Shut the fuck up you literal brainlets, it's not hard to get at this point.
It's like people have never dealt with things like the full extent of Evangelion's lore before
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>Death Stranding is so dumb and pretentious that it's attracting EVA-fags
Kojimbo was truly a mistake
Your taste was a mistake
It's an adventure survival game where you are a post man delivering shit to people. If you look hard enough you will find Kojima as an unlockable.
In 20 years fags like you will understand
We probably would have to look harder than spotting your piss and shit stains covering your underwear you absolute brainlet.
Who would've thought that Kojima becomes the biggest Pleb filter indeed?
Its really not THAT complex, basically there's two dimensions.. one that has fucked up the other.. which is our world and environment. We can connect to this dimension through babies, which for whatever reasoning works like a key.
it's the world's first strand game, of course it wouldn't be super obvious to understand, NO ONE has ever experienced anything like it before.
But Evangelion is an actual good show, while Deto Storandin is a poor man's Kubrick film for the basedboy station
This is such bullshit. At least stealth was practiced before videogames, what the hell even is a strand? Kojima should accept that he didn't make it, and stop trying to invent genres. Everything has already been invented.
He's been ironic, nigger
No, it was actually stated by kojumbo that the intent of the game is to invent a new genre
We basically have the whole plot now.
The game is called "Death Stranding"
It's about making connections
You're told not to make a connection with a baby that you use to explore the world of the dead.
What do you think the plot is going to be about?
Fragile/Mama/Amelie is the new Asuka/Rei/Kaworu
>invent a new genre
To respond seriously to your post, I think Yea Forums is interpreting "new genre" incorrectly. I think it will break new ground in the way Dark Souls did, in how that everyone compares games to dark souls (either for it's difficulty or for the combat). The "Strand-like" is what I think he is trying to create. However we still don't know the full extent of the gameplay and we should all know Kojima likes to troll the shit out his audience and would of course showoff the most retarded parts like pissing.
So is this walking simulator basically gone home but edgy and with a budget
Just like "transfarring" and "revengeance". When will kojima realize making up words doesn't mean you've invented something new?
To add to my post (because I forgot), I don't think the gameplay itself once fully revealed will be entirely unheard of, similar to how Dark Souls is just a slower paced action game, and harder than usual. I think he will take mostly existing gameplay elements from other games, and tweak/combine them in order to create something we have yet to experience.
What games let you transfer saves back and forth from console to portable before transfarring?
What fucking Kubrick film does Death Stranding even nearly resemble
death stranding will be the game of the decade despite being misunderstood at launch, and all of you will be ashamed of your words and deed for shitposting the dark souls of evangelion