if it wasn't for the story and setting this would be considered one of the worst entries in the series, the materia system is downright retarded and completely gutted any semblance of character builds, rendering all party members blank slates with barely any unqiue characteristics
If it wasn't for the story and setting this would be considered one of the worst entries in the series...
Other urls found in this thread:
No one remembers it for the gameplay to begin with.
Except maybe flying around the world map in the Highwind with that fucking awesome music playing.
nice bait, the materia and customization was the best part
>if it wasn't for this game's good parts, it would be bad!
If it wasn't for your father's semen, you would be non-existsnt instead of alive.
How about you focus on actual problems games have instead of forcing some issue on a time-tested classic pillar of JRPGs just because you want to be contrarian or non-conformist.
its easily a top 3 for the story and gameplay
This. I never saw someone saying "damn you have to play FF7 because the gameplay is good." It's just all story and music
You need to be 18 or older to post here.
Thats like saying FF1/FF3/FF5s characters are blank slates, removing character builds.
It was just a new take on job changing, w/o actually assigning a job.
The characters did have their differences though, if you REALLY wanted to min/max. the game just doesnt require it though. (mostly found in limit breaks, followed by base stats)
The Materia system WAS a failure to actually make u "build" anything, other than just slap on the strongest offense materia, a cure materia, and then HP plus materia.
But at least argue the right points.
"if it wasnt for the 1st most important thing in FF games and the 2nd most important thing in FF games this would've been garbage"
unironically kys, the materia system is probably the best system next to grid/license board
I bet you're the one retarded that liked the junction system lmao
I like the materia system. People who think it's broken are just remembering it after they spent hours grinding magic pots on disc 3 to have everything mastered on everyone.
>RPG isn't remembered for its gameplay but rather its story and lore
Color me fucking surprised senpai
I loved chocobo farming, and racing. Endgame was just watching KotR and miming it and watching it again. Final boss was a joke.
I still love this game, and the materia system despite its flaws.
I'm playing through it right now and holy shit the dialogue is fucking horrible
You'll change your mind when Remake comes out.
material system was based
go be a brain dead mindless Reddit hipster contrarian somewhere else nigger
your right final fantasy was SO much better when one character was only capable of one job
>Final boss was a joke.
only in the american version
>the materia system is downright retarded and completely gutted any semblance of character builds, rendering all party members blank slates with barely any unqiue characteristics
What? The Materia system functionally lets every character be any job. You know, like III, V, etc.? The games praised for how versatile you can make your character?
>if it wasn't for the story and setting this would be considered one of the worst entries in the series
Buddy, not a single JRPG is mechanically interesting.
The games that are considered to have the "best" battle systems (e.g Megaten's "Press Turn") are still trivially simple puzzles to solve that are braindead after that initial hour it takes, you're still left with dozens and dozens of hours of banality afterwards. It's never exactly a Zachtronics game now are they? So yeah, all that ever matters in this genre is story and setting, and FFVII's is great.
>7. Cloud’s got two versions of his standard slash…
>Attacking enemies with the Square button speeds up your ATB charge meter. It’s a race to fill the bar quickly to get access to your special abilities. But there’s also a more powerful version of the standard sword attack, which grants a bigger boost to your ATB if it lands, by holding the Square button for a few seconds.
You can say the same about IV, VI and IX.
>if the game wasnt good noone would like it
That's a charged attack, m8
You can set up characters for different roles like one element mage, one healer and one yellow materia user
still a better system than FF6
That's a hold to attack like FFXV
No this is a charge attack
>option 1, press square for a quick attack
>option 2, hold square for a short period for a heavy attack
>both options are interchangeable and require you to keep pressing and releasing the button to fill your guage
I'm missing the part where this is "hold square to win". How it sounds, if you hold square, you would just sit there doing nothing until you die.
See Holding charges ATB faster, no point ever tapping
>Holding charges ATB faster
No, it doesn't... Holding it for a SHORT period allows you to do a more powerful move, that if it lands, charges ATB faster than tapping. You don't keep it held down. Nothing states that you go into an auto-attack mode for holding it down.
Also, that is a video of FFXV, not FFVII:Remake...
Its literally exactly what FFXV did you know, it is hold down for attacks that fill atb faster
Post identifying information so we can shame you when the game comes out.
>Also, that is a video of FFXV, not FFVII:Remake..
A video showing FFXV has the very thing you are claiming 7r is doing
Thanks for proving you never played XV
Jesus, they had no fucking clue what they wanted XV to even be
You mean you have no idea about what you're talking about
its an action RPG you stupid fucking retarded cunt, its literally self explanitory you failed abortion
lol get madder Barry
Seeth harder tranny, FF7R now has hold to attack
>esus, they had no fucking clue what they wanted XV to even be
Tabata did, he wanted it to be casual pandering:
You CAN do cool/stylish stuff but the game is so fucking easy that the game does not motivate you to dig deep and try to learn the system.
I heard Comrades does make you learn the combat
>hold down for attacks that fill atb faster
Again, no source material says anything about going into an auto-attack mode. Feel free to show me where it suggest an auto-attack mode.
>literally exactly what FFXV did
This is literally a different director. You know, the guy that is responsible for KH, aka an action game that doesn't have auto-attacks. There is no reason to believe he would turn his game into an auto-attack game.
>has the very thing you are claiming 7r is doing
You mean the thing that the article is claiming 7r is doing? Also, do you have to let go of the attack button in XV? If not, then it isn't the same thing.
>this autistic bullshit again
Oh fuck off KH cocksucking faggot
That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.
Stop fucking posting outdated 2014 mistranslated interview from TWO FUCKING YEARS BEFORE THE GAME RELEASED that was literally debunked a few days after it was posted.
You're such a retarded cunt that gets BTFO on a daily basis and you're a piece of absolute shit.
It says hold to attack fills ATB faster, also Maximillian dood already confirmed you can just hold to attack like in FFXV and he said he just did that when playing the demo
>This is literally a different director
So? What the fuck does that matter? Nomura put hold to attack in FF7R the same way its in XV and Type0, 7r plays nothing like KH, everyone who played it says it feels like FFXV but with a menu
You're literally seething right now, its literally hold to attack like FFXV, and for Barret Max said you can ONLY hold to attack, so keep fucking coping
Tifa combat is literally just copying Type0 Eight's combat
I'm on my first ever playthrough of VII and I find the materia system to be alright. Feels like what VI's magicite should have been instead of the bullshit it actually was. My main issue with it is that there's just too much bloat. I don't feel there's a good reason for there to be as many materia as there are or as many materia slots as you can equip, especially with things like the ALL materia being an absolute redundancy. They should have consolidated.
>Maximillian dood
Sorry user but I'm too old to know who these nobody e-celebs are. Do you have a specific timestamp for a video, aka a source? I have no interesting in watching half hour videos of nobodies to confirm something you are claiming.
>What the fuck does that matter?
What the fuck does it matter that another FF did something? You aren't proving anything with that kind of statement, especially when you are dealing with different directors.
>You're literally seething right now
I have to test the game to really judge it, but continuously pressing square to do meaningless attacks seemed like it could get tiring. With a full menu based game, even regular attacks were worth doing, but now the damage output seems so low that it is just a time sink until your ATB is full. If you are correct, then I have no reason to be pissed off. The only point I have is that if you want to make a claim that goes against the information we have, provide your own legit source.
>ALL materia being an absolute redundancy
All is far from redundant. It performs a specific function that no other materia performs.
>too much bloat
Almost all materia has its uses. Sounds to me like you just want to have access to everything all at the same time without having to pick and choose. This is a personal problem, and one you will have with a lot of games. It isn't a materia problem.
FF7R confirmed downgraded
> On the other hand, the graphics already looked downgraded from what we see in the trailers. They had some sort of a grainy look about them and Cloud's hair had a lot of aliasing, which was distracting. Overall it looked like an early PS4 title, not some next gen title. I hope it was because the monitors were shitty and/or it looks better when released. A FFXV in image quality this is not otherwise.
I’ve never played FF7 and my friend just gifted it to me on iOS mobile, is it worth a play through?
No I will not spoonfeed you
Forgot pic
yes provided you can stand it being on your fucking phone
Then you have evidence of jack shit. Move on to someone who feels like listening to your fake stories.
No, it's the opposite. I also said I wanted the number of available materia slots reduced. Like I said, something like ALL comes across as redundant simply because it's something that could have easily been integrated into spell materia on their own, and then have reduced the number of slots to compensate for the change. I just think it's more cumbersome than it needs to me and I definitely prefer the V/Tactics job system style.
This doesn't even look like the same area.
stop plugging your hands in your ears, it wont make the hold to attack in FF7R go away
FF7R is like XV, just not 100% identical because it has a menu.
Also Barret is just Hold square to win, you don't even need to use Cloud since Barret ATB fills faster and he deals more damage quicker than Cloud and you just hold for Barret
>There's a lot of Final Fantasy XV DNA on show here, but the team has still kept the game incredibly faithful to the PlayStation original
its literally midgar
I mean the same location in Midgar.
>wanted the number of available materia slots reduced
So you want your choices to be limited.
>but wants materia to do more than they currently do
Nope, you just want the game to be as simplistic for you as possible since making choices hurts your brain?
>it's more cumbersome
Nothing about the materia system is cumbersome. Want the benefits of a materia? Equipt the motherfucker... You keep using words to describe the materia system that just doesn't apply no matter how hard you try.
Tactics is a more complex system than materia. You are going in complete circles. Maybe take a minute and think about what you want to say...
Top look photoshop to me. The shadows are too perfect for a baked lightning scene.
>Clouds attacks are press-by-press
That isn't holding down a button non-stop.
>referenced video says "hold down the attack for a CERTAIN AMOUNT OF TIME"
Again, this isn't holding down a button non-stop.
So now you have multiple sources that go against "hold square to win". Do you have a single source that claims you just hold it non-stop?
>So you want your choices to be limited.
Indeed I do. The more limited the choice, the bigger the impact usually is. I'd rather have two slots for an all purpose elemental materia and maybe some support than six slots for materia of each individual element and a support for each one. It's bloat.
>Nope, you just want the game to be as simplistic for you as possible since making choices hurts your brain?
Nigger, this increases the complexity. You yourself say
>Tactics is a more complex system than materia.
And that's correct. But Tactics is exactly the kind of system I'm describing. You get your choice of job, and you get your choice of one general purpose skillset or ability from another job, and those are all the choices you get. And because you only get one ability in addition to your job, you have to think hard about which ability synchronizes best with the job you're trying to use, as opposed to VII where you just slap on as much shit as possible and call it good.
Ben later said he never tried holding, Max confirmed you can hold with Cloud, cope
That is holding down the button to win because he literally said he just held down the button until he won
>all purpose elemental
But that isn't limited. The game gives you 6 slots and you want 20 options instead of those 6. You don't want the game to be more limited so please stop making that claim. You want the complete opposite.
>increases the complexity
Never said that and no it doesn't.
>you have to think hard
Reducing materia would destroy any thought in the game. The game currently makes you think about what skills you want, and how you might want to power up those skills. You aren't asking for Tactics, you are asking for a simplified version of materia. Materia is more complex than tactics when considering a single element of the game. Tactics is more complex from having more systems to work with, such as classes, movement abilities, reaction abilities, elevations, timing, positioning, and so on.
>back to no source
No thanks, move on to someone who cares.
>the materia system is downright retarded
You are one dumb fucking idiot
holy shit
>if it wasn't for the story and setting this would be considered one of the worst entries in the series
Why is everything such stupid hyperbole for you people? I guess for the (you)s. Congrats, OP. You successfully pretended to be retarded.
>Oh fuck off KH-
Nobody mentioned KH, good job letting it live in your head rent-free loser
>But that isn't limited
It's every bit as limited as having a single "Black" command for black magic that every job-based game has. Arguably moreso, because I'm only really talking about the standard Fire Ice and Thunder magic here, not all of the other shit Black usually comes with.
> Materia is more complex than tactics when considering a single element of the game
I don't even remotely see how. The inflexibility of Tactics means that you have to choose wisely and understand how to work within a strict set of confines. VII doesn't have meaningful limitations on your ability mixing and allows you to build pretty much everyone as an all-purpose character. The intent of reducing materia slots and consolidating abilities is to promote specialization and actual character building. I do also feel like materia should modify stats more heavily than they do to that end as well. The end result of these systems is that Tactics does require specialization while in VII you can just equip whatever set of abilities and not have any real penalties. Limiting available slots would at least preclude you from getting other abilities. You're probably overestimating how many materia I'd want to see combined together.
Want to use ice? 1 slot. Want to augment the way ice works? 2 slots per augment. You can end up using up 6 slots and at the end of the day you are still only using ice, potentially using up all your available slots. Meanwhile, you are talking about having multiple spells available, then adding augments ON TOP of that. No, you are not talking about being more limited. Again, as a single system, materia is MORE complex than FFT. Picking one set of moves to use with another set of moves doesn't make FFT complex. FFT's complexity comes from all of its elements being combined. Take away timing and positioning becomes less complex. Take away positioning and skills become less complex. Materia is all a single system that has multiple impacts on how your battle unfolds. Whether you want to use a skill, change the outcome of that spell, change your stats, or so on, it all comes down to materia pairing. You can limit yourself to a single spell, or you can go for a standard black mage while forfeiting tons of other things. FFT isn't even close to this complexity for a single aspect. Your character build isn't as complex. Your available move sets isn't as complex. Nothing.
This is coming from someone who's favorite game of all time is FFT. I don't think any other game can compare. But I'm not dumb enough to think that dumbing down materia will come even close to making the game anything like FFT.
The story is dumb too. There's so much meandering, and the Japanese are incapable of writing a plot which doesn't include a 10 minute backstory for every table, kettle, and chopstick you're force to interact with. Having played games like the Wizardry series there's extremely limited entertainment to be wrangled from JRPGs.
You know, I don't want to support your idiotic statement, but I just can't help but post my pic in response to what you said...
>You can end up using up 6 slots and at the end of the day you are still only using ice, potentially using up all your available slots.
Oh I see. You don't even fucking remember how VII works. You can only augment something else once, and only using linked slots. And why are you insinuating that it matters whether or not you're only using ice? If you need a specific element for a specific battle, all you need do is swap the element. Almost never do you need more than one element for any given battle. This is why the system doesn't work. Effectively it's the same shit as any other FF system, but with more padding. Splitting attack spells into separate materia is not causing you to make a choice that matters. What it's doing is needlessly inconveniencing you. Same with summons being separate, or different support effects such as Time and Barrier.
You seem to be laboring under the delusion that because VII gives you more options to choose from, that it is more complex as a result. The fact that it allows you to equip so many at once is where it loses that complexity. You can be a thief, a blue mage, a summoner and knight all at once because fuck actually having to put some thought into builds. Just give everyone all the OP abilities and you're set. Tactics is more complex because it doesn't let you pull shit like that, at least not to anywhere near the same extent.
>You can only augment something else once
Wrong user... You can augment it multiple times, but you need that same spell each time. So each ice augment requires a seperate ice materia. How are you gonna argue the complexity of a game when you don't know jack shit about the game?
>all you need do is swap the element
And level up those elements. Thousands of hours of wasted effort isn't an excuse for saying you have unlimited choices.
>you can be all these things at once
Not without sacrificing something in return. This applies to other games as well. It isn't a new concept and is a wonder how difficult it is for you to understand.
>Just give everyone all the OP abilities
This is also easier to do in FFT.
>You can augment it multiple times, but you need that same spell each time
Forgive me, the game never teaches you to do that and frankly it's never necessary.
>And level up those elements.
That still falls under inconvenience more than it does a balanced choice with meaning. And again, it's an example of how the game is more cumbersome than necessary. What's the actual point of having them separate other than making the player waste a lot of time?
>Not without sacrificing something in return
The materia stat penalties are an absolute slap on the wrist as compared to your standard final fantasy magic job tanking your physical stats and giving you shit for equipment choices.
>This is also easier to do in FFT.
Yeah, but only because you technically don't need as many slots to do it with. The difference is that it's far more likely to work out in VII because you don't actually need to worry about proper team balancing. Your choice of job and ability matters much more in Tactics because you're not only concerned with how many good abilities you can cram on a character. You also have to take into consideration the aforementioned stat and equipment choices along with how that character is going to work with the rest of your team. The decision making process in VII has no such factors.
This. Turd based is fucking shit. There's a reason the JRPG scene (especially Sakura Wars) are moving towards Action combat nowadays.
Even something as niche as Nier managed to beat P5's sub 2.7 million with 4 million. It's over.
Blow it out your ass.
God I wish that was me.
>If it wasn't for the good things it would be a bad game
No shit?
Most FFs have blank slates as characters and the differences are minimal and mostly about their weapon + limit break.
FFVIII is the same, FFX is the same with the advanced board, and also FFXII.
You might not like the materia system, that's fair. I loved it x10 more than capitalist simulator XII where everything is about buying skills/magic and licenses to use your fucking items and spells. It is also the FF with most side content (chocobo farm, the bike, the snowboard, Fort Condor, submarine, Gold Saucer, all the minigames and 2 secret companions...). What side content does FFXII have? More sped up boss fights?
Like I get when someone doesn't like the whole series but liking FF and not FFVII seems contradictory.
It's the exact opposite, the setting is so generic once you leave Midgar but the materia system is engaging. Shame the game isn't hard enough to actually test your mastery of it and it's so easily broken, though.
>if it wasn't for the good things, it would be bad
great insight you got there user
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No extremely time-consuming CPR minigame with an underage girl
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"
people who love this game, including me, were all less than 18 when they played it
>the game is bad if you ignore the good parts
>Call the Materia system broke
>The next game breaks it own battle system so much that it is a detriment to level up by killing monsters so you spend the game playing the side card game.
I think FF8 is what i would consider the worse FF.
Miss Aerith is beautiful!
jRPG fan everybody
they just admitted all they want to do is watch a cartoon
FUCK, leotards are so goddamn sexy.
>the game never teaches you to do that
Things aren't available only when a game teaches you to do it. You need to play a ton of older games before you complain about something as intuitive as FFVII.
>still falls under inconvenience
This is every game with grinding user. Same goes for FFT.
>stat penalties
Not talking about penalties user. I'm talking about slots. HP+ materia, steal, magic, summons, altering materia, each and every one requires a slot, and some of them require linked slots. Each thing you have on your person means 1 less materia of another nature. The game is VERY limiting in this aspect and you can't create a character that fills every roll because of this. Your claim otherwise just shows how little you either know or you care to think about.
>proper team balance
>job and ability matters much more in Tactics because you're not only concerned with how many good abilities
You haven't played either game enough apparently. Tactics is full of easy to pull off character builds that can decimate battlefields all on their own.
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"
This was the line, and you crossed it mother fucker... Seriously though for some reason hearing her say that just pisses me off to my bones.
FF7 was always xenogears for toddlers