven by his own convictions.
That's why they share that moment in the end, leading into "The War Still Rages Within": Armstrong may have lost, but he couldn't have lost to a better foe.
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
Fuck. The. Hell. Yes.
Armstrong lost but found that his ideal world view can be achieved as shown by raiden's whole life
And, per his own ideology, Raiden is the correct one. That's why he goes down dazed, but serene: He's lost physically, mentally and psychologically. He takes his death with as much grace as you can when you get your fucking heart crushed in front of you.
And off walks his own Cyber Jesus, to dismantle everything he ever did with World Marshal.
The Killer Instinct reboot had some pretty similar sounding music. Also it's just a 10/10 OST in general
Exactly, Armstrong was clearly based off Trump
The hilarious part is you might gets someone with that one.
>listen to MGR soundtrack while playing CTR
>can feel myself doing better
My Own Master Now is literal kino, holy fuck I love that track.
So Snake is 100% dead by MGR right?
Any someone explain the whole "meme" thing to me? It seems so simple, yet I can't seem to be able to understand it.
There really is no wrong or right. Raiden however as a child soldier, growing up with the poor and weak fundementally disagrees with him. That's why he had to kill him.
dna of the soul
genes of a culture
thoughts and ideas that are passed from person to person both intentionally and unintentionally
Oh. Thanks, user.
The fact that it's so chaotic is what makes it funny imo.
I feel like by watching it too much I'll become a schizo myself and start twitching out of nowhere
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
>tfw a spinoff that kojima had nothing to do with was a better MGS game than MGS V
Let's hope so, because the technology to keep his brain alive in a jar definitely exists in MGR, and that's the only other reasonable end they could have written for him.
It was better than any other MGS game he made after MGS2, except possibly Ghost Babel, which lo and behold, he had nothing to do with, either.
Didn't kojima do the writing for MGR?
I've never gotten through this cutscene without laughing. MGR:R has to be the funniest game ever made.
go fuck yourself with a rake. never diss anarchy reigns ost ever again. you should be banned
You're welcome.
Its left ambiguous. There's one codec call where they use past tense in reference to Snake and another where they use present tense. I like to think he's still around.
fuck me
i havent laughed at a 9/11 joke in ages
>MGR2 Final boss battle
>Its just a Terminator version of BigBoss in Naked Snake w/Black facepaint
>The setting has to be in a Jungle
>Ninja battle in said Jungle
>A mix of stealth and over the top melee battle with MAX amount of 80s action movie refrences
>Defeat MGS by ripping out its heart and taking a bite out of it
christfags lmao
Hey guys can one of you please go grab my laptop from the other side of this room for me?
Ah yes, the watermelon room. Fine choices for laptop storage.
Why does Yea Forums love Armstrong but hate Edelgard?
Is it just because the FE fanbase is full of trannies and roasties?
>Bladewolf version wasn't playable
Still shocked over their sheer incompetence over that fact. Luckily someone modded it and swapped in the model in the game over the original...the fact someone had to do that though...Platinum really let everyone down with that.
Armstrong is considerably more entertaining, charismatic, and attractive.
Did we ever get confirmation that prosthetic on Ocelot actually was Liquid's arm or was it just some dumb muscle fiber thing like Raiden's old cyborg body?
Armstrong is a jingoistic United States Senator with a penchant for passionate speeches, whose body is composed entirely of nanomachines capable of making him extraordinarily strong, fast, and durable
Edelgard is waifu bait
Since he's using nanomachine therapy and shit to pretend to be Liquid, and then in the final fight he throws his coat off to reveal the prosthetic, I think it's safe to assume he removed Liquid's arm and replaced it, probably to prevent Liquid from gaining more control over him
Armstrong is the actual head of his organization and has a ton of charisma while outright being the main villain and working with the role. Edelgard is a puppet following someone else's script, is still basically in the main villain role but the writing won't fully commit her to it (her route tries to whitewash her ass off), and she is shown to be a massive dumbass with no positive traits.
It's was the slogan of world war one noninterventionists before that.
Seems pretty fucking based to me, I see no problem here. Might DID make right after all.
>but we'll never see it
What would your retort have been?
Good villains are secretly justified and the only criticism you can challenge them is that their methods are imperfect like the fallen world they seek to repair.
Armstrong did nothing his enemies hadn't already or wouldn't do.
If this was real I would stop saying how shit playstation is and buy one
Fund. That. Shit.
in the Japanese version of the game you got a wooden sword that supposedly has his spirit in it.
I guess Sundowner was right.
Sam's DLC moveset was so good.
Only the one where Raiden wears a mexican hat
Red is the most powerful metal to make swords out of.
Fake and gay.
Why can Sam's sword hurt him? And don't say some folded 1000 times japanese steel crap since I dount huehue's can fold anything besides joints
I had a friend quit the game during the first phase of this fight. What a dumb cunt.
It can’t, not any more than Raiden’s regular sword. We see that in the Sam DLC.
It dealing more damage at the end is just a gameplay contrivance. Just imagine that Raiden is cutting right before the nanomachine armor triggers.
>And don't say some folded 1000 times japanese steel crap
That's literally it. The quality of an HF blade is proportional to the quality of the normal blade before it is converted into one. Sam has a magical ancestral katana from his family's Japanese side.
>He doesn't know about Brazil's proud samurai warrior class.
Yeah, it literally says it in game. The better the original sword, the better frequencies run through it, meaning better cuts.
Considering that many Japanese swords were often named after their maker, Sam's sword being called Muramasa could mean it's both venerable as hell, and originally forged by the best swordsmith Japan ever had.
>many Japanese swords were often named after their maker
>You will never wield the legendary blade Jerry in battle.
Uh bro, the sword was called Murasama.
Oh whatever. I don't talk moonspeak. I only learned myself English.
>sore wa ore no yaiba, Chaddo
Muramasa wielded by Sam: Murasama.
I have never played a mgs game. can I jump into this one?
Just be aware it's a spin off and plays totally different from every other MGS game
Yes, it’s a spin-off. The story is completely self-contained.
Sam was able to cut Armstrong because his tech (that rocket iaido move) was too fast for the nanomachines. Raiden doesnt use that move so its just a plothole
This one is EXTREMELY different from the rest and is at the very end of the timeline. This may as well be a stand alone save for like two of the characters being from past games. You can absolutely jump into this one without really affecting your experience of the later ones as long as you understand they are not the same game as this.
I'm just glad i lived to see RE4 dethroned as the most quotable game of all time. Don't see how this can possibly topped, it's just pure gold.
Fucking hell, finally somebody else got it.
oh sweet! thanks guys, I got this for free a few months ago and I've been thinking about playing it.
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
Why the hell arent there more games with metal gear risings blade-mode mechanic? Its sure as hell a million times for satisfying than having all the enemies just plop down with the same animation and sound.
Peace Walker has never upset me because expectations have always been appropriately low. It's a balanced co-op game to compete with the red hot Monster Hunter in Japan at the time, the story seems to be a later consideration as icing on the cake. I still had fun with the levels, for me it was more of an MGS B-Tier, but the bosses were absolutely horrible.
MGS4 to me is a crime against humanity, nor do I think Snake can react according to his personality in the face of the adversity ahead. Look at this smiling Snake with a cigar that they promoted so much during development, tell me it wasn't this Snake you wanted. What we had I can't even describe seems to have medicated his personality and only reacts with grunts. I wish I could better criticize the game, but I was so traumatized by the experience that I only played it once, and it was a long time ago. And as a rule I don't like anything when I feel like I'm being fawned over with fanservice, so for me the moments with Shadow Moses, REX and Big Boss, etc., were completely devoid of any value because it was nothing more than lures of nostalgia, and Kojima had nothing more to offer but to reiterate what had already been done. "Remember this classic moment? Haha": The Game.
The MGSV, no matter how much it hates it, has at least tried to do something "different" and not just repress old times. Ambition was not lacking but it is just a collection of elements without great direction. And my expectations weren't that high either, even if the trailers were still high quality, I already had in mind that Kojima was doing his old tricks.
It's a terrific game but it's only MGS in name not in spirit. You could strip every MGS element from the game and it wouldn't really matter. It wouldn't sell as well obviously because of brand recognition.
Sounds autistic as fuck to be honest
In MGS4 they speficied he'll be dead in 1 year, MGS4 happens in 2014,MGR in 2018,guess who's dead as fuck?
He was a supervisor, not a writter
Get the fuck out of here, you are tone deaf. You don't even know what MGS stands for. This is absolutely MGS in Spirit, you could not have said something that is less true. This the last MGS game made, the only one that counts after MGS4 and it actually made that nonsense worth it retroactively. Peace Walker, V, non of that garbage is worthy of the name.
You won't get any of the references but i think the game stands on it's own.
Of course he's dead, there's a codec call about it. You'd have to make retarded mental gymnastics to try and interpret that call as something else.
>all these shit taste (You)s
That's an absolutely retarded idea all for the sake of one stupid pun. MGR didn't get where it was by pissing on MGS, it did the exact opposite.
The DLC for this game is stupidly expensive for what it is and it literally never goes on sale.
They fight without the mercy or hesitation or fear of death that an adult soldier has. Think of how oblivious to danger you were when you were a kid, you thought you were FUCKING INVINCIBLE. That's how child soldiers fight.
>entirely disregards the game with actual qualities even if flawed
>finds excuses for the 2 garbage ones with no redeeming qualities
MGS4 is what made me stop caring about MGS but it still has good things in it. The other 2 do not.
Just an excuse to cop out of you killing children as the player. I loved that plot twist, the whole 5 seconds it lasted before they pussied out.
> DMC clone with the exact same story tone of a crazy DMC storyline
> an MGS game in spirit
Ok buddy sure. I still love the game so this conversation is pointless.
There are no redeeming qualities in MGS4.
>mfw there's a 6'3 ripped Armstrong looking dude, glasses and all, going to the same gym I am
kill yourself devil may faggot.
Something about suffering so much is not normal and wants his kid not to live in his shoes.
I'll kill you instead, show me where you live tough guy
Absolute retard.
Show him your strength user. Become a cool cyborg ninja.
I love that scene in MGS1 when Snake killed 60 Metal Gears with his Katana
There are several but you wouldn't know because you only played the game once a long time ago. I was once in your shoes, but i was smart enough to give it another try and reevaluate my feelings on it, free of the context and pressure that was there the first time i played the game.
i played it the first time last year and it was really disappointing. what little gameplay that was there was mostly run and gun, with the level layout giving no real opportunities for sneakan, in stark contrast to MGS3.
it was fun getting the series plot wrapped up, especially having played it after MGS V, but i'll probably never play it again.
>400+ replies MGR thread
sometimes you guys are okay
to add onto this, i think the biggest reason for my disappointment was all the neat mechanics they put in, like the gun store, barrel rolling, octocamo, crouch walking, that weird slow-hump crawl. there just wasn't any place to use it sufficiently.
I would actually love to give the game a second chance, sadly I don't have the game with me right now. I highly doubt I'll change my mind, but enough time has passed that I'm actually curious to play it again.
I loved that scene in MGS2 where Raiden kills 25 Metal Gear Rays with his single shot anti air missile launcher.
I also love that scene in MGR where Raiden kills 60 Metal Gears with his Katana. Oh wait, that scene literally never happens. I love that scene in MGS where Raiden kills 20 Metal gears with his katana though.
I bet your either a 3 toddler or a 5 zoomer. Either way, you are 100% confirmed tone deaf and either a legit retard or a disingenuous shithead if you think the action game elements are the sum of MGR's presentation and narrative.
can't wait till the cybernetic implant tech gets declassified so I can reenact MGR IRL
I said it had qualities not that it was great. I'm still very disappointed with a lot of aspects in terms of gameplay and story but I'll gladly recommend it to others for closure on the series, unlike PW and V which refuse to even acknowledge their existence.
I'm 32, I've been playing MGS since 2. I like 1, 2 and 3 almost equally but if I had to pick a favorite it would be 2. MGS4, PW and V are irredeemable shit. All your assumptions are wrong as well as your retarded opinion.
Rising is a beautiful game, it has a great story, it shares zero of its tone with the MG franchise. You're braindead.
>playing mgs as a 2-year old
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
Then you never got MGS, congrats on being dumb.
mgr doesn't even have the "tactical espionage action" subtitle, how can it have the same tone?
mgs can be silly but mgr is straight up CUHRAYZEE. it's like a shit fanfic, like MPO
It's free on pc. They either hate you console users or didn't give a single shit about pcfags.
it was on the nes and gameboy wasn't it?
after sneaking through a war torn city utilizing the entirely heterosexual hump crawl you got to liquid's compound and what, expected to go inside? crawl in through a vent, ride elevators, collect card keys, fight x-men, reach the 99th floor basement, fight ocelot's brand new never before seen metal gear, take your shirt off, punch liquid, escape the base before it self destructs, improve the world somewhat, high five otacon, smoke a cigar?
nah man.
welcome to south america listen to this ipod commercial.
I love Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty for the MSX2 !
How can you possibly think this is a legitimate argument? Do you just hate action games and can't separate yourself from the bias? One of the reasons MGR is practically universally loved is that it managed to spoof the original series perfectly within the context of it's new genre. Protagonists don't go around having prolonged philosophy and ideological discussions with the villains in Devil May Cry, Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden. They don't have a codec button with hours worth of in depth character interaction on plot irrelevant subjects.
You see le funny pizza waifu weeb scene and get blinded as to everything else. I never said MGR has the same tone as MGS, but it has many of the same overtones. It's all there in the background, it has the same SPIRIT, which is why your use of that particular word to say the opposite just showcases your ignorance.
>actually means gameplay
You idiot, tone is about atmosphere and topics a game touches on.
Child soldiers? Perpetual war? Armstrong's outer haven but it's the entire america? MG2, MGS2, PW, V. PTSD on the footsoldiers? The entire solid + rising franchise. Following orders while superiors betray you, getting sent into a blender, the whole shebang, you literally get banged over your head with this by Sam. Memes as well, this such a big thing in mgs2 and 3 you would have to try to miss it.
Too bad the word "meme" became a meme itself and most people chimp out when they hear it so they don't give it a second thought. You seem to have never even had a first thought about it, too.
>>actually means gameplay
I never said nor implied that. Not sure how you're reading that.
And also you're the one that seems to be confusing tone with themes
From the 60 metal gears with the katana bit. Can you even follow a conversation?
Holds up perfectly even today. Autoclimbing in it has always been, is and will always be badly programmed though.
That adds to the tone of the game obviously. You perhaps think the gameplay is completely separate from the tone of the game? Not everything is presented through cutscunes.
unironically better animation than most AAA games these days
>nigger music
Read You're the one who extrapolated MGR having the same tone as MGS from being called tone deaf. And no, it goes far beyond just themes as the way characters approach said themes is largely the same and that's how you establish tone since they are the ones relaying these themes to you.
>but muh flair
The soldier knows no disgrace!
Metal Gear Rising goes with fucking anything
I use it over the top of E3 trailers:
He's using war as a business to STOP war as a business!
>the dramatic button press
Russians were onto some shit
> You're the one who extrapolated MGR having the same tone as MGS from being called tone deaf.
What kind of sentence is that my ninja. I'm gonna go back to your previous post and indeed confirm that I indeed can't follow a conversation, not yours at least. And that guy is responding to another user and thinking it's me.
Gonna go make a giant fucking pizza. It's pointless to speak to autismos who obviously perceive tone in their autismo way.
The codecs note that the blade's actual name was apparently distorted over the ages. It's likely a blade made by Muramasa.
>you and i have alot more common than we think
Yes, please do. Go and stay go.
that sync at the end was sick
i remember watching this fight first time on stream when someone from Yea Forums played the game , the chat exploded when the last boss cutscenes started , most fun i've had watching someone play
fucking speedplayers, the entire fucking point of the ending is that raiden doesn't disagree with armstrong (he only disagreed with his methods) and will continue what he started.
When will they port this game to newer consoles?
>nice sharp knife
47th POTUS Michael Wilson>Funny Valentine>Senator Armstrong>Wilson Phillips
If the vocals cue for Bladewolf appearing with Sam's sword does not make your brain immediately load up your system with dopamine then you have no soul.
>that scene where Armstrong finally takes off his glasses just before the final fight so you know it's for real now
I think MGR is unparalleled in the presentation and hype department when it comes to action games.
Raiden's entire theme is that he's been used as a tool. Between the Patriots and Maverick, he is the operator until he goes maverick himself.
Raiden calls his blade a tool. If Raiden's blade is a tool, and Raiden is a tool, then Raiden is his blade. The AI GW even goes on to say that Raiden's code name and name (Jack) were names used by japanese/americans to describe Japan's fighters in WW2, which were tools in the war.
Anything to do with cutting in the lyrics deal with Raiden, since he is metaphorically the embodiment of a sword.
Im gonna say something bad about this game are you ready? Sneaking was dumb and the metal gear before you fight armstrong was an insanly bad boss that im sure most people forget is even in the game due to being samwitched between sam and armstrong.
What's wrong with Excelsus besides the silly design? Also Sneaking is entirely optional.
This. I miss the good ol' days
>throw a smoke nade
>slash the two dudes with a hostage
Yeah it was shit.
Excelsus wasn't so bad, it could have used another set of arms to fight you with though. Most of the time you're waiting on it to throw it's attacks out or get in position.
This is probably how he recruited the Winds of Destruction, all things considered.
>Trust no one not even yourself
Imagine you're just standing in some rice field in China talking about memes and masturbating to magnets when this fucking roided up American in a business suit runs up to you and punches you while screaming about eggs.
>MGR2 never ever
it hurts so much bros
I like to think he's still kicking
I knew Armstrong was fucked when this happened
We're 100% black.
>Can't beat Sam on normal even with the Fox Blade
I used to be good at this game
What a shit picture.
Sam wasn't reluctant. He believed in the ideal and cause of a nation in war more than anyone in Desperado.
He despised the organization and hierarchy but believed in the similar might makes right philosophy as Armstrong.
Raiden needs to tutor George into becoming a bad ass ninja, ya!
Sunny would be in her late teens and hot for days.
The final boss would be a brainjacked cyborg body of Solid Snake with the exoskeleton a heavy mech, powered by metatron ore. [spoilers]Called Metal Gear Solid.[/spoilers]
actually the worst
The next game features Sam's dismemebered head body snatching Raiden and fucking Sunny
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
It sounds so stupid that it seems perfectly applicable to MGS and MGR.
TheFinalRumble its a vidya character wrestling stream
its pretty great
Sam is easy once you can counter his rock throw shit
Sundowner no damage fucked me because of that gay helicopter
It's the idea of a Japanese anime villain being made in the image of a classic American action movie/spy movie mold, the juxtaposition makes then wildly charismatic
Sam is the one of the worst bosses in the game and the least interesting fight.
This is coming from someone who usually goes apeshit for 'guy with same powers as you' fights in almost anything, his fight was shitty.
The best song is given to the worst boss fight in the worst DLC and has the worst vocal drop yet still excels inspite of all that
If he wasn't so easy it would have been great. Even on very hard (obv revengeance is a joke)
The series is proof that sheer entertainment is more important than grounded characters.
>defeat Metal Gear Solid
>it crouches down, then takes a smoke
>Raiden waits for it to finish smoking and then rips its robotic heart out and absorbs it
I read this post in a New Zealand accent
>Defeat Metal Gear Solid
>George gets a set of dual katanas, sais, nunckuks and a staff
>One of his sub weapons is a rocket skateboard
I want to see a debate between Michael Wilson and Armstrong.
When I first heard it (before playing the game ) I thought it was going to be some pretty epic boss fight. I couldnt believe it was from some shitty DLC and not on the main game
I will believe this to be real. It's just too good.
Why would you make a DLC utilizing the worst mechanic (stealth) from the main game. Sam's at least took one of the most used mechanics (side step attack) and made it his signature move
logically Armstrong would just destroy the mech
but really, Michael Wilson couldn't lose, and the reason is... because he's the President of these Great United States of America.
The announcement is real, but that was many years ago and nothing came off of it so I assume its cancelled
Im still mad
Armstrong could have been defeated by dialogue.
>"What constitutes strength?"
Impressing upon him that strength of arms and sheer will aren't the only metrics. The weak should fear the strong, but the strong should protect the weak. Civilization and agriculture wouldn't exist if a smarter, but weaker man, hadn't convinced the unga bunga warlord to try farming and domesticating animals instead of running them down for every meal.
That was just Platinum trying to tease Konami to greenlight the sequel. It didnt worked and later they sent that stupid Kellams to debunk any rumour about Rising 2
>joke post
No, you had it right. The senator is basically every American extremist ideology in a nutshell.
Armstrong is basically Ozymandias with a dash of Ayn rand's objectivism and a lot of old fashioned imperialism
So yes
You asshole
that's my boy